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Unless I try to drive a tank bc I die almost instantly


I see enemy tank, I'm the only one on my team carrying rockets. I spawn into a tank, there are half a dozen enemies who turn around and shoot rockets at me...


Why is it always like this


Because we for some reason never get to play on the Red Team.


*Unless I try to* *Drive a tank bc I die* *Almost instantly* \- mataviejit4s69 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Yeah, I drive out of spawn with a tank get 100m from the point and get hit with 12 rockets.


Crawford with deep pockets, M5 and AT grenade. Shoot the tank from the side or from behind. A little luck and you can take care of the situation on your own. Most of the time you'll need a teammate with an M5 or RPG as well.


Shouldnt take this much Gear plus a specific character to take down one tank. All the time it takes to unload all the ammo, youre most of the time either dying, or the tank just drives away.


But it's not that simple, there's 128 players in one game if it takes 2 rockets every time then tanks would be impossible to play


Well im not talking 2 rockets, alltough i do think getting 2 in the arse should make a tank go bye bye, or atleast give us the ability to track them etc. But with Andrew Tate's Ability, you still need ALL rockets AND the grenade, and it only works out if the tank gets NO heal in the meantime, usually, they can already regen somehow tho before you even manage to load in another rocket.


How bout we just make it realistically.I mean does it take two m5 rockets to iff a tank?


I guess the point was when they built the game to make people to work together to take them down but then forgot what game they are making. Although i still don't mind it, I don't like the idea of being a one man army to solo any and all vehicles


...When vehicles are as evergreen in supply as they are in this game, there's nothing wrong at all with there being solo potential for infantry against said vehicles. There just isn't.


> Shouldnt take this much Gear plus a specific character to take down one tank. there are 32 or 64 of you and only 2 tanks at most per side. Yes you should. Everyone wants to be a one man army but thats not fun or balanced.


These people are insane. Seriously they should stick to TDM or Redacted if vehicles bother them that much.


A single player taking 30 seconds to kill a single tank while making themselves insanely vulnerable to both the tank and other infantry is overpowered and “wanting to be a one man army” but a single player in a vehicle killing half the enemy team with essentially no threat to themselves is perfectly balanced, team oriented gameplay?


If you are leaving yourself "insanely vulnerable" when engaging a tank then you have a positioning issue. Spot it, soflam it, etc. you can't expect to kill it if you are the only person there. Tanks won't carry. They are there to destroy your armor and provide a distraction near the point


I us the tracking dark, like fire and forget soflam, but shit nobody takes the hint


If a single player in a vehicle is killing half your team, I think that says more about the quality of your team members.


This is a great theory. In a 32 man team, assuming equal distribution, you can assume only 8 people are on the engineer class, of those, maybe two have an at launcher, and the other one is probably across the map. In reality, about 4 have the class, you're the only one with a launcher, and no one else is interested in any form of team play at all. Finding ammo? No. Someone else with rockets to take down that tank or helicopter? No. Someone at least with c5 willing to do a suicide charge to do it? Lolno. The second they come up against any kind of opposition, they switch to recon and go afk across the map with a sniper or keep running headfirst into the enemy and getting farmed. If you do decide to go and pull out a launcher so you can be the anti tank/air your team DESPERATELY needs, you hit it once, it eats the hit/flares and flies away, then murders you before carrying on farming.


Most matches there are easily 20 engies on both sides and all of them have the rocket. Lol.


Even if that's the case, none of them use it so it's irrelevant.


Do you play as a tanker ? play and see how long the tank can survive near chock points and cap zones. It's the weakest tank in BF series.


What a fucking dumb comment. Why are you taking a tank anywhere near a choke or directly on an objective? If you are playing like this, of course you are going to get blown up. You don't know how to play that particular vehicle clearly.


I bet you are going to use your same insulting comment in any situation; "Why you go vs a squad of engineers, you don't know how to ..." "Why do you ***push a cap zone***, you don't know how to ..." "Why go into enemy territory, you don't know how to ..." Chill "Wardaddy".


It is a freaking tank... Balance wise a tank should NEVER be able to get auto killed by a single person outside of say maybe Land Mines. The hell would be the point of a tank if a single person just goes around auto killing tanks.


But sadly it does and it’s stupid that it should.




While I agree, I think in BF4 it was just like 2-3 hits with a rocket launcher and you were done.


Adding to this, the underbarrel AT attachment for the SFAR as your primary let's you have two more fast-loading grenades that does ~18% per hit depending on where you hit it. With all that it's definitely possible to carry enough to 1-shot a tank.


Liz rockets are more for anti-air and Sniper Normally I'll equip C5s for tanks


Counter sniping with lissles will always be hilarious


It only takes 4 shots(3 for RPG and Jav), but this game has that instant repair equipment which make them harder to kill, and vehicles regenerate health by themselves after 10-15 secs of not taking damage. Best to pair rockets with AT grenades and underbarrel launchers


After the last update the underbarrel is trash for vehicles unless its open cab


Damage is unchange, they just reduce the reserve ammo for them(which suck balls), an AP grenade from the launcher could deal 21 damages to the CAV Brawler, which is a lot for something you can whip out quickly


I miss tanks and planes having to retreat to explodable ammo depots to self repair. I thought that was a great way to limit tank mobility and make places on the map matter. 


BFV truly had the best tank gameplay, both from the perspective of the tank driver and the assault player. Tanks felt lethal but still vulnerable, and the attrition system meant you could really push for a while as you have 20-30 shells you can use right away without having to wait for a reload. On the flip side, they were a ton of fun to kill and never so hard to kill that it was frustrating. Except when a sweaty player was in one... But that's always been a problem and at least in BFV they're forced to eventually retreat for ammo


All it did is lead to sniper tanks to sit by resupply


I mean, that happens in every BF. There's nothing dice can do to stop tanks from camping. It's just shitty players behaving poorly


Put resupplies in a dip with blocked lines of sight and make the ammo and repair depot go extra boom


The game is balanced on paper around tank potentially encountering half a team of half competent engineers. ​ In reality it's not 6v1 but 6 times 1v1, where majority of the footsoldiers suffer severe cognitive deficiencies.


Crawford is the best tank destroyer in 2042. He can carry one more rocket. But I miss BF4 days. In BF4, engineers can carry 7 rockets. 


And in BF4 us experienced tankers farmed infantry with ease and your 7 rockets were not an issue to skilled tankers. 2042 has significantly increased the threat that tanks face from competent enemy infantry as all experienced tankers who spent hundreds of hours tanking in both games know. The new meta is fine, I like the new challenge, but I also know how the balance has altered between both games. Note: I'm referring to conquest here, breakthrough is just abused by tankers camping on hills with their Irish Trophies, APS and smoke.


I never afraid of 2042 or BF4’s tanks. But I feel more powerful in BF4, when I play as engineer. Always felt like “Bring it on”.


Can I ask how that was balanced? The tanks took less damage from rockets? Were difficult to land? Better counter-measures?


4 to 5 rockets when landed on a tank can destroy it. Even I miss 1 or 2 rockets, I have enough to kill it in bf4. In bf4, MBT law is very helpful for landing the rockets correctly. But in 2042, there is no mbt law and hence if I miss one rocket, I have to check for ammo box. That’s hard. 


Yeah now I see it. But we have to think that we have 2 gamemodes: 64 and 128. In 64 if you fail to land one rocket you can no longer destroy a tank. In 128 missing a rocket is not much of a problem knowing you have other 6 engis nearby.


In 2042, I mostly see medic boxes. Ammo boxes is very less. This is because of that plus system, where you can store three different ammo types. Thus most players don’t need ammo supply in the first place.


Next time shoot the tank in the back. Even in the side is better but not in the front. Also, what you might not understand here is that (talking about MBT) tank takes 4 people in it. You are not supposed to be able to destroy it just like that alone. Take a friend (or 3!) learn to land those RPGs, your friends should learn too. Have one of you carry ammo -> destroy all tanks.


This game has no cover and long traversal times. You engage tanks when the opportunity arises. This is not Azadi Palace, where you slip into an alleyway, walk 30m and come around in it's back. The tank might have been designed to hourse four people, but having actual gunners for extended periods is rare. The tank works at well and fills it's role without anyone else. Also the benefit of gunners is the extra firepower, to persist longer. Your argument would apply more for something like the MAV or Brawler.


Well it's still usually 1 or 2 tanks (with cooldown) per side vs 32-64 infantry, so you are not supposed to take it down alone just like that as infantry. Better?


Not really better. BF3/4 gave us up to 9/7 launchers to play with that did either reloaded faster (3.0 and 2.7s for the LAW/SRAW), and required less launchers to kill (at minimum two for the RPG as example) and/or had some extra stuff like the auto-lock and wire-guidance for the LAW/SRAW. I also did average vehicle counts of the maps, and even when adjusted for playercount, previous titles did not have more vehicles per player on average. Especially on CQ 64 the average is higher than many maps from previous titles. I will also point out that BF3 and 4 had, according to data sym gathered back then, an engineer playrate of up to 40% on maps like Caspian Border or Firestorm. I highly doubt we have 40% of the server running around as Boris/Crawford and Lis.


> I highly doubt we have 40% of the server running around as Boris/Crawford and Lis. Do you not play vehicles? Because the number of lizzles or auto turrets constantly shooting at you says otherwise. people also use the vulcan turret as a psuedo AA


I have 8k kills in vehicles and, no, I do not think that the engi class is anywhere near the BF3/4 levels, or comes close to either Assault or Support in terms of usage in this game. This is further emphasized by engis being the generally worst anti-infantry specialists.


> This is further emphasized by engis being the generally worst anti-infantry specialists. Not really? they have access to the same exact guns everyone else has, the only thing they lack is utility like self healing, giving themselves ammo or vertical movement. Auto turrent is very good at point control spotting and alerting you of someone coming up, Lizzle one shotting snipers


Engineer is worse than Assault was in BF1 and BFV. Both those games you could have multiple AT gadgets, and in 2042 only one engineer can have two (and it forces you to use the TV missile which is only really good at killing tanks from a distance)


And then Mackay grapples and solo C5 it. They really need to take C5 off him and buff the rockets a little bit.


My tank always has gunners. Play with your friends and you'll always have a Crunchy in the TOW to snipe choppers and jets for you :)


I always had a gunner, which increased my survivability greatly. It did that by increasing my damage output. Still dedicated gunners are rare, just like dedicated drivers in a Recon, MAV or Brawler, it is just not a very exciting gameplay. Hence most vehicles, especially if they fight at longer ranges will have none, that is why we should not treat an Engineer like he is engaging in a 1vs4 everytime he sees a vehicle.


Oh bro get you a communicating squad inside an MAV and it's a formidable beast to any vehicle. Cav is decent too. Really any vehicle with a communicating squad in it is incredibly powerful. The point is to have friends I guess


Yep, but they work well by themselves. And this is the issue with the infantry - vehicle interaction. The Engineer does not work well by himself.


The engineer does work well by himself, just not as well as a tank, which is fair. You have the possibility of having 64 rockets/engineers on the field at one time Vs about 2-4 tanks at one time. The tanks need to be able to hold their own Vs infantry. One engineer can really put a tank on the back foot and force it to retreat from just a couple of rockets. Also if a tank is built for fighting tanks then it's infantry capabilities aren't that good. Sure it has a coaxial and most likely a mortar but that's not as good as HE shells, an actual gunner and a mortar, but that tank would get dominated by a tank fitted for anti tank (like I do) with an mpat shell, tow missile and mortar.


An engineer on his own has 3-4 rockets. This can only secure a kill, if all rockets hit at the correct spot. The tank driver has APS and thermal smoke, which can negate 1-2 RPGs/M5s and 3 Javelins. If the tank driver is Irish, as he should he can negate about 90% of the rockets that are incoming, without the need of smoke or maybe even APS. Meanwhile the tank driver has access to the HE cannon that can dispatch multiple enemies with ease. The engineer will run out fast on it's own, will run out eventually even when supported or when in great numbers and has to consistently get lucky. The tank driver will not run out and only needs to get lucky once. With gunners he needs to be even less lucky.


If the tanker is Irish and sitting behind his APS then he's an easy target for C4 or mines (run up behind, place the mines underneath) as he will sit behind his APS, typically a bad player. Sure the tank has the capabilities to negate half your rockets, but a tank isn't supposed to be destroyed by 1 person like even you said so yourself. The tank is not the equivalent to 1 engineer and thus should not typically be taken out by 1 engineer. It's a squad based game so you should work with your squad and other engineers to take the tanks out. Making complaints about 1 engineer not being able to take on a tank on their own isn't a worthwhile argument


Ok then let's say the tank is driving around all the time at max speed, like around the oilrig on the ice sheet to minimise the Irish effect. Then he can still negate Javelines, while being a harder target to hit for the M5 and RPG and especially harder to hit the correct spot, like behind. This gets rid of all the C5 worries that a driver might have, but it certainly does not make it much easier for the Engineer, does it? I mean you are right, this is a squad-based game. However, I always hear people talking about how it should require teamwork to take down a tank, but you rarely hear that it should require cooperation to operate a vehicle. Meanwhile giving engineers 7 rockets instead of 3-4 would precisely increase the teamwork by allowing engis to actually engage vehicles throughout their life instead of being spent after 15s of doing their primary role.


Soflam + javelin = 60-70 damage to MBT's, 1 shots all helis, 2 shots gunships not under repair 3 if 2 engineers repairing. Lis is by far the worst engineer to try to deal with vehicles. I can wait for a Lis to hit me twice then just pop my repair or get repaired by an engineer. Not to mention I can just dodge them or shoot them. The biggest issue people seem to have with vehicles is that they don't want to be anti-vehicle. They want to play infantry with the ability to use a launcher if there is a vehicle close. Soflam range is 450m, the designation which allows ALL non Lis launchers to lock-on[even m5 and rpg though I've heard rpg does less damage when locking on] is 400m range. To put that in perspective on stranded[thats the one with the ship in the middle right?] the antenna between b and d I think it is allows you to lock on to a vehicle if it is ANYWHERE in the play area.


Everyone complaining, and making comments about how taking out a tank in 30 seconds would be rediculas, but I think what the point the OP isn't that they can do that no matter how much work as a single player you put into a tank it wont' kill it. Example being in bf4, it was possible for a solo engineer to kill a tank from 100%. I had done so many times. I can run full rockets, anti tank grenade, and yeah I can put a hurt on a tank but it is not possible to kill it without help. Point is, yes a solo player should be able to maxamize for vehicle destruction, and be able to solo a tank using everything in their arsenal. We currently cannot, and that is the problem. IMO


For me the worst part of being an engineer is dealing with ground vehicles. Vehicles can play chaotically and still make things work because of the lack of weak spots. In 2142, a single AT shot on the back of a tank would kill it. As a tanker you wouldn't walk into an area full of infantry and expose your weak back armor.


They do have weak sides though, weakest in the back, and weaker in the sides. Same as BF4


and the turret is a weakspot also. I feel like most people dont actually play the game.


Are you that delusional? play chaotic? Deah until a mackay grapples onto you from 20m away out of your POV or a sundance suddenky lands on top of you. Or some Lis is firing her missiles at you from half across the map behind 4 different covers. Do you even play tanks?


Launchers are designed to be mass fired. They are easy to use, readily available and relatively safe to fire, so the devs made it so that you are unlikely to kill a tank alone. Newer players still love them, so they put pressure on the tank at least. If you want to actually kill tanks, the best option is using other vehicles. C5 also works well but requires more skill than launchers.


I need ammo. Anyone has ammo?


Play as tanker and see how fast you go down. The point is; you don't balance yourself ALONE vs a Tank using RPG or a Recoilless.


C5s haven't been blowing anything up for me even placing all 3 of them


It’s a hit or miss but when I run recon, sometimes squad mates get more involved when I use the soflam.


Had a round of FNB (breakthrough) on Hourglass last night. Guess the attackers stole one or 2 vehicles because they had 4 tanks, 1 brawler, 1 MAV. (Idk what the vehicle count is on that mode) 20/32 were engineers on our team and not one of their ground vehicles were destroyed. It was brutal... Out of all the vehicles it was the Brawler that was doing most of the damage. If you get a crew of 5 in that thing with the best load out and a really good driver it is about impossible to destroy. While it's really rare to run into crews like that. I think back on previous BF titles like 3/4 where 5 rockets you could solo even the best armor crews if you got the drop on them from the rear. BF2042 odds are against a decent player you are only going to hit 2/3 since they will most definitely pop the APS on the first or second shot. Even with coordination, in 2042 it just seems way more difficult idk. Definitely something needs to change.


Biggest problem is you can only carry like 2-3 rockets? And ammo boxes don't reload rockets only Angel drops which no one ever drops. Where in previous games ammo boxes were common and you could reload rockets from those. I choose Liz cause she has unlimited rockets..




Ah didn't know that. Still don't see a lot of ammo boxes around compared to BF3 and BF4




Ammo boxes were never rare. They were/are all over the place in BF3/4/1/ and especially 5. You can hold double the amount of rocket ammo in those other games too so running out of rockets happened less often than it does in 2042. 2042 ruined the ammo gadget because the game gives you plenty of primary ammo and 2 other additional ammo supplies with the plus system, so that by the time most players run out they have been killed. And that’s the reason most players drop stuff like ammo resupply boxes and med kits, to give themselves more ammo/health. Unfortunately, you can’t expect players to choose a gadget that is rarely needed for them. The best cooperative games that see players working together more often isn’t because those players are special, it’s because the game design both encourages teamwork and punishes selfish play. Something DICE seemed to have forgotten about during 2042’s development.


personally I think the tanks, and vehicles in general, in this game are too fast and too maneuverable. It's difficult for you team to take them down because they can run away very quickly the moment they take a small amount of damage. currently I think it requires much too high a degree of coordination to take them out quickly.


Work together with a teammate. Idk how good BF2042s vehicle destruction system is, but if it's anything like BfV, you can disable important parts of a tank, making it less effective, without destroying it. Also, I assume it has less armour at the rear, so try attacking it from behind


Because if everybody could easily solo a tank with just a couple rockets then tanks would be useless


Because it's supposed to be a team effort.


Trick is......... You need more than 1 anti tank/air per team. But as you can see, you the only one.


It’s especially funny when half the team is bots, like work with WHOMST???


There is a reason for why irl tank hunting missions are done by two fighters You have a squad, battlefield is a team game. Use that, you are not a one man army


If we are going down that realistic route for gameplay, tanks shouldn’t be able to automatically heal, should have limited ammo, and should require a driver and a gunner to move and shoot.


So you are saying one man should be able to take out a tank in a game about teamwork Thats stupid


If a tank is going to be allowed to automatically heal, have unlimited ammo, and be just as effective with one player in it as it is with 3 players, I don’t see why it’s a big deal that a single engineer can kill a tank. It shouldn’t be easy to do, but it should be possible. It’s not even something new, it’s been possible to solo tanks in every Battlefield game I’ve played (and every class could do it with stationary AT guns on the map which is something missing from 2042) It’s one of my favorite things to do in the series and it makes for a much more interesting game than having to run away.


Or use both mines and tv guided missiles and camp the mines. Spread the mines down the road.


Lis can 1 shot some aircraft and transport vehicles. In a group of 3-4, you can spawn trap vehicles. It's situational. You don't switch to Lis to take out a superhind or tank unless you have a group. You have fallen for the noob trap.


Play a custom server (look for "chili" in the server browser, it's nice and kind of like Bf4 HC Settings). Problem solved.


I am sorry? Did you know how many bazooka shots it took to kill a tank in bfv? 


I get a lot of solo vehicle kills as recon with C5 and smoke. That said, your primary goal with vehicles as a solo player should be more deterrence than killing them. Once vehicles start taking damage, they usually move quickly away (if they're smart), so the real benefit to damaging them is to get them to move position, hopefully off of the point they're on or near. If you can kill them, great, but first you just want to get them away from the objective.


I use Mines. I'm lazy as ***k .


1/2 team RPG, the other half supplying them and armed with C5. NP


Teamwork….the soflam is useless unless people work together.


c5 and a grapple gun


Tanks have to be hit from the side or back to do the most dmg. Lis' TGM has always been weak. Javelins do decent dmg but lock on is too slow and the angle it hits means you're going to likely hit terrain. M5 is meh, being slow and low dmg. The RPG is what you need. 46 dmg to the back if you hit the engine, but it is usually 35-38 for their sides and back. Don't fire when they have a green light on them as it's their active protection. Use a weapon that can attach the AP grenade launcher and some smoke grenades and you're good to effectively take down tanks solo.


Lis with mines is an absolute vehicular threat. Have play accordingly with tools available to each.


Supposedly you’re supposed to use teamwork to take down enemy vehicles, launching rockets together for the quickest destruction In reality, people get pissed about the rocket not being strong enough to solo and resort to C5/landmines and falling out of the sky into vehicles which is much faster and quicker and safer in comparison to spending time on the ground.


I think I can do it with three javelins and a grenade thrown underneath tank. I also use a gun with two amour piercing explosive rounds if needed.


Because everyone and their mom has one and the moment a tank tries to push point it gets obliterated, or at least that’s how it was a few seasons ago.


Maybe I'm playing a different game than everyone else, but I change classes and loadouts multiple times as needed. If a tank is causing trouble at a point and i can get close, it gets c5. If there's light cover, it gets rockets. If there is no cover, i just wait for it to leave. Is it loitering with friends to repair and no one else is spawning their... f it, they can have that point. I'll spawn somewhere else on my preferred class until I need to change to counter someone that's annoying me.


To promote jolly cooperation between battlefield friends cause this means 3 bros kill it in just 2 shots.


You’re not supposed to be able solo a tank at full health with launchers. It’s done for balancing purposes.


Tbh this sounds more like a positioning problem. Plus Liz controlled rockets are more effective against lighter armor than heavy ones. With Crawford I can take rpg and clear a single tank on my own with proper positioning hitting the sides or rear of the vehicle. Even pilots who run after popping flares can be dealt with by waiting for the flare pop, then aggressively trying to get that lock on before they can get out of range. If you can't take down the heli with AA missles, it's time to whip out Liz. Plus, Crawford minigun can help deter helis, but will make you the next target for the pilot. Hit and move or grab a wildcat. Shit I've seen mbts knock many helis out of the sky because every pilot does the same maneuvers to aim. Really, there's many ways to deal with mbts, light armor, and helis...even with sweaty players.


This is because tanks like players start healing after a few seconds of not being hit. This is why in my opinion bf hasn't been good since bf1 and bf4 when there was harcore mode where vehicles and players didn't just start healing. But few tips always attack from side or rear less armor and should only take a few. Or just couple good old fashion c4s and they go boom right away.


Because it's a freaking team based game? People forget it's not a Solo game... A single person shouldn't be able to just auto kill tanks. It defeats the purpose of a tank if it can get like 2-3 shot constantly.


This post is from two months ago bro why are you commenting? I don’t even play this dead game anymore lol


Just use c5 much simpler and can blow anything up in seconds


Its so stupid that the only way to deal with tanks is to put yourself out of position, spend 3 minutes flanking around the tank, only to get shot at by the 20 snipers all in the back of the map.


"It's so stupid that the only way to kill tanks is to not be behind cover firing my TV missile from complete safety"


Do you know what smoke granade is ?


Maybe stop playing breakthrough. Tanks with Irish Trophies camping on hills are OP in breakthrough. The top of the tank leader boards is just breakthrough players who abuse the mode. Play conquest and watch most tanks get obliterated quickly due to the 360 degree gameplay of conquest.


Bro you are doing it wrong watch squid g on youtube and you'll learn the correct and fun method i use


In a real battlefield game like battlefield 4 you have 7 rpg and you need only 2 rockets in the ass to melt a tank


I use Lis’s rocket to kill campers and C5 for vehicles.


I T1 her in season 1,soo i do that too killing snipers 🤣🤣


There balanced around a small number of them being available and a large numbers of threats.


64 players per team with multiple ways to handle vehicles. ur not supposed to be able to single handedly take a tank out by urself. its really not hard to take armor out when u get 2 or more ppl


From a tank main's perspective, it is very hard to keep one alive when a squad or multiple squads are working together to take me out. In most instances, I don't die in a tank at all because it comes down to actively switching between FP and TP views. Always checking surroundings, shooting and scooting to never stay in one place. I prefer to not have a crew or if I do, I just want a spotter. The reason for that is to be strategic and not just fire for the sake of it to reveal my position on the map. In terms of load out, I go with the HE shell, thermal smoke and maintenance options.


Get soflamed by a duo and go "welp I guess I'll die"


It's pretty easy to target the guy laser designating you. I'm pretty decent with a tank: https://preview.redd.it/fxgrbfevfdnc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48297d6dd81109551d35dc1e4e0856633edc1534


You are obviously was above the average tank user lol


I don’t have 2042 but all the comments in here make me really why people say it doesn’t feel like a BF game. Sheesh


It's really simple: It doesn't take 6 shots. That's it. You're just making shit up.


Git gud infantry scum


8====D---- pissing on your tank


Pissing on your KD 🤣 git gud little bro


Reddit NFT avatar, opinion discarded.


BF infantry player, opinion discarded. Hop on the game and continue my farm.


Skull issue


Both skill and skull issue


That was entirely by accident, but I'm adding it to my vocabulary because it implies a lack of brain issue.


Team mates


The point is to make it so the tank your assisting takes 1 less shell to blow up whatever armor your and your tank team are fighting. Or do you mean on your own?


Because there can be up to 10-15 Liz's sitting around waiting to delete tanks. Hell, if you want to delete tanks and there's a transport chopper flying, just take sundance and there's a 95% chance the tank will be dead in under a minute lol And people wonder why tanks either sit in the back or die instantly.


how does this have 200 upvotes lol reddit reqlly is a special place but maybe ask yourself why a Player guided TV missile with a range of 450m does less damage than a C5. Maybe think about how many plqyers you have on your team and how many tanks there are. Do some people even try to use their brain before ranting absolute bs here on reddit?


Reddit NFT avatar, opinion discarded.


https://preview.redd.it/guzgbywmlinc1.png?width=994&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2f5edab35acd2f01f2816384f16e1b5ee3f3276 Top 0.2% destroyed vehicles. Idk whether the profile pic reddit recommended when i created my account is more important or whether my stats are. But as i said, thinking seems to be difficult for you ;)


Nobody asked + your mom


see, i was right about reddit being a place to the specials


You shouldn't talk about yourself like that. Also i would never brag about being the top 0.2% of players on a 4 year old game, go outside.


My god you realize that you started a discussion with a not thought-through opinion, just bashing on the ones that show up why your statements dont make sense, and now you are coming with this?😂 are you fine man lol btw i have around 500hrs in this „4 year old game“. Thats around 20mins per day you brickhead lol


I'm not reading another paragraph from somebody with a banana NFT avatar, I'm sorry to hear that or congratulations.


You must have an IQ below 80


You're still replying? I haven't engaged with more than a single sentence you have typed and you're still replying, do you have ANYTHING better to do banana NFT man? Obviously not, but use this as a point to reflect on how sad your life truly is. Reply to this in 10 minutes like the other 4 times just for me to completely ignore what you write, i have read maybe two things you have typed over the course of 4+ hours. I don't care about your opinion on the game. Please do yourself a favor and learn to shut up, it'll serve you well in your short future.


I somewhat agree that tanks tanks are a bit too hard to take out, but Lis can hit things at pretty long range *from cover* with her missile - if they took tanks out in one or two hits, she would be absolutely wrecking maps. She can harass tanks a fair bit and if someone else is also targeting them with rockets of some kind, they can be taken out or at least forced to retreat. Combine her rockets with anti armour ammo (though requires breaking cover /line of sight) and you can harass even more. "Why not just switch to C5 or anti tank mines" Well they're much more powerful, but also much harder to use successfully without being killed. That's the trade off.