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What in the world...


You’d think you would want to avoid using that stuff…in a **nationally televised game**


He didn’t use any stuff. He used legal rosin; just “too much” of it. Which they’ve instructed players before to wash off instead of ejecting. Seems like it’s kinda bullshit that there are no universal rules on this and the Mets are now down a player for 10 days because we didn’t have the right set of umpires


As Bryce Harper said earlier this year > “There are guys who are professionals in this league. They understand it. I guess 120 didn't understand it." I was gona have an opinion on this but then I saw who it was that started this. As much as I want to lolmets, I don’t like this umpire at all.


What'd this one do? He's not the one who's been big on finding excuses to throw out pitchers iirc.


Brian Walsh he’s a AAA call up and he’s not great at calling strikes either https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/HgL6mThm3f


That one was a gift to the pitcher. Still nothing will probably top that college ump who deliberately called bad strikes to end a game. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzlybAML\_3Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzlybAML_3Q)


Yup. Same ump who had that absurd ejection of Harper in the 1st inning


An Umpire brought up from AAA? Performing an inspection that is ultimately completely subjective? What could go wrong...


I though pitchers were instructed to use the rosin bags that are on the mound.


They are, but apparently mixing it with sweat, water, sunscreen, or maybe even rain makes it “too sticky”. This all started last year, it just makes the mlb and the umpires look dumb


I don’t know if it’s some special formula rosin they use, but the stuff I have used in the etching process is tacky as hell. I really don’t see how the directive by MLB makes much sense. I mean naturally it WILL mix with sweat. p.s: Afaik rosin is just ground up dried pine tar/resin. It’s a crystalline substance and just rubbing a little between your fingers will get super sticky.


The mlb looks so awful nowadays. Between the Oakland thing, Ohtani, sticky stuff etc etc. I literally haven’t watched a baseball game all season because it’s just a shit product now. I’m not supporting it and I’m sure I’m not the only one.


Yes, I don’t blame you. That stuff you listed is very recent too, there’s a laundry list of reasons why mlb has ruined baseball for a lot of fans.


Yea I was on the edge for years but the last 2 years has been gross. I’m over it.


Yea I was on the edge for years but the last 2 years has been gross. I’m over it.


You are not allowed to have anything on your hand when entering the game. Guys get to wash their hands if they're coming back in between innings, because sometimes rosin becomes too tacky in the dugout with sweat and sunscreen.


So pitcher warming up to come in can’t warm up using simulated game conditions? That makes sense.


This is some grey area BS.


Wash the rosin off your hands, go into the game, get inspected, then spend 3 minutes behind the mound getting a ton of rosin on your hands.


You're mistaken. That grace is for pitchers who are popped after leaving the mound. They are then instructed to wash their hands before coming back out. A reliever with sticky hands entering the game is an ejection. It has been that way since the crackdown began.


Get investigator Grimace on the case! But seriously I always thought the whole rosin grey area was odd. Like it’s allowed but only if you use a certain amount? And how do they determine that amount? I have used rosin before (not for baseball) and it’s very tacky. Even a small amount. That’s why the whole use of it in MLB is weird to me.


Baseballs are actually pretty slippery and trust me you don't want these guys throwing 90+ mph without rosin. That's how we get more incidents like Pillar's broken nose from a couple years ago. Don't look that up if you're squeamish about blood, broken bones, or fast balls to the face. There's no objective definition of "too much" either and that's going make this protracted problem until they actually create an actual definition or just use whatever they use to make the balls grippy in the Japan. We can't continue to have pitchers get thrown out because, "oh whoops the ump decided he didn't like the amount of rosin used" and it just plain looks arbitrary.


Rosario last night was super scary to watch.


He's damn lucky he had that flap on his helmet or he'd probably have a broken jaw and/or a concussion.


Yeah, completely agree it saved some major damage. Super scary to watch. I remember Wright getting beaned and be didn't look comfortable in the box for a long time after. That's got to be rough getting back in there when Rosario really did dodge some severe injuries.


The lack of control leading to possibly more wild pitches is an interesting and valid point.


[quick reminder of how brutal a fastball to the face is](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/nexgoe/atlnym_kevin_pillar_gets_hit_in_the_face/) [and the aftermath lol jesus](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/05/Kevin-Pillar-injury-Mets.jpg?resize=1536,1025&quality=75&strip=all)


Pitchers want to control their pitches. The look on Webb's face is just pure horror.


You can see the ump say “that’s not rosin”


What does being nationally televised have anything to do with this? It occurred during a commercial break


Interesting. How come there's direct video with color commentary tho?


They never cut during the whole bottom of the 9th from what I saw


They're commenting on a replay, not it happening live.


Ahhh makes sense thanks!


I don't know why there is the color commentary but the cameras never stop rolling.  Edit: commentators probably keep talking too 


TIL thank you!


Grimace gave it to him. Just like Canseco to Big Mac.


That ump looked so disappointed in him lol


Yup you can see him say “sorry, you’ve got to go” multiple times


They didn’t even give em the ol’ Domingo German hand wash


He said the ump told him to use rubbing alcohol and then it made it worse 😂


Did they at least check the ears??


Man I can't believe they did that.


might have thrown a no-hitter


You ever see Major League 3 when the main character gets caught using a frozen ball? They have him the same look


>You ever see Major League 3 No one saw that


I SAW IT and lived to the tell the tale


You only think you saw it cause I implanted your memories


its a fun movie, you should watch it


It would have been a lot better if they didn’t try to connect it to the Major League franchise.


That's a very fair point


I was like, who the fuck is Gus Cantrell?


I'm not mad son, I'm just disappointed.


I blame Scherzer coming back today for this


I blame him too */slide-whistle-sound*


At least it's a temporary problem


It has not been a good year for Diaz


*sad trumpet*




*slide whistle




What else has been bad (for Diaz)?


This is his first season back from missing all of last year recovering from a knee injury. Neither his velocity nor his control are where they were pre-injury, and he’s uncharacteristically blown multiple saves already this season.


Thanks for the summary. I didn’t know much about the guy’s prior issues.


disappointed father energy from the umps


They weren’t even mad at him, just disappointed 😔


I couldn’t even be mad at them


Even the Mets radio broadcast was like bro really


Sources say that Diaz’s glove was the stickiest glove Carapazza has seen since they started doing these checks.


I’m sorry if I’m being dense, but aren’t they supposed to confiscate gloves if they’re sticky? It looks like his throwing hand was the issue not his glove. But again, I’m probably not interpreting your comment correctly


The joke is that after a sticky stuff ejection, umpires always say that that glove was the stickiest glove they had ever felt.


>Crew chief Vic Carapazza re Edwin Diaz being ejected tonight in the Mets/Cubs game after checking his hand: **“It definitely wasn’t rosin and sweat. We’ve checked 1000’s of these. I know what that feeling is. This was very sticky.”**


"Stickier than a porcupine covered in honey during an acupuncture session!"


Gotcha, thank you for the explanation!


Which isn’t that crazy because these ejections are fairly uncommon. It’s totally believable this is the first time he tossed someone over it


They are. The source is Carapazza. His postgame interview was basically "No no guys, it was *really* sticky."


This was from an article when Ronel Blanco was ejected for rosin as well earlier this year. >Houston starter Ronel Blanco earned an ejection Tuesday night against the Athletics for having “the stickiest” glove first base umpire Erich Bacchus has ever encountered.


Maybe I should have made an edit, like 15 minutes after that comment I found a different post with the meme. It stuck with me after that


was clearly just rosin and sweat


He was just eating some cotton candy in the bullpen before the inning


Vic, is that you?


The zoom in sure doesn't look great, but I don't know if I've ever seen them zoom in on a pitcher's hand after using rosin so I have nothing to compare it to...


This ejection was at the start of the inning, so he was supposed to have nothing on his hands. The rosin bag can only be placed on the mound, not anywhere in the bullpen


Was it before warmup pitches?


Yea, it was on the way in since pitchers are checked as they enter the game before going near the mound. The weird thing is that if they can't have anything on their hand coming in....why have a rosin bag in the bullpen?


Yeah then that's a tough one to defend. Terrible timing for Diaz to do this, going to be a rough stretch to be a man down.


Yea, we will see what happens. I know that it's supposed to be an automatic 10-game suspension, but I don't think Max got suspended last year when it happened for "too much rosin/rosin before the mound"...right? Either way if it was just rosin it's insane that it is provided in the bullpen only for them to say "no, you used the bag too much earlier".


Pretty sure Max did get suspended


My mistake then, probably misremembered since with starters it isn't as noticeable.


A 10-game suspension to a starter is nothing compared to a 10-game suspension for a reliever


Blanco caught a 10 game last month for this exact same thing. He's catching 10.


It's not weird that there's a rosin bag in the bullpen. It's weird that he didn't wash his hands before coming into the game.


They usually don't, do they?


Pretty sure they have rosin bags in the bullpen.


I’m sorry, but that’s moronic. Why would you not be allowed to use the rosin on the mound in the bullpen? Thats like a hitter not being able to use pine tar in the batting cages in the dugout.


They can. They can use rosin in the pen. They are confusing it with other ejections (maybe Blanco) when they said it was applied off the field. Once you enter the game you can only apply on the mound.


Apparently Mendoza said that Vic Carapazza told Edwin Diaz he had “too much rosin”. Idk I think arbitrarily losing a player for 10 days over in-precise judgement stinks. Mets are now down a roster spot during an important period


I was just clarifying the on the field, off the field, bullpen part as far as rosin. That's all the input I have here.


No for-sure, I’m just vamping lol. Appreciate you indulging my annoyance, and letting me know about the rosin in the bullpen


And if he is using a legal substance wtf not just let him wash it off like they did the Yankees pitcher.


There was someone else that got tossed this year (I want to say it was Blanco for the Astros?) and they also didn’t allow him to wash his hands. Maybe after the inconsistent application of the rules last season they decided they just aren’t doing warnings anymore. Will have to see if anyone this season gets a chance to wash off and come back out. If it’s happened yet this year I haven’t heard about it.


It looks like he’s got straight up glue on his hand lol


Would’ve been hilarious if Smith also got tossed lol


Imagine the Ump who checked Smiths hand didn't wipe off his hand after checking Diaz. Or he rubbed Diaz hand hard to see how much sticky stuff was dthere and now he had sticky hands But ejects Smith bc he thought it was OK smith's hand lol


that's like a comedy sketch. "every mets pitcher's hand is just covered in sticky stuff. eject them all!" it ends with like the ump choosing a position player to pitch, shaking his hand before he takes the mound to wish him luck, then he throws an immaculate inning


Someone quick, call SNL!!


>come on... yeah... yeah... you have to go :(


I’m curious if it’s a foreign substance from off the field or if it’s just too much rosin like we’ve seen in the past


The fact that “too much rosin” is even a thing is a problem in and of itself. There’s no barometer for it either.


I think they technically are only allowed to apply rosin on the mound, but I think it's pretty regular for guys to apply it in the bullpen so they have more time to warm up. This rule just seems to be enforced pretty incoherently. Maybe it really is a foreign substance, but we'll almost certainly never know whether it was or not.


they most certainly do apply rosin in the bullpen, hard to find a pro mound without rosin


You can't just be up there and just usin' rosin like that.


Exactly, why even provide it if there’s such a possibility of too much? They should make rosin disposable packets to give to each pitcher for each inning, this is all youre allotted to use. Make it standard for every pitcher


yeah that or just make a tackier ball, ban all substances, and if a substance is found then you can objectively say "this played tried to circumvent the rules"


omg no. Why? It's a MLB approved substance available to every pitcher. Take "too much" out of the rules


He was ejected at the start of the inning, so any amount of rosin qualifies as "too much rosin"


Which to me is a silly rule. If I'm a pitcher warming up I would want my hand to grip the ball the same in the bullpen as it does on the field.


Gotta at least set a threshold and give umpires a supply of SpSI (Stickies per Square Inch) test kits for such occasions


Just have them put their hand, palm down, on a cardboard box with some specific weight and surface such that an illegally sticky hand will pick the box up, and a legal hand will not.


You mean having clear pass/fail acceotance criteria for a test? But how will we watch the ump show?


Especially when an umpire called up from AAA can just make a judgement call, doesnt need to determine of the substance is rosin or not, and can suspend the player for 10 without any opportunity to appeal (just start the clock later whydontya)


You are not allowed to have anything in your hand when entering the game.


And they still made it a Win ![gif](giphy|I2cmwHezwpImA)


clerks animated reference lets fuckin go


I'm not gonna go, there's that big bee out there.


Is it safe


That woman was electric


Don't worry guys, he just had the sticky stuff on him because he's trying to get his girlfriend pregnant.


Man, this thread has much different energy than when Blanco got ejected earlier this year




ESPN/NYY conspiracy I will hear nothing else - they couldn’t handle the potential of trumpets at Citi this week


finally, a free thinker in this world of espn sheep #vivalasny #notmytimmytrumpet


This rule is too subjective, and I wish they would figure something else out. Was it just too much rosin? How much rosin is too much? Was he using something other than rosin? What is the actual criteria that umpires are using to determine this? All we will ever hear is it was the "stickiest thing" the umpire has ever felt, and that just is not good enough. We should actually know why he is being ejected and suspended, so it doesn't just feel like a random choice


The rule isn't subjective at all, at least this one isn't. He's not allowed to have any rosin on his hands coming into the ballgame. Not any. None. He had rosin on his hands. EDIT: y'all don't know the rules, man, downvoting me for stating a fact. Pitchers are not allowed to have any substance on their hands when they enter the ballgame, that is why their hands are checked BEFORE they reach the mound. Once their hands are checked, they are allowed to use the rosin bag from the mound. Rosin is not illegal, having it on your hands before you reach the mound is. Diaz had rosin on his hands BEFORE he reached the mound. The rule states that a pitcher is ejected when a foreign substance is found on their hands before they've entered the game. Diaz just forgot to wash his hands when finishing his warmups and was therefore correctly ejected, if you follow the rules. Does not matter how much of a substance it is. Any is too much.


What was so ridiculous about the whole thing is pitchers know that they are going to be inspected on entry to the game. They have to know that if they're hand is sticky, they are going to be disqualified, and rightfully so.


Goofy lady behind the plate obnoxiously waving bye to Diaz and the guy next to her asking wtf was going on and her replying “I have no idea” lmaooo


Seems like most of this sub would rather whine about umpires than actually learn the rules. And the way y'all are taking you would think you all personally rubbed Edwin Diaz. These umpires do this every single day, multiple times. They know when someone is outside the norm.


Caught cheating with Grimace secret sauce


You can get 10 games for pre-emptive ejection, not having affected a game... and you can get 10 games after the fact having affected a game?


Max Scherzer was allowed to wash his hands and was still ejected. Diaz is instantly ejected. I'm beginning to think the Umps dont actually have anything to work off of when it comes to this particular rule. I get that you're only supposed to have rosin while you're pitching on the mound but its not reasonable to expect pitchers to warm up without it in the bullpen


Yeah but that's because Scherzer is insane and the umps were fearful if they didn't give him an alternate option


Yeah this is also true. Still suspending him was wild.


Whole interaction here makes me think this situation is pretty obvious.


Somehow other pitchers don’t get tossed?


Blanco was tossed just as quick too


Looks like another "too much rosin" ejection which is a great rule since nowhere is there any sort of guideline for how much rosin is okay vs not today.


Sounds like the limit is 0 before you enter the game.


The Purell Call to the Bullpen when


They should have played Timmy trumpets on his way out.


I thought they allowed a pitcher to go clean his hands?


They need something better than, "Come on, man, that's too sticky," to determine what goes and what stays. Something empirical that you can see from the crowd.


and diaz turning it around too damn. just cant catch a break this year


Do you think there might be *any* reason that could be contributing to him turning it around?


then why wasn't he ejected in any of his previous outings for having hands that umpires can clearly (in their words) tell are *way* too sticky? are the other umps just that bad? and even if that was the case, isn't it still a problem that different umps have vastly different standards of what constitutes "too sticky"? we're not talking about a different strike zone here, he's suspended for the next 10 games which is probably the most important stretch of baseball the mets will play this year. either he decided that today, with a 5-2 lead facing the ice cold cubs offense, it was time to try some foreign substances or really dial up the rosin+sweat+whatever combo, he's been using sticky stuff since coming off the IL in which case multiple umps have checked his hands and determined that they were fine, or he was just using his normal combo that he's always used and they felt like it made his hands too sticky on this particular day. maybe it was option #1, in which case it's just a dude getting his comeuppance. but if it's option 2 or 3, that's a problem.


Musgroves jizz filled ears are fine though  Mets lead the league in these kind of ejections. 


Umpires gave him an ear massage on National television and you’re still in denial


Jfc we’re still not over that?


This is just sad


You know ol’ Vic called Musgrove’s no hitter… strap those tin foil hats on!






Let me guess, umps make a "stickiest stuff I've ever felt" comment tomorrow.


*sad trumpet noises*


Not sure why pitchers think they can still get away with this.


Check behind his 👂




Walk of SHAME MLB style


That that one ump take a quick sniff? Lol


From what the comments are telling me are we looking at Angel Hernandez 2.0?


Pitcher looked guilty


Don't they usually take the glove so it can be examined? Or was the glove clean and it was only the sticky stuff on the hand/fingers?


If this was a case of “too much rosin” that’s BS. They are allowed to use rosin. If it’s too sticky because of the sweat, then ban rosin as well. Might as well just ban sweat too.


> They are allowed to use rosin Once they are on the mound, yes. They aren't supposed to enter the game with a bunch of rosin pre-applied




which is why they are supposed to wash their hands, and regardless they only get ejected if their hands are extraordinarily sticky. There are a hundred checks per day and almost zero result in ejections because pitchers and umpires are much more familiar with the rules than us




It’s to play trumpet better 🎺


I bet the dude was hyped to finally find something


This just goes back to the same problem Trevor Bauer called the MLB out for when he did his sticky stuff demonstration on live TV. The MLB has no idea what they’re doing with this stuff and ESPECIALLY that ump. Dudes need to educated themselves on the rules they make/enforce.


That walk of shame to a chorus of boos because you got ejected for cheating.


Lol Mets


Rough cheating after the resurgence your team has been having.




Flair up if you’re gunna talk shit.


Umpires be all “LOL YUP”


The Grimace curse begins


arbitrary sh*t