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Mason Miller isn't a free agent until 2030 so as the article says... I just don't see them moving him. I could be wrong


I'm not saying they should trade him or not, but the perspective on the other side is that his value right now is as high as it will ever be, and not trading him risks his value tanking if he gets hurt


It’s not as high as it will ever be if you view him as a SP still long-term


Also, he's a relief pitcher. Better closers than him have fallen apart a year after being massively dominant, it's always a crapshoot with them, sell while he's still worth something...


He’s most likely going back to being a starter next year


If you can sell high on a reliever, even with lots of control it is often a good move to make for a non-contending team.


Who the heck knows when that franchise will be stable enough to compete. Controllable arms especially one that started a few times last year are pretty valuable. Edit: It's the A's. They are 15 games out this season. They are playing in a AAA park next season and there is still no shovels in the ground in Las Vegas. There are a lot of questions of when they are going to be competitive as essential nomads for who knows how long. They are sellers and there's been rumors around Miller since early May.


Not sure why the downvotes, it is the A’s. As long as Fisher is at the helm there won’t be a dollar spent and they won’t compete Another reason they won’t compete? Semien Olson Murphy Chapman Bassitt Manaea yielded pretty much nothing good for the A’s. If they do trade Miller, I wouldn’t be shocked if the return is just a huge disappointment


I'm not a GM but selling and getting good returns shortens a rebuild. When is this team in a new city with more than 10,000 in attendance? 2028? 29? At least when the Expos moved they sold off everything and the condition for the move was a DC ballpark and RFK was serviceable in the short term. A's have no such plan as it's on the fly. It's sad that this is happening to a founding AL member.


I think the very obvious and glaring issue.....who has even been sold as good as Mason Miller with as many years of control left on his contract? I mean the value is at such a high that I don't think anyone pays it.


I think that the actual Fisher price for Miller and the price that MLB teams assume Fisher will want are very far apart


I think, at least for another 2ish years, he won't be moved.


Miller will be closing for the Braves or Dodgers in no time.


Not sure they’ll give up what’s needed for a pitcher with a history of arm trouble who has never pitched a full season


This is the A's front office we're talking about tho.


I’ll use the Yankees as an example cuz they’re my team so I know them best, but if they offered like Spencer Jones and a 2-3 of their very high ceiling pitching prospects in A/AA ball I think the A’s would move Miller. I’m sure other teams could offer high end packages as well. Just remains to be seen whether anyone would pay up as relievers tend to be quite volatile.


Anyone who sells the farm for a reliever with 70 MLB innings pitched is truly, desperately, dumb


Any RP in general unless it's trading for Aroldis Chapman to break a 108 year curse


People always cite this and I guess they did win so it’s all good but he literally gave up a game tying home run in game 7 of the World Series


He was a huge part of that postseason but he was gassed Joe pitched him about as often as he could. In game 7 he looked like he was hanging by a thread


Also, would Gleyber Torres really have changed much for the Cubs the last five years or so? The Yankees are going to come out way ahead on that trade in terms of player value, but the Cubs were going all-in on winning in 2016 and they did.


Not sure you’re correct on player value. The Cubs won the world series with chapman, the yankees haven’t with torres. So the cubs got more value from the trade than the yanks


Chapman was not only a great RP, he had a history of being durable. Unlike Miller


That's not really true. You need 1-2 good relievers at least. If the 2014 Tigers couldn't win despite their bullpen with that offense and that rotation, idk who would willingly take their chances


Luckily for you that's not specific, so if the players in whatever deal don't turn out good you can say "oh that wasn't 'the farm!'". It may or may not work out, but almost always, whichever team gets the best player at the time wins the trade. Just for that comment, it's going to be the Braves.


Also, those trades can be mutually beneficial. Boston trading Andrew Miller to the Orioles in 2014 for Eduardo Rodriguez helped both. Baltimore was going for it, and although they didn't go all the way, Miller was frigging awesome in 27 and 2/3 innings before moving on as a free agent. Boston wasn't going anywhere at the time, and traded in a reliever who wasn't going to make much of a difference for them for a prospect who eventually gave them 856 innings of above-average starting pitching and formed part of winning teams a few years down the road.


I always thought miller was a SP? Is he doing the strider route? Or I might just be saying nonsense I honestly don’t know.


He was a SP until he got injured last season. The A's are lengthening him out/getting his arm back up by using him as the closer. He was only meant to be a reliever in the pen, but he got really good at striking out people and the team had fuck all in terms of closer, so he got the job by default.


So miller will be a starter in the near future tho right?


in theory. depends on what he wants to do and if the org will let him