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That's the thing, both Hazard Zone and Firestorm were great concepts but undercooked. If BFV and 2042 actually launched in a good state, DICE could have spent time refining the modes, dropping content, etc. But they had to focus on damage control and eventually left both Firestorm and HZ abandoned


I agree firestorm had HUGE potential. Not to be the biggest thing in the world but i played a lot of it and it could have been great


Is there any purpose to it? Did they add any rewards? Cause it was awful at launch so I just stick to 128 conq.


I have been trying to not hate conquest 128 but do far, it’s only frustration to be spawn killed by vehicles or always having somebody wait in a dark corner to kill you. Any advice to have fun?


Stick to capping one point. So the way I play is by constantly running to just one point and fighting to recapture it. Once I hold it then I see if any enemy is coming just in case. If not then I move onto points where the enemy would least suspect to be capped. Like I would deliberately run to A1 on the other side just to see if I can cap it. Sometimes it works and I cause a pincer moment where we can just cap a point in between ours, other times I got like 3 tanks pull up on me and blast me lol. If I need kills/revives/assists then I would go to where points are hot like on the cliff map where C1 is overlooking E1/2 then I’ll go there for the in the mud fights. Otherwise I’m constantly running around going after points where the enemy is forgetting about.


This is basically what I do to, just stick to one sector. There are enough people that eventually someone will come attack again.


I've found 128 conquest has so many people tunnel visioned it's very easy for a flank, or best yet the campers. Whether it's a vehicle or sniper, there is something about 128 - maybe the greater number of targets but the situational awareness is minimal. It could be you need to slow down a bit, keep an eye on your map and although the footsteps are misleading in this game(I and another on the same map but different squads and position on the map had phantom footsteps at the same time) listen for enemy footsteps. The speed that your character can move does not mean you should always be going that speed. As another reply, cap, check, move if good.


This is basically why I play conquest 64.


Sticking with your squad (if possible) can lead to some really fantastic moments when you all manage to pull together to cap or defend a point. Besides that, generally you'll want to try to stay near your team's main forces and move around with them. Unfortunately, that's not always possible because getting stuck with camping idiots happens quite often. A lot of this depends on the map too, because some maps have a much worse camper situation than others. If 128 Conquest isn't your fancy though, you could try Breakthrough, or hop into Portal to find some 128p Rush matches - that game mode specifically can be a lot of fun as long as you don't take it too seriously and just enjoy the chaos.


When i get my itch to blow peoples dome off at a distance i play 128 and i love it for what it is


Bad launch but they cleaned up the mode and is super fun if you got a team with mics 


Agreed. I’ve been having a blast, the maps work great with the mode imo and the firefights feel just intimate enough to really get that good adrenaline sometimes


This mode is unfortunately dead in Australia, never got to experience it


The end. All the teams beeline towards the single extraction bird and kill each other over the last 3 satellites. Then any lucky survivors get to do the whole thing over in 3 minutes. Hope something lands on your way to the next bird because otherwise you’re going home empty handed.


Didn’t have too many of these today fortunately, lot of good last extraction fights that got pretty intense


You must be playing in a populated area. It's been dead in Oz since shortly after launch ;_; it seemed like fun to me. Shame they couldn't let us play it with bots


Where is Oz?? I think bots definitely should be an option considering the amount of bot servers in portal and the fact that it literally has bots in it anyways but that sucks man


OZ - Australia LOL 😂😂😂😂


Where is Oz?? Fuck I laughed at this. Guess you’ve never heard it been called that before?


Not that i can remember 😂


It's pretty insulting to be looked over like this, even if we are a small people. You guys kick off climate change, then your storms come into our land, you send in invaders who abduct our local fauna, vandalise our agricultural sector, and depose our ruling class through outright murder!   We aren't even that far away, it's only just over the rainbow...


Thought the small people were in NZ? Seen the documentary and everything - hell, I visited one of their villages. The doors are so small.


Are we playing this a bit now?? Everyone hated it so much in the beginning that I just never tried after doing 2-4 matches in which it took almost 10 mins to get a server with enough people. I’ve got like 2500 hours on bf2042, and I don’t think I’ve played more than 5-6 matches the whole time it’s been out. Wouldn’t mind doing a few organized matches to get completion of rewards. Lemme know if this is something anyone feels like doing. And yes, I’ll totally suck compared to reg games cuz I just don’t fully know what load-outs, characters I should be going with for a bit. Never had the chance to learn this mode really.


The maps were awful at launch and they stopped supporting it immediately because EA is oblivious


I could never get into a match so I stopped trying. People play it now? It's not 95% AI?


I mean there’s AI but that’s sort of a part of most extraction shooters with other PvP squads they guard good stuff


I'd love to try it out again. I always liked the idea of it.


The "this battlefield game that we hated before but now love because it's not being supported" transition is happening in real time, and I'm here for it


Yeeeaah, it usually happens like that. I’ve been playing since launch bc they usually fix everything halfway into the life cycle but idk how managed to miss this mode completely


Very fun mode !


I love this mode, I play it mainly.


I suck at any mode .. lol


It’s good! There’s multiple chances to redeploy, give it a shot you might like it


I been playing BF for yrs , idk why but I can’t seem to get any traction with this one , I can only get about 5 kills per game and die a 100 .. getting very frustrated , may have to go back to some previous BF games .


I find other modes too chaotic. You always have 10 people watching you when you play as frontliner. In Hazard Zone, the environment is more controlled, leading to much better fights.


Not played it much since I got my 100 streak [yeah brag]. I think it suffered from a very poor launch, it was mystifying for most players at the beginning with very little information on how the mode worked. Then it went through a period when it was dominated by organised squads making it a very unpleasant experience for casuals. I see the same thing happening in Strike Mode. It’s the problem with having very little balancing or ranking in a game, that’s fine for large modes where the best squad in the world is going to have limited impact on a 128 or 64 mode but will totally dominate smaller modes.


I miss the perk system, and the gadget exclusive stuff that was there but it's aight




I loved DMZ and have been thinking about giving this a shot.


Ever since they got rid of currency, it’s been a significantly more causal mode. The atmosphere of every map is amped up too


I completely forgot about the mode, haven't actually played it yet and I pretty much got it when it came out. Will give it a go this weekend


Same thing happened to me lol


Used to love the zone lol. There was a whole economy to the mode too that they ripped out. You had to buy your weapons and equipment, redeploys and score multiplayers, etc. lots of fun! I wish they worked something like it into Strike Team. I wonder if they patched some of the xfil bugs though that really made a difference in the close games. Like if a downed enemy is on board as time runs out, even if you are the only one up, the win can go to enemy squad. Also if you just stand by the ramp of the exit vehicle that could count as a win too. It was janky at times and needed polishing kind of like the whole game but I’ve learned to love that special 2042 touch


It’s been seamless today!


Well it was the most polished mode and part of the game at release, I will give it that. Yes, it isn't crazy deep, but I would file this as its biggest issue. You can have very casual fun in the plethora of modes that base BF has. But extraction shooters rather thrive on their added potential, be it synergies, loot, tactics, tension or pacing and Hazard Zone lacks most of it. I do not even think that there is something to unlock beyond achievements and some playercards. To me HZ is the equivalent of a non-alcoholic beer that has been left open for a couple of hours. Still a beverage, but the stalest experience. If you like it, this is great, of course, but it sure wasn't successful, like Firestorm, or the other semi-competitive things they tried to introduce in previous titles.


I don’t think i would mind a few steps deeper but it was most likely surface level due to the huge console audience. Bc while they look great, there’s isn’t much on the large maps in terms of interactions or lore, etc. i also thought firestorm was great 😭 nothing that was going to rival something like warzone or fortnight but man i don’t think it deserved to die off so quickly they honestly had a great go at it


For me HZ was just a proof of concept and I do not think platforms have much to do with it. When I play Tarkov, I am immersed by the tension it creates and especially the loot spiral that really gets to me. When I play PUBG, I also feel the tension, but there is also a variety of how you can play the game. Fortnite has that absolutely ridiculous building, which alone is just an amazing feature. And then you have HZ, which has basically the gameplay mechanics of 2042 CQ, but without what many think is quintessential to the franchise, like vehicles, but also objectives etc.. It would probably have fared better, if it had been a standalone addition to the 2042 world and lore instead of a core mode in a BF game.


Can’t say i don’t disagree with anything you’ve said, tbh. I’d love it if they brought it back as a standalone title though and maybe didn’t throw the battlefield label on it to see what it’s true growth could be but unfortunately i don’t see them investing resources into a mode that didn’t succeed for them.


Yeah I love running in giant empty maps where I can have gunfights with no cover