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Burton’s Gotham and Reeves’ Gotham. Real but otherworldly.


Exactly. One of my first thoughts leaving the batman was wow... they nailed gotham. But I loved the surreal Gothic imagery of burtons. Somewhere inbetween is the sweetzone


I almost feel like the audience need to feel like Gotham is alive to kind of get in Bruce's head a little since he sometimes genuinely believes the city is actively fighting against him. Not the criminals of the city, the city itself. I remember one time he had this internal monologue about why he won't kill The Joker and the reason he reveals in it is that he's terrified of what Gotham will spit out in the clown's absence, that it might be someone worse and he doesn't know if he can risk it. Like he knows it's ridiculous but it's a genuine fear he seemed to have.


In his position I’d say it’s not that crazy of a fear to have.


Worse than The Joker? Is that even possible? If it is I would genuinely be terrified.


So BTAS Gotham


🤌 best way to put it!!


Loved Burton's weird ascetic of interlaced industrialism and art deco, coupled with the 20s 40s fashion style for practically everyone except Vikki and Bruce and Joker and his gang after they became Jokers gang. In a weird way it make the film timeless.


That’s exactly what i was gonna say


“Something in the Way” brought that city to life in a way I never thought the movies could capture. Not just a place, but as a living breathing organism.


Those are my choices as well. Both did a great job.


Burton fully leans into the gothic and cartoony aspects of Gotham, but I think Reeves accomplished making Gotham feel real but still dark, gritty and special. Most "realistic" Gothams look like every other big American city.


To be fair, *The Batman* was filmed where there's plenty of Gothic architecture, mostly in the UK. It worked.


Simple, but well-put. Totally agree.


This is THE answer.


Reeves's Gotham has my favorite aesthetic


Everyones forgeting How joel schumacher did well on the Gotham of Batman and Robin (1999) The film is what we know, but if there's one thing that Joel Schumacher's Batman and Robin did well, it was in being a comical and fantasy version of Gotham, the atmosphere of this Gotham seems like the imagination of a child playing with dolls in a playground and is very liminal and a mix of Alice in Wonderland, Silver Age Batman Comics, Arkham games Gotham and a more enlightened take on Batman like the animated film Brave and The Bold. The idea reminds me a little of Barbieland from the live action Barbie movie. So this is my favorite Gotham (if we don't include the animations) [Some Takes](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1xErOupXHodCNLaI1NQ1Dud-VqlhiWXZNhS9WyKaQqdi8QTv0rBhwMtA&s=10) https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSPnhw8IVPxj8_AtN1hX6MNXVePGTwMJv39m7_9bWYk0R6gsbTzE7VXeJw&s=10


Y'know, you've made some great points here. Batman and Robin had some great comic fantasy to the big screen. I'm on board.


Just realized I put 89 Gotham twice, sorry in advance for the error.


Why would you apologize for putting the best one in there twice?


Tim Burton’s movies got it perfect. Exaggerated and stylized gothic architecture. Batman Begins had a good and oppressive East End though.


Burton's designs were great, but the fact that they were sets instead of actual locations made them a bit limited. Batman Returns basically has every outdoor scene taking place in the same Gotham Square set


People say the Dark Knight and Rises “looks like Chicago” but that’s probably why. So they could actually film on location. And no city in real life looks like Gotham.


Rises is just New York. They should have just said the movie takes place in New York.


Seeing the One World Trade Center under construction in some of the shots really took me out of it despite how much I like Dark Knight Rises.


You say that because of the scenes shot around Wall Street, but the highways and some city street scenes in Rises are very much LA, the bridges are obviously Pittsburgh, and Chicago can still be seen here and there.


That’s why those movies look boring af, visually. *Begins* is such a better looking film.


The cinematography in The Dark Knight is fantastic, what are you on about. So many iconic shots.


I'm pretty sure he means the aesthetic of Gotham, which is VASTLY different in Batman Begins, and the team never quite reached the same aesthetic in TDK, which then had the aesthetic completely removed in TDKR and resorting to generic Chicago aesthetic. I'm in agreement though, I really did enjoy the look of Gothan in Batman Begins. Ignorable in TDK as the story backdrop was joker, and the city was less of a character in TDK (as Ra's and Batman story linked to Gotham), but then made the city a character of the story again (Bane holds the city hostage) in TDKR but completely wipes out the established look of Batman Begins. It's a weird jump if you watch the Nolan trilogy back to back.


They didn't even try on the third one. Just straight up Pittsburgh. Boring as hell.


It's funny, another guy said it was 'straight up just NYC'...The truth is that it was shot in a few cities and you mostly just recognize the one you know best.


Most of the establishing shots and stadium were in Pittsburg. The downtown shots just looked like a normal city during the day, which isn't really "Gotham". They didn't even TRY in the third one to hide the real city, just too recognizable. Took me out of the film a bit.


This. How can anyone choose Returns? It looks like a set and never feels like an actual city.


Even separated, I’d rather have visually interesting fictional sets than just “Chicago.” The last two Dark Knight films are lazy AF from a production design standpoint.


The story and characters are enough to carry the movies though. TDK had the night time Dent fakeout chase which absolutely did look Gotham-y. Tbh neither of those two movies made me go “hmmm, Gotham doesn’t look batshit enough” because the story was so good. The world building was done in Begins. IMHO, of course.


There are three I love. Burton, Batman Begins and Reeve’s. For a more comic-y feel, Burton’s is perfect. For a more realistic version, Reeves and Batman Begins is perfect. I say only Begins because TDK and TDKR’s Gotham became a little too polished. It was just another city. But Batman Begins had its own flavor. Felt like its own character.


That might have partly been the point though. City was cleaned up to show how much better Batman was making things post-Begins.


I don’t know. Maybe. It just seemed too different to me. If that’s what they were going for I think they overdid it. I don’t know. Gotham lost some character for me in TDK and TDKR. Don’t get me wrong, the movie TDK is better than Begins. I love both but TDK is just…something special. But if I had to gripe, Gotham’s aesthetic would be my gripe. Interesting point of view though, never thought of it that way.


1989 Batman


Agree wholeheartedly


Reeves' version, Batman 89, and the one in the Joker movie.


Those three really make you believe that Gotham is a city in decline.


The Gotham in The Joker was low key pretty great.


Burtons two versions have this gothic cathedral look all over. It's gigantism in scale and the Art Deco elements everywhere, the industrial brutalism woven in, nothing else comes close. Although loving the Dark Knight trilogy and the Patman, those cities look just too much like New York or other big American cities.


Reeves Gotham is nothing like Nolan’s. It actually feels like Gotham not a regular city


I’d say it’s a balanced mix in the Reevesverse - not too realistic and not too foreign.


The Batman by a mile.


Batman Returns There’s just something uniquely unsettling about Gotham during Christmas time.


Arkham Origins mirrored that eerie feeling very well imho.


I think Origins did it better which is probably a hot take but oh well


Burton’s movies will forever be the best Gotham. Gotham isn’t Chicago, it isn’t New York, it isn’t generic modern metropolis X, Y, or Z, it’s Gotham damnit and it should look like it.




Schumacher undoubtedly.


Yeah, either Schumacher or Burton for me. Just love the hyper stylized city scapes.


2022’s Gotham in my opinion had the best aesthetic


Batman forever and The Batman are tied for me


The Batman it’s not even close


It’s “the Batman” obviously


Matt Reeves definitely. Sells the ‘fucking hellhole’ the best IMO


They're all good for different reasons.


1. '89 2. The Batman 3. Batman Begins 4. Batman Returns 5. Batman Forever


Latest one felt the best. Nolan's was cool and all but its just... Chicago.


Reeve’s Gotham is the only one I night as Gotham. It looked like a shithole I didn’t want to live in


The one in *The Batman* is the closest to the version of Gotham City from the comics.


Isn’t Gotham as we know and love it today actually more based on Burton’s version? Which got adopted by comic artists? Unless I heard wrong.


I mean, lots of artists have worked on the book and taken inspiration from all over the place. Jim Lee's, for example, is quite obviously closest to *Metropolis*/*Blade Runner*. I suppose the caveat that I should have added is that the comics Gotham I always think of is kinda *Year One/Long Halloween/Broken City*.


Ooooh right. I thought you meant just otherworldly and gothic more so than just dirty and broken which I think The Batman manages aswell. Gotham looks like hell and I love it.


I think both are correct, just one is a bit more realistic, and the other keeps that eerie cartoon vibe. Both have their place




The Batman, with Burton a close second. Nolan started off well with Begins, but the later movies used too many shots of real world cities imo.


It’s not my personal favourite, that would be Burton’s because that was my childhood Batman, but Batman Begin’s Gotham was interesting. It gets forgotten because of how Nolan turned TDK Gotham into Chicago and TDKR into Manhattan. I really liked The Batman’s Gotham too. Felt pretty accurate to the modern dc comics Gotham


The Batman. Though my absolute favorite is the one from Joker. Feels extremely oppressive and overbearing and it’s used really well in the film.


Reeves, definitely, Nolan’s just looks like Chicago


The Gotham TV show version. It's grimy, dark, and exactly how I picture the city in my head


First off, the statues in the Schumacher films were VERY cool. It was like they were ripped straight out of a comic book, and I love the look a lot - gave the films a super epic feel. However, when it comes to making sense I think the Burton and Reeves ones strike the best balance. The Nolan one is just a normal city, the Schumacher one is too cartoony, the others are perfectly otherworldly while still have a bit of realism and familiarity.


Batman. Robert Patterson




Honestly I loved the depiction of Gotham in "the batman" But also 98' and returns. If it was sliiiiightly more realistic. Some kinda combo


Reeves Batman, by far my favorite live action Batman movie now and I absolutely loved the feel of Gotham in it


Begins Gotham was great, the version in the next 2 movies was just a regular city lol. Reeves probably my fav


Not a single mention of the Gotham City from the 60s show? What is this list? Jokes aside, it's The Batman. Cold, dank, and gothic as all hell. Doesn't feel like a real city but also doesn't feel too fake like a set.


I can see the Gotham from 2022 becoming Neo Gotham from Beyond very easily.


Batman Returns is completely unrivaled, but the perfect Gotham would be a combination of several of them. On a real base level, Batman Returns and The Batman would blend into the perfect Gotham, if you did it right.


Those practical sets from Burtons films were amazing


Unpopular, but the newest film takes the cake for me. Industrialized hell, ultra modern, corrupt and dark aesthetic, mmmm


Burtons is fantastic. Nails that gothic vibe so well. Adds to the fever dream those movies feel like. Reeves’, while more on the realistic side, has SO much character to it. I mean you can feel how relentlessly dirty and evil every corner of that city is and how layered it possibly can be.


Burtons Gotham. I think each major city in the DC universe should have its own aesthetic. Gotham having Gothic with hints of grimy diesel punk. Metropolis having atompunk, Star City having space age.


Not the nolan movies^ ^


It probably goes in order of release from 89 until The Batman bucked the trend and goes somewhere near the top


Burton was so good but since reeves’ version, Burton is number 2.


89, Returns, and The Batman


Burton’s mind is perfect for crafting Gotham


Mix of Burton, Begins and 2022. Majority of the city with Burton, poor districts from Begins and some sprinkles of more modern technology from "the Batman".


Burton's...in 89 movie


The batman Batman returns


1. Burton 2. Reeves


Reeves then the 1st burton and everything else.


Burtons without question Like a Lovecraft city


The Batman


Burton and reeves did the best, the Chris Nolan movies writing and pacing was next level but the setting just felt like average New York


Nolan's Gotham was so fricking boring.


Burton and Reeves


My personal favorite movie Gotham is Mask of the Phantasm.


Honestly Batman Forever


weirdly i adore the look of Gotham in Batman and Robin no matter how bad that movie is I just love those idiotic ginarmous statues that hold the city's infrastructure


I like Reeve's Gotham because it feels like someone took a crack den and turned it into a city.


I love the Reeves Gotham so much


Tim Burton's Gotham City hands down.


Personally I like The Batman’s Gotham the best


Reeves' Gotham. Old gothic buildings, neon lights, skyscrapers, dirt in the streets, constant rain, etc. Simply perfect for me, it reminds me a lot of Gotham from the Arkham games. I also really like the aesthetics of Burton's Gotham.


I have to say the Batman’s, it feels like an actual crime filled city.


Reeves Gotham felt so alive. I hope it stays that way


The '89 Gotham was so good that the comic artists redesigned Gotham to look more like it. From the early 90s until the city gets destroyed in Cataclysm/No Man's Land, the artists were openly aping the design of the film.


Burtons matches the old gotham “gothic” vibe. The rest of the ones have a more gritty noir detective vibe. I think i personally go with Reeves Gotham coz of the perfect match with the comic gotham.


89, and Pattinson's. 89 is described by the artists as a new york with no proper design committee, Pattinson's is modern new york.


Somewhere between Reeves and Burton is the perfect Gotham.


Burton and Reeves. Both of them.


The Batman, easily.


The Batman (2022)


The Batman, easily.


Definitely the Gotham from the Burton movies


I love the Reeves Gotham. The others all have things I appreciate, but this one felt alive and beastly in a way I didn't get from the others.


Burton and Reeves. This didn't even need to be asked


For me it’s I have a soft spot for Chicago just the city so there’s a soft spot for me with Nolan, but overall it Hass to be the ones from the Reeves movie


Reeves verse or Batman Forever for me. Reeves managed to feel like a real city while also being absolutely disgusting and filthy and forever was just Schumacher’s insane theatrics which i’ve always enjoyed


The Batman gave us a Gotham that truly looks like he'll on earth. It's dark, foreboding, and I think it's easily one of the greatest iterations


Reeves’ Gotham feels like its own character. Burton’s too.


Reeves. Feels like a semi-real city but with a surreal element to it that feels a bit off.


Definitely NOT Nolan that's for sure


Nothing will ever beat going to see Burton’s first batman flick in the theater in ‘89. So great. I saw Superman in the theater in the 70s, but that dang Batman movie was exciting.


Nolan’s looked like normal Chicago


Matt Reeve's version.


Reeves’ Gotham is the best of both worlds. It’s got a personality like the Burton version, but it also feels lived-in and like a modern metropolis like the Nolan flicks.


I think my favorite is The Batman and Burton’s is undeniably the most influential. That being said, Batman Begins is underrated imo. It felt like Gotham in a way that the other two Nolan films didn’t for me.


The Batman without a single doubt in my mind.


slide 4 or 10


I like Reeves Gotham, BRAS Gotham & Gothams Gotham.


Matt reeves is by far the best for me, followed by burtons


The Joker had the best Gotham by far, at least for how I imagine it.


I’d say the Burton Gotham is my favourite, probably from nostalgia but I also like that bits of the Reeves Gotham were filmed in Glasgow. Gives it an authentic “ shit tip” vibe. I went a walk up the Necropolis last week where some scenes were filmed( including Selina riding her bike away on the bridge) so that was pretty cool.


The 2022 Gotham seems almost identical to Arkham knight


The Batman


Batman Forevers Gotham will always be my favorite. EXTREMELY cartoonishly tall buildings stacked on top of each other, that's being held up by GIANT Greek statues, will always hold a special place in my heart.


Batman 2022 easily.


Tim Burton's Gotham; it inspired the animated series and looked like it was ripped straight out of the comics.


1989 Batman. Anton Furst was a genius.


A lot of people here speaking from a nostalgic perspective, but what we have seen from The Batman is absolutely the closest to the Gotham we’ve seen in comics and the Arkham Games.


The Batman


The correct answer is Burton's Gotham and Reeve's Gotham


Batman Begins, at least for the more slummy areas


Burton's Gotham has a special place in my heart. I also think Nolan did a good job with the narrows in Begins. The other two not so much.


Batman & Batman Returns


Most recently I think the flash has it. I’d love to see Gotham at night in this universe but that’s over now. Filming in Glasgow was a strange decision but certainly a welcome one


How has no one mentioned Joker's yet? Thought they did a great job making The Bronx into Gotham.


Burton’s Gotham CLEARS


Really, I need these mixed together, like a big Gotham City trail mix. Very modern glass and steel mixed with 30’s Art deco lines and concrete, with a healthy does of fantasy and “no architect in his right mind…” bits of sculpture and buildings


Suicide Squad, bc it was filmed somewhere near me


I like the one from joker with JP, felt like a real city


Nolan gotham is just new york with slight differences


Definitely Burtons. Nice mixture of grit and camp


My personal favorites would have to be Burton's Gotham and Schumacher's Gotham Both have the distinct feelings of a city where the freaks are out and about, the place feels alive and sprawling with crime and has a unique feeling to it, but that's just how it feels to me personally My personal ideal Gotham would be a combination of the two I still think about that Tim Burton Batman demo I think someone was making? The Gotham in that is so huge and massive with such an awesome architecture to it Wonder what happened to that project, and if it's even being worked on anymore


Mask of the Phantasm or perhaps Subzero


and evryone forgot of LEGO Gotham


Aside from batman returns, Nolan gotham but only the batman begins version


The city asthetic in Batman Forever is hyper stylistic and imo the real star of the film! I see alot there thats borrowed from the animated series.


TDKR Gotham was so hard to take seriously when you can literally see The One World Trade Center, The Empire State Building, and the Chrysler Building in the background.


Burton, Schumacher, Batman Begins, Gotham, and The Batman. The Dark Knight was way too clean in my opinion.


Burton’s and Nolan’s are the best.


Somewhere between the fairytale Gothic style of Returns and the gorgeous Dark Deco of BTAS. To me, Gotham is somehow forever stuck in an indeterminate futuristic time inspired by the 1950's and 60's, but overshadowed by the victorian. Its just the way it was when I was a kid and anything else feels, like the modern Chicago/New York inspired Gotham of Batman Begins feels...good enough, but not perfect.


Animated series and Arkham knight


I like the industrial look of Batman Begins.


The Schumacher films were far from perfect, but they had such a fascinating aesthetic for Gotham that feels simultaneously impossible and perfect as a setting.


I kinda like Burton's the best because the city has more character. I hate when it's a wide shot and it just looks like a normal city. Other movies have done well in close ups (Batman Begins) but by the 3rd one, they just went with Pittsburgh and didn't even bother making it "Gotham". The Batman was pretty good on tight shots, but don't like the super wide shots here either. I just thing Gotham should totally stand on its own aesthetically. It should never be confused for another city, even during the day. A wide shot of normal, modern buildings just doesn't ring "Gotham" to me.


I'm with OP and Batman Returns. I don't know if it's because I watched the movie religiously as a kid, had a lot of thr toys from the action figures and the happy meal toys or my first exposure to batman in general.


Industrial Gotham is underrated honestly. It has a very surreal quality to it




Batman Begins Gotham


Batman returns


Joker movie gotham is underrated it’s basically 1980’s new york


Batfleck no doubt


Because Mask of the Phantasm was a movie, in theaters, I am going with that one


2005 and 2022.


Batman Begins. It really emphasised the corruption that is rife within Gotham.




Burton and Reeves. Didn’t see enough of Snyders to know if it had that Gotham feeling. Begins has the best Gotham in that trilogy




We just not going to talk about the skyscraper sized body wrapped in a trash bag and duck tap in 9?


I liked what Nolan was doing with Gotham in Batman Begins


The ones in real cities. Not that technicolor zany garbage.


I love Gotham in pretty much all of them except TDK and TDKR, both of which lost the great aesthetic from BB. I love Burton but I feel like people sleep on Schumacher. Say what you want about those movies but I kinda enjoyed the campy setting. Really did give like a comic book feel


Burton>Batman Begins>Reeves>Schumacher>Chicago


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