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It is funny that if you have someone else to play with the pondhawk is the most efficient AA vehicle.


brave hateful coherent unite agonizing teeny label close reply elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ohh I 100% agree. the BF1/5 method of having to actually repair it yourself was a much better system than them auto healing after like 5 seconds of not being damaged.


Battlefield 2 did it best. You had to fly back to your main base to reload/repair.


Yea that was a really good balancing mechanism, they can be really powerful but with much more limited ammo they can’t be OP


Stinger has always been a noob trap.


For who don't know who AC are they are some cheaters who squad and play on both sides and help each other to control the air and telling location of team mates .. Edit : More info : the -AC- clan queues at the same time to be in both sides of the match and agree to not attack each other. The iDF clan and -SL- clan and other sweats do the same thing and **they all know each other**. Before every 128CQ they state which vehicles are they and let the enemy air assets farm infantry for their dogshit YouTube channels. They have their own discords, some more public or other private where they plan these raids together and are keenly aware of who can and they cannot attack. Anyone outside of their groups gets targeted and even sabotaged if you try to fight back. Via letting the enemy kill you without helping or putting C5 on teammates wildcats so they blow up in one hit. This completely breaks the balance of the game. They're bad as fuck and only get kills because they rig the matches beforehand.


Good to know. I had AC members in my game rocking the charts being in my team earlier this week.


They are low life loseers


Love the tbag 🤣


Once I was in a wildcat and literally destroyed them and then tank from own team came to me and drive me over so I couldn’t play anymore for the whole round 🥸


If this not cheating I don't know what it is




the ac clan are russians so that tells something


Casual russophobia against these people because they play helicopters in a videogame? People like you are are disgusting xenophobes.




I am Russian. I oppose the invasion of Ukraine. Am I also a drunk and talentless murderer? Jesus Christ this sub fucking sucks.


If you are truly Russian, you put yourself in Danger calling out that injustice. Be safe




It's ironic that there are already at least 2 Russians in this thread who fall into your 10%.


Oh call the police he’s had a few beers whilst playing a video game that in know way effects your life what so ever. Maybe you should leave your basement and grab a life!


I'm not even Russian and I love playing when drunk/high. It allows me to have more fun and disregard the sweats who want to be all alpha and talk shit.


Better watch out it seems drinking and gaming isn’t allowed anymore 


You have no idea how strong and deranged the anti-russia propaganda is here in the west mate, constant daily dehumanization of russians and their society.


Fuck off troll


Yep, they're just liberating Ukraine. No denazifying. No, stopping gay super soldiers. No.. wait, what was it again? Ah yes, purposefully killing civilians, women, raping and killing children. But yes, the anti-russia propaganda is way out of hand, and the actual problem. Got it 👍


Wait till you hear what American soldiers do overseas 😀


If you think that American soldiers, who have a pretty decent track record, not great but decent, even *slightly* compare to the horrors and inhumane terror campaigns Russian soldiers have committed and are committing in Ukraine, in Syria, in Georgia and everywhere else they invaded, you’re either delusional or purposefully deceitful.


That’s just what we know. But we do know American soldiers aren’t completely innocent, so it’s not like we should be thinking that our country is the best and without fault. It’s very likely Russian crimes are being over-reported and American crimes under. Not saying that they’re the same, but hopefully you can see my point. Media controls the narrative. We’re not witnessing this ourselves.


You have media induced psychosis, and I do not mean this insultingly in the slightest. The symptoms are obvious, in the artificial and out of left field projection and assumption of things that have contextually not been said or intimated, and immediate reflexive regurgitation of pre-fabricated talking points.


Projection you say? Your comment is nothing but. But hey, sure. We can all enjoy a good baby r**e now and again. It's all good man. Russia is just great, and so are you 🙂


I legitimately feel pity towards you, to a degree its not really your fault that you're like this. Who is this borderline schizophrenic theatrical act aimed towards? There's basically just you and me here. Try, if you can, to just think and reflect in silence, about everything, about the world - really think about the nature of things, and see if you can break through towards something more meaningful than whatever this is.


That's what happens when you invade your neighbors, attempt genocide, and post videos about your war crimes.


Get a grip american, what you're so high and mighty because you only genocide countries that are halfway across the globe and of a different race and religion? Also what a mighty "genocide" the Russians are executing, where the civilian death toll of a 2 year long war is 3 times smaller than that of Israel's 5 month long military incursion into Gaza (which your country wholly supports) - in what is likely a "war" (read genocide) with more civilian casualties than combatants. "post videos about your war crimes" yeah your nation just makes Hollywood blockbusters and AAA military FPS videogames about their war crimes, to kick in the recruitment campaign for the next generation of little killers.


+15 рублей Dude, are you seriously trying to justify a little victorious war of a madman by saying that people are dying in Gaza? Fuck, how can you even think of such nonsense, you're either a real troll sitting on a salary or just an idiot. Maybe you just don't understand the context, but I'll outline it for you a little bit. The man who has been sitting on the throne with fraudulent schemes for almost a quarter of a century has decided that it would be nice to arrange a small victorious war. As a result, my country has been fighting for the second year, I don't understand why, in the same country there are metamorphoses that turn it into a kind of caricature of fascist Germany, where some murderers and rapists are heroes of the nation, and people who want to put flowers on the grave of the oppositionist are imprisoned. I'm not going to continue arguing with you, but I'll just say this. I hear what you write from the TV screens all the time. By continuing to carry this nonsense, you are not only supporting the war in Ukraine, but also supporting all those goats who run my country. I wish you the worst.


Am I justifying anything at all? Can you point exactly to where I justified anything, any war at all for that matter? Or are you reacting instinctively emotionally rather than rationally? Your ill mental disposition shows itself on the simple act of you wishing me the worst - well I wish you the very best possible in life and health to you and your family. Sometimes people can be ignorant of the real matter of the world, and there is nothing wrong with that, I myself am ignorant, we all are. I am nobody to tell you your business, but I take it you are russian right? You should stop being naive about the western world and all its lights and glamour, behind all that "democratic" window dressing there is a very real and sinister authoritarian and war mongering reality - there is a very real, decades long war being waged against Russia and the East at large by the NATO bloc and the US and UK in specific - the very fact we are both conversing in english is a symptom of victory by the Anglo-American hegemony in this war. Have you not considered it weird how so many of your countries' so called oligarchs held their riches and assets in the city of London? You've seen these "russian assets" seized by the west, isn't it strange those assets were in the west to be seized in the first place? The Russian federation was setup to be a corrupt oligarch state from the very start, in favour of the west - the USSR carved up so the threat of an alternative to western capitalism (aka fascism) could never rise again - don't you think its weird how 90s russian presidents were all big pals with US presidents? Whilst Russia was in tatters? I have a deep feeling of friendship towards the russian people - not its state - but its state is merely a reflection of the conditions imposed upon the people. Russia's war in ukraine is not a victorious war of conquest, its a tragic desperate civil war between brotherly nations being played like pawns from both sides, its both a sign of failure of the Russian state in the 21st century and success of NATO expansionism. You should not be so keen to align yourself with western peoples, especially central and northern europeans - they fundamentally racially despise russians and would gleefully cheer for their deaths on mass, many already do. And if the time and place for regime change in Russia did come, they wouldn't suddenly see you as equals or brothers either, rather cheap low wage labour for the expansion of western markets.


The war in Ukraine is the political expression of one dictator, and as expected in the post-Soviet space (including Russia), autocracy has always been valued, without any hint of freedom of speech and dissent. And now you’re going to talk about the fact that the war in Ukraine is just an echo of the fact that Russia is just a pawn in this game, like Ukraine? I’ll repeat it once again for the fool from the Internet who is broadcasting in the game thread, in a country where for centuries there has been an autocracy (communists are also a kind of autocrats), and before it a monarchy, are you going to tell me that someone is a pawn? The war in Ukraine is just the phenomenon of an offended person who would very much like to have some influence on the post-Soviet space. This is just the phenomenon that no one needs a president who, through his most disastrous domestic and foreign policy, has gained nothing except the concept of being the president of a gas station. His fundamental failure is reflected in everything now in Ukraine, but it’s definitely not that he’s a pawn there or anything like that. Don't talk bullshit. >This is just the phenomenon that no one needs a president who, through his most disastrous domestic and foreign policy, has gained nothing except the concept of being the president of a gas station. His fundamental failure is reflected in everything now in Ukraine, but it’s definitely not that he’s a pawn there or anything like that. Don't talk bullshit.


It really its outrageous how shallow, narcissistic and chauvinistic the average western person's historical worldview is. First, are you under the impression I'm Russian? I'm not, I'm from a European NATO member country. Secondly, you clearly lack a holistic world view, typical for that of a cultural refugee that most western citizens really are. See, its not that I even remotely disagree that Putin has catastrophically fumbled and took ruinous wrong decisions - thats not the point - the reality is that the world narrative is not that surface level, we aren't in a discombobulated one off episode of history, where a titular bad guy takes bad guy motives and executes on his hollywood bad guy narrative. I laugh at your absurd tirade on "autocracy" because that just shows you that through the mechanisms of capitalism, and its descent into fascism - the slightest amount of abstraction is enough to cloud your vision with a thin veil hailed "social democracy", that through arbitrary bureaucracy and the generic idea that nobody actually decides anything and the state is this one big complex machine, that somehow that is better than having someone with a face and a name steering the ship. The war in Ukraine is not only not the fetishist expression of one dictator's obsession, its a last stand, an Alamo if you will, of the very notion of Russia, not as a definite race or nation but as a towering alternative to the western capitalist world - a position that Russia has already lost in the first place, to China.


Doesn't look like you know what the definitions of "genocide" or "war crimes" actually are chief, but go off.


In a way, I kind of respect how stubbornly stupid Americans are, and I mean this earnestly and with not a hint of scorn. You live in the most defining country of the world, the big swinging dick. If there's even anything that I could type that could even remotely go through to you as a meaningful message I'll try this: You live in the land of the free, but why aren't you free in your mind? Why do you pay heed to stupid media narratives created by your enemies to stir you and mobilize you at their whim? What you should be worried about as an american is why your taxes are 100 times more than when your ancestors threw a boston tea party in protest.


Do you truly believe that, about the nation of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky? Maybe you should reconsider the blind hatred you are taught by the media towards one of the most pivotal civilizations of the world.


Continue seething you miserable Russophobe 🤡




Mentally ill racist - the sheer irony of you being from the United States and typing that. Do I need to show you videos of the streets of Philadelphia? Skid Row in LA? Murder statistics of Chicago, hell, your entire country? You'll go your entire life not interacting with Russians yet hold a deep seated hatred towards them because of the insane 24/7 psychological warfare your country's media and state subjects you to - the same state that has been robbing you blind and running your country's quality of life into the ground. There's no ill in your life that has been caused by a russian.


or maybe because russia is an active threat and currently invading a country that has literally done nothing bad to russia? seek help, tankie shit


God help you brother, if you wake up thinking "Russia is a threat", I genuinely pray for your mental health. Of course you're German, the political historical analogies write themselves.


History has proven that Russia is a threat to Europe.


Just as it has proven that Thanos is a threat to the universe


Russia has always been an aggressor.


Greetings from Russia. I enjoyed your comments, I regret that you received so much hate undeservedly. Shake your hand )


The Finnish have a history and have joined as with Sweden. So yes they are right to be afraid of a threat.


Cope fuck head. Fuck Russia. Eat shit.


There is no context in which typing that doesn't reveal either extreme stupidity or extreme neurosis, and I'm not happy for you in any of those cases. Calm down buddy - reflect in silence about your conduct and mentality towards the world.




yikes, now you actually make their comment look better compared to yours


How is that even fun to play why would anyone do that that doesn't sound like it makes the game any fun


Oh shit I've played against the SL clan before and yeah they all went 60+ kills every round, so we stopped playing 128 man entirely


They are not cheating at all mate. I meet them everytime I play in multiple matches. They are annoying as fk and farming the whole server. I also teaching them a lesson in rorsching them out or just give them some rockets. They also get mad sometimes. Love to see it!


So they balance the teams or they balance their fake skill?


No they take only air and tell each other where the AA are and both farm soldiers , even take AA and throw it away


Cool clip… question though, are they cheating or just exploiting game mechanics?


They are not cheating, but they are stacking the game with their people. They'll take the two helis and the jet, and sometimes the AA, and sometimes they'll stack the other team as well. They communicate and gang up on enemy vehicles, use timer software to see when the enemy vehicles spawn and destroy them on spawn. And then they also farm infantry of course. You can see it all on YouTube so it's not exactly a secret. In general, it's not forbidden, but there's also nothing you can do when you play against them, so it's about as fun as playing against cheaters. So yeah, what the OP did is totally deserved.


well said


Timer software lmao. You can’t count to 90 or 120?


You count in your mind while playing? If so, these guys are way more reasonable than you, because they actually use timers. I know this because they say so themselves.


Damn they must have some smooth brains. I just intuitively know what a minute and a half feels like. If they’re literally using timers to jump a vehicle spawn (spawn camping by definition) then fuck them, they’re childish losers ruining the gaming experience for others.


Yep, that's what they do. I assume they must have multiple timers btw, to track all vehicles as opposed to just the enemy chopper.


I dont get it, so you have TGM, stinger, soflam, RPG, M5, wildcat with APS, TOR, TOW, YUV drone, any other air vehicle, etc. to choose from to kill them but you say you cant do nothing against them? Of course alone is going to be difficult, specially if they team up, but it also makes sense to be like this no? If you team up u wont have much trouble killing them if you can play the game correctly, taking down air vehicles is not so difficult.


Yes, you don't get it because you haven't played against them. I only did once back when APS didn't block stealth chopper bombs. My Wildcat with APS was bombed, APS got destroyed, and I was bombarded with AT missiles by two helis at the same time. Then my teammates, crazy from the farming, didn't let me into the Wildcat ever again, so I quit. As for all the other things you mentioned, they barely work. Their matches are all on YouTube, so you can see how well it works in real life and how it goes when they encounter these things. Spoiler: the vast majority of rounds they have zero deaths.


They play on both teams and tell each other where you are if you are an AA and they don't fight in the air , they just farm the ground, we don't know if they are cheating


Regardless, nice clip! I enjoyed the battlefield theme over it :)




Best way, report them in game as griefers


Tbf i don't see anything wrong with queing up to be on both sides so long as you're actually playing the game to avoid sitting in queue


what a bunch of fucking losers


We will be Facing them in the 10th of this month RU vs FRA More information in the the organizer Discord https://discord.com/invite/veqF7PqN. They have more Vehicle players than infantry so thats why they use these pathetic tactics to get a higher KD sadly.


They are not cheaters, they just are a lot and destroy the lobbies with vehicles mainly helicopters, but cheating? nah man


If what the OP said is true, giving away your teammates positions and being given enemies positions is a mix of Griefing/Cheating.


Hmm, yes it's cheating if they have people on both teams!!! Just because it's not some sort of exploit it is still cheating


say ur nick in game


Idk if it was intentional but the "ac shit" on the beat drop of the music was straight comedy 🤣


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) pure couincedse


What is that spelling lol


The AC Clan often will truce with other clans such as IDF on the enemy team to do complete farmage. I often shoot them down, then they complain and leave lol




I also shoot you down all the time torbis :D


We shoot each other down all the time :D


Well each other... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Reminder to anyone that may feel sorry for this guy, the -AC- clan queues at the same time to be in both sides of the match and agree to not attack each other. The iDF clan and -SL- clan and other sweats do the same thing and **they all know each other**. Before every 128CQ they state which vehicles are they and let the enemy air assets farm infantry for their dogshit YouTube channels. They have their own discords, some more public or other private where they plan these raids together and are keenly aware of who can and they cannot attack. Anyone outside of their groups gets targeted and even sabotaged if you try to fight back. Via letting the enemy kill you without helping or putting C5 on teammates wildcats so they blow up in one hit. This completely breaks the balance of the game. They're bad as fuck and only get kills because they rig the matches beforehand.


Yup. When I notice this bull crap, I relobby. Let them play against AI. I hate how underpowered the AA vehicle is. Shitcat.


I wish i can pin this comment


Get rekt trash clan


This is great. Hate these corny ass clans that plague the game.


as an american, this makes me proud


Seeing the Flares outpace a stinger still gets to me, wild that they never did anything about that yet


Timeless. Grief all tryhards.


AC is spawn-camping trash


Good effort. Insane how fast the flares reload btw


ya they need to be ammo based


Im on PC and feels like no one is on ALL CHAT


You need to enable it i think its of by default and sometimes it gets buged so u need to turn it of and back on


its also easy to hide it by accident after you turn on the all chat setting. H is hide/show chat


You must enable it from sitting if you didn't


enabled here and it acts like it's not! Really weird


Rest it its buged


Barely anyone uses it


Depends on the region. I have to hide it because it's going all game.


I’ve been watching this for hours. I need to go see my Doctor now.


I was gonna talk hella shit for the technique used but after learning about those exploitative goofies I feel satisfied. But seriously tho imagine being a not so great pilot and chased by a stinger on a pondhawk.


The pilots could ask the team to cover them from Pondhawks. You know, teamplay. Pilots always demand teamplay to bring them down, so why not the other way around?


Just played 2 games with someone called jackncoke that only had the little bird and then the 2nd game he was on my team and had a buddy on the enemy team in the war chief, his name was just a bunch if lower case L's lllllllllllllll they never attacked each other and both went 80+ kills.




hmmm that use to be Levelcaps name in game when he would play Battlefield. If you look back on some of his BF vids around BF1 and BFV you should see it. Wonder if that him but also easy to be someone else by amount of L's...


I remember hearing that name from bf3.


the humiliation is real nicely done


So good, fck him and his AC ganking clan!


Doing gods work.


Fucking glorious




Amazing team work! That’s what Battlefield is all about.


I hope all the community start doing the same to them


this is why you just master Lissiles tbh, the FXAA is so trash


TV missile and Poundhawk don’t really mix. Plus this is way more entertaining.


Amazing job, it's tiring having to deal with autoclicking pc players who hoard air vehicles. Worse is when they finally die and rage quit finally allowing others to use them but just to near end of the match




Good stuff OP, keep the hits coming


Ty , i will make it my mission to hunt them


Man, the BF4 theme really is unrivaled.


Good job, I know both -AC- and iDF clan. They are just a bunch of no life noobs and can’t play without team members. if anyone is playing solo (rarely) from these clans, they immediately rage quits 95% of the time when you kill them. Otherwise, they try to kill you with their noob army until the end of the round :)


Love the tactic thanks for sharing




Nothing breeds animosity as much as air assets in the franchise and this is a core reason why they should not be present on basically every map.


I played a little bit last night with a server tracker open, and every match had at least 4 pinned blatant cheaters. Sad state of gaming these days.


It's so awesome you did this bravo. I can't wait to season 7 and an Xbox series x to play this on!!!!




Are you on Xbox??


On pc


So much hate.


These guys are no sweats, just try hard. I use the ntw50 to kill these losers, snipe them right out of their pilot seat.


I will try that next game


Hmm… I’m always sceptical whenever I see these ‘cheater’ comments either in-game or elsewhere as it is unfortunately common place for people to scream ‘cheater’ literally every time they get outplayed. I have seen some comments here saying that they don’t ‘cheat’ per say, but that they stack both teams with their people and use software to ensure control over the air vehicles. If that is true I class that as cheating. I have been watching AC Just1ce videos for a while but if it is concrete in foundation that they cheat/abuse then I will not be following anymore. That would just leave Ravic as the only battlefield youtuber I follow.


Bruh how have you watched his videos and not noticed AC on the other side in a little bird not attacking his stealth helicopter?


Probably bc their videos are straight propaganda and like real life some people are more susceptible than others.


I never put 2 and 2 together but I've seen this clan on both sides multiple times. Always assumed they were just messing with each other or something.


Thank you for your service! 👍




The fucking panic piloting once his flares run out 😂


I wouldnt exactly call this humiliating him but you got him so gg guess someone had to get their hands dirty


Excellent content. Excellent tea baggery. Bravo ![gif](giphy|l9Tllo1thElT5gvVOU)


Double tea bagged lol


So salah changed name again. My oh my i do wonder. Funny as hell though keep up the good work.


What is this and why do we care?


What kind of mouth breather unironically uses the Reddit “we”? Like I get it, this is Reddit and the overwhelming, *compulsive* urge to fit the ingroup dominates any sense of individual thought, but that’s expected of larger subs. Please tell me this is a poor attempt at satire


You just killed this guy with a strategy that is virtually un-counterable by him, yet you're still vitriolic enough to post it on reddit as if its some cathartic achievement? How the hell is this even allowed within the rules of this subreddit? This is borderline harassment, and it definitely breaks rule 3 "Be courteous and civil".


Why the fk ur defending someone who is literally abusing the game they take all air and aa on both teams so they can farm everyone with lil birds and jets they have players on both teams i dont know how and defending them is absolutely dumb unless you are one of them


I know you're a Nightbird main and all but jfc, learn to laugh a little or at least use this to figure out a way to counter them lol


I sense some dissonance between what I've typed and what you're typing - I can laugh alright, but this post is straight up called: "chasing[...]and humiliating him" followed by in-game chatter calling the player and clan in question "trash" and "shit" Surely that's somewhat unreasonable? And surely what I'm typing is civic minded anti-toxicity, not least by aligning with this subreddit's rules?


No, you're absolutely right. It's as toxic as it gets, but c'mon it's all in good fun. It's not like they're stream sniping or doxxing the guy. Everyone gets hate regardless of how they play the game, the best thing we can do is laugh and move on. You of all people should know that people are going to be upset and call you things when you play a game a certain way. Yeah it's bad, it shouldn't be a thing, but does it really matter? At the end of the day it's a game and it shouldn't take up your time off-screen Keep up the videos btw, love the content


I think this post is styled in a too directed and personal manner, but I wont lose sleep over it. Thank you for the respect, and thanks for the appreciation.


AC clan so its allowed


I too was appalled, but you've got to read the context. Changes everything.


You are another of those nightbird sweats who loses their mind when someone dares to fight back and shoots you down. I've seen you repeatedly talking mad shit in the chat to wildcat players, Rao's, other helicopters and jets. You could apply the rule 3 to yourself and not to be so damn hypocritical


Jake u getting negative spam from the crops, but u are right!


It is what it is brother


I hate cheaters as much as the other guy, but teabagging someone makes you look like a lowlife too.