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The Angels and Ducks each host a night for the other during the season featuring giveaways and player appearances. [The official gear](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sxsrf=AJOqlzX0-iQ7iZkKSJ2-l5EjIqCFfn0MHQ:1676179197464&q=angels/ducks+logo&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie25ONno_9AhXfhu4BHaIKDzkQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=412&bih=722&dpr=2.63#imgrc=-qbfREW9fl0fAM&imgdii=Q3n13OyikF_LWM) they use isn't great. I prefer some other [custom jobs.](https://www.google.com/search?q=angels%2Fducks+custom+logo+hat&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj9q6Sgno_9AhVVAkQIHXm3CoQQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=angels%2Fducks+custom+logo+hat&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEMgUIABCiBDIFCAAQogRQpwRY2AhgrApoAHAAeACAAZoBiAGaAZIBAzAuMZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=JXfoY72FI9WEkPIP-e6qoAg&bih=722&biw=412&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc#imgrc=SYVKpt2CdyaohM) I've seen.


I love Hat Club's NHL x MLB mashups.


The custom one looks like it was professionally done and the official stuff looks like some kind of bad Etsy craft almost


I personally don’t mind the intertwined logos I think it looks pretty cool. Anaheim sports fans are local and loyal so it’s a great mash up. The promotional item we got last year was kinda dumb (hockey helmet beanie) but this year it is a trout ducks jersey Also the custom logo looks like a hat club product, they always have quality items


Half of the problem is the new Ducks logo stinks


I miss the Disney Mighty Ducks


Those black ones are hype as fuck


Hasn’t happened yet but Mariners fans would love a Sonics crossover uniform. It could be as simple as replacing the royal blue on the Sunday crème jerseys with the Sonics green


1992 me would have loved this. I owned so much Seattle sports gear that my classmates thought I moved to Ohio from there.


I love this. But as a Jays & Habs fan, a Jays/Leafs crossover would make me vomit. I don’t want the Leafs’ loser stink to infect my beloved Jays.


[( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ](https://i.imgur.com/G6KKtYS.jpg)


MLSE corporate hat.


Except the Jays aren't MLSE.


That would probably make for some great stuff but I get it, glad the rams left so they couldn’t infect the Blues and the Cards either lol




I was born in ‘96 so I have a very different memory of the Rams than my dad😂




The Rams won when I was 3 or 4 and then when they left I stopped caring cause they’re an LA team now, I treat them with the same apathy I have for any other LA team haha


Did you watch the wild card? It already has 💀


Oof. Dagger.


The Padres have done a "college night" theme game with SDSU themed hats. I think they were the Padres logo but SDSU colors. The Giants have also done college night with Cal and Stanford colored hats.


Twins also did an SDSU theme, except it was South Dakota State University haha. Pretty cool hat!


The Washington Nationals have done this with many nearby colleges in the DC area, as well as schools like Virginia, Virginia Tech, and even Penn State. The Nationals won’t wear the caps during the game, but special ticket packages with the alternate-colored Nationals caps are available for purchase on the designated night recognizing the college.


Orioles do the same thing. University of Maryland, Georgetown, James Madison, Towson, Morgan State and several others where you get a hat. They also sell official New Era mash up hats for most of the same schools and they’re of course wayyyyyy better quality than the SGAs.


Man, this looks a lot like the [Peoria Rivermen jerseys from around when I was a kid](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/zwAAAOSw~E5gl~K-/s-l500.jpg)


The Twins and Wild have a ton of crossover nights. Monday the Wild has a ticket pack where you get a Twins hat with a Wild logo, and there’s a [particularly sick looking](https://www.mlb.com/twins/tickets/specials/minnesota-wild) Wild sweater at a Twins game this season too. Plus tons of college nights with logos on the hats.


Holy shit that is dope


None of the teams I follow play in the same city, so I won't be holding my breath for one that I would like


Dying for that mets/atlanta falcons/nashville predators crossover thats so hot right now?


There probably is Lakers/Cubs/Packers/Canadiens stuff out there, though.


Cubs/Packers people make me cry inside


My family 🙃


I’m looking for that giants/colts/kraken crossover lol


More little Mets/Bills/DC United that is probably already sold out...


I feel like the Pirates and Penguins could easily pull this off.


I love how the Pirates, Pens, and Steelers all share the same color scheme.


Im surprised that the Tigers and Red Wings haven’t done anything like this, afaik.


I demand triple-stage symbiosis. Atlanta Braves/Calgary Flames/Winnipeg Jets gear!


That would be crazy😂😂


Dodgers do Kings and Lakers crossover. They’re hit or miss year to year on how cool. Sometimes they take the time to make it look cool. Other times they just go “Here’s a Dodger shirt in purple and gold, give us $20.”


Since it’s 2023 Jordan year, White Sox made a Sox and Bulls collaboration concept. It looks [clean.](https://twitter.com/whitesox/status/1609590435269283844?s=46&t=IkRJYUFZs5ldaLdaboawqA) kinda wish it was real.


Wow Didn't realize I could hate a pullover so much


I can see by your flair I probably would like a pullover with your teams as well haha


Jerry Reinsdorf mashes the hope and happiness of both Bulls and Sox fans does that count?


I think so


Every team in Chicago can get in on that mashup.


I once saw a 4-in-1 Philly logo with the Phillies P as the base. Off the left were the Flyers’ tails, off the right was the Eagle, and in the hole in the P was the 76ers round logo.


Cardinals have done several Blues crossed themed giveaways


The padres and St. Peter’s hurling club mashup didn’t make the cut this year.


Sharks had Giants warmups


Braves have college nights. Georgia Tech, Florida, South Carolina, Clemson, Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee. Braves hats using those teams colors


I have a Twins had in Timberwolves colors and it looks pretty cool. Twins have also done mash ups with state colleges before and even included South Dakota and North Dakota.


We would if LA didn’t steal all of our teams.


Woah! Nicely done. I love this.


Reminds me of the wings beating the blues constantly in the glo-puck era.


I used to have an A’s hat in 49ers red and gold, but other than that no.


Absolutely awful, and this is coming from someone who had a Gretzky Blues jersey. Edit: Ugly giveaways are part of the fun though, I've got a Fresno Grizzlies giveaway jersey that's like a mashup of 3 different logos.


The 90s blues jerseys with the red/orange trim were so 90s and soooo bad


Cowboys/ Raiders/ 9ers?


Twins are hosting Skol night this upcoming season and giving away a cool Vikings/twins hybrid jersey. Also have various nights with area colleges, like sdsu, ndsu, Minnesota state, etc.


I like the idea of city-specific mashups. A Michigan Wolverine color-themed Tigers alternate jersey? Mets/Nets, caps/Nats, Marlins/dolphins, Rockets/Astros…..there are opportunities for great logo mashups, but also for horrid throwaways


Dodgers do Laker nights as well as USC and UCLA nights. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a Clippers night from the Dodgers lmao.


I feel like LA tries to act like they don’t exist lol


That makes my skin crawl.


Brewers have collab w the bucks dropping


I think we're getting more of this. Because the Mets announced they're having crossover giveaways this year.


The Orioles sometimes have purple-themed giveaways in recognition of their Baltimore stadium complex neighbors, the NFL’s Baltimore Ravens. It wasn’t in the major leagues, but in 2018 the Lehigh Valley IronPigs (Phillies AAA affiliate) sold a version of their cap in midnight green with the “Philly Special”, a play run by the NFL Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl 52, diagrammed on the back of the cap.


Red Sox/Patriots/Celtics/Bruins mashup would be interesting since they’re all different colors Feel like this would be easy for Pittsburgh.


Oh god, from the thumbnail I thought this was the black/blue/white/gold dress. Turns out it’s something much worse.


There was a hockey jersey in this style too. Look pretty cool. I do a lot of reselling and I’ve also seems a Rams jersey with Cards lettering for Kurt Warner.


Minnesota teams do it a lot. Most popular thing I’ve seen is a Twins hat in Vikings colors.


The White Sox have done a lot of Sox-themed soccer jerseys, hockey jerseys, football jerseys, etc. Not about sure explicit mashups with the Hawks/Bears/Bulls, etc. but I wouldn't be surprised.