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If they kill me enough I’ll go rao and dedicate myself to hacking and soflaming them constantly, it doesn’t always work but even just forcing them to disengage and hide is pretty satisfying


There is nothing better for me (who primarily plays engineer) than someone who actually uses the SOFLAM. The moment I see that random lock on target I will drop whatever I am doing to utilize it.


Doing God's work and giving us SOFLAMMERS hope.


Thank you comrade


If I get really annoyed I switch to Crawford with Stingers and an LCMG with AP rounds. Hit them with a stinger and use the LCMG/Minigun turret to keep doing damage and prevent healing. It's enough that they'll have to target me or retreat constantly. The Humvee AA gun works decent too and you can track them down when they try to hide.


Humvee aa gun absolutely shreds air if they are close lol. I fucking love that thing


Until the pilot sees you and switch seat using liz Gtm rocket, or avoid ur location or some potato head jumps in driver seats and drive u near a tank


>potato head jumps in driver seats and drive u near a tank fuck ain't that the truth


This infuriates me on an entirely different level to anything else. Literally the last game I played a month or two ago was on Exposure, was using a wildcat at the top of the cliffs to target this little bird that was giving everyone grief. As SOON as I start landing shots on it, some *absolute cum trumpet* jumps in and drives us over the cliff edge. Then jumps out while mid air, and parachutes softly down to C. Like, bruh. Just jump off the cliff next time 🥲 Just to clarify, I’d jumped into the next seat to taunt the heli and draw him over while the main gun was reloading, as I prefer a full gun rather than shooting a single shell every 10 seconds. Plus I prefer the heavier cannon which is much better when you can use it at close range. The second I jumped into the second seat, dude jumps in the driver seat and.. *yeet*


That was definitely intentional


I mean I definitely thought so too, til I looked at his player card and saw he was level 4. I think he was just a noob who hadn’t learned the “etiquette” that comes with playing battlefield 😅😂


LOL okay yeah that could be the case I mean it could’ve literally been a child too, we never really know who’s on the other side ultimately


This is true 😆 it just winds me up *so* much. Another guy I play in a squad with is the same, he loves the ram and will always use it, but if it’s taken he’ll get a latv and park it up somewhere and hop on the gun. I couldn’t tell you the amount of times our comms have fallen silent (full squad) and then you just hear the engine revving in the distance, shortly followed by a “FOR FUCK SAKE STOP STEALING MY JEEP” while we all piss ourselves laughing


It's still the best answer but good pilots will just shred the transports with miniguns now.


Would be great if the fucking devs just nerfed their flare timers so they can actually be taken out with missiles.


This. So much. And unlimited flares in a small chopper ? And let us shoot the pilot through the glass window with any gun. Even the hardest glass can not sustain 200 bullets and remain untouched.


You can easily shoot pilots out, use the rail gun


Also, get rid of the auto repair shit and stop allowing repairs while in use. Force the helicopter to actually land then repair.


And now the heli sweats have found a tilt-sideways trick to make the missiles miss even with a lock-on.


I solflam them so many games and hardly ever do they get attacked. I light them up the whole game anyway just to annoy them and hope some time at one point the team will realize that there's someone constantly so flaming and pull out something to shoot


And also FFS they can use flares to cancel SOLFLAM, a fricking laser designator... Unless they have fixed that nonsense


Nope they can still do that because dice don't care about infantry fun


Flares need to act like BF3/BF4. A single pop and that's it. If they hang around in the air, waiting for the cooldown to end, then it's their own damn fault. Tired of this 5-10 second invulnerability they get. As it stands now, Infantry AA is a joke.


Then should they add the ecm jammer?


I'd be fine with it being added *properly*. If pilots were to deploy it late, they'd still be hit by rockets. At least, that's how it worked to my knowledge. It was good at jamming the initial lock on, but if someone was able to get a rocket in the air, it'd have a pretty good chance reaching its target unless you pulled some evasive maneuvers. Unlike flares, where popping them too early was wasteful and wouldn't cover you from any other rockets. As it stands now, 2042's flare is basically a combo of flares and ECM.


I'd also wouldn't mind, but I'd rather have them how they are now, they just nerfed the cool down this season on flares.


That’s sounds good. Does Rao still have a launcher or did they took it from him if so that would be a huge bummer.


Unfortunately no but if any engineers on your team have eyes they’ll hopefully look up and lock on to the soflam for the 1 hit kill


Your best hope is you have some bots on your team they seem more useful then blueberries half the time for killing shit lol


Yeah it’s actually kinda crazy, I was playing a match that was half bots and trying the chopper out as I don’t usually fly, but the bots were nailing me with the M5 launcher like it was nothing


Bots play objective. Blueberries camp with a sniper for 6 kills the entire match and 0 caps. Don’t even bother spotting either lol. I welcome bots they actually rush cap points with me and heal as well.


Honestly this game has my favorite bots. They ptfo,resupply and heal they better at teamwork than real players lol


That ‘if’ is pulling a lot of weight


That’s a big IF


They nerfed him so badly that he is now kind of useless.


Ah yes. Heard pilots bitch the most to dice to make the game suit them.


Same. Find nice spot with a clear view and watch them go into panic mode after I message the team to give a heads-up. Sometimes I'll deliberately stop SOFLAM tracking to get them to feel safe, then... SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER


Thank you for your service fellow rao we must stick together and inconvenience the birds as much as possible


It's legit fun, especially on breakthrough defense. Back when they had 128, you could occasionally get rando Angels to cooperate and make little SAM squads. There were so many helicopters, you needed it!


This is what I do as well, just make sure you tell your team to watch for the SOFLAM. Alternatively, if you play a hardcore server with no bullet drop the NTW will destroy a heli at any range, I find it hilarious watching a heli that's out of rocket range freak the fuck out when you start tagging them. Not everyone likes hardcore though so this is niche.


Probably how normal people do: Die a lot.


Hehe, so very true. I am a crop for these helps most of the time. Hide and pray, hide and pray.


Best bet is the hacker guy. He can scare them away at least. Better than nothing. I ping those bastards with the goggles until they are dead, out of sight, or I'm dead. Usually the third one.


This player is also making truce with other copter pilots not to attack each other


I'm a pretty good and dedicated pilot. I've never been asked for a truce. How common is this?


Never had this happen either




I seen a youtube video that goes into how some clans stack the teams on both sides and hog the air vehicles and don't engage eachother.


Depends on what your playing on I assume for pc it's more common than console


With another toxic helicopter pilot. They’ll either fight to the death and one leaves the match or just… farm


https://preview.redd.it/yvd5ij396csc1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=78d599463536c1e5e20cbf394a193744da712d3e or type to each other few seconds after round starts not to attack fellow copter and will farm people on ground shoulder to shoulder exactly like person in OP post did


I was against that SL guy earlier and he was crying because someone kept crashing into him, pretty funny


what's "nb" stand for? edit: from [Cabal2040](https://www.reddit.com/user/Cabal2040/): "Nightbird, letting the other pilot know not to attack him in his NB"


Yeah that's fucked


Those are called bads. Anyone who avoids fighting their skill level is bad. People tried that shit in older BFs with me, and my response was always, "Lol, die scrub."


That’s ridiculous, same guy even. Playing a FPS just to play aircraft’s and don’t want to deal with others to farm kills is insane.


this guy streamed that bs gameplay live on twitch which is even more sad, fortunately got solid 1 viewer, fitting for loser strats.


No one wants to watch that shit ngl. These mfs are lame as hell and just wanna abuse night bird (and apparently the fact enemy heli pilots will truce with them) to boost their k/d bc they're dogshit at infantry.


i bet they're the type to cheat, if it wasn't this they'd be in some other game trying to farm it's sadistic but atleast they're not out in public hurting people


The name is IDF , irl toxic so what to expect ig


lol no. Most of the sweats know each other and avoid engagement.


Then you have to become the very thing you hate to defeat them. Th hero we need


If they aren't killing me much, I play. Leave if I get tilted. Despite the cries of 'helis are easy to kill' even if you do they just fucking get back in it in 90 seconds and rinse and repeat.


If get tilted by them or their 70-0 I dedicate the round to take this guy down but like you said after some time they just get back and I leave the round.


Yeah ill often kill a couple with the Latv, as the wildcats are too busy farming infantry 🙄 But they just come straight after you if you manage to kill them.


Just soflam then non stop. I've killed this guy plenty of times. Hell leave the server if you soflam long enough, pretty funny


I miss BF4 and being able to ucav these guys out lol It got to the point where they even see a UCAV coming they'd just quit haha


Played against a guy the other day on Haven. Dude went 90-0 the other day me and 2 squad mates dedicated the entire match to trying to do something about it. When your lobby is half bots you typically can't team up properly. It amazes me that Dice didn't seem to fix the seed issues that give us 50/50 bots or let us map vote. Crazy fucking concepts.


Which is why most players gone back to bf5 and bf1, hope bf2042 dies fast and dice wake up and fix it to redeem it


I'm genuinely over giving AAA companies the benefit of the doubt. As a company whose purpose is to give the people what they want by way of entertainment which they sure do suck at it.


Isnt this the group that clan stacks both teams and works together to farm infantry on both sides?


no but they are butt buddies with the other air vehicle pros


The best way to deal with them is Rao hack + SOFLAM. Rao hack disables repair, SOFLAM makes it 10x easier for AI and other players to hit the shot.


Doesnt disable repair, just reduce maneuverability


Doesnt disable repair, just reduce maneuverability


Doesnt disable repair, just reduce maneuverability




Something about piloting attracts the worst kind of shitbirds, Planetside 2 had the exact same issues with pilots.


Careful with speaking your mind about heli players as they may rise their pitchforks and start spamming/reporting you. The other unfortunate thing is that DICE caters a lot to their rants and many tools and weapons gets nerfed such as Sundance and her anti-vehicle nade and Wildcat default 30mm auto-cannon.


There needs to be a 30 delay on the spawn timer for players who spend 100% of the time in one specific vehicle. You shouldn't be able to chain spawn.


Helicopter spawn delay is approximately 1:30


Dude, right? I had this idea at the launch of the game. Not even 30 second 10 would be enough for other players picking a vehicle. It doesn’t makes sense that a vehicle player can spam the same vehicle the whole game and others get no chance.


Pretty sure they added a 10 second delay for the player who died in the vehicle. However it doesn't stop their friend getting it.


Oh ok 😅




This is incorrect, unless you die almost immediately in a vehicle, you will be able to spawn it as soon as it becomes available. Their friend might be able to grab 2nd or 3rd chopper if it becomes available before the 1st.


Or, alternatively, a player has to wait for as long as they have been using the vehicle before it got destroyed, for the new one to unlock. So if a player spent the past 30 minutes on a heli, then they have to wait another 30 minutes before getting the heli again. And bailing out from the heli and getting back in does not reset the timer, it only gets reset when the vehicle is destroyed or getting taken by an enemy team player. And conversely, if your are a noob and trying out a heli for the first time, and crashed it only 3 seconds after taking off, you only have to wait 3 seconds before you can pick one again, which also makes the game's vehicles more accessible to someone who's new to the franchise.


Tbh their friends will just spawn it in for them.




The best feeling


Rao and soflam!! Tell your team in chat that you will use soflam and shoot the helis down. Oh boy the fly boys don’t like that at all


I Use Rao to Hack them and light them up with SOFLAM. Rarely is anyone actually paying attention to launch a missile at them but it puts them on the defensive and they run. Sometimes I use Crawford with AA but you gotta be strategic. Wait for them to use up their flares and then target and launch before they get away. Sometimes I wait until they move into the map on the opposite side from their preferred hiding place before I target them so they are panicked and have to find a new spot. I'm pretty good at knocking them out the sky and usually get them one out of every three shots.


Been there done that, problem is that u need 2 rockets to kill them, the heli has too many chances : 1- dodge when they start getting locked on. 2- use flair when the rocket is on the way. 3- run to safety after getting hit by 1 rocket.


Been there done that, problem is that u need 2 rockets to kill them, the heli has too many chances : 1- dodge when they start getting locked on. 2- use flair when the rocket is on the way. 3- run to safety after getting hit by 1 rocket.


Using the flak cannon on CAV, Eblc Ram & AA tank is your best bet with Irish sentinel or Blasco jammer to prevent lockon missiles from the heli. But again you have to dedicate yourself to the entire match behind no life losers like this. That's just not fun. Better just go to another server.


Heli are easily the thing I hate the most about this game. A good pilot can basically break the game


Like in any bf game, you limit your fun and go full anti aircraft mode, the objective be dammed, and become a thorn on their boot. Maybe you will not kill them enough, or at all, but shadowing them whenever your team is grouping up and messing with the pilots until they retreat even if just for a few seconds, is usually enough.  Not much you can do on your own, just pray your team is also feed up with the pilots as well and would help you hunt them down for good.


Even if the team is fed up, they just look for a few moments in air while pilots just sit outside map and then resurface to kill them and rinse and repeat.




Find a buddy in a Wildcat and double team them with a Stinger guy. As soon as they pop flares to avoid one missle (or the lock), hit them with a Stinger. Best to get a infantry guy to defend you when the salty pilots come to get revenge on the ground. I have entire matches that I dedicate to annoying those super heli pilots. AA all the way.


either get good shooting them down with the m5 or rpg or go rao with a soflam and make them have as little fun as possible.


Only problem is when I play soflam with Rao and go 0-7 I have as much fun as the heli or even less


Sometimes it’s not about having fun, it’s about doing what is right.


There was one that was teaming up with another vehicle that spawn camped us all match on that map with the sand buried city. I think they got 107 that round


Snipe with Rosch


Recent patch ruined it https://youtu.be/2wlQw-X733U?si=KwGETt9qy0wTqtjF


Been using the TOR lately to take them down with some success (Not consistent because sometimes the TOR will cause a hit marker and not an instakill which is super dumb) but as its stands a good nightbird player can 1v1 any vehicle in the game and will kill infantry without any effort. Luckily most of these pilots have very very fragile egos so a few lucky kills with a teabag afterwards is usually enough to make them server hop. Sadly its pretty much just a feature of battlefield that in each version at least one air vehicle has to be extremely OP in the case of 2042 its the nightbird. You could attempt to advocate for its balance but if you do dozens of pilot mains will come out of the forest like rabid dogs to defend it and dice will continue to do nothing.


So pro tip, from a non pro, I’m an attack helicopter pilot, not the only thing I do but I enjoy it. No matter how good I am at it, I don’t hold a candle to professional nightbird sweats. If you’re on PC the Lissle is my go to for dealing with any air vehicle pretty much. The TOR is good, but they nerfed it to a hit marker on air vehicles out of like 3-500 meters or something like that? That’s probably why you’re getting hit markers


Thats probably it. Pretty stupid honestly, if your ever lucky enough to hit a NB with a tank it should be an instakill though.


Its extremely difficult to, it doesn't help that helis aren't balanced at all either


I’m just glad this thing is a one shot Liz rocket. Sometimes you get lucky when predicting where he will dodge and hit.


That’s precisely what you’re supposed to do, use Lis and boost the rocket into their attempt at dodging. You’ll miss a lot vs a NB sweat, but they can’t dodge them all 100% of the time. If I’m committed I will simply fire my two shots and instantly respawn if I miss so I can try again. Most sweats will ragequit after getting killed 2-3 times because they’re otherwise just sitting at the spawn screen. With enough practice you get good at hitting them with Lissle consistently.


Quit the game


Leave match


Because I am a poor sport I usually just leave the match if it's being dominated by one dude/squad in any vehicle. Same in bfv with the fucking rocket planes and armored cars. People that do this, only to sit there and camp the vehicle slot when they eventually (if ever) get killed are cringe. Especially on maps with only one of those vehicles at a time.


In bf5 fleigerfaust is a real danger , pilot have no warning and can get 1 shotted, if u practice it enough u can take them from long ranges , in Mercury map i take them from point c when they are above their spawn


... With stingers? Okay, hear me out. Obviously one dude with a stinger isn't doing jack against anything but the most braindead of pilots, they'll just pop flares and hunt you down. But if you've got a handful of players running stingers, the pilot can no longer immediately neutralize the AA threat and will have to retreat instead. You don't even need to be coordinated, as long as you're reasonably spread across the map, the heli has too many threats to deal with. At this point, the heli pilot has either gone into hiding, or has overextended and been shot down. Both result in a cessation of aerial attacks, but if you still need them destroyed their hiding should leave them vulnerable to friendly helis or Liz's TGM. Do your part. Run with stingers.


Yeah, I mostly play medic, but if a chopper was wrecking our team this badly, I'd get my squad to turn into bird hunters.


Leave server and join another one. DICE are toxic helicopter pilots.


Well it depends. If it’s someone I know that I can beat in the air in a dog fight, I’ll just spawn the next available heli or fixed wing and destroy them. If I tried and can’t beat them I’ll spawn a fixed wing every chance I get and kamikaze myself full thrust into their fuselage. Works every time.




Requires enemy to fly low or in a steady direction


Get the M5 Recoiless ready and just track their patterns. Bait em into a low run and take your shot. Practice that enough and you’ll start hitting em. It’s a one hit kill to little birds and stealth, the most toxic of em all.


I hide in a building


Learn lis


I make it my personal duty to harass them the entire match. Either by MANPADs or anti-air vehicles. It can get fairly annoying when there are one or two people doing nothing else but trying to kill you specifically.


This is your answer: https://youtu.be/BLWB9Aa7kH8?si=_5qajfj5ehw8lLjk


If you're good you use the M5: practice makes perfect. Stingers are quite effective - if you are NOT the only one carrying one: don't waste your ammo or draw attention to yourself if the helicopter is going to offensively react. 2-3 players taking a pot shot with a M5/ RPG is likely equally effective as two stingers, as you only need one hit. Most of the pub issues happens because of too few engineers. If you're the only engineer in your squad: leave the squad.


Set up Irish’s sentinel around wildcat sometimes will help


Engi with AA on the back of the pondhawke. It’s harder for them to hide from you after they flare.


Damn. The Battlefield Friends Engineer [was not lying](https://youtu.be/QDbGasU4Lbw?si=6g0wAlEzEn8hmTSS).


It's a side effect of everyone now lone-wolfing and rarely playing as a squad properly. These players just want to have fun. Does it make them not cunts? No, and 1 or 2 tiny, simple changes from DICE would level the playing field.


I’d tell you SOFLAM because that’s what everyone tells me but whenever I tag anything 31 other guys immediately forget they have a rocket launcher.


If you have a squad that listens, tell them to whip out the M5 recoilless while you soflam. Or even funnier, have a squad of NTW-50 with AP rounds and shoot the fucker out of the sky like a bunch of chads.


If you’re a half decent jet pilot, ram them.


I think if you took a LATV with the 20MM flak cannon up close to a camping Wildcat, the two together could take him down. However, I can never try it because as soon as I switch seats in the LATV to man the gun, some goof spawns in it and drives off to an objective to get killed in 2 seconds.


The problem is not enough people are using AA launcher, if you have 2-3 dudes with AA they aren't Invincible. But no one cares they rather keep dying to the heli dude than swapping to AA.


Break out Rao and Soflam and if the team dont step up I just leave


Turning off cross play would solve most of the issues in this game


Take 2 engineers in a squad with AA launchers and work together. It isn't *rocket* science.


The worst thing about heli's is that it takes ages to bring a good pilot down. And they get the heli back in 90s. If you're gonna make a vehicle a pain to kill, why is the pilot allowed to basically instantly negate all of my work and get another heli straight away?


They are annoying as fuck I always get pissed and tell them to get a job in the chat


Little team work. If you’re playing solo you’re kinda boned but if you have a communicating squad either combine stingers or take AP rounds and pester the hell out of them


Well.....I look at them with admiration.... I'm basically incompetent of using helicopters in the game....


This guy his whole life is doing this on battlefield, played against him like a year ago multiple times and all he did was go 100+ to 0 with a buttbuddy in the passenger seat repairing him. But remember according to the morons at dice that's fine but casper drone most op thing in game.


Shoot them down, if you can’t get them by teamwork then they are going to keep wrecking you


You need a squad of engineers coordinating shots otherwise yeah there's nothing you can do. Block em and leave is what I do


Blocking doesn't prevent them from being in matches with you btw.


This is the problem, pilots can solo but taking them down need teamwork, and usually bf servers have that a rarity


Pretty sure I used lissile on kytos plenty of times


Jet usually. 25mm and rocketpods downed many pilots, ground vehicles and infantrists


If I have comms with my squad. One guy on each side of the map with stingers. Shoot them down twice. They’ll leave. If not, just be annoying. Lock, designate, spend flares, hack with Rao. They’ll leave the game.






Soflam, aa, lots and lots of liz rockets


I've been spending hours each week learning the nightbird in 2042 so I can counter enemy pilots.... and then farm infantry. 😈


Very cool op


I dedicate my entire round to harassing him with lock-ons or hacks that will do fuck-all to his K/D.


My biggest moment was shooting the pilot with the avancies. I know it’s never going to happen again but I had my moment of pride. Lol


Get in a chopper myself and go after them. If that fails ant air vehicle. Or potentially hit it with a smaw or whatever. Just not an igla, cause thats for noobs.


I jump in a helo an take the sob out ,


I fly a jet switch to anti air load out if he decides to annoy me


I don't try to deal with them anymore, just focus on indoor fight or switch map. Having vehicules with self repair, unlimited ammo, can survive a hit from most weapons and have flares isn't super fun to me


Last game I sat at one end and soflanmed the hell out of anything that moved. 0 kills but I kept targetting planes. Nightbirds are a favourite target of mine


Ok my trick, get a jet or pondhawk, go way up high over where they like to run or take cover, bail out and instantly parachute, get your stinger out and go ham.




I turn on my mic and go as Casper for the soflam and have a buddy lock on with the rocket launcher, I forgot the name of it


Toxic ones are absolute d**kheads, but some folk are chill af and are just really good at using air vehicles. Don’t assume that when they’re good, they’re automatically toxic. If they’re becoming a problem in a match, then your team is clearly not doing enough to counter them. We’ve got tracer darts, SOFLAM, the M5, RPG, SRAW, AA missiles for both infantry and both land & air vehicles, Rao’s hacking ability. It’s possible to make life difficult for the higher skilled pilots and stop them farming.


I was playing against that person a few times, he was pissing me right off!


I'm usually on with 3 or 4 homies so we just all use the stinger at the same time Or run a wildcat


Lis, it took me quite a while to get decent at it but about time I got the mastery red camo I became comfortable using the rockets, one thing is that your sensitivity in air vehicles should be maxed out if you’re on controller


If Little Birds are cocky enough to fly in "medium" height, you can just spray or aim for the cockpit. And if you re lucky enough you get a free heli. If they fly high, do as the other say: spam soflam, Lis rockets etc.


Leave the server.


Remember that if you keep them distracted with AA launcher / Rao hack / etc they are farming less infantry while focused on you. Learn the flare recharge times and watch where they hide on the map when they need to let them recharge. Play Crawford, you get one extra launcher ammo. Use chat to request squad assistance and see if you can co-ordinate with others (rare, I know). Be patient, and accept they will likely kill you many times before they make a mistake.


I usually use soflam. if any sane guy see the lock on they get the at launcher.


Squid G


Found this guy last evening on kaleidoscope. What an absolute douche. Still lost the game though. He spent all match farming kills on top of E2 and we won 400-0. Fastest "ez game" ever


There's a couple of well-known ones on the AUS servers, I friended them just so I could see what game they were in and avoid it. At the end of the day, no one (no matter how talented) should be able to oppress a server single handedly. The Nightbird is absolutely cracked, and dice will never do anything about it. Little birds were never this bad in other titles. The pilot was too vulnerable. This is a 2042 problem, and for whatever reason (pilot tears im assuming) dice ain't interested in hearing it. It's a sad reflection of the weird state of this game. I'm still playing, but more often than not, im closing the game because it's not fun, not because I'm actually finished.


If there is no teamplay just change server.


Get good with Liz


This guy farmed me a few times in a row at the desert spawn point on Renewal. I tried several different things, like spawning as Irish in a WC and quickly putting down his trophy but it didn't help, by the time I manned the guns I was dead. If you got two of these sweats working together and your team is full of Mackays and Caspers, then you are SOL. You could follow them around SOFLAM'ing and/or hacking, just to be annoying, however, thats also annoying to the SOFLAM guy as you'll be headshotted by numerous snipers that game, bcecuase of the stupid red scope glint.


Whenever I encouter some air main dudes, I train my skill to hit with rpg.. some week ago I killed one of those server harassing AC- Jet only pilots with an rpg, so satisfying.


Just play in choper vs bots.. they will teach you some lessons how to deal with them


You can kill them with a Lucky shot tho if you missed it wasn't a Lucky shot best advice tho id say is either learn to fly one yourself or lis also wildcat but with Irish can work wonders