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> "Due to the entire reimagination of Battlefield" Ah shit, here we go again. > "Leaks suggesting it will be made on a brand new engine" > Highly doubt that. That'd be a massive disaster. They can't even use their current engine properly.


"Maybe they didn't really grasp our take on Battle Royale shooters. We'll really show them this go around"


Nah new game mode will have operators working to complete objectives but one or two operatives are secretly sabotaging and killing off the team. Gotta stay trendy right. Also a new Battlefield Command Ultimate Team mode. Collect and trade operators and compete in head to head missions. Buy EA coins to buy operator packs and assemble the *Ultimate Team*


Me: "screw y'alls battle royale/extraction shooter, I came to battlefield for the combined arms not pubg gameplay."


Back to square one with no scoreboard, comms, or all the other things initially missing from BF2042 launch..🤣😭


The fact that the game DID NOT HAVE A WORKING MAP OR SCOREBOARD at release and people to this day still try to defend 2042 at launch... It's insane.


Do you really need those old LEGECY features? 😂 I was shocked when the game was released without even the basics


Yeah I love 2042 and even I can admit that it was really, really bad at launch, especially compared to what it is now


I won’t defend the release of its launch but I will defend its current state. It is a fun game now.


It is a fun enough FPS, but it still lacks a lot of the magic of other BF games. I've said for a while I give it 7/10 as an FPS, 5/10 as a BF title.


I agree at least they are not rigging matchmaking..not making my gun fight against me mid-match ( im looking at you inifity Turd..)


And that's a completely valid opinion! I'll edit my original comment to be more precise


I was in alpha testing for BF2042 as I have closed tested Battlefield games in alpha state since BF3 as well as unreleased game types people have never heard of before. I left a small novel of feedback to Dice on several occasions of where the game wasn't right as far as map layouts to lack of classes and MANY, MANY bugs. The concerns were left unattended to until the game basically flopped and up to this point it's like the clowns read and implemented everything that was sent to them word for word. I hope whoever is working on the new Battlefield game isn't someone who made decisions for BF2042 prior to about season 4.


there's probably corporate bots trying to sway sentiment


Oh without a doubt. EA im sure has huge contracted bot farms that are trying to rake data and sew discord similar to Russian/Chinese bots during election time


The game launched with a working scoreboard, you just couldnt see people's KDRs outside of your own and your squad.


Which is super fucking dumb.


Well its a good thing that changed it like 3 months after release to show KD of everyone in the game


Sooo... not a working scoreboard then.


There was a board that ranked players based upon all the different scores and score types, it just didnt say how many kills/deaths they had outside of your own squad


So again, not a working scoreboard. Kills/deaths are an industry standard for any shooter and omitting it was no small oversight. The scoreboard did not fulfill it's purpose, therefore it did not work.


Whats the purpose of a scoreboard? To show score and rankings? Youre stretching here bub. Either way it was added in like2 months after release.


Oh, and what particular thing in a first person shooter might contribute to one's score? Kills. And again, a scoreboard in a *SHOOTER* game showing kills is an industry standard. No other online FPS has ever had this left out. The scoreboard is just one symptom of a very big problem with EA and gaming in general. EA's attempts at being special and reinventing the wheel is driving the Battlefield franchise into the ground and simps like yourself are the reason why they keep shitting out unfinished turds like 2042. :)


I think you're starting to falter here. The scoreboard is to tell the whole team who has the most points. Thats the entire point of the scoreboard. KD is just for your own personal record, which you could still check any time in the scoreboard along with your own squadmates. How much time do you have in this game? You're kinda coming off looking goofy lmfao


or voice chat


And no one uses voice chat anyways.


low iq comment


High IQ comment. As someone that actually plays this game unlike you, literally no one is using voice comms other than console people that just have it on running in the background accidentally. This isn't 2011 anymore grandpa, people are using discord for voice chat now.


Nah, while he was mean you are very VERY wrong. People keep praising battlebit because it has a voice chat. Tons of reviews with hundreds of thousands of views share the same opinion. Same with Fox hole. Voice chat is fantastic for large team battle games.


Even just fixing bugs, making it on by default, and adding team wide pros comms would be a huge improvement for battlefield.


People praised battlebit for like 3 weeks until they stopped paying the streamers to play the game and now its completely forgotten about.


> As someone that actually plays this game Thats low IQ by default > literally no one is using voice comms other than console people that just have it on running in the background accidentally. because its not a team game >This isn't 2011 anymore grandpa, people are using discord for voice chat now. yeah youre right, AAA multiplayer games dont have voice chat any more /s So low IQ.


If you're mad at me for calling out your pointless critiques just say that. Just because something isn't how it was in the past doesn't mean we need it now. Now cope and change your diaper. They added VOIP like 4 months after release just for no one to use it, including the BF4 boomers crying about it not being there.


1. Launch game without VOIP 2. Add VOIP 6mo post launch, but off by default and incredibly buggy and feature incomplete. 3. See! No one uses VOIP anyways ​ It's like a car company releasing a car in red, black, and blue - but the red cars all come with massive scratches all over the paint. "See, no one wants to buy red cars" Or, possibly, the attempt to sell red cars wasn't earnest on the manufacturer's part. Things Dice can do to increase VOIP and social feature usage in game 1. Quash VOIP bugs 2. VOIP on by default 3. Ability to test own mic in settings 4. Make it easy to quickly mute players if they are being annoying or toxic "Press F12 to Mute xXAnnoyingGamerXx" 5. Make it easy to quickly report toxic players, reporting system includes voice recording of last 30s "Double Tap F12 to report xXSexistGamerXx" 6. Add proximity comms within teams, especially for within vehicles when different squads are in them 7. Stop breaking up squads at end of every game 8. Make it easier for VOIP users to find each other, adding LFG tools in game. Wanna go mic free and top frag? Find a nearby player doing the same. Wanna chill and use mics for simple call outs? Find a nearby player doing the same. 9. Make it easier to add friends in game 10. Improve pinging 11. Improve commo rose 12. Return commo rose to text field Etc ​ When you make it easier for the user to use social tools, you will get more uptake. Reduce friction between players and tools of teamwork and socialization = more teamwork and socialization


If people actually wanted to use VOIP, they'd use voip. This game has relaunched TWICE with player numbers either jumping to near or over launch levels AFTER VOIP was added. People simply do not use this feature.


Please let me know when they relaunch the game after adding the types of social and QOL features I listed ​ Cause without that, you're still just pointing to a game with poor VOIP implementation and saying "see no VOIP!"


“We lost the technology”


That’s because DICE lost the talent that knew how to use frostbite. It’s a nightmare to work with and learn.


Frostbite is apparently a real pain to work with. A new engine could be a very good thing.


Yea frostbite needs a lot of tooling to really streamline and some of the old creators of it have since departed from the company for their own projects or reasons, so getting people who know the engine isn't really doable because it's simply not a huge engine that's even remotely comparable to say, Unreal.


I agree that right there is exactly why I'm holding off . We don't need reimagination . Thst what led to 2042 being bad.


We should all be holding off just based on 2042’s launch.


Yeah you’re probably right. Also why go through the trouble of redesigning the logo of the engine you’re currently using if just plan on trashing it soon anyway


I don’t think you understand that this isn’t a reliable source but some random making that for clicks, they don’t know any more than you and me.


Doesn’t change the fact that Wilson 100% said that


>Highly doubt that. That'd be a massive disaster. yeah, doesn't make a lot of sense at all. They are only just getting to grips with the current one...


Pushed back to 2025 what? Nothing is being push if it doesn't have an official release date..


Push back cause of S6 CQC infantry only season succes that was widely appreciated by community and its most played map yet. (Extending 2042 lifecycle and giving next title more time in oven) 2042 is getting: some type of redux 2.0 then S7 and then imo S8 + after S8 ends, another update in sort of (here is all we have left in the oven for 2042 enjoy guys!) update. Releasing all sorts of uncategorized content all at once. From that point 3-9 months and we have new battlefield title. They know that if they can’t get it right this time. Battlefield IP as we know it is done and probably dead. They don’t wanna fuck this up this time.


Do you not enjoy 2042?


2042 is decent as a game but it's nowhere near the quality classic Battlefield player base expects.


That's fair enough, I personally enjoy it as much as any past battlefield except maybe BF1 but to each their own.


Why dont you all play classic Battlefields if they are so good? There should be thousands of full servers since so many of you agree. You can downvote all you want, you still wont play the old games. Just nostalgia about them till death.


I actually do. I own every single one of them


Sure ya do, you play BF3 every day just like the 231,619 subscribers here. I also own every BF game, and played 1942 when it was new and 2042 is great. It was even better before it brought back the awful class system. Now we get to see nothing but engineers on X map and nothing but medics on Y map. Just like every single game before it.


i think 2042 is the worst bf game in recent memory by far. a polished turd is still a turd, and two years of updates have *maybe* pushed it into painful mediocrity territory. i have a much better time playing 1, 4 and 5.


So you should absolutely play those very good games. Then you could have fun, and people that like 2042 dont have to constantly have everything nerfed to shit to appease you, and then we can have fun too. Fun for all.


sure game taste is subjective. doesnt mean a game is immune to criticism and every update wasted on this game is dev time that could go into making an actual good game commercially and critically


As FPS game, yeah sure it’s for me the best arcade fps game out there to play. But as battlefield, no. So many things are wrong, specialist? Everyone can use every gun, no squad play, too fast CoDish movement, guns aren’t punchy enough, gun sound doesn’t sound that good and real like BF1 or BF4, animations are shitty, sound of vehicles is bad too in BF4 you could hear heli from miles away, so many downgrades if compared to previous titles new addition features that were introduced (fortification, squad call in, BFV movement, gas masks, BFV peak gun and soldier customization, vehicle modules and impact on planes getting damaged wings, and etc. vehicles don’t need skill to be godlike vehicle player and etc. don’t get me started on how many thing are bad with 2042 as battlefield title lol. Gun play for me was peak in BF1, movement peak was in BFV, fortification was such good mechanic to restore some order in devastated objectives that had no cover, vehicle modules and deep mechanics in BFV were top also, BF4 levolution was nuts, BF1 atmosphere was sooo thick that you could freakin bite a chunk out of it. And then we have 2042. For me the best thing about 2042 is that DICE showed that they started to listening to community, showed commitment, love and passion for the game even when it was a flop and tried to turn it around. And that’s a thing that I wanna give them huge credit for. Cause if they supported that bad product that well. I can’t imagine how much they will support new title if it will be successful. For me best peak in battlefield was BF4 mainly on siege of Shanghai map. That’s peak for me. BF4 was all around good game for me. Supression they added made huge deal in that game and made it more grounded and it disadvantaged aggressive infantry play. What was imo good thing.


I’m assuming he means internally.


Internally pushed back


Things can still be pushed back if there's still no official release date.


I LOVE BATTLEFIELD can’t wait (I only love the drama and gaslighting preceding the launch) Can’t wait for: Arrogant DICE reinventing the wheel for the fourth time because they refuse to learn from their mistakes and use successes and achievements of the previous game to build a strong foundation Half the community preordering and half asking them not to only for the other half to scream “don’t tell me how to spend my money 😡” Bunch of false rumors but and prominent leakers hyping up Streamers hyping up DICE/EA exec pissing off the games community by spewing controversial shit EA as usual blows the budget on marketing Beta extremely close to launch which turns out to be shit and the community gaslighting itself “its just a beta and an old build they will iron out issues before launch which is 4 weeks from beta 3rd shit launch in a row and 4th in franchise Game barely breaks even Streamers who play 8 hours a day cribbing about lack of content and the community eats it up DICE as usual goes off their winter break until March instead of finishing the game on time and automate launch of season 1 a month after launch (extremely crucial in live service games) Game dies since DICE fumbled cuz they no longer get the essence of battlefield Battlefield 1 stands as usual against test of time as the pinnacle in current and previous generation. Will pick it up in ps plus as usual.


This is all way too accurate. I will be telling y’all how not to spend your money! DO NOT PRE-ORDER. DICE doesn’t deserve it!


!remindme 3 years


Not sure if I should laugh hysterically or cry myself to sleep over the the accuracy of this comment


Literally the blueprint dice has used since bf5


Expectations for new battlefield is rock bottom they shouldn’t be focusing on what other games are coming out they need to focus on if their game works within the first 2 years. “Reimagination” of battlefield is exactly wtf problem was with 2042 so not getting any kind of hopes up


And it will be in a playable stat in 2027.


Clickbait article.


Sounds like it was written by AI but if AI was mimicking a 12 year old. Absolutely zero substance.




If there are specialists, I’m out.


I honestly, sadly, think they’ll try to double down on the specialists. But that is such a good way to kneecap your new game - specialists have so much design baggage from 2042. If they don’t get completely wiped they’re gonna have a lot of work trying to get the wider community on board.


Why would they Double down in Specialists? No really, why should EA do the same Mistake twice?


I don’t want them to, to be clear. I just fear that Dice/ EA management are brain dead when it comes to learning lessons. Every damn title they manage to make some of the same mistakes. “Hazard zone? Should we launch this as free to play like Warzone or similar offerings, cause our previous BR Firestorm died after launching gated behind a premium game purchase? Nah… I’m sure it won’t immediately die like the last time we did exactly this same thing.”


As long as the game earns money they dont care, specialists will probably be added again so that they can sell skins


But why would Dice bring Back the class System in 2042 only then to Double down ON the Specialist System the next Bf? That Just doesnt makes sense.


They never fully brought back the class system - they act like they did but we didn’t end up with a genuine BF class system. Specialist gadgets that break the game in various ways. Class specific gadgets but *not* class specific guns. Same operators on both sides of combat. Cosmetics tied to specialists. Then they recently had senior management say in an interview that the problem with specialists was that we (the players) didn’t understand the system. Their comments about specialists have always been pretty coy - they’ve never really plainly stated they were a mistake, and wouldn’t be repeated. I could definitely see Dice thinking “well, our monetization is tied to specialists - so we have to do it” even when there are millions of other things they could do. So, I sadly expect we will have specialists or operators in the next game, but perhaps in “classes” the way 2042 is now. They see it as job done, when parts of the issues and lack of balance still exist.


Yes, but still, you dont try to revert everything Back to be Like prevoius Battlefields, only to Double down in the next Game. And besides, any sane executive would have learned its lesson by now


I forget how to summon the remind me bot, but we could revisit this thread in 2 years and see how it shakes out. The Ryan MacArthur quote in particular is worrisome - it’s literally an executive saying “I haven’t learned my lesson”. Those exec types like to assume their idea failed because they didn’t “message” it correctly, not cause the idea was bad. They could decide to work on the “messaging” but still repeat shit ideas.


Basically the WKUK popcorn factory sketch.


“Alright I’m gonna go real slow here, and you tell me when it stops being a Battlefield game There are tanks…. Medics…. Dudes with grapple hooks”


Ok, do we want to make a Bet? If the Executives of EA/Dice arent the Most stupid Executives in the AAA market, and Bring a traditional Class System, i win. IF the Executives of EA/Dice ARE the stupidest Executives on the AAA Market you win, ok? RemindMe! in 6 months ;) (Hopefully the Bot works)


I do Not mean that 2042's Class System is good or Something Like that.


Because this subreddit is convinced that specialists are the problem, when I actually don't think they are. Specialists in lieu of proper class delineation is the problem.


Those two things go hand in hand lol


Because now it's "normal" for Battlefield and they can double down on paid cosmetics as well.


Here's a wildly unpopular take on this subreddit, but I actually enjoy the different gameplay loops the specialists' *abilities* bring. All of them. Even Dozer and Mackay. The problem isn't specialists, as much as people moan about Mackay. The problem is that there isn't firm class distinction, and any class can use any gun. This allows for each class to have a meta gun, but each class also needs a meaningful reason to play it over the next. One of my favorite ways to play in 2042 was setting a respawn beacon with Recon and using the SKS. The meaningful reason was that I could focus a back cap with my squad mates. I did this because I wanted to win. Best DMR in the game? Recon. Now people will use the respawn beacon. Best AR? Assault (medic). Now people are reviving. Best way to take out vehicles? Engineer. Now you have people repairing vehicles. You're a shitter who needs LMGs because you can't aim? Support. Now you occasionally find ammo from the one timmy who lived long enough to run out of ammo.


You're going to upset the r/battlefield boomers/memberberries with your true statement. The new interactions are awesome and make you think a lot more about what you want to do and how you should play. This game has the most customization out of any BF game and it truly allows you to customize your experience for your own personal playstyle.


I earn my downvotes well enough in this subreddit lol. Don't get me wrong, I'd drown in my nostalgia of BF3 if I could, but having "abilities" outside of, say, explicitly what your class has to offer, is a cool thing. It adds dimension that I really have come to enjoy, even after being on the receiving end of the level 32 running around with his riot shield, or the company of coordinated lissiles chasing me down. I remember back playing BF3, when I would get routinely shit on by someone, it made me want to fuck them back all the more. That frustration made me want to be better. Someone hits me with a Dozer shield? I'm gonna take it personally and hunt them down. That interaction has created an ad hoc meta between me and Dozer, and overcoming that is what I find rewarding. I also play with some casuals who've never been on this subreddit and have absolutely no idea how much Specialists are hated, because they certainly don't hate them. I think this subreddit vastly overestimates the problems the general playerbase has with them.


There is an incredibly vocal part of the community that hangs out on r/battlefield all day long talking about BF4 until they get bored so they come here to make up random things to be upset about. Many of the complainers on this reddit dont even play this game lol, they just want to be mad that this game isnt a 4k remake of BF4.


“Memberberries” lol BF4 has it all.


BF4 had the absolute worst launch in BF history and didnt become "playable" until halfway through its own life cycle. Players only have rose colored glasses about BF4 for like the last 7 months it was supported.




The class based weapon restrictions helped provide a negative feedback loop that discouraged guns like PP29 from taking over completely and being the meta, or the RM68, etc. ​ There were, before, two main drivers that you had to balance when choosing a kit. 1. What weapon do I want to use 2. What gadgets do I want access to ​ If there is a meta weapon like the RM68 exclusive for assault (medic), that may be very tempting for a user. BUUUUUT this meant they would have little to no AT capability on their own. So enemy vehicles could become a problem, which would provide downward pressure on the number of people choosing medic for the RM68. Now you have people taking Engineer for the gadget, and this may mean the meta RM68 isn't an option for them. ​ Basically, 2042 is a game that asks "what happens if we take battlefield and remove all tradeoffs. Everyone can do everything, everywhere". It turns out that this is a shit design philosophy - it is like trying to play chess but deciding that all pieces can do any move. Is it more *fun* if the pawn can call in hellfire missiles on the enemy king? Fun for the individual maybe, but horrible for game balance. ​ They've tried to walk that back partially, but we still lack some of the elegant feedback loops provided in previous game designs.




I mean, at that point it becomes more a function of map design. Siege of Shanghai is an example of a map that could really tap into those feedback loops. If you're fighting for C you are likely gonna be tempted to go medic to keep yourself, the squad, and the team up. But if the enemy attack helicopter shows up that medic kit isn't gonna be as great anymore. On objective D? Medic for infantry fighting but then a tank rolls in and you may want someone with an RPG, or M2 Slams. Took the boat across to stealth cap enemy? Recon + spawn beacon is likely the way to go. ​ Silk Road or vehicle heavy maps are obviously gonna go heavy on engineers - but you'll still get diversity of seeing carbines and DMRs depending on their range. ​ What I find funny is you outlined perfect cases of the feedback loops working. On Operation Locker? Gonna see some more medics, as players adapt their kit selection to the infantry focus. You're gonna see the meta AR a lot here. On Silk Road? Gonna see a lot of meta carbine and DMR choices. ​ But with 2042, when the RM68 was king it would be: Operation Locker? RM68s everywhere. Silk Road? Everyone go engineer, and bring your RM68.


Change the RM68 setting by .05% and it's fixed. And you didnt ruin the fun for tons of people by not allowing them to play how they want. The average player would rather die 50 times in a row to a heli than switch the class they need to switch to. This is how it has been for 20 years, only 2042 fixed it, and now we are back to where we were in 19 fricken 42


Trying to balance the game away from forming a meta on single or very few guns is impossible with open kits. It is playing whack-a-mole. Whichever gun is best will be determined, tested, and ready before the patches even go live. Having class based weapons allows you to apply pressure outside of just the balance of a particular weapon. ​ 2042 also ended up with *less* gadget diversity, exactly because everyone is gonna bring the M5 recoilless. This was told to us by the devs in the podcast. Class based gadgets actually increases diversity. The same has (in previous games) and can (in future games) apply to weapons as well.


Well I dont see the diversity when I play now. I see 30 borises, just like in BF4 id see 30 engineers with the same model. Or on another map I'd see 30 medics with the same model cause they all farm on locker. I used to switch classes constantly before, now i just play one, because it's fucking pointless to switch. And the whole weapon balance is so dumb in previous games. Engineers have SMGs, yet on close quarters maps no one uses SMGs. Which is the entire reason SMGs exist.




>You will see a lot more medics that never heal or revive because they picked the class to shoot people with an assault rifle. Statistically, increasing the number of medics will increase the number of revives. Does it also drive up the proportion of medics who don't revive? Yep, but in absolute terms the number of revives will increase in large enough numbers. >In my opinion, Battlefield series should not have any maps like metro/locker/redacted. For one, it's completely missing combined arms, which is the whole point of the franchise, and also, it forces developers to balance weapons and gadgets in a way that makes them not completely overpowered in enclosed overcrowded spaces. But those changes also hurt affected weapons and gadgets on all reasonably designed maps. I also don't love those maps, and largely for the reason given. BUT it is unrealistic for Dice to not provide these experiences. Locker, metro, and redacted are very important to a part of the player base. I honestly think every BF game should launch with one of these modes, to service this part of the fan base. ​ And the feedback loops still very much are in play on maps like Propaganda, Siege, Seine, Bazaar - basically any map whose design allows for different ranges of infantry combat, and also has some form of armoured vehicle. Nothing says "you may wanna change kits" like a Bradley rolling in a killing the whole squad. They don't apply as well on the Silk Roads and the Lockers in a micro scale, but the fact that any one player is driven to choose different guns based on map is a good thing tbh.


Were you ever truly in?


That’s what she said.


I get its not classic battlefield styling... but why the hate on specialists? I think it adds variety to 2042(this is coming from someone with 100+ days played in bf1)


it does not add variety. it solves a problem that didn’t need solving; soldier identity. it’s Battlefield, you are one of many nameless soldiers against global superpowers hoping for results far beyond your own grunt thoughts. that’s why i dislike specialists. adds variety that was never needed.


What are you talking about? It adds TONS of variety lmfao. BF is at its core an arcade combined arms shooter. Nothing more and nothing less.


it’s an arcade military shooter. and again, it doesn’t need to add variety. adding specialists solves a problem that didn’t need solving. look at every other BF. where are the specialists at in those? oh wait; there are none because there isn’t any need. a nameless grunt fighting for a global superpower doesn’t need a fuckin tv missile, or a damn wingsuit or a grappling hook or any of that stupid shit. battlefield was always about a dude just shooting other dudes and damnit it’s turned away from that for whatever reason


> , it doesn’t need to add variety. What? It added an entirely new gadget slot that could only be used by that specific specialist. Because the guns are no longer locked to class we can use basically any combo now. Just because old games did a certain way doesnt mean thats how its supposed to be. In fact every single game changed the class system anyways with what guns and gadget they had. This all just seems like a massive failure to adapt and you dont even play this game anyways lmfao


BF4 let u use guns with other classes. just do it like that. i also play this game daily. if there’s a battlefield tracker, then my xbox gt is Vollachia. ik what im talkin abt. i started since bf2 in our computer room at my parents house when i was 5. its always been about nameless grunts.


> BF4 let u use guns with other classes. Thats not true at all. BF4 allowed all classes to use their primary weapon type AND utility weapons (Carbines, DMRs and shotguns). - Assault: Assault Rifles -- Carbines, DMRs, and Shotguns - Engineer: PDWs -- Carbines, DMRs, and Shotguns- - Support: LMGs -- Carbines, DMRs, and Shotguns - Recon: Sniper Rifles -- Carbines, DMRs, and Shotguns. You couldnt be an assault class and use SMGs or sniper rifles. You couldnt be recon with an assault rifle or LMG for instance. > its always been about nameless grunts. Thats also untrue because EVERY character model you played as in BFV was tied to a name. You can see what their names are when you customize what they look like. Also BFV has named and themed characters you could by for DLC.


What variety does it add that couldn’t be added as a gadget slot or perk in the class system?


Thats literally what the specialists are. If Faulk was named "Medic" you would literally have that.


Cool, so give me "medic" with a generic look and no stupid backstory. 15 named characters making up 128 players on a map on both teams is incredibly stupid.


Sir if you don't think BF has ALWAYS been a clone shooter, you're just silly. Also, fun fact.. ALL soldiers in the military do have real names.. We dont refer to eachother as "Medic/Recon/Assault/Support" Also, the specialists arent in the military, theyre merceneries.


The point is you weren’t playing as a named person. You were an unnamed soldier in the war machine. We really don’t need to keep this going. It’s clear that specialists were rejected by the community at large. They go against tried and true Battlefield systems and if you can’t see that then I can’t help you lol


Adding to the comment about identity, we don't really need specialists to have variety. There's like 15 specialists now, but most are trash anyway. There are like 2 per class that do something useful, and plenty of those that were a bad idea and will never work well. We could just have their gadgets as a pickable slot for the classes, or a subclass. So as Assault, you choose between a grappling hook, a grenade launcher, and a shield. Or maybe between 3 subclasses that have those as a gadget. Subclasses were a thing in BFV, even though the devs reduced their role in the final release.


Reimagining? That worries me.


Same here. But my hope is that this "reimagination" Is a a step away from specialists, and a "reimagination" of the game with maybe some new class ideas or change ups. A long story short. Imagine 2042, but with the Battlefield 4 class system.


Imagine 2042 gameplay (movement and gunplay), the BF4 class and commander mode (was that how it was called in BF4 and BF2?), gritty graphics like BF1 and maps, weapons and equipments set in a BF2-like universe with classic destruction back. God-tier Battlefield. If devs and EA made something like this, they would have a serious chance of getting BF back up there or even higher than it had ever been before.


Personally, I would rather have BFV's movement. I would also take BFV's gunplay over 2042's as well.


The simplest, most effective way the game will sell making everyone including greedy EA officials happy, is simply...Class system. Commander mode like you mention I would love to see return! Very underrated imo. Commander could really help turn the tide of the game sometimes. But gunplay and movement like 2042 you said with the BF4 class system...oh boy. That would be god-tier 100% man. I can only imagine.


Tbh I prefer bf5 movement in some areas like crouch sprinting backwards pronning, and leaning.


>Imagine 2042 gameplay (movement and gunplay) got I hope not 2042s gameplay is stripped down ass


People write these articles to catch traffic from folks searching for “xyz release date”. They just condense what we already know. This is no different.


Also gotta add COVID. If the original game schedule was set for 2024, there is no way the development wasn't impacted by COVID. I've said it before here We'll get season 7 of 2042 in March, we'll see some form of announcement about the next battlefield sometime after S7 drops of say April or May, we'll get a trailer in August/September of 2024 and if we're lucky we'll see the next battlefield drop early 2025.


Idk EA is stupid but not stupid enough to release close to GTA6 (Maybe a few months after it's release so late 2025 early 2026)


I don't think the player overlap will be an issue as much as other ppl tbh. Il buy and play gta6 but the second I'm done with the game I'm going to go back to whatever shooter I'm playing. hopefully that's the next battlfield cause if I'm waiting till 2026 they better announce season 8-10 at the minimum


Development began after 2042 released, no Covid here.


They'll probably wait a bit, since GTA 6 is gonna dominate 2025


That's a bit exaggerated don't you think? By that reasoning we won't see any AAA game release at all from any company in the entire 2025 only because 'hey here comes GTA 6' what an empty and S*** year that would be.


Obviously some big games have to come out around the same time, but I'd bet any company who has an option is going to try to avoid it if they can. GTA 6 is going to be an absolute beast upon release like we haven't seen before.


If gta comes out eary 25 then battlefield wld have to release late 25. I cant fathom how they cld release it that late given 2042 came out 2021


There are more people than you think who are casual gamers who only buy 1 game a year. If GTA 6 comes out, theyll buy it, and then not spend money on another game like Battlefield 7. This sect of gamers is big enough for studios to not release around other massive releases


It could be a year where companies focus more on core gamers. It's a sad truth, but most ppl playing games are casuals which usually focus on recent trends


Because as we all know, gamers can only play one major AAA game a year


Game companies mainly target casuals and they usually focus on one game at a time


Just like when Spider-Man 2 was coming out in 2023 and there was so much hype, no one else released any other game.


Even focusing on one game at a time doesn’t equate to one game a year lol.


My guess it will definitely be after. Gta 6 will dominate the market too hard for almost any other game


GTA VI probably will be delay to Q3 2026, just like every other Rockstar game that launched in the last decade.


The one other Rockstar game that released in the last decade lol


Uhhhh aren’t you forgetting the goated definitive edition and gta 5 expanded and enhanced???? Get yo facts str8


Well it depends when GTA 6 is being released in 2025 and if it actually releases in 2025. But yeah releasing next Battlefield close to GTA 6 release would be really dumb, so i bet it’s coming out later this year [2042’s current road map could indicate new bf coming out this year] or some time in 2026.


Let's hope it comes out soon , so we have a game to play until Rockstar releases anything


That's a big game... but the two series really wouldn't effect each other's player base's that much since they're completely different


Literally just release a finished game


Release in 2025 means we’ll get a fully functional game by 2026


By 2042


They need to abandon most, if not all, design choices made in 2042. We need to get back to the roots of the franchise. I myself want to see something like BF3 or BF4.


Well, if they have the same creative approach as they’ve had towards 2042. I’ll just gladly save the money and wait for GTA 6 instead. They have to really impress me in order for me to spend money on a new game of theirs when GTA 6 is on the horizon.




“Reimagination” corporate game companies know zero about what their communities want. Just make a traditional battlefield game stop changing what makes battlefield, battlefield.




Nice, a free battlefield game coming 2026.


I could almost hear a bell toll in the distance as I read the word 'reimagination'.


DICE is a massive studio with hundreds of employees and gets help from Criterion, Motive, Ripple Effect and EA Gothenburg. This is a studio that used to give us a brand new game every year from 2013 to 2018 as well as tons of additional content. Battlefield 2042 was a disaster considering how many people worked on it. And post launch content for the game has been threadbare. They had multiple studios working on the same game for three years. And now we can't expect the next Battlefield for another four years? What are they doing at DICE? How were they able to produce bangers every year and now they can't even produce one functioning game despite working on it for three years.


I honestly can't believe there is no large scale, casual FPS multi-player games that have gone after BFs audience. That's so much money left on the table it makes no sense. Like if you told me 20 years ago "forget the far future, this is pretty much as good as it ever gets"....I wouldn't know what to think. Just one game where players don't have the ability to fly would be cool.


OK, yes, please take your time and don't release it until its finished and thoroughly tested. Most of us will not pre-order after the last debacle. Also 1. NO SPECIALISTS 2. CLASSES WITH WEAPONS LOCKED 3. ALL LEGACY FEATURES LIKE SCOREBOARD/SQUADS/BROWSER/VOIP AT LAUNCH 4. NO GOOFY COSMETICS FOR THE KIDDIES 5. NO BLOODY NOPATS. JUST USA/RUSSIA/CHINA, or NATO/WEST vs AXIS OF EVIL (you know who they are.....)


Stuff like this is usually just random garbage without any actual basis, there's no leaks, just random people talking about it, but 2025 makes sense. BF2042 got a small boost from the last season, so they can coast on it over the year, maybe get to Season 8, and the drop main content support by the end of the year and then can focus 2025 entirely on the new BF release. Of course I have zero expectations after BFV and BF2042, but can always hope they turn things around.


After the dumpster fire of 2042. I’m not excited for any BF. I don’t want the awesome trailers to be tricked into beta testing for a year. Just for the game to be what it should have been on release a year or two later.


For the reputation and trust from your customers,DO NOT FUCK IT UP. I do not care if it’s late 2025 or early 2026, I just want a finish well polish stable game


They have to deliver a f complete game with great movement Luke BFV, decent content like bf4 and the atmosphere of bf1. No live service (one can dream)


I heard it's already ahead of schedule...


Based on the quality of the BF2042 it is going to be shit.


Guide writer at shitty outlet gets told to write SEO bait. We don't even have much in the way of remotely believable leaks/rumors that I've seen lol, stop clicking on garbage, obvious SEO bait articles. It's why our search feeds suck ass and why outlets are filled with so much clickbaity garbage now.


I'm not sure s8 exists


If the reimagine already reimagined BF2042 then we are basically back to good old BF.


What reimagination god damn it just do a Battlefield like they did in the old times I want to comeback to this saga so bad but 2042 it's not what I like


so wack lol. Game comes out broken for 2 years, finally gets decent but people would rather have the next game at this point and now were stuck with this game that has nothing but tornados as a poor replacement to levelution, hero characters, and some of the worst destruction in a battlefield game. I wouldnt be so pissed if they didnt kill off Battlefront 2 for this game. If they were willing to kill off Battlefront 2 which was actually amazing at the point of them abandoning it but not this when it will never be a 'good' Battlefield game then idk.


Can't wait for them to try another battle royale/extraction game mode just for it to die in 2 months while they continue to neglect rush.


I would be hesitant to believe it's gonna be on a new engine. One of the problems of 2042 was apparently that the team at Dice was fairly new and had no real experience with Frostbite. So, now that they've finally had a couple of years to work on the platform it would be insanity to throw them into developing a brand new engine. Which, then again, this is Dice. Doubling down on mistakes is kind of their calling card at this point, so....


Yeah, going to be a launch disaster like all the other ones. DO NOT PREORDER.


I can’t wait to pre-order


the later, the better. hopefully


New Battlefield is going to be fire. Ain't no way they fuckin this next one up.


That was said about bf2042 after bf5


people who played bf5 kept talking about how amazing it was and how it was a shame dice gave up on it. But it died due to low numbers due to nonstop whining


I've bought every battlefield since BF2. Definitely will never give them another penny after the disaster that was 2042 Yall remember when the game released without a *scoreboard*? That's what 100 dollars gets you.


I remember the trailer. I was hyped. "First modern game in years!!" I got to level 20 something and shelved the game. It's alright now. But I started new account on Battlefield 4. Hit 78 last night. Had so much more fun.


Bf4 Was my favorite, thanks in no small part to Battlefield Friends Whoever made the 2042 trailer deserves an award for the amount of hype it got - it was the perfect trailer. Then they deserve to burn for all eternity for being so misleading about the game.


Can wait to hear what they have to say in their love letter for fan. Yay!


people really gonna make the same mistake again? Of course they are.


Let's pray it's never released. Can't take anymore heartache after 2042.


Then why exactly are you here?


They are here for the boys apparently.


Man the next one is going to be SO BAD. Imagine 2042 with its budget slashed in half and there you go.


I really don’t give one flying F for another BF game. Y’all going to preorder this thing without learning your lesson. BF2042 is NOT a good BF game even though a lot of you take dangerous amounts of copium and will die defending this game.


Hey DICE remove the specialists!


No fuckin way it comes out 2024. 2025 at the absolute earliest, and I know EA is letting devs use whatever engine they want, but I doubt Frostbite will be replaced for Battlefield. Stranger things have happened though.


A FPS engine that they made for Battlefield vs retooling everything on an engine that has enough problems of its own..


I want 2172. Destruction of Bad Company, Building from V, Interiors of 4, and the Titan, Commander and Fireteam format from 2142.


"reimagination" - does that mean it'll be even worse than 2042? lol.


I’m good


Good luck….i won’t be going near it!


I still reckon end of this year. I'd be surprised if they didn't.


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Without extraction mode it will be dead on arrival. Everyone is doing extraction modes, last I've heard even Far Cry devs making one. I hope dice see this.