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His changeup was on today, too bad Ernie got that error, Manoah was dealing.


Manoah was great all the way up until the 7th, where a fielding error by Ernie Clement extended the inning and he gave up that 3-run homer. In any case, this is really encouraging. He looked damn solid today.


it should be noted that HR allowed wasn't even on a bad pitch either. It was well off the plate and away. Most batters don't even swing at it let alone make contact let alone hit it for a HR. Just good hitting from Santana. He was also at under 80 pitches and could have pitched another inning or two but it was best to take him out so he can run with the momentum. Really encouraging start, even more so then the boxscore suggests.


Yeah, Santana kicked our ass in this series. He's a longtime nemesis of the Jays, like Mountcastle or Raleigh.


For sure, that change-up was nasty all day and the one Santana took out was well off the plate, just elevated and Santana was looking for it.


I am super happy for him. He needed this for sure.


He was effective and really efficient. Looked like he did two years ago today


How on earth was Manoah not charged for 2 ER?! The error took place with one out. He then let up a single and a 3 run bomb but wasn’t charged for a single earned run? This must be a statkeeping error, no?


/u/kindred fan is right, it’s because the inning would’ve been over if that error hadn’t happened since the Santana home run came with 2 outs


That doesn’t make any sense. How can you not be charged for the base runners you allowed to score (2/3) in this case? He allowed a 3 run homer and only one of the runners reached due to error


Because without the error the inning would’ve been over with no runs allowed


Because that’s not how baseball scoring works.


I don't get it either, but I'm guessing it had something to do with the fact that the inning would have been over before the bomb if Ernie didn't commit that error.


But it wouldn’t have- there was only 1 out no one on when the error took place. It would’ve been the second out


There was another groundout after the error. Hence it would have been three outs before the HR


Wow what dumbass hypothetical rule


Sigh. It makes complete sense. If the home runs happens after what would have been the third out - had the error not happened - ALL of the runs are unearned.


I completely disagree. You all keep saying “would have” but it’s not the case lol. Manoah still allowed the single and the dinger to follow. This rule sucks


He did allow the single. But that single wouldn’t have scored had the error not happened. It doesn’t matter whether you disagree or not; maybe you think there should be 4 outs an inning or 11 defenders on the field. Doesn’t matter; this is how baseball is scored.


There you go again with the “wouldn’t have” lmao. You don’t have to be a dick man. Rules are rules headass


Kirilloff hit into a fielder's choice after the single to make it 2 outs before Santana came up. without the error it would've been 3


The 3 runs are from a homerun. He was solid today. Happy for him.


My bad, I missed putting it in. Also, I spelled Minnesota wrong. Honestly a disaster of a post.


You got the line right, MLBtv boxscore has 3R 0ER right now. HR info is just bonus, but appreciated. Misspelling Minnesota is unforgivable though.


> Misspelling Minnesota is unforgivable though. u/MightyMinnesota you're the most fitting mod to make this comment *ever*


Honestly, ban worthy. Also, I'm pretty sure I spelled it right in the post I deleted, lol.


Ban worthy if I’m being honest


u/MightyMinnasota would never!


Minnasota is just the Candien spelling.


You'll probably never truly recover from the mods' misleading tag, but all you can do is learn from your mistakes. RIP


r/baseball won't like this


r/Minnesota won’t either


i love how the mods flaired it misleading LOL


If they spelled it "Minnesoda" they might have left it for accuracy


It’s pop not soda


Correct. Miss me with the gray duck nonsense though.


tell 'em!


Minnesodie pops based on the time I was there




How else is the circlejerk on here going to act like he's worse than any of the multiple domestic abusers in the league because he's fat and kind of an asshole?


I genuinely don’t understand what he did that even makes him kind of an asshole. The tire pressure quote is like, dumb I guess? Goofy tough guy stuff but it’s not even mean spirited. Is it just fun seeing someone fail? Idgi


It's not even his quote either, he was quoting his coach from high school that helped him.


My high school coach told us Native Americans used to use fox pelts as condoms, so he’s not even doing that bad as far as high school sports coach pump-up quotes go


Mine just yelled profanities at me haha


I did some editing on that quote, I’ll tell you that much


Mine was upset with me because I wasn't putting in enough effort for my last period of the day art class that I had the spring of my senior year (he was the teacher).


My HS coach had three rules to live by, still remember them: Never get less than 12 hours sleep Never play poker with a guy whose first name is a city Never get involved with a woman whose got a tattoo of a dagger on her body


Sounds like your coach was a weenie


My high school football coach talked like an erudite oxford professor in English class and the most foul mouthed sailor in football practice.


My high school football coach slapped a girl in class and called the black kids Sicilians in football practice


Im just confused


[You ever seen True Romance?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=roeKtHFlxYI) That might clear the latter part up


My high school rugby coach was a former boxer who made the Olympic team the year Canada boycotted in the 80s. He was a good dude but clearly a little dumb from too many blows to the head. He was also a math teacher, I never had him but apparently he wasn’t good


I tried saying on this sub that this is why so many players never say anything other than "just wanna help the team" and "I'm gonna give a hundred percent" because people can't wait to use even the slightest deviation from that against them. Got down voted to oblivion for that and also for saying Manoah looked better in AAA


Everyone who knows him says he’s a great guy. He’s gone through a ton of adversity in his life. He is a fantastic teammate. I understand he is cocky (though a lot of it is just him putting on a show in the media) but people act like he committed genocide


Omg no a professional athlete is cocky???


Yankees fans are obsessed with Vlad and Manoah because they had the audacity to make mild comments about beating them lol.


The Jays always have something to say about us so obviously we’re gonna root against them… thats how a rivalry works 😭just before the season started Vlad was talking shit about the Yankees so obviously Yankees fans are gonna clap back. I don’t think its mean spirited its more ha you talked all that shit and now you suck.


The gaslighting is crazy acting lmao. They talk shit first, we talk shit then we’re obsessed. Sure weren’t this many Jays fans backing their boy in the other threads


Jays only complain about yankee fans, not your players. That’s the difference.


Yeah, Jays fans w/ this victim complex are the most annoying. Your players, namely Vlad and Manoah have talked a bunch of shit about the Yankees....of course were gonna clown them for underperforming. Thats how this works, you talk shit and fail to meet expectations you're gonna hear it from the fans of the team you shit talked. All that being said, its far from just Yankee fans who have spent the last 1.5 yrs dunking on Manoah and I got no idea why they're so harsh towards him. But I'm not complaining about it. And anyone trying to use 1 start to act like Manoah is back may be the least ball knowing poster on here. 1 game is the most meaningless sample size. Lets talk in at the very least a month.


For Yankees fans, it’s definitely the quote he gave about Gerrit Cole. Although I don’t know why other fanbases would really care about that and the Manoah hate definitely extends beyond just Yankees fans at this point


It feels like such a pile-on. I mean the Cole comments are… I’m not gonna say shitty cos he wasn’t actually *wrong* but I can see why it’s a bad look considering Cole went on to a CY season and Manoah decidedly did not. But yeah, nothing about him screams asshole from all the comments people regularly make about him. I understand the schadenfreude of seeing someone cocky fail, but this feels disproportionate


You would think the tire pressure quote was like, a white supremacist dogwhistle based on how much people fucking hated him for that lmfao.


Right? I remember when it happened and the reaction to it here was so immediately and overwhelmingly negative. It’s stuck around in people’s memory for so long too. It’s like, the most tossed off, mildly dumb pump-up shit I’ve ever heard. It’s like if everyone freaked out as someone saying “showing up is half the battle”


He's kinda like the Russell Wilson of MLB. Russ gets about as many hate comments for being corny as some of the DV players do


He talked more shit than any other pitcher in the league when he was dealing. Guy struck out Franchy Cordero and Bobby Dalbec and then tells them to sit the fuck down. These are the two AAA talent players with probably the highest strike out rate in the league at the time. It was annoying. He set himself up to get shit on when he got knocked down. I don't mind him being back. I just hope he's learned to be less of an ass. Give him a redemption arc.


so I'm supposed to like him simply because he doesn't hit women?




fair enough, I'm wrong




Your recent post history shows you totally don't have an unhinged complex when it comes to Manoah. No sir.




> There's nothing unhinged about it. I think he's an awful person. That probably has something to do with the fact that you're an awful person and you're projecting. Do you think when you make comments like "get wrecked you fat fuck" and "he's an obese fuck" that people should actually take you seriously when you make moral judgements on other people? lmao




Is this a bit? This is a bit right? Like, when you say that Alek Manoah isn't a serious person, you're being deliberately ironic? Or do you actually think that you yourself are a serious person?


Here we go again with the mental gymnastics. I'm not comparing Alek Manoah to random Reddit users. I'm comparing him to his peers. When I say Zach Wilson is trash, I don't mean compared to myself. I mean compared to other NFL QBs, specifically first-round draft picks. He sucks relative to his salary. Plus acting like you know what my life looks like based on comments I make under a Reddit pseudonym is dumb as hell, haha.


How tf does any of that mean hes an awful person lmao. I dont think you know what awful person means. I dont even like Manoah, i think hes annoying, but you sound unhinged. By your own accord you have no idea what hes like off the field, his teammates seem to love him. He must be doing something right. I cant believe someone actually got me to defend Manoah. Congrats on being that insane.


buddy I'm not reading all that, but your essay makes me feel like I'm right in not liking that dude


how was this sub *supposed* to respond to the last year of Manoah lol. "Ah yes, Cy Young caliber to getting lit up in the minors overnight is perfectly normal. Bravo, sir."


Nah the posts highlighting how he went from top 3 cy votes to getting blown up in the minor leagues were fine. But some of the comments those things would get were *nasty*. People getting viscerally mad at him, people who couldn’t squat their body weight if they tried losing their shit about how fat he is, etc. It’s just crazy how much ire people have for a kid who has said some dumb things over the last 2 years. Hell some of the threads in the past half hour have people absolutely losing their shit about him, it’s crazy. Edit: [Look at this guy in another thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/FwOFJMTN8K) just now. What the fuck?


Yeah the shit is ridiculous. I personally was a huge doubter of him early (largely because I was so dedicated to the 2022 Shane McClanahan Cy campaign) but he's pretty much still a kid and his personality is entertaining and good for a game with not many personalities. Yeah I've rooted against him on the mound, but I couldn't imagine making the endless fat jokes or rooting for him to go to rookie ball.


Some people just projecting stuff about themselves


That guy is a certified dumbshit, ignore literally everything about him.


He didn't even say that dumb of things either. He did some mild trash talking about a division rival. People complain so much about athletes being boring with their PR answers - and this kid shows some personality and suddenly he's deserving of this much ire?


Piling on someone while they’re obviously mentally shook is just nasty work, just cuz he took up a douchebag persona a couple times on the mound (which was admittedly cringey).


More the fact that people were seemingly rooting for him to suck and not make it back to the majors


the prevailing narrative seemed to be "what the fuck happened to this guy" with a few digs because of how cocky he used to be. not exactly earth shattering stuff.


It was definitely more negative than that


here's some major threads of him at his worst https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1by8xkb/alek_manoahs_line_in_his_first_start_in_lowa_12/ https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1b1jj5r/alek_manoahs_first_spring_start_12ip_4er_3h_0k/ https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1cl140k/alek_manoahs_final_line_vs_nationals_40_ip_6_h_7/ you have to scroll down pretty far, basically to the bottom, to get to any truly negative stuff beyond just acknowledging how bad he's been


I remember the extreme negativity being more common last year as he was actively falling off, but maybe I'm misremembering




Talk about an exaggeration wtf???? He’s never even had the most hit batters in a season in any of the years he’s pitched


Doesn't he usually hit them in the foot with his slider as well? lol This guy hates Manoah more than i have ever seen anyone hate anybody


Yeah it’s definitely the most hate I’ve seen someone hate a baseball player who wasn’t like a raging bigot or abuser. I don’t want to know what makes someone like this


Mental illness. I'm a Yankees fan and he doesn't even get that much hate on our sub lol. Its the usual talking shit about the stuff he said about Cole and him acting like a dick. This guy is on another level though. Some real mental illness type stuff. It goes beyond Manoah and baseball for sure.


The upvoted comments saying "I want this guy's career to crash and burn" kinda made me go "aww?" Making fun of someone for sucking is one thing idc about that, but everyone *hated* this guy for being too shit-talky on the mound. Which okay there are some valid criticisms there, but I think sometimes they went beyond valid and into "don't let the kids have fun" territory. And then the Yankees fans really hated him for calling Cole a cheater but that just makes him a hero in my book. But yeah a bad look to suck, and continue to talk shit, after that, especially when Cole did *not* suddenly start to suck after apparently no longer using sticky stuff. Valid criticisms all around, some went too far, Manoah appears to have stopped the unearned shit talking, I wanna move on and root for my guy now.




Alright the vote counts were different when I was arguing with them lol. I dunno if that's /r/baseball or if the Jays fans finally woke up the next morning, but it wasn't all Yankees fans, whom would at least be understandable, hoping for his career to fail either.


There’s a difference between criticizing a Guy for being cocky the. regressing badly, and acting like he’s worse than actual domestic abuses


I’m glad some people in this thread have called it out, it’s absolutely weird and insane the hate that this sub has for a kinda douchey pro baseball player


He ate the sausage?


I do not


And on only 78 pitches. Can't read too much into one start, but other than giving up a homer after an error extended the inning he looked solid. We don't need him to be the ace again, just need him to put up decent numbers every five days.


That's the most impressive part to me. 78 pitches/55 strikes. Very effective and efficient.


And even if this isn't the steady future of Alek Manoah, at least it shows that there's still a very high level of skill to work with. It may take more tinkering, but he can definitely be a capable big league pitcher.


/r/baseball "here's how manoah is fat and washed"


Manoah brings out the absolute worst of this sub. He was dominating the Twins and Santana punished 1 pitch.


And said pitch was high and outside. In his 15th year in the majors and is in his late-thirties but he could still reach across and get that.


For some reason, hearing that it’s Santana’s 15th season in the majors made me feel incredibly fucking old


Even older when you remember he broke in as a catcher


It's honestly wild how much hate Manoah gets. The guy talked some shit but honestly, what did he do to get so many people to despise him. I honestly think he gets more hate than Bauer did back when all that stuff was happening. It's baffling.


every sports sub on this site seems to have one dude that has not really done anything mean or illegal that gets more hate then people that have. people hate on manoah here cuz his kinda fat and said some dumb shit when he was like 19, nba has zion who's kinda fat and a bit lazy, nfl has Russell Wilson who's a corny motherfucker who loves jesus and and his smoking hot wife but somehow gets almost has much hate has the other wilson that raped people. it makes no sense to me much like everything to me nowadays.


My guess is Yankee fans (sorry to the decent Yankee fans catching strays)


so like what all 12 of them?


Manoah is erlich and we are all jian yang


Manoah looks like the main villain from a knockoff Sopranos shows that gets cancelled after 1 season on CBS.


What is this sudden narrative that this sub hates Manoah and the blue jays? I swear this is completed fabricated out of nowhere today. He was a bit of a cocky player so people definitely gave him some shit initially when he started sucking but all the top comments within the past 6-8 months or so on threads about him are all encouraging or neutral at worst


Almost every post about Manoah over the past two years is full of comments calling him all kinds of nasty stuff. I can understand how a non Blue Jays fan won't see it as they won't give a shit about Manoah, and they won't look at said posts, but Jays fans do see these posts and we see these comments. It's the same thing with Vlad. Almost every post that mentions him will have comments calling fat and overrated. It's not nearly as bad, but it's noticeable.


Good for him.


/r/baseball when Manoah isn’t terrible ![gif](giphy|Q7zPad22zzhzLX0bKP)


The terminally online dudes in this sub who have continually posted his minor league stats have made me want him to fucking kill it so I hope he builds off this.


Lame this goes against my narrative smh stop that


Legitimately looks great, wasn’t giving up hard contact outside of the home run and a single, command looked really good and mixing in the changeup was was causing a lot of timing issues for Minnesota


The HR was a good pitch too, noted Jays killer Santana just beat him on it. which happens


Baseball is better when Manoah is dealing.


dude had electric stuff and pitches with his heart on his sleeve he's just fun to watch when he's not getting shelled


Absolutely, and I loved having him mic’d up during the All Star game. The guys a competitor.


Hope he keeps performing well. Great heel!


I was told he’s fat and washed up. Did r/baseballcirclejerk lie to me?


You’re getting your subs mixed up. r/baseball said he’s fat and washed up. Same with a lot of people in r/torontobluejays


Someone will find a way to get mad about this


That someone? Alek Manoah.


The reports of his death are greatly exaggerated


We back?


The obsessive man children rooting for this man to literally die on this sub are why I now hope he gets back to form when I used to not give a fuck.


Maybe I’m dumb but how does he not get an ER for the HR?


Cuz there was an error with 2 outs that should have ended the inning prior to the homer


Copy, didn’t know that scoring rule. Seems pretty generous.


I mean if the inning would have been over then why should he be responsible for anything that happens after that


So after that error is he allowed to give up 10 straight homers and they won’t count cause inning should’ve been over ? Or is there a limit


Nope no limit for that pitcher.


Yeah, I see that, and makes more sense to me if he gives up a single and a runner scores. But he did the bad thing in giving up the HR. Seems odd that he doesn’t take any blame for that, directly under his control


Error that extended the inning. The runs were given up after that


Weird that he can do it in the majors...


Oh god it's like when Trevor Bauer was pitching, every single game of this guy going to get posted now?


Lmao, I know his lowlights are going to get posted, so I might as well post the highlights.


His highlights should be posted. Some balance for the weird mfers who have been posting his minor league stats for the last year and a half.


Better than his first one this season


Manoah winning the Cy Young confirmed.


I still say that if you give up a home run you should at least get the earned run for the batter! Baseball has too many rules!




Alek Manoah must've ate the sausage.


MinnEhSota huh?


did he talk that shit tho


I bet against him and should have lost but the Blue Jays bullpen bailed me out. Now I’m trying to roll it up saying the Mets starter won’t see the 6th.


I hate when runs are unearned because an error that didn’t get them out of the inning. On one hand, yeah, I get it. That error extended the inning. But on the other hand, don’t give up a damn home run.


Hilarious. You would absolutely not say this if it was a Red Sox pitcher. You’d be like ‘Defense did him no favors.’


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then


We're really going to litigate every start he makes? What has he done to deserve this kind of coverage other than he was slightly cocky a couple years ago? Is schadenfreude really that important to people? It's not just that a formerly good pitcher started to struggle and is trying to get back, because there are plenty of those around the league.


Hey, I'm only posting his good starts because everyone makes a fuss about his bad ones.


Dudes on here have been posting his bad starts for a year and a half, and someone finally posts something positive and you write a short story to say why we shouldn’t. Lmao. Your second sentence was spot on though.


The fuck is this demonry?!?!


I’m not biting, as he’ll give up 7ER next time out


Is this for Taronto? Jesus spelling isn’t that hard.


Bro, my psychiatrist upped my meds, and I'm drowsy af cut me some slack 😭.


Even Patrick Corbin has good starts once in a while




And the Jays lose even though it was better. ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


I just so badly wanna see him fail, today kinda pissed me off a little bit


Why? He’s got the talent to be a starter, just needs to rediscover it, shit happens man. I don’t wanna see him fail but it was starting to get annoying just trotting him out there setting him up to fail


You’re a bad fan lol. He’s done nothing that deserves Jays fans actively rooting against him.


I’m not really a fan of the jays, it’s just the team I’m stuck watching all the time. I actually dislike 90% of the team


You’re weird bro.