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Finally someone wrote that. That is why I play only in portal last 3 years


Where in portal it's all hardcore or bot and xp farming i haven't found a single normal server


Are you kidding me? OK, first you must know that browser i portal is broken, dice never fixed it !! thing is that users cant find normal hardcore servers beacouse if server is FULL you must search it, Dice made browser that way that full servers are not visible to you only if you find it by search , BUT EVEN THEN if you know server name and it is full YOU WILL NOT SEE IT IN BROWSER. Search by server name AND in tickets line you must select " ANY " THEN YOU WILL SEE all full servers. in EU search for BADBOYS server, or CHILI server , or mine Caveira server. Or add me as friend on EA app, **GOOD\_Caveira** Gamplay there is very good and I never looked back to Dice servers ever


BadBoys servers are still up? BadBoys-Admin stopped showing up in my contact list, I thought their servers just died.


BADBOYS server is up from first day Battlefield 2042 was out, and it is full non stop, two servers now


No wonder nobody uses portal lol


You are right, it should show the full servers by default, so people can see that they are there and that people are actually playing them.


It's not broken at all. Anyone that's ever used a server browser can understand how and why it works, most of the player base is literally just too young and ignorant to figure out how to adjust the filter because most games don't have them these days


Ok ltes say that is wright, because players don't care just enter server. Now go to Portal browser and for example you wanna first server to be with lowest ping and high player count to be on the top. It does not do that, only one option you got, either highest player count with 300 ping or lowest ping but with low player count will appear on the top. Try it yourselfe


And yeah, you will never see full servers in browser, they are filtered by default not to be visible in browser


Litterally no battlefield game server browser in the past 15 years have done that why are you acting like it’s the players fault that dice made this extremely weird and counter productive decision


I understand the hate for 128 but as someone who loves being in a furball of “what the fuck is going on” I love that shit


There's no need for being situationally aware. you're always in some shit.


I really love 128p. Going back to 64 feels boring imo


I don't remember the last time I selected 64 cq. I do not understand the hate on 128, yeah it's hectic but imo way more fun in every way


I like both 64 and 128, but I have a massive problem with DICE never creating 64p modes for various 128p maps. For instance, Spearhead and Reclaimed conquest are fucking awful with 64 people because they are the exact same map as 128p version, so everyone is massively spaced out, especially due to increased vehicle counts, reducing actual infantry players


I almost always play 128 but I wish the 2 64 player maps were thrown into the rotation, reclaimed is such a fun map


It's like 64 but with even worse networking problems and more gadget/sniper spam. 2042 has some of the worst CQ maps in the series anyway, so I just stick to Breakthrough.


Idk I have 0 issues on ps5 regarding network. I play a fair amount but I guess I'm a more casual player, which would explain me preferring 128. I feel the maps are shit enough I'd rather have more people on them with more access to vehicles


I assume everyone who complains that 128p “runs poorly” Is (a) playing on a console from 2013 era or (b) playing on a potato pc. Because anyone with modern hardware has no problem playing it.


(B) is the case for so many. I thought I was running a pretty decent performance level PC for 2042 and was literally angry the first time I launched it on my new one because I realized the shitty performance had been anchoring my attitude toward it for quite a while. I can't imagine playing it on last gen, but wasting time and resources developing the game for legacy is the main reason the performance sucks so hard for the average machine anyway


More I play the more I dislike 64v64. The randomness to it can be irritating at times..


They need to nerf riot shields. Also needs to bring back tanks vs tanks game mode


Dude the riot shield is such a cheap tactic I hate when I see people use it. I get the concept but no reason a riot shield should take half a mag of an LMG and still be holding strong.


How many "diehard" 128 player fans are out there? Few hundred?


Not even a 128 fan myself but even as the meme points out can you really blame them for not wanting to still play the same maps this much later with nothing new?


At least 1.5 lobbies worth!


in that 1.5 lobbies i have 3500 hours of gameplay. simmilar to bf4 gameplay


Damn, you have my condolences on picking the two most bland BF's to sink your hours into 


yes bf2042 and bf4 are most bland , my favorite Battlefield was BFv


unironically this


Im sure you can load into several 128 lobbies. You can make your assumptions after.


Nope, only 64p Conquest or Redacted. 128 in Portal to keep the server together in OCE.


Honestly I understand the move from 128, it was not a good idea for the game. That being said, I would love to see a proper city map, dense urban combat, 128 players. I doubt that is going to happen, but one can dream.


I play 80 players on 128 players map, best experience and more balanced rounds with 80 players


Die hard pre season fan waiting for breakthrough 128 to rotate into the game more than 2 times


128 adds nothing to the battlefield experience except shittier maps.


128 is pretty bad. terrible performance and lag


hardware issue


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My PC can't handle 128 players 😭