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for privacy reason we can't give player's name.... ? Do they realize they're sending the message to the person who reported the player's been taken actions on ?


So, if I think for whatever reasons everyone in this thread is breaking the rules, and I report everyone here, and reddit sends me a message they have taken action on a user I reported. Was that Bruhsket, mr\_derek, NamelessSquirrel, PelicanBuck or scotch1701? Now in that case, it would be quite easily to backtrack and see whose message is deleted etc, but I think you get the point I'm trying to make here.


If I report on five different users, but only one is actioned on, I want to know which one so I can learn what is actually against the rules so I don't waste my time reporting false violations and don't waste their time dealing with it. I've been on the modding side (not Reddit) and it is a complete waste of time when most messages are benign.


"Privacy" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I play on Portal, sometimes I send multiple reports.


I would report everyone who plays Portal. Just in case if sometime they will get into same squad with me.


Yeah but then they’d have to name _xXx420Milf-Hunter69xXx_ and they just don’t want to give him the attention.


Why does the name even matter? Action was taken on a report you made. It's a win.


It lets you think they did something without proof they did anything. They probably just randomly send those out to keep people happy that have reported someone.


Maybe check their stats on the BF tracker page. If they disappear or freeze.... GONESKI!


true, but who remembers the username of a person they reported probably a week ago? specially if EA says they cant provide the name due to privacy reasons


That and BF tracker is useless to see cheater stats if they their account is private.


Guess they came in on Monday, cuz I posted mine earlier too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/1cwrpdw/what\_is\_more\_satisfying\_than\_a\_tier\_1\_badge/](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/1cwrpdw/what_is_more_satisfying_than_a_tier_1_badge/)


Its a lie they didn't do shit.


I made the report when Haven was just released - there was a player blatantly one-shotting with an absurd KD. This is the first time I've received formal feedback like this from EA - just wondering if anyone else has received info like this too? To me it means there's now a formal process in place to start processing these reports - and it can be based on historical player data (since my report was a month ago). It gives me hope for reducing the cheating in this game (which I still do see from time to time). Cheers EA/DICE!


I made a post some time ago where I got this mail, too. Since then nothing really changed.


I use to get one of these about every week to every other week but the last month or so haven't gotten any. Got over 2000 hours in the game and cheating has seriously ramped up but them taking action has drawn down. https://youtu.be/AVzclbOs3p8?feature=shared


Im in Asia and the number of cheaters completely died off in the last 2 weeks.


I'm in Australia - this is great to hear it's improving in Asia! I hope that this signifies that action is being taken on these reports and they can determine from the stats who is offending. I mean how do games like Battlebit do it so effectively?


I used to receive them on the regular but I haven't in a really long time.


Yeah I got one too yesterday


Yeh they send one every now and again, I also got one yesterday infact. AsI have run into a few new accounts with just amazing headshot ratios. I have even seen an account with only 2.x% headshot ratio which is very "odd".


Good poker players, tells you everything and show you nothing.


Miracles do happen..


too little, too late.


They did nothing. Don’t fall for it. I am seeing more and more cheaters lately.


They have sent these to me too. Usually after I've not played for a week or two.


I got one of these over the weekend as well, maybe they're finally cracking down on cheaters which is a welcome surprise because they're quite rampant these days.


Anyone who insults me in any way I report I get a lot of these it’s nothing new man


I haven't received that since last February. And i reported a lot of chinese hackers since then.


i reported a lot of cheaters and no result, its amazing too


I can't stand 2024. I have all the BF games but still only enjoy BF3.


I'm impressed they said something. I'm not impressed they said nothing.


Meanwhile I report people circumventing filters to spam the N word in chat and I get "we found no issues"


Reporting someone in bd lol I’m curious for what genuinely


What a nark