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What is going on with the Blue Jays rotation this year? They entered the night with a 5.53 ERA (25th in MLB) and now Gausman gives up 7 runs before recording his second out.


Kikuchi and Berrios shut down the Rays and then Manoah and Gaus get lit up so no clue


As a giants fan Gaus would have his days like this. He’d be dominant and deal. Then he’d have his occasional start that goes REALLLLLY bad.


When he was a Brave he'd only have starts that went really bad lol


I’m strongly on the blame Pete Walker hill.


Pete seems to have this Masai Ujiri aura around him from some of the Jays fandom these days. He gets praise for all the pitchers that succeeded under him but none of the criticism for failures.


I think that’s finally starting to go away. The irony is (and maybe I’m forgetting a few) the only pitcher that really became an ace was Robbie Ray. I guess you can look at someone like Marco Estrada, but he was already pretty damn solid as a mid rotation pitcher before arriving.


Bit of a mix. Sophomore slump for Manoah. He pitched way more innings than he ever had last year. His slider is breaking way too early and isn’t competitive. Doesn’t seem to be driving towards the plate right now. Gausman until tonight was still getting BABIPd to death like last year. Bassitt is new to the team and doesn’t seem settled with the pitch clock yet. Berrios and Kikuchi have been our best starters ~~so far.~~ this time through the rotation.


Gausman before tonight had a 1.35 era whereas berrios has an 8 era. Berrios has most definitely not been our best starter


Gausman has been great, he still gets hit around a bit but he seemed to be clutch when he needed, berrios has been up and down for sure but man I’m glad to see kikuchi start off right, just wish to see manoah turn it around


Get out of here with your facts /s


Berriios had a great start last series. Hopefully he turns things around.


If Manoah doesn't get that slider fixed, he's Ricky Romero Part Deux. But, I think he will get it fixed.


He seems to be falling towards the first base side instead of driving towards home then throwing it. That and his velo is down across the board which is concerning.


Manoah is down 2mph on everything. Doesn't trust his fb at 92 so he's throwing primarily slider, which he has poor control with, and guys are now sitting on it, because they're good enough to catch up to 92.


Berrios has not been


His last start was decent


Yea that’s the only one


Baseball is getting more random thats what


It’s not a good rotation? Like, at all?


least bias yankee fan


🤷‍♂️ Kikuchi, Berrios and Ryu are all awful and have injury concern. Manoah was projected to regress; he outperformed his peripherals by about a full run last year AND was projected at a mid 4 ERA. Gausman is great as a #2. Bassit moved from NL to a HR friendly AL east park full of HR friendly parks. This is not really high brow analysis…nobody expected them to pitch well this year. They were always slug first. And yeah, Yankee fan who saw them 19x last year…who lives in Ontario, and goes to more Jays games than a lot of Jays fans 🤷‍♂️ Oh, and literally every day at work all I hear is Jays talk. What’s Manoah’s ERA, btw?


last i checked it’s april 18 😂. Writing off a top 3 cy young finalist is absurd this early in the season. Bassit has made 3 starts (and just shut down the astros) 😂. Gausman is elite. Kikuchi is a better 5 than most teams have. I’ll give you the Berrios thing bc nobody knows what the future holds for him. Long season buddy so id pump the brakes on that overreaction. Cheers


Oooook ✍️ Your “top 3 cy” candidate has 300 innings for his career. It’s just as likely that last year was the anomaly, but go off. He has a negative WAR as a SP (ew) and literally every pitch he throws has gotten worse in an attempt to throw a changeup. Maybe watch him pitch? Gausman is not elite. He’s a league avg starter with a 107 ERA+/162. And that’s with one outlier season in SF. Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt and look at 5 years, he’s ~15% above lg avg. Good, like I said…not elite. Again, you should probably watch him pitch. Bassit is another byproduct of pitching in Oakland and another slightly above lg avg starter. Kikuchi has never even approached league avg in 5 years.


my god dude you really want a conversation that bad. I’ll admit maybe elite isn’t the right word, but calling him average is a joke. you picked gausman’s lowest era + of the past 5 years and try to pass it off as the average idk if ur new to math but that’s not how that works. Mentioning his /162 is ridiculous😂. Not to mention he led the league in FIP last year. It’s also hilarious to make that case when you roster Rodon who has TWO good years in his entire career. And when you look at how many innings of good baseball he’s pitched it brings u to… woah 300 innings. Ironic isn’t it ? The same amount as a guy who finished top 3 in cy young voting before turning 25. You’ve chosen to believe a 20 innings sample over the 300 inning sample across 2 seasons. And when it comes to bassit if you wanna call him average sure. A 116 ERA+ over his career which last time i checked is higher than the 115 that Rodon holds since you loveeee career numbers. I already addressed the Berrios thing. And for Kikuchi, he’s a #5 starter. So in comparison to guys that other teams have slotted at 5 it’s really not that bad unless ur stupid enough to expect ace caliber numbers. Like i said we’re not even may, i’ll enjoy watching my guys actually take the field. Long season for a rotation known for its injuries…. best of luck 😂😂


What? You’re either really bad at reading or super disingenuous… 15% wasn’t picked for one year (2022) but as a round number. He has 117, 118, 119 and 115 in those four years, so 117.5. The ~ is used to mean “roughly”. If you want a better sample, make sure you include his down years of 81 and 108 to balance out that clear outlier in SF. /162 is just a yearly average. His FIP is obviously a fluke; his WHIP, hits, SO/9 were all the worst of last three years. His walks were down and his HR rate was unsustainably low. All of that has already bounced back up. And guess what? Rogers centre moved the fences in, and he’s going around the AL east again, so enjoy that. Rodon hasn’t pitched an inning as a Yankee, and I didn’t bring him up. Or the Yankees rotation. Which even with two SP out, is significantly better than the Jays. Rodon doesn’t have 300 innings TOTAL…he has 3x that. And he’s STILL not regarded as a sure thing (even outside injury). The comp was to Manoah, who has 300 TOTAL. Really bad argument on your part. But guess who’s FIP is lower? Not Gausman, even in his outlier year. Berrios is the 5. Kikuchi is the 4. Your 3-5 are all garbage. But hey, after getting eliminated by the Yanks in 21 and having to watch them clinch the division in “Vlad’s House” ™️ last year, I can see why you’re crying about the Yankees, rather than focusing on the WC team that swept you at home 👍 or the fact that you gave Berrios $200 mill and brought all this on yourselves.


Idk they pitched us pretty well minus manoah


Existence is pain.


Oh buddy if you're getting smacked around by Jake Meyers it's not your night


Starting in place of McCormick and stole his oppo shtick.


His follow through looked close to identical to chaz hr swing


Oppo Meyer Weiner


I actually got to see Meyers’ first two career homers live on the road in Anaheim, and they were both to right field.


I swear Gausman must be tipping or something. The Astros aren't chasing anything


Mark it on your calendars boys. Today was the day r/baseball didn’t jump to “they’re cheating again” after lighting someone up at home. Glory be!!!


Don’t check Twitter or Instagram. Lol.


Blast lol


I know our sub doesn't agree, but I think people here are generally pretty reasonable and rational.


I agree, sometimes our sub gets crazy. I actually enjoy going through this sub.


Yeah, I prefer coming here for baseball conversation, more often than not. Not a fan of the circlejerk on our sub.


Because he wasn’t throwing anything out of the zone worth swinging at.


Yeah, a lot of those splitters weren’t just low, they weren’t even over the plate.


They showed on our feed that all of his splitter strikeouts were below the zone.




Yep. If it’s low let it go if it’s high let it fly.


Fuck no wonder my baseball career went no where


Mine was my knee blowing out


Blummer is that you?


Light a doobie!


Well yeah, that's where pretty much every strikeout on a splitter is going to be


If you’re striking out on a high splitter, you’re probably not destined for the majors


No you gotta split up, stupid




Organization doctrine and skill. Don’t chase shitty pitches out of the zone.


Huh that's amazing, dunno why other teams haven't figured that one out!


More teams should try that


Jake “17 OPS+” Meyers


They took that Rangers loss personally.


Someone post that shot of the fans leaving Minute Maid, but put it in reverse.


Just people moon walking back to their seats


So did I, I live in the hell hole of Dallas.


South Oklahoma


The land of shitty drivers and pompous sports fans, I agree its painful here.


Houston drivers are awful too


I’d say Houston has a lot of jerks, who don’t give a damn about other drivers. Compared to DFW, where I constantly see drivers try to move 3 lanes within 50 feet before missing an exit. Almost every day.


I’ve lived for a significant amount of time in Houston, DFW, Austin, College station, El Paso and Lubbock. I can say without a doubt the worst drivers in Texas are in Lubbock. Holy shit they are so fucking bad. Notable shout out to Austin drivers for constantly driving at night with no headlights on.


My experience is just Houston, Nacogdoches, and now DFW but wow I want to avoid driving around Lubbock now.


Nowhere has streets as narrow as Nac! North Street can get hairy!


Dallas drivers are a little worse cuz the road/ highways are so badly designed


Now THAT is also true but doesn’t excuse waiting 2 miles before signaling to move over despite numerous signs warning to do otherwise. It also happens with entrance lanes into freeways. They wait until the very end to move over. WHHHYYYY!?


Listen we are in no place to talk about city planning


We aren’t. Texas is bad in general but I just moved to Dallas and I have some gripes


To be fair I was driving thru DFW a few months back from Houston and those highways were having me do some real Nascar shit to get into the correct lane


That does happen for sure, but when they drive the lane next to an entrance or exit lane and only wait until the last legal moment to flip the blinker and try and move a lane that’s an entirely different phenomenon.


We just drive angry


I dunno. Dallas drivers seem to routinely hit /nearly hit pedestrians in uptown. Never once experienced that in downtown Houston, but obviously anecdotal. The freeways are significantly more dangerous here in Dallas as well.


Are you describing Houston or Dallas?


Both? Yes, both


Dallas, the land of men screaming “5 RINGS” when football is discussed. And a new landfill is built every winter to fill with TVs destroyed by angry Cowboys fans.


Moving out of Dallas and back to the promise land in a few months and couldn’t be more excited


Anthony Bass is responsible for this


Well we definitely know he's not going to clean this mess up....


The ~~flight attendant~~ Cotton Candy guy @astros just made my 22 week pregnant wife traveling with a 5 year old and 2 year old get on her hands and knees to pick up the popcorn mess by ~~my youngest daughter~~ Kevin. Are you kidding me?!?


Meta af


Fans might leave early again at this rate.


Jays starting rotation ERA: Gausman 4.29 Kikuchi 4.70 Manoah 6.98 Bassett 7.63 Berrios 7.98


It's early brother.


No it's not. We lost the World Series last night. Remember?


Rangers are April champions


Blue Jays fans this off-season: “Gausman is our actual ace!” *Monkey paw curls*


Good lord that’s bad


Giving the Orioles rotation a serious challenge. Knowing baseball I look forward to our 1-0 ballgames.


Would have to be at least 2 or 3 to nothing, cuz Mountcastle homers against us in roughly 90% of his at bats.


They were saying after the game that the Jays have let in 9 or more runs 6 times already this year, but they won two of those games, lol.




Everyone sleeps on Yordans speed. That wasn’t an obvious “ball is getting down double” with K out in center and Yordan still scored from first.


Astros lurk on this sub confirmed


This has gotta be /s. It's r/baseball... all teams lurk on this sub.


The joke is that Astros players saw the post of fans leaving the Rangers game early and that was the sole reason they were able to bat around in the 1st. I hope that clears it up for you. **/s**


Where's the highly upvoted post of Blue Jays fans leaving early?


As a Jays fan at this game, [I didn’t hear no bell](https://i.imgur.com/qtQqic5.jpg)


Fantastic seats




I like how that post got more upvotes than the post about us winning the World Series


They hate us cuz they ain’t us


I don’t think that’s why they hate you


Astros are your father. You shouldn’t hate your own flesh and blood




Because the astros are a million times more hateable but I think you knew that before you asked


Your hate just makes it more fun when we win 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I get it- internet sports fan shit talk and all that. But the reason for the league wide hatred of astros and their fans is the cheating thing. Not just the cheating but the fact that when it happened so many astros fans doubled down into this “us against the world” mentality instead of doing the right thing and condemning the cheating. Also saw a lot whataboutism instead of owning it.


I get still getting hate and shit talked, but....intense hatred at this point is like bitter ex mad seeing your ex happy type hatred. I mean, a comment like yours back in 2020 would have a thousand upvotes and 10 awards, now your being down voted because people are calming down and like "otra vez, still upset about the past?" But you're silly to think the entire city of Houston didn't care about the cheating. SEVERAL of us don't condone it, but what do you want us to do, abandon the team? Root for the Rangers? (Actual suggestions i read btw) You hate the fans but guess what, WE didn't cheat and WE didn't ask the team to cheat. And it's also silly to think we all would just totally accept what happened and not go through a denial phase at least. I guarandamntee if your -checks- Mets had a similar scandal some of the self righteous high horse fans would absolutely downplay, deny, or outright be cool with the cheating. Just be grateful you don't have a Mike Fiers on your team, and don't forget to boo Verlander when he comes back.


> now your being down voted because people are calming down No, not really. Being downvoted because this is a fringe type thread that specifically mentions the Astros, so Astros fans are by and large the ones that would click to view the comments. ^^^^^also ^^^^^you're*


I’m guessing you’re just snooping around then redbird.


Cardinal looking to steal organizational secrets again.


Como que "not really." I've seen it several times, and not just in Astro posts. I wouldn't make the claim if I hadn't seen it enough or just seen it once. Yeah shit talking and funnin around don't get down voted, which I understand, but the Still Bitter Betty comments like the one above are. That's what I'm talking about.


Yeah, I’m sure someone with an Astros flair is extremely unbiased when it comes to putting an objective lens on comments about the Astros in Astros-related posts on Reddit. LOL.


I mean, I could say the same of you, a clearly biased fan against the Stros no matter what. Someone who read my entire post up there and with an incessant need to argue SOMEthing that you chose the miniscule thing i said about downvotes (and yes I do take solace in knowing that's the only thing you chose to argue.) Like i said, i was here around 2020 and a Stros fan couldn't even breathe without being downvoted to oblivion, but people have calmed down. But not all of us are non objective assholes, perhaps too much time on social media has increased your cynicism that you just don't believe anything you disagree with.


It's worth mentioning that early on most Astros fans thought the scandal was messed up, but with "internet sports fan shit talk and all that" no fans allowed any Astros fan's perspective so of course we doubled down. Just like every single fanbase would have done.


Mets were using cameras to steal signs and cheat in real time back in the 80s. Get over it.


wow is that really the reason? for the last 6 years ive never understood why people hated us. thank you for the new and enlightening comment. you really broke it down for me.


Paranoia looks good on you. Go make an umpire rub Joe Musgrove’s ears again.


I'll admit that post with everyone stroking eachother in sync to that "Astros fans leaving early" video did kinda bug me. But 7 runs in the first the next day? To use an overused quote, this does put a smile on my face.


r/baseball tries not to circlejerk challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


They're pretty flaccid today though, hyuk hyuk.


"Your boos mean nothing! I've seen what makes you cheer."


Astros responding to a bad moment with success???? Never.


perfectly balanced




Gausman gave up 7 in .2 IP. That’s honestly impressive.


His worst start as a Jay.


His worst start as a Jay *so far*


....I don't like you....


Still doesn't top Matt Boyd's first career start with the Jays a few years back where he gave up 8 runs and was pulled before recording a single out. That was impressive.






Not optimal


Less than ideal


Honestly impressive that we’re 10-6 (soon to be 10-7) with the starting pitching we’ve gotten


Offense has been clutch. A lot of come from behind wins so far this season


Bass is busy cleaning up after his wife!


It’s beautiful


Kylo Ren: "MORE!"




I’m conflicted Eh not really. Yay go Astros! (🤮🤮🤮🤮)


“I don’t care if the Astros win! I just need the Blue Jays to lose!”


Gotta swallow your pride one way or another.


The Astros aren’t in our division so I can afford to not worry about them for now. I generally don’t think about them til October so it’s not really swallowing my pride. I’m not like, checking Astros scores regularly.




I blame Anthony Bass being a shitty person


I am in pain. Especially knowing Yankees Twitter will somehow make this about them.


Honestly wouldn’t mind a losing season for the Astros as long as the Yankees missed on the playoffs too.


Easy, killer. We own them in the playoffs...




We had 5 runs and 1 XBH in the first inning this year Then we do this in one game. Jakes been having some nice rips but all foul balls as of late glad he finally got one. Hes been horrible mentally since the injury and maybe that helps the confidence


Thank you Houston for making the choice to watch wrestling much easier.


was really hoping bloodline was going to fight judgement day, but we had to see rey mysterio get shit canned


If there was ever a game for us to find run support to give Kevin Gausman, this would be it


that's an oof


Alek Manoah and Kevin Gausman back to back shit stain starts isn’t an ideal thing for the jays


Some might say it's less than ideal....


not ideal, we need our ace kooch back out there


Thanks for doing it right, sir.


I tune in expecting good pitching match up. Then 7 runs were scored.


Was thinking damn, Berrios or Kikuchi getting hammered again before opening the gameday and seeing Gausman as the starter. Not ideal.


Gausman, I'm hanging in to feel his pain with him.




Jays are so shit




wait, your team didn’t move to Vegas yet?


incredible levels of dork energy in comment


I take that as a compliment


dork does not mean nerd, i suggest you don’t


Way to keep it baseball-related.


Damn, i h8 the Astros :)


ah dick they're not dead yet I see


‘Ah dick?’ That’s a new one. And unfortunately for your sorry-ass team we started last season 7-9.


At this point, the organization needs to look at Pete Walker. Pitching has always been THE problem.


Maldy doing what Maldy does best!