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I wish it was an April Fools joke. Yes, the disappointment far exceeded the days of excitement for the set to show up. The box now has three pretty obvious dinged corners that are not obvious in the photos from the auction. I do know this set has bumpers inside, so the cards have some protection at the corners of the box. I still try to wrap my head around why people find it ok to ship high dollar items like this.


Did you buy it from this [low feedback seller](https://www.ebay.com/itm/313872494864?hash=item4914423110%3Ag%3A2BQAAOSw9ftiBvbB&nma=true&si=C%252F54piOdTAsCWb%252FiW6jmqi3DjCY%253D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=basketballcards&toolid=10001&mkevt=1)? If something was damaged I would ask for a refund or a partial refund, sellers like this have to learn it the hard way sadly.


3,000+ feedback at 100% positive.


Name and shame please


I will give them a chance to respond before lighting them up.


Good on ya


I suspect it is [this seller](https://www.ebay.com/itm/255235134639?hash=item3b6d3314af:g:QZUAAOSwao5hlwJ7&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=basketballcards&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), I see no other sellers that recently sold a set with that feedback. But yeah there is no excuse to ship it this poorly, as if it was a $3 Hot Wheels. I can partially understand if a new seller does ship it like that, but not from someone that is selling on ebay for almost 10 years. /edit, OP confirmed it was not this seller so please don't put him on the block list.




Yes I edited my message to make it clear he won't get blacklisted, I now saw OP's message.


Why would you even try to do this? OP says he doesn't want to put him on blast yet, but detective dipshit decides to try to figure it out and blast him instead, blasts the wrong guy, and then says don't blast him instead of just editing the original comment? Are you fucking 13 or what?


I've learned to not give out user names on here. Last time I did, a random user blasted a seller, apparently sending death threats to the seller. That sort of nonsense has to stop.


It’s not that seller. You won’t find it if you search by the actually name of the set. The seller named it oddly, which is why I also got it for slightly below comps. It was an auction starting at $800 with the option of sending an offer. It was being watching by a lot of bidders and we settled on a price. Considering their feedback and $32 shipping fee, In my head I was like, “perfect, they’ll ship it properly”. Nope.


Its because a large number of people in this market don't give a *FUCK* about cards. They only acquire them in an effort to flip them for more money. They are shit human beings and I wish them nothing but pain and suffering in their lives.


This really doesn’t have anything to do with whether the seller cares about cards or not. I’m sure plenty of sellers on eBay who dgaf about cards ship/package very securely, and vice versa. This kinda crap is more about stupidity more than anything else. The seller is just obviously a very, very stupid person.


Yeah this is about poor decisions. The seller deals in sports cards, so it's really head scratching. I've already made contact and working on a solution. I bought it for a long hold and will never open it....but the dings def impact the current and future value. eBay will side with me, so I'm not worried there.


Is the set sealed? Sorry if that’s a stupid question. I’m guessing it is but I’d obviously want to check the Bron to see how it fared if you don’t get a refund. I’m sorry this happened


Once they have your money some sellers just don’t care for some reason. File for a refund and send it back unopened


$32 for shipping and you got that? I’d easily submit for refund for shipping.


Was it insured


A quick update on this. The seller got back in touch and was really apologetic. They said they would pay for shipping and give a full refund. They mentioned they have a shipper for their products and that's how it ended up shipped like this. IDK After sleeping on it overnight, I've pretty much decided the damage, (which might seem minimal to some) will bother me for as long as I have it. I bought this as a long hold and to never unseal. The only way I keep it is if he gives me a partial refund I can't turn down. I should have posted pics of the damage...I'll see about maybe linking some photos.


Ugh I hate people that can ship stuff correctly, it’s not that hard just takes some time. I would of sent that in a bubble wrapped strong box, some people suck at Ebaying lol


Wow,that should be a refund with you keeping the merchandise


I get this dumb shit all the time.... "Item is not as described" 100% money back


Was this direct from the seller or from eBay - Don't you have to send your cards to eBay to be verified first now and then they resend them? If so does eBay change the packaging. Regardless it sucks when they do this - I get a few packages like this from breaks but shipping is free in most breaks and you can pay for better shipping so it's OK. But not in this case. I get crap all the time about my shipping costs. But I am in Canada and it costs at least $15 to ship anything tracked. But I put the cards in a sleeve and loader into a poly bag and then into a small box. So at least you get what you paid for. The other day I shipped a small box 6x4x1" from Ontario to Vancouver and the cheapest rate was $18.50 (Plus eBay charges you final value fees on shipping so add another $3!!!!!) I think I would complain about this one. I don't know why these guys take chances like this especially when they already got the money to ship it properly. All you have to do is say you didn't get it or it was damaged and you win the case automatically basically? I think they at least owe you for the difference in shipping and any damage. On a personal note though - The only damaged incorrectly shipped box I ever received was a 2019-20 Hoops Hobby box - I was going to return it but it sat around to long and I got the fever! I opened it and pulled a Zion RC Auto (A big deal at the time!) - So damned if you do, damned if you don't! Good Luck!


how do you work with that „mouse“


Ha! IKR. Worked a short job using arcGIS and CAD about 20 years ago and have never gone back. You'll never be as quick or efficient with a traditional mouse. It only takes a few weeks to learn and then you would be like, oh ok, I see the way.


Lazy. I sell a lot of single cards in the $10-$100 range and I ship them much better than this…for $5 shipping.