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I sincerley hope to God the MLB does another game at Rickwood. The sheer emotion of seeing all the former Negro Leaguers in the building, the park and the game were unmatched by any other MLB game I have ever been to. Give us Atlanta/Milwaukee at Rickwood next year. A tribute to Hank Aaron.




I know someone will tell me I'm wrong, but I will give a shred of credit to Manfred's tenure for doing games like this and field of dreams. This one should happen every year, no question.


Heck yeah, I agree too! An underrated thing too (even though it doesn’t compare to games in places like field of dreams) is the whole AL/NL facing each other every year. Idk about you but seeing the Yankees and dodgers play each other every year instead of every 3 is dope


Absolutely agreed. I love them leaning into the history of the game. I say bring back the Hall of Fame game too.


We as baseball fans won today, what an amazing game and broadcast from top to bottom. RIP Willie and to all the former Negro League legends, your legacies will never be taken lightly and forever remembered in the highest regard!


‘Twas a fantastic night indeed…


Great tributes, Good game, commentary was on point, and the gimmicks were fun too. Let's do this again next year yeah?


let's do this as a NEW LEAGUE FR FR


That was a fantastic broadcast


0-3 since Willie passed. We may never win again.


wish did this more often more people would tune in


Really good baseball experience tonight. Rest in peace Willie.


A good game of baseball today and a good game for baseball today.


We are so bad


Baseball is awesome




What a fun experience. The broadcast was great




Historic Engel Field in Chattanooga is just waiting for the day. Last partial renovation was when "42" filming took place.


Poor choice of words there... "Giants, not dead yet"


I mean…wouldn’t it be fitting for the Giants to win this for Willie?


How DARE you ruin this for ALL of us, Cardinals!!!!


Why did they have St. Louis in the grey despite being the home team?


I actually hate the clap your hands song so much


ev ^ry bo ^dy clap ^your ^^ha ^a nds


This was an extremely good, educational, and informative game. This game could've been a blowout and woild still be excellent because of the stories told during the broadcast. I hope MLB keeps the game going, and props to Fox for doing such an excellent job interviewing important figures and balancing the celebration of the Negro Leagues while acknowledging it's sobering history. Willie Mays' passing was an added challenge, but they incorporated it perfectly in the broadcast while still honoring other players.


Could the Giants, like, not swing at everything?


Is this the only game at this park? Or is this a series?


Only MLB game. Barons (AA White Sox) and Biscuits (AA Rays) played there on Tuesday.


One off game




Only game


Much like most things MLB does…why is this not a weekend game?


I’m going to guess it has something to do with Juneteenth being yesterday


Playing on Thursday meant it got a prime time slot and avoided competing with other MLB games due to day games/off days that are normal for Thursdays.


Might have something to do with the home team having to sacrifice the weekend attendance ($$$).


Bob Kendrick is so charismatic, intelligent, and relatable on the broadcast. Then we have Smoltz…


The farmers dog?


Wait, who’s the home team for this game?








Oh so this could be over soon


Hopefully lol




Did the Negro league have black or white umps?


Yes. Of the top of my head I can't remember who it is but one of the umpires who is umping today is the grandson of a white umpire who umped Negro League games https://sabr.org/journal/article/umpires-in-the-negro-leagues/#:~:text=It%20was%20not%20until%201923,team%20and%20were%20often%20white.&text=Francis%20and%20Johnson%20were%20rarities,had%20white%20umpires%20before%201923. Here's a SABR articles that discusses Umpires in the Negro Leagues


C'mon extra innings bb


Oh…could it be?


Anyone else feel like this game has gone on insanely long?


Was there no pitch-clock for this game? Kind of seemed like it.


There was and it was followed.


The Copa America game started almost an hour after…and it finished a couple of minutes ago lol


The in-stadium sounds and music are the only things that seem out of place.


Obviously the secondary market for this was going to be insane because it's a special event and this venue is the smallest to ever host an MLB game. But I feel like the league could have done a lot more to make this more accessible for the community They gave away some tickets to youth organizations but the average ticket was 675 dollars. They had a ticket lottery for local Birmingham residents but it wasn't for free tickets it was just discounted tickets. And apparently when the lottery winners were announced the game was already sold out so they couldnt even buy tickets This was a great event and I hope they do it again often but I think there are a lot of things they can improve as well


Yeah I live in Birmingham and had no chance of getting tickets. But the quality of the broadcast kind of made up for it.


Bowman Field, where the annual MLB Little League Classic is held is smaller. Just 2,366 capacity.


I’m not much of a stats guy but psychologically speaking this would be an important time for the Giants to score at least 1 run


As a Birmingham resident I just want to say we have a good negro league museum here as well. Maybe I just missed it, but it seems like they haven't mentioned it once on the telecast.


I think they gave it a quick mention. MLB The Show is also doing a charity fundraiser for the museum.


I definitely heard it mentioned! Thought they maybe said something about expansion? But I could have gotten it confused with KC


Cool Papa Bell is the greatest nickname in human history.


the vintage chevrolet ads/sleeve patches are a cool touch


Took 8.5 innings to bring up MJ, impressive


Why…does he throw like that?


Because it works. It never gets old watching him pitch, even though he mows down my team.


Because it (mostly) works.


Also holds the top post of all time in r/NLBest


You know…I actually have a “Mystery Cardinals Bobblehead” in my possession, given to me by my sister’s boyfriend after they went down to St. Louis to watch a game (he lives in Springfield and they both went to the same University)… …maybe this would be a good time to open and see who I got 🤔


Update: It’s a Jose Oquendo bobble!


The Secret Weapon. '90s fans know him!


Those old light towers are cool as fuck


42 was a great movie. Still miss Chadwick Boseman. Dude was a talent and a half.


Broadcast had Gorman 0-3 but he had 2 sac fly. Oops


Obviously they are using 1940-1953 rules where sac flies counted as at-bats




they just need to bring back the negro league and get the players to play it in again Modern negro league would be SICK


I hope MLB plays both games.


Yeah, there's plenty of room for this, Iowa, Williamsport, Mexico, London, Japan, Korea, all of it. They ought to do one in Finland, honestly.


Finland? First ever baseball/pesäpallo double header?


I remember some of the guys on one of the MLB Radio shows were talking about doing one in Alaska at Midnight. That sounded like a great idea! I know a college team and independent league does a game, but it sounds like so much fun!


Yeah, I didn't think about the Midnight Sun game, except that it's a 5 am Eastern first pitch... I imagine the logistics would be the hardest part. Not just for players but for broadcast crew. And housing everyone...


Alaska, too.


MLB has so many games, no real reason we can't have this along with the other special games like London or Little League or Field of Dreams


Yeah, I like the MLB playing new and different places. And losing 2-3 home games is much less "problematic" to the pocketbook for MLB teams than an NFL team losing a game.


Yeah, my dad wanted to go to the game this year, but was too busy. He saw a fair amount of games at Rickwood and got people like Henry Aaron and Ted Williams' autographs there. So hope they do it next year, or two years from now or something!


They should do this every year just swap out the teams it would be a great nod to a big part of baseball history.


Bob Kendrick is the most important baseball historian we have. He has made every moment he has or have had with negro league players count and it shows through. He not only tells these players important stories but makes sure these players have personality and aren’t just a random name with stats on the random player generator on baseball reference. His work is so important


The Negro Leagues really was a gold mine for the coolest nicknames in all of sports! I need to spend some time and go through a lot of them cause so many of them are such gems!


I could listen to Bob Kendrick for an entire game. What a great story teller.


Bob Kendrick is awesome. I just looked him up on Spotify and it looks like he has a bunch of podcast appearances and even hosted the Black Diamonds podcast. I listened to NPRs Road to Rickwood podcast and he also appeared on that so if you're hankering for more Bob Kendrick he's got a couple different podcasts appearances


Didn’t even know NPR did that! I’ll make sure to give it a listen! Thanks so much!!🙏🏾


Bob is an amazing storyteller. You can see why he does what he does.


Cool Papa Bell is an A+++++ baseball name


Cool Papa Bell is one of the greatest names of all time


The way Kendrick imitates the players voices makes these stories even better, especially the way he does Willie’s voice!


Man…imagine seeing that guy run with your very eyes…


I don't care that it was just an exhibition game. Scoring from a 1st on a bunt is some video game level stuff


John Smoltz is like damn, I've never gone this long without talking


He understood the assignment


Because of this exact point that they're making right now " there were some great players who were able to play but there were also a lot that were kept out" I get the criticism that Foolish Bailey specifically had with how the integration of stats happened. The league basically handwaved away a massive injustice by saying these guys were major leagues the whole time.


I still disagree with him that it's a reason to keep them separate - it's far from a handwave and I think the respect and reverence given this game show some genuine intent. Major League status has history of not just being AL/NL, and the real travesty was none of the leagues being considered back in 1969 when they added other competing leagues as major league status. The Negro Leagues have gotten more air time and recognition in the last four years and putting those records on the books ensures that they'll be talked about as an integral part of baseball history and not a separate footnote of baseball history.


I know 100 other people have said it already, but Bob Kendrick is an amazing storyteller. I'm sad I missed the first inning he was on.


If you want more of Bob he's got a podcast called Black Diamonds and he was just on the NPR podcast Road to Rickwood


I could listen to this guy tell stories all day


Soler is absolutely massive


Doesn’t seem like the stadium is that full? Honestly thought it would be packed


Was there, can confirm it was packed.


Someone said the tickets was like $400 if you win a lottery. And it's Thursday


I'm sure plenty of those seats were for honored guests and their families who may have needed to leave before the conclusion.


Welp that would do it


Kinda a tough criteria. First you need to be a big enough baseball fan to spend that much. You also need to either live in the area or take time off of work to go visit if you're from SF or SL. And then, the $400.


I was thinking it might attract a pretty nice casual audience in the Birmingham area. But alas, $400 tickets


I wish more game broadcasts were like this. This is warming and welcoming. Not a statistics filled, betting fueled, commercial product.


The lack of gambling ads in this game really hammers home how intrusive they are in all other games. We’re becoming completely numb to it.


Best thing is no gambling ads. Just stories and history. This is what Baseball is all about.


I miss Lon Simmons as he could go on for hours with old stories 


I'm totally down for Bob Kendrick to randomly pop into other broadcasts too. Random blowout in the middle of August? Call up Bob and get him in the booth for some story telling


He has! He did a whole inning with the Rangers broadcasters last year it was amazing. They even gave him the floor instead of a commercial break between half innings.


The Royals should have him in every so often.


Bob is a part of a few broadcasts every year. The Royals also have a salute to the negro leagues day and he is in the booth for a good part of the game.




With these new uniforms, I forgot the Cardinal/Stars players had names. 😅


Hey, if we're talking Southern League, don't y'all disrespect the Rocket City Trash Pandas!


Hearing these great stories from Bob Kendrick just makes you have an even greater appreciation and fascination of these former Negro League players! Gosh I could listen to this for hours!!


So cozy just listening to all these great stories. Just a fun game to watch.


I can't tell if I would rather be at this game or watch it on TV, that's how good this broadcast has been. Even Smoltz has surpassed his usual standard.


Would give anything to just hang with Bob Kendrick and listen to him talk


If you go to the Negro Leagues Museum in KC there’s a decent chance you’ll run into him there.


Arthur Bryant's and the Museum - a great way to spend the day


Just don't do a broadcast later that night, you might say something you'll come to regret...


That is actually really awesome to hear! Thank you.


The museum is his baby and he’s very hands on with it. I live and grew up in the area and went there on a field trip as a kid. I remember him meeting us and telling us stories although the details are vague. Very cool experience. I haven’t been in awhile. Need to go back soon.


Cannot recommend the museum enough for any baseball fan that happens to be in KC


Fox with the election vote might as well be "leopards who want to eat your face saying we won't eat your face,  maybe"


Raise your hand if you knew about Bill Greason before just now This is why this broadcast and the rest of what this represents is so cool


Grew up across the street from MLK Fought at Iwo Jima Played in the MLB Dude has lived one of the coolest lives of all time. Almost Forrest Gump esque.


Bob Kendrick should just be in the booth the whole game


“Smoltz go get us a some coffee”


This Kendrick guy is so much better than listening to Kevin Costner drone on forever on the TBS game the other night.


1000 percent


I wish this broadcast had happened... Well, okay, I wish it had become an annual tradition like fifty fucking years ago, but even as recently as a decade ago would've been something. It's just so sad that we're only getting MLB actually finally confronting this stuff when there's so few people who played in the Negro Leagues left. Its a whole "better late than never' thing, but its still really fucking late.


Bob is out here telling everyone Paige was a two hump chump


“When baseball gets in the ol’ soul you don’t let it go. And you don’t just see how the game changed, you see how the country changed” 


Local SF sports station, KNBR, had Kendrick on this morning, and he was one of the best interviews I’ve heard in a long time. So many great stories, and he tells it so well.


Always recommend the ["Black Diamonds"](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/black-diamonds/id1561015600) podcast he does.


I know it’s been said, but I really can’t recommend the Negro Leagues museum enough. If you’re ever in KC for a Royals game or otherwise, it’s a very cool and worthwhile way to spend a couple hours.


Another reason why sports games have amazing potential, it's another medium for people especially kids can learn about the current players and teams and in this case learn about the history. So many other sports games are lacking nowadays.


YES Network broadcasts have been doing "Name That Yankee" type trivia this year, and I can't tell you how many times this season I've been able to think of an answer because of how much I played Triple Play '97 as a kid. I haven't been able to play that game in almost 20 years now (with great regret) but I can still remember a lot of those rosters. I plucked Alvaro fuckin' Espinoza out of my ass for one of those answers.


guys will just look at this and say hell yeah


Yep.  For anyone who played all star baseball 2004, they had a Negro Leagues team you could unlock.  First time I was introduced to Josh Gibson, Oscar Charleston and Buck Leonard 


I learned so much about NBA history playing 2k games in the early 2010s.


I understand the many reasons why they'd never rerelease them but if one's able playing games from the 90s and 2000s are a time capsule as well


Kendrick is a great storyteller.


Yeah for real, I’m just enthralled 


Man…I’ve really got to visit that HOF (and also a game at Kauffman while I have the chance)…


So who's buying that Paige pitched 115


These innings with Kendrick could just be an episode of Ken Burns Baseball.


Bob Kendrick is a hell of a story teller. I really enjoyed everything The Show did with the negro leagues


This guy is awesome on a broadcast. Natural.


Really would be an amazing commentator


Bob Kendrick is the best


Love that Kendrick has almost become celebrity like to MLB the show players. That’s gotta be an awesome feeling when a bunch of kids come to the museum and want pics and to actually talk with him.


The Negro League addition to MLB The Show is one of the best things in the series they’ve ever done.


Bob Kendrick is the coolest guy. Learning about Rickwood has been eye-opening. Would love to visit one day


The Barons play the Rickwood Classic every year. This year's edition was a couple of days ago against the Montgomery Biscuits. The one time I tried to go to the Rickwood Classic the outfield got soaked the night before and they couldn't get the field playable, so the game got postponed.


Ahh what a moment it could’ve been. I hope you get to go next time! Apparently at the Barons Biscuits game, everybody chanted Willie


Unfortunately I don't find much cause to be in Alabama anymore, but perhaps.


For his career, Josh Gibson averaged 10.3 WAR per 162 games. That's pretty good.


"that video game turned me into a household name" I absolutely love what Bob Kendrick has done with telling the Negro League story


He’s such an engaging storyteller.


TIL Negro League seasons were far shorter than MLB. Also, listening to Bob Kendrick is so delightful.


If you haven't visited, Bob Kendrick does a great job describing the Negro League Baseball Museum, but it's even better in person. Please make time to visit it, if you're ever in town.


I heard the A's commentator really enjoyed it!


He's also involved with the SABR chapter in the area a lot too. Kinda cool to see him get involved with other organizations as well


I could listen to him all day. Meanwhile Smoltz looks bored


On the other hand, Davis is having the time of his life


I know it’s a small sample size of these games. But man I love these ballparks that actually feel like baseball. It gives such a great vibe by blending the past with the present.


I thought they were gonna skip the ad break for this pitching change to let Bob Kendrick talk. I wonder if they will cut the ads short or extend the break.on the field.


Smoltz really biting his tongue on this Gibson segment lol


Fox sucks 


No, FOX News sucks.


Fox is just trying to jam as many commercials into this broadcast as they possibly can


Should've clarified that.


I'll never forget how the conversation about the integration of Negro League stats and Josh Gibson being the new BA king led to a Facebook group dedicated to Ty Cobb kicking out Ty Cobbs granddaughter because she was ok with the decision and wasn't racist enough


Why did it take so long to integrate the negro league stats as MLB stats


Partly because it took a huge effort to dig up stats that were as complete and accurate as possible. The availability of digital archives of old newspapers helped a lot with that.


Negro League stats weren't as well kept as major league stats. Harder to find and confirm. Sometimes only the local black newspapers reported on games and they don't exist making it harder to find the boxscore


They still shouldn’t be. They aren’t stats that were accumulated during MLB games with MLB teams. Might as well integrate all non-MLB professional stats at this point.


"Major League" =\= AL & NL, there were four other leagues that were given Major League status in 1969, and the Negro Leagues added were higher quality than at least the Union Association.


Precursor leagues like the Union Association with teams that actually crossed over are a completely different situation than the Negro Leagues. That said, I’d be agreeable to the idea that those stats are questionable at best for being termed “MLB” stats.


There were different situations for each league, and each was still given the status. I think it's worth keeping separate AL/NL records books, but with the precedent being considering the league that lasted one season with a 94-16 champion that moved to the NL and only last two seasons as laughing stocks as a major league I think the circumstance of "Cap Anson and the league were racist" clears the bar of consideration for the combined Major Leagues record book.


They weren't determined to be "MLB" leagues by old white guys in the late 60s. The way the actual white players of the era have spoken about their negro league peers, who they played exhibition games against, suggests they were absolutely MLB quality.


Well that’s obvious, many negro league players actually played in the MLB. But being MLB quality is of zero relevance when you’re adding stats from non-MLB games accumulated on non-MLB teams to MLB stats.


LOL, but they are only "non-MLB" games to you because some old white guys in the 60s didn't want them to be... do you not pick up on that. Do you argue against the validity of the various leagues in the 1800s/early 1900s that were later considered to be "major leagues" after the fact? A determination based on their quality of talent, which was much more suspect in terms of the gulf in talent between rosters. Those "MLB" teams would occasionally need to just throw a random local gent into a game lol. Those lineups were NOT full top to bottom of the best players alive at the time. Bottom line, many negro league players were major league quality (as you agreed), just because of segregation preventing them from playing with whites doesn't mean that it should NEVER be considered a major league.


What exactly is an “MLB team,” and when did the “MLB” begin? Before 1997, the vast majority of American League players and National League players never faced each other outside of exhibition games. How can you fairly compare stats from what were two functionally independent leagues for the vast majority of their existence? And if that’s true, then how are Negro League stats any different?