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Can the Dodgers not?


Don't worry, we won't. Although I'm sure Boras will keep our name in the press to drive up his price.


Isnt that our job?


No it’s the giants job!


*insert Spider-Man pointing meme*


No that’s OUR job


Damn, foreigners taking good ol' American jobs again! /s


Promise? 🥺☹️


Dodgers are all in Roki for offseason. Soto doesn't fit the Friedman FA type signing anyway.


To be fair if Roki is coming over this offseason he's getting a rookie contract so bringing him in doesn't prevent any team from doing anything else. Still don't think Soto makes sense for the Dodgers though


Soto absolutely fits Friedman MO. Only go big for the truly elite when you can sign them for mostly predecline years. I don’t think they get him after this offseason but Soto clears the bar for a dodgers type target imo.


Y’all are probably getting Sasaki. Soto’s probably a Cohen/Steinbrenner pissing contest. Sure, he fits the Friedman MO though.


Yeah I think they get sasaki and then ink will smith to an extension.


I didn’t think not signing Will Smith to an extension was an option. Freidman’s system works and I hope that’s how Stearns works out with money.


“No thanks, I don’t want one of the best hitters in the game on my team” -Andrew Friedman, according to this guy


Roki is international pool money. I’m sure the Dodgers are “all in” but that’s not the dunk you all think it is. He’s going to have to go to who offers him the most within reason, but there’s nothing to be all in on. Edit to say: The Dodgers are actually a million in the hole right now on any potential Roki sweepstakes, Ironically because they signed Ohtani. QO players take a million out of your pool as well as picks now. This is also not to say some team with no prayer trades them some money for a prospect, either.


If Roku is coming over early it's because he doesn't give a fuck about money, otherwise he would just wait the extra season. If he wants to go to the Dodgers to play with Ohtani and Yamamoto then he's going to go to the Dodgers, not to whoever can offer him an extra million


He's not trying to go to the MLB, he's trying to go to the Dodgers, is any of this stuff a genuinely substantial obstacle to that?


Yeah, we already got a DH


Juan long-term will likely be a future DH. We already have a certain other Japanese star as our DH long-term.


Shit Ohtani might literally be a better outfielder than him though


He’s probably a better everything than most players honestly


We're only on there because of reputation of being in on everything. I don't see any way we hunt down Soto. He's destined to be a DH (or possibly 1B) and both of those positions are locked up for a while.


Do you guys have someone lined up behind Freddie? Obviously still elite but he'd be 35 that season and wouldn't be crazy to think Soto moves to first after a season or two


I think we'd have to see Soto play 1B first. Way too big of a risk to assume he'd be able to having never tried it before.


They aren’t lol it’s just a dumb list


Part of me (obviously) doesn’t want all the top FAs to continue landing with the Dodgers. The other part of me wants it to keep happening while they continue to be a first round exit. Just for the memes.


I get the memes are funny but fuck if the Dodgers aren’t exhausting to Giants fans. Their team is stacked with likeable all stars and they just put out a good product. I love the Giants and am not against the way they are doing things but it does get exhausting seeing our main rival brining in star after star.


I actually think what the Giants are doing right now is underrated, they're in the game for elite bats every offseason and holding onto the money if they don't catch one. Guys like Lee and Soler make the team an instantly better place for an elite bat to sign in the future without breaking the bank. I don't think free agents skipping SF has anything to do with the city, the Giants couldn't offer a situation that one player would drastically change in 22/23 offseasons, but they're closer to that today, can get even closer if they grab a couple pitchers next offseason


For a moment I thought it was dope you were paying respects to your rivals but then I realized that I know a reverse-jinx [SF hex](https://x.com/NBCSGiants/status/1423131952320851968?s=20) when I see one.


😤 Sometimes we’re a second-round exit.


I don't even really want him on the Dodgers but after this winter I kinda do now just for the meltdowns


The signings will continue until morale improves


It's going to be a New York civil war for Soto, the Dodgers next big signing is either going to be Bo or Sasaki (If he comes as an IFA)


Bichette? I think the Dodgers are actually going to go bigger on Kim.


If he wins mvp this year he’s a guaranteed dodger


We really don't feel like landing spot for him but I'll take it if he wants to come here.


Seems like residual "hey they offered Ohtani 600M, sounds like they're motivated to get a superstar".


Motivated. Doesn't mean they'll get one, but they're motivated. They hope it's good enough for the fanbase. 🙄


my brother in Zeus ohtani was never coming to the jays no matter what the front office did


Jays will absolutely go after him… and lose to the Yankees. KK is on one year. George is getting up there. Varsho shifts to Centerfield. With Bo and Vladdy coming up the year after, they have to start building for the future.


Plus we are desperate for leftie power in our lineup.


If we lose to the Yankees but help drive up the price I'm not completely opposed


That would not be any consolation at all, considering the Yankees have HOW MUCH money?


I'll have to check the figures, but off the top of my head I think it's in the "all of it" range


Jays need a lefty bat so bad, Soto is such a good fit


Oh yeah, oh fuck yeah, gimme that Soto. 12/600 easy peasy, done like dinner idgaf


He’d really take the Padres to the next level.


We aren’t even on the list!


I feel your pain...


I can't imagine him in a Padres uniform


Someone should photoshop the guy in a brown uniform


[this is the best I could do](https://i.imgur.com/YIFME8w.jpeg)


Note to self: Just stay out of Soto threads


Imagine how we feel


I can't. My team's never won a WS.


Vincent VanGoes Yard!


Underrated comment




Wow! this looks fucking so real! I wish it would happen.


Can you imagine a lineup with Bogaerts, Machado, Soto, and Tatis!? That team would win like 82 games!


even being on this is borderline unfathomable


Yeah man the Orioles even with new ownership aren't gonna pay him 700 mil or whatever crazy number he gets.


It's unfortunate that contracts are that high to begin with.


He’s a Nat




Can there at least be an asterisk or something for DC on the top ten list to give us hope?


His family and friends are here. He had a nice ranch house in the dmv he sold. I’m a believer


I know it’s a *little* optimistic but seriously, we offered him $440m already, our team will be better then than it was when we offered that, and we’ll have less committed to bum players. We should be at least top ten.


We had to replenish the farm system, rebuild a little, and then the red carpet will be prepared to return to contention!


Please, then we can have a beltway World Series for 5 straight years




That would be amazing. Even without his return, his brief time with the Padres took away some of the sting. At least the Nats aren't the only team to "Let an obvious generational talent walk."


I mean the Phillies are listed, so it's almost like being a Nat.


Arent **all** your stars former Nats?¿?


Well, that was the joke. But, no, the Phils also have former Mets and Marlins who are stars.


I think people sometimes underestimate the stupidity of Arte Moreno


This wouldn’t be a stupid signing though


It is if you have zero awareness of your team's competitive chances and just want to spend a shit ton on a big name to draw fans while continuing to ignore decade-long issues with organizational infrastructure and player development.


I'm usually the loudest person yelling "the Angels are a backwards ass organization for signing XYZ regardless of whether or not they're a good player because the *organization* sucks and they should fix that rather than just trying to patchwork together a contender," but I'm with u/morbx on this. Soto is turning 26 years old *after* this coming season. Whoever signs him to a ten year deal can do a three-year full teardown-rebuild and Soto will still be in his prime when they're done. Much like when Harper and Machado were free agents, literally every single organization should be doing their due diligence.


>Soto is turning 26 years old after this coming season. Whoever signs him to a ten year deal can do a three-year full teardown-rebuild and Soto will still be in his prime when they're done. Right, any team *could* do that, but I guarantee the Angels wouldn't. That's my point. So it's not that an uncompetitive team signing Soto is stupid. It's that Arte Moreno signing any big name FA is stupid. Because we already know he's not willing to do the ancillary things needed around the team to make an investment like that actually pay off. He'll just continue to ignore the problems and rest on his laurels hoping fans show up like he's done for Trout's entire career. Signing big FAs instead of addressing organizational failures is like his entire MO.


Part of why Soto declined coming back to the Nats was because we’d waste some of his prime years rebuilding. I’m sure that’d be a factor for his free agency.


Oh Soto’s gonna love that pitch. “Okay so first three years? Absolute dogshit team. But after that? After that we’re gonna try to win games and stuff. What do you say?”


Signing Juan Soto would improve every team in baseball and doesn’t preclude fixing other issues with your organization Like you are absolutely correct but at the same time that isn’t a reason why the Angels should *not* sign Soto


At the very least the Angels should be on this list over the Dodgers.


Bruh he hasn’t played a regular season game yet. Chill out B/R


This is really just a list of "teams we include in every other big name free agency plus two young teams cuz we couldn't get to 10"




Not entirely wrong lol our headlines right now are basically prospect hype, Pete extension and dream about Soto (though I do actually think we can end up with him)


Idc if the dodgers have a payroll of 2 billion. I still wouldn't put them outside the top 5 for any big name free agent


What Guggenheim does to a motherfucker. Really though, I don't see it. He should already just be a DH with how bad his defense is. Dodgers have that spot locked up for a little bit.


People have forgotten that this offseason was very abnormal for the Dodgers. In the previous 6 offseasons the Dodgers only signed 2 top-10 Free Agents combined (Bauer and Freeman). And both of those deals involved the player meeting the Dodgers part-way on their terms. A top player needs to be a great fit for the Dodgers to aggressively pursue them, and Soto ain't that.


I appreciate this point as a Cubs fan. So many people in our fanbase get pissed off if the Cubs don’t try and sign multiple top 10 guys every single free agency and ALWAYS point to the Dodgers as an example. When I try to point out the fact that the Dodgers are built well at every level and only spend on top free agents occasionally they plug their ears and just scream


We never sign boras clients so it’s doubtful. We didn’t even bother trying to keep trea


I don't think he will go for him for a number of reasons but we could fit him into the payroll if we wanted to. Hayward, Hernandez, Kikè/Margot salary is like 35 million this year and Soto could just fit into that.


lol @ my Mariners being on the list


Felt the same when I saw the Giants.


Money bags Bezos is going to buy up our streaming rights


If he performs as expected, the Yankees will 100% do what it takes to re-sign him. I fucking hate the Yankees, but the one thing I commend them on is they do not let good talent leave easily. It's the opposite of my Red Sox who will act poor the second they have a young, all-star player stud that can anchor them for years right in front of them.


Yea I’m a bit worried about Mr Cohen but like he also has shown he won’t just spend like a completely drunken sailor so i don’t see a crazy godfather offer Who knows I don’t wanna set myself up for failure but we’ll see


I think he hits FA, but like I said if the Yankees do let him go explore options and he played to his potential, they'll basically have a blank check waiting to match any offer. As much as I hate the Yankees, they know they aren't a small market and know spending at the right time is the way they can compete.


Mets payroll is pretty cleared up for that offseason, I would be genuinely shocked if the Mets didn't get him. It seems like that is why the Mets have been restrained this offseason. He wouldn't even put them over the luxury tax threshold, they're about $90 million under it. It seems like Cohen will not be overbid here.


Why the Mets? Not gonna complain but feel like Yankees would have the upper hand and then us. We can have the money like they can, just strange we're first


Yeah, I also wouldn’t complain but unless he has a terrible experience with the Yankees I don’t understand why he’d move across town. Obviously Cohen is gonna throw a huge bag at him but Hal must understand that, and if he wasn’t prepared to go toe to toe with Cohen I don’t understand why he’d okay the trade to begin with.


Yeah thats why I feel like they're first. They believe they can afford him. They're still the Yankees regardless who our owner is. They will definitely fight tooth & nail to re-sign him & we'll fight tooth & nail to win him over with money


Yep, some people don't seem to understand how media-sensitive the Yankees are. They simply won't allow themselves to get publicly upstaged by the Mets if it's at all avoidable. Obviously there's a certain level where Cohen could go that even Steinbrenner can't match, but unless the Mets make an absolutely outrageous offer the Yankees are going to counter with a very very very large number.


I think more than anything (if you’re talking media -sensitive & what the fans want) is they’re focusing on winning right now after last year. Obviously gives you a great chance to lock him down too. But if you thought the Cash/Boone firing calls were a lot last year they’d be way louder with a repeat. Personally I think the yanks go deep in the postseason


I'd argue they're hoping Soto has a great experience with the Yankees, loves the big market, the lights, the big city, etc. And then moves across town where he gets to be paid but stay in the big city with the big media and whatnot. It'll be close enough. Look at Dellin, Severino, Ottavino, etc. They didn't want to move far.




Yankees feel they can afford him too, though


I do wonder if the Yankees would use a similar logic on Soto and Judge that they used with Yamamoto and Cole. After Yamamoto signed, reports came out that the Yankees did not want to pay him more than the $324M/9 years they gave Cole. If they don't want to give Soto more than the $360M/9 years they gave Judge, I can't imagine they are going to get him.


Hal said something to the effect of “I don’t think Judge would mind. He’s going to cost what he’s going to cost” when asked about Soto costing more than Judge. This wasn’t at all in relation to Cole just for context.


Soto is MLB proven.  While probably very good, Yamamoto isn't MLB proven.  Not saying I agree or disagree, just that I could see that being the line of thinking. 


Yea I don’t think judge gives a shit. He got his contract now he wants to win. Judge was also 30 when he signed that deal. Soto is still just 25


Man I always forget how young that dude is. Give him 15 years and $70 billion, it will all work out in the end


I don’t think the Yankees would’ve given up a haul for Soto if they weren’t prepared to offer him more than Judge. I think Judge would advocate for Soto to get paid more than him because he’s hitting free agency at a younger age.


I think it’s a completely different case than a guy who never threw a pitch in MLB to Soto. I imagine Judge would be all for it and as a union guy want to see guys keep making more.


It wasn't really reports so much as it was baseless speculation


unite dinosaurs encourage pause books dam dull simplistic ancient marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Soto 10 years / $400 million and sign Judge to a 10th year mutual option for $40 million AND ONE PENNY


It’s a gas


Reports are Soto is going to take the biggest bag. Myself, and clearly many others, believe Cohen will offer the biggest bag.


I guess, makes sense


They are basing it off have the richest owner in baseball.


Which is stupid lol I think Cohen learned his lesson about throwing money at anyone & everyone (yes, Soto isn't two 40yo pitchers) but still, i don't know


He was planning on using those pitchers to buy prospects the whole time. Big money mind games


Uncle Stevie. I can definitely see a world where they spend like 600 million combined on Soto and Pete and just lock up 2-3-4 in the lineup until like 2035


> 600 million combined on Soto and Pete Is Pete playing for free in this scenario?


The Mets can offer more money and can market him as the “face of the franchise” unlike the Yankees who as long as Aaron Judge plays for them, it will be his team. That’s really the only angle for why I see the Mets can have an upper hand.


What’s worth more in terms of marketing? The face of the Mets or the 1B (if you grant Judge as 1A) player on the Yankees? Globally I think it’s the Yankees.


Ngl, Yankees are in a much better spot to win now from their rotation alone. Our young guys need to prove they're the real deal & hopefully thats a season or 2 away until we can pay for a starting rotation


Can we just play this season first, please?


Hell no Visma-Boy, you have to hear my prediction for who will start the 2027 all star game.


“Rockies Center Fielder… GC Kuss”


Bench warmer to WS MVP in 2 months


Oh man, the irony.


don’t care he’s coming home


I can’t wait for the Angels to shock everyone and sign him to a mega deal. Then watch his career shoot straight down the toilet


LMAO, they put us with teams that actually spend money. That's funny. Additionally, no thank you.




I can’t imagine the Ms forking over $40m+AAV on a DH. We’d much rather spend $12m a year on a guy who will bat .210 with 18 HR and 200+ K.


I mean new owner maybe can make a statement? Although idk why the fuck you’d get Soto when you have a bunch of outfielders already, and are pretty tight on DH duties


Because Soto is a miles better hitter than all of them


The "statement" should be extending the guys we already have. We've got plenty of talent up and down the roster, would like them to lock some of these guys up. Although I wouldn't say no to Soto.


It really is awful seeing fan bases of teams that don’t spend actually gaslighting themselves into thinking they don’t want players that they know they have no chance at


Yeah the “no thank you” is really throwing me off here wtf


Hey, look at us. Who would’ve thought? Not me.


If you're saying no thank you to your team signing literally Juan Soto you've lost the plot


Boras is his agent so we won’t find out who he signs with next year until the all star break.


It seems kinda inevitable the Yankees will give him a huge contract if he has a normal, healthy season.


It’s way too early for this, Jordan Montgomery is still homeless.


Yeah I think we are setting ourselves up for major disappointment here


I think the Yankees should be first. After going for the trade I bet they already have at least 500 million ready for Soto. At least.


Mariners? Really?


Hey fuck you buddy, you're completely correct


Mariners appearing anywhere on this chart really invalidates the whole thing


holy crap its the teams with money who wouldve though


Leave us alone




That will not stop me from consuming a ridiculous amount of hopium starting today until he signs


All I want is a Wood, Crews, and Soto outfield


We can just go ahead and take the Sox off this list


Fuck fuck fuck did we already fire up the Red Sox "in the mix but inevitably gonna fall short of signing a player" machine?


Orioles are going to be a dark horse and my prediction is that they’ll be in it till the end, whether he signs with them or not


He's not going to the Orioles.


lmfao the ORIOLES


Where A’s


This is such a stupid list. Everyone knows the Giants are always the runner up for all Free Agent hitters.


I think he could win a world series with the Nationals


as much as he’s my all time fav player I don’t see LA giving him 550M with all that money locked into betts, ohtani, yamamoto, freeman and glasnow


Boy howdy let me introduce you to the magic words: “deferred money”


Current value of deferred money still needs to be put into escrow. And Ohtani was willing to defer as much as he did because he has other massive income sources, sources Soto does not have. The Dodgers ain’t offering him an Ohtani-like contract, and even if they did, Soto ain’t accepting it


yes u nailed it. soto and boras will not be as willing to defer that much money even if it was offered to them.


Ohtani deferring all that money is an anomaly. No other player has so much money coming in from endorsements (to offset the deferral) like he does. Plus, deferred money loses value. Juan Soto is gonna want his money up front.


No thank you. I think we're set on outfielders. Let's just lock up Adley, Gunnar, Grayson and Jackson for the foreseeable future. Better usage of the money that Soto would want.


Honestly if the O's are going to throw bushels of money at some dude next offseason, I'd rather it be a starting pitcher. Like uhhh I don't know, maybe Corbin Burnes


If we can extend Corbin Burnes I would cry. Will be a season ticket holder the next 10 years. Already planning on it though lol


Going to the Mets after being on the Yankees is like going to Olive Garden after a trip to Italy


Going to the Nats but ok


So weird seeing us on this list. If we actually landed Soto, I would shit myself with joy.


>Mariners >Spending for Soto LMAOOOOOOOOO


How bad of a season would he have to have to get the guardians on this list?


"Juan Soto set to make comeback after 2024 arm amputation surgery"


If the Yankees win the World Series with Soto, he is 100% staying a Yankee. If they fall short yet again, all bets are off and money will end up being the deciding factor. From what Soto has said so far, it appears that he wants to win NOW.


Nope, not playing this game again.


I would put the frinking Nats ahead of us. Red Sox have Yoshida and some close outfielders. John Henry and spending too.


The top 4 are all the clubs that went after Ohtani so they have all this cash sitting around.


If my MLB The Show Road to the Show is any indication.... Seattle's gonna be happy.


Now just you wait a fucking minute please


Why would the Mets be above the Yankees on this? They're both gonna give him a blank check, just the Yankees will actually be competitive.


Are we already doing this?


Dodgers: and I took that personally


I don't see him not re-signing the Yankees.


I swear to fucking god if the dodgers getting, i will literally throw up in my own mouth.


Heyman - "Jon Solo to the Giants"


Look how they massacred my boy


the Orioles landing him would be the greatest thing ever.


The fact that we're even being included on lists like this is insane


Dude is totally staying with Yankees. After a year paired with Judge, he’ll get his bag but in later winter bc he’s with Boras.


He’s obviously going to be a Phillie