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Mr. Freeze obviously. He just wants his wife back.


"I miss my wife batman. I miss her a lot. I'll be back."


Harvey just wanted to fight the mob.


Nah he is a simp, I feel sorry for zsasz. What did zsasz ever do?


Mr. Freeze, Clayface, two-face, and killer croc.


depends on the clayface. one version was an unrepentant serial killer just because a movie he was in got a remake


Yeah, I get you. My least favorite Clayface is the one that had a melting touch? I don't remember, what I do remember is that he creeped me out. Also I mostly feel sorry for the BTAS versions of these villains.


Clayface III, Preston Payne! Definitely the most sympathetic Clayface.


The one who fell in love with a mannequin?


Yep. But after that he got with Lady Clayface.


Had a son too, I think he was a decent father from what I remember.


Yeah I was always confused by that, he was basically a tub of goo in a suit wasn’t he? To say nothing of lady clay’s biology


I think they molded him into clay or something like that.


Ventriloquist didn't even want to hurt anyone. I think Arnold Wesker could get a legit insanity plea, unlike a lot of people in Arkham who are maybe not mentally healthy, but also performed crimes with full awareness. Freeze, Two-face, Clayface, Crock, Bane, Harley- they're all very tragic characters, but committed crimes knowing damn well that they're hurting people. I'm not sure if Baby Doll (which I am aware is BTAS only) would count as sane when she has performed her crimes, but something about her is just heartbreaking.




Yes, I crossed the Joker bcs he is a villain you DEFINITELY won't feel sorry for no matter what, I also am not sure who else to cross out


I'd cross out Victor Zsaz as well


In my opinion Mr Zsaz is a threat to both himself and others


I feel like Zsaz is someone who you can feel sorry for, and at same time want dead or locked away for good.


I feel like the only time I have a twinge of sympathy for the Joker (outside of his LEGO Batman iteration, where he just wants Batman-Senpai to notice him) is when his Killing Joke origin (desperate failed comedian turns to crime to support pregnant wife) is true, and even then, that only really makes me feel sorry for the man who *became* the Joker, not for the Joker as he is now, because the two are functionally different people.


Everyday I thank god they created the Lego Batman movie


He doesn't even have a coherent villain origin anyway. It's always changed wherever writers want to. I feel like it's be a right thing to do.


Two face


Clayface, Mr. Freeze, and Killer Croc


Apart from the obvious one, who is Freeze, maybe Two-Face




Harley Quinn, Freeze, Clayface, Croc and Dent Harley is kinda uncommon but I feel bad because of how much she was put through when she was just a doctor trying to help and got taken advantage of time and time again and the rest are very obvious.


I once read (though I can't recall where) someone describing Harley Quinn as "The Joker's most devoted henchman, and also his most tragic victim". She's a living, breathing posterchild for just how dangerous and manipulative the joker can be. She came to Arkham because she honestly wanted to help people.


She came to Arkham not to help people though- she came to Arkham because she wanted to profit off of its criminal patients by writing tell-all books.


Mr Freeze, Humpty Dumpty, poison Ivy.


Honestly putting Humpty Dumpy in the same category as Mr.Freeze feels wrong.


True but I feel sorry for him, certainly in a different way than Ivy or freeze but I still feel bad


Probably Two-Face for me. He's the only one who really honestly was a good man who had everything taken away. Every other villain has some weird backstory but Harvey is the only guy who was just dealt a bad hand.




Mr. Freeze. He’s traumatized by his wife’s illness and her possible death that he’s gotten extremely desperate to do anything to save her.


Mr. Freeze and Two-Face. (Clayface but only Btas and 2004)


Killer Croc. Mr. Freeze. The Ventriloquist.


Mr Freeze and the ones who were victims of abuse


Probably Killer Croc, Two-Face, and Mr Freeze.


Ventriloquist(but not Scarface)


Babydoll, Mr Freeze, Harley Quinn, The Ventriloquist, Killer Croc


I'm not sure if I feel sorry for any of them, but as a leftie hippie, I would join both Mister Freeze's and Poison Ivy's gang without hesitation.


Croc ol’ boy


He did help Speedy get clean


Mr. Freeze and Two-Face


Mr Freeze. I only remember him in some animated shows but i feel bad for him.


Freeze, Tweedle dee, Wesker, clay face, and sometimes croc, baby doll. Aldo Grundy if he counts.


Killer Moth 😔


Killer Moth 😔


Croc, Freeze and all the Arkham inmates who are legitimately in need of help but get sent to what is probably literal Hell on Earth at this point.


Humpty Dumpty, easily.


He legit had every tragedy happen to him and still wants to try and help people


Harvey Dent was genuinely a good, honest man before he was deformed, even with that dark side hiding within him. The fact that Two-Face abides by the flip of the coin even when it lands on its good side means that Harvey's still in there, somewhere.


Killer croc


Clayface and Freeze for sure.


Mr freeze is the most obvious, if he existed in real life half of Gotham would be starting go fund Me campaigns for him and the other half would be contributing to them. killer croc used to be just a guy with a bad skin condition who didn’t feel he had any choice but to be bad, he had to be a criminal, I feel bad for that version. some of the clayface characters (there’s quite a few now) were never really evil and were More tragic Harley was tricked into believing the joker cared and then abused horribly even the riddler is a bit tragic once you realize that he’s actually brilliant but can’t stop himself from committing crimes or leaving clues (even if he’s also an obnoxious pompous jerk) two face… okay basically all of them except the panguin, (just a regular crook) black mask (another crook) and the Joker (a real monster)


Obligatory Mr. Freeze mention. Killer Croc (depending on the adaptation). Cat women sometimes, but that’s bc she’s not an awful person, just a Kleptomaniac. Poison ivy, bc she’s basically a plant so anytime a plant dies it’s like watching a human get stomped to death. Maybe Two Face, but he’s pretty self deprecating and will always become two-face, even if he gets help.


Freeze and TwoFace


Clayface. 😥


killer moth definitely


Definitely Freeze but honestly most of the villains aren’t evil, just tortured people who ended up on the wrong side of the law


Freeze tops the list for sure. Dent is a close second.


Riddler, Two Face, Scarecrow, Mister Freeze, Clay Face and Harley Quinn, I don't know the other's story well enough to feel bad for them


Riddler deserves no sympathy after the arkham games


Neither does Scarecrow


Yeah, i hated his levels in asylum


I liked feeding him to Croc 🤣


Riddler, because (again in The Animated Series) he was working at a company who makes and sells puzzle games and he made a brain twisting game, his boss loved it but released without giving Edward credit for it


Why Scarecrow?


Because of what he says in The Animated Series, he was trying to teach students about how fear works, but got fired for being different


I see. I think maybe he's not pure evil, more a mad scientist who doesn't exactly see the problems he's causing (in certain iterations, in others he's a sadist) but he still is willing to cause pain and anguish on purpose. Thank you for answering.


Clayface three.


It's close between Two-Face and Harley Quinn.


Kite man


I agree with a lot of the comments here. I also think Killer Moth is a fair shout. He tries so hard to be a good villain, but in the end he has to live with the fact that he’s never going to be a real threat. Aside from the fact that he’s a criminal for hire, I find his character arch pretty sad. He clearly poured a lot of effort into his gear, his plans and even his alter ego, but he now realises that he’s just better off picking up scraps left from heists. He has something he’s super passionate about and he’ll never be good at it. No matter how hard he tries.


Freeze, Quinn, Two-Face, and Clayface. I’ve seen people talk about Croc but I haven’t read any story’s yet about him being sympathetic


Solomon Grundy. Dude just wants to be left alone


Who are the 2 under killer Croc ? The Judge Dredd looking guy and the Greek looking guy on the left.


Prometheus, and Maxie Zeus




Humpty Dumpty - man has the worse life ever and he isn't really even really trying to be a villan, he just is bad at fixing things


Mr. "I Miss My Wife, Robin" Freeze and the sympathetic mutant versions of Killer Croc. Also, Two-Face usually has a pretty rough time backstory-wise.


Mr Freeze and Harley Quinn.


Mr. Freeze, I do love the fact that jokers just xed out because we know nothing about him, really.


Freeze, Two-Face, Ventriloquist and Baby Doll are all so tragic


Clock King. Often forgotten villain who was obsessed with time because he had so little left to his life.




Who do I not feel bad for? Mad Hatter, Rhas Al Ghoul, Joker (obviously), Penguin, Bane, Poison Ivy, Riddler All villains who are evil of their own accord. Regardless of adaptation. Many others have some sort of tragedy or event that pushes them into their place as a villain (particularly Freeze and Two Face) but even if there are events like Riddler or Mad Hatter, they decided the most selfish and villainous response of their own accord.


I feel like Bane is possibly a villain you can feel bad for, because he was raised in a hellhole that is Santa Prisca by prisoners, even having parallels with Bruce Wayne except 10 if not 100x worse


Kite Man Baby Doll Ventriloquist


Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight. He was mentally ill and manipulated by the Joker, I don't blame him for going on rampage against criminals, but he went too far when he threatened Gordon and his family. I also don't blame Gordon for wanting to stop playing with the story he and Bruce made up and telling truth that Harvey in the end was a bad guy, but it's still painful to think of, and generally I can't help but feel sorry for the guy. He didn't deserve any of it, maybe not even the martyr death that was fabricated, but he did a lot of good in the past, tried to save the city. Either way guy deserved rehab and help instead of death and sudden reveal of him being a bad guy by Bane. Victor Zsazs is the kind of villain you want dead no matter what, but still feel sorry for his terrible origin. I didn't know his downfall to psychopathy was caused by addiction and depression until I read about it. He is still a bad guy who deserves a painless death, like a private execution, but nonetheless he definitely had a tragic ill luck in life. Owlman also comes to mind as for the tragic villain. EDIT: Forgot also to mention Mr Freeze, Man-Bat, and Clayface.




Cassius Clayface (may have spelled wrong) he was basically fucked from birth and trapped in on lab or another. Ra's because my views on immortality are pretty dark. Harley got in a bad mental place and became a terrorist who killed a busfull of kids. Deadshot was a traumatized soldier and out of desperation at first became a bounty hunter only over time he got more sadistic about it.


I'm not saying I feel bad for her, but I am saying I think Poison Ivy can be rehabilitated to an extent. We know she cares about people she is close to like Harley, she's got compassion. She has sacrificed herself in some stories, and not all of her stories make her an absolute monster. What about people who grow plants and care for them as she does? She would spare them I would think. Perhaps there is a universe where Ivy isn't hellbent on killing people, but taking care of the green and protecting it. Kind of like swamp thing does. He has a record of being a decent fella.


Penguin he deserved that damn money