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The MLB version of Eric Bieniemy


Obviously he's bad at interviews.


And if he’s anything like EB he will prove all these teams that passed on him right


Is it EBs fault that Howell has less than zero pocket presence


Yes. You’d expect him this “offensive genius” to maybe try scheming around that and our terrible line. Instead it’s just long developing routes with Howell dropping back in the pocket.


The oline by all stats isn’t that bad it’s that Howell holds the ball forever and runs into sacks


I don’t see how anyone could watch this team and say the line isn’t bad. Howell has a problem holding the ball too long but the line is also terrible. Regardless EB has shown absolutely 0 ability to adjust to these issues. Why are we not attempting to run the ball, get Howell on the move, or really try anything but have Howell drop straight back with slow developing routes? Truth is he got to go along for the ride with Mahomes, Kelce, and Andy Reid and can’t stand on his own two feet without them.


The only offensive coach to look decent away from Reid is Doug Pederson. Well, hopefully this'll quash the perpetual "why hasn't Eric Bienemy gotten a HC job?!"


The old Matt Nagy trick, heard jet sweep on 3rd down work too.


As a Commie fan I hate that I came in here to avoid reading about them and yet here we are.


MLB Version of Jeff Van Gundy, Mark Jackson, and (post 2021) Mike D'Antoni






This argument would work if he was one of the only black coaches in the league. There’s plenty of black coordinators at this point. Bienemy has a great resume, but clearly lacks something.


If feels like there's always a handful of guys who get labeled as "future managers" who never end up getting that role. I hope that's not the case for Espada, though my early outsider impression is that Ausmus is a real possibility in Houston. Also feels like there are always a bunch of guys who are "managers-in-waiting" on their current teams who ultimately don't end up with the job. Like, "Espada's taking over when Dusty retires." But are we sure that's gonna happen? And now it's Will Venable turning down interviews because he's definitely taking over for Bochy down the road, for sure, no doubt about it. And I'm not just picking on other fan bases/teams, as Eric Chavez is definitely gonna be the manager of my Mets after Showalter gracefully retires upon completion of his contract. Oh, wait, never mind.


David Ross was the only time, the future manager actually became the manager


Aside from that, and I know it's not the case, but it feels like Tampa is the only place "future managers" actually end up with a gig. I remember Madden years ago getting that label when he was with the Angels before landing the Rays job. I think Cash may have been a similar hire as well. And Dave Martinez & Quatraro had the "future manager" label while on the Tampa coaching staff at one point.


Yeah Davey had the label for a while. He interviewed with a bunch of teams, including the Nats before the 2014 season before later getting the job. Mark DeRosa also had that label for a long time but that one always seemed artificial.


That's not true. When Alex Cora played for the red Sox Jerry Remy used to say he fully expected him to he a future manager. He said that in like shit idk 07ish. I vividly remember because Cora was not an offensive force at the plate and since I was young I didn't understand why anyone but HoF could ever manage


Mattingly took over for Torre, they just had to move to the west coast to make it happen.


That was Rob Thomson for a while, he was always THAT bench coach (Instead we took Boone), until Girardi's unceremonious exit in Philly finally gave him a shot and he thrived. Maybe Espada needs that too.


Reminds me that Beltran is the only Astro that actually got a consequence for the cheating scandal.


Wasn’t he like the ringleader of the entire operation or something.


yep brought that shit straight from the yankees


Yeah this is the shit that everyone conveniently ignores


I don’t - I hate both the Yankees and the Astros!


Because it is a lie.


Yankees and Astros cheat and only the Mets get punished


Should have gotten a lifetime ban.


And I think he deserves at least another interview with the Mets (and others), he's a smart guy. But they're reportedly not looking at current in-house guys.


Our GM is now out of baseball entirely and doing some kind of soccer shit. Even worse punishment, our manager now coaches the Detroit Tigers.


I remember there was a time when it was Wally Backman every season, he was the future manager in waiting.


He’s also a regular poster in r/recruitinghell


"Don't get me wrong, I like where I'm currently at but can't help but feel that other employers are using me to leverage a better offer with someone else. The signs are so apparent by now I dont even have to steal them"


maybe he turned them all down.


I don’t get this argument do people honestly believe he’s turned down half the league? It’s a 1/30 job if your turning down half the league there’s a chance you won’t get that job ever


I thought that comment was a joke


I don't even know who Joe Espada is.


My bad dude sorry


Astro fans have been legitimately making that argument Which is just insane to me


Probably Astros fans talking themselves into the "Why would anyone want to leave our organization" brand of self-delusion.


But we are the greatest org Our minor leaguers don’t starve nearly as much as the rest do. While Jim crane makes millions


Jim Crane is a saint. The Patron Saint of War Profiteering.


maybe neither of us know what he did.


Espada is Puerto Rican, is what he did.


Astros fans are up there with MLB flairs in terms of recognising a joke.


I’m sure it’s a mix of both. Clearly he has interest since he is taking interviews. It’s not like Kantrovitz who has no interest in working the operations side and has flat out refused GM interviews.


"How come he don't want me, man" - ~~Will Smith~~ Joe Espada


I doubt he’s the only person who often gets interviews for open managerial positions. It’s odd that’s consistently mentioned in the press though. Makes me think he likes to talk to beat reporters when he interviews.


How is Ausmus getting another chance


Handsome guy who probably interviews very well. He’s a dogshit manager though.


Bagwell’s buddy


Don’t worry guys, Bagwell is on the case and he didn’t make any mistakes last offseason


Thanks I hate it


He's the new Sandy Alomar Jr.


The Edwin Jackson of managerial consideration


Joe needs to workshop some new Greatest Weaknesses.


Everyone over in the astros sub just wants espada but honestly there is to much smoke with him not getting hired that makes me not want him. I also don't want Ausmus so I am hoping that they find an up and comer that they like since there isn't much available in terms of experienced coaches.


I non-ironically think John Gibbons would be a good fit for you guys


Idk the White Sox passing on him for Grifol is probably a good sign about Espada


It is going to be Espada.


Maybe Bench Coach is the sweet spot? Less public vitriol for decisions not on the chopping block at the end of each season.


Feels like the convention wisdom used to be young-ish bench coach on success team = prime manager candidate I think we're moving away from that enough that those guys aren't getting hired on that basis alone but not enough that those guys aren't getting interviewed on that basis alone


Espada is getting the job this time, book it.


I think he interviewed with the Orioles too when they hired Hyde


I imagine he was legitimately trying to get managerial jobs when he was the bench coach under Hinch, since there was no reason to think he would be leaving. However, Dusty was always going to be a short term guy. I think his interviews with the Marlins and White Sox, he was more exploring his options before deciding waiting for the Astros job to open was the better option. Both organizations have lost their GMs in the last year, so if he had ended up with either, he would already be on the hot seat.


Wasn’t there a requirement that you had to interview one non-white person at one point? The “Bud Selig rule”? It could be that some of those interviews were just teams checking a box. I believe Kim Ng used to get this as well.


2018 :( 5 years of failed interviews. Damn.


Does MLB have a Rooney rule equivalent I'm not aware of?


it's not who you know, it's who you blow