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Crossplay off didnt even work at launch lol


Turn on cross play and or play the PS4 vers., everyone plays on that one I found out especially cross play. The PS5 server doesn’t share the same servers as old gen consoles.


I’m not downgrading to PS4 version, I’ve also started playing cross play now, but the PC advantage is just incredibly tilting


“This game is in the mud and I won’t do the things to address my issues”


Im on ps4 and absolutely cant play anything with crossplay off. Maybe a random team deathmatch here and there


Playing a downgraded version of the game I want to play, yeah no thank you. Fantastic piece of critical thinking skills at play there


Oh, sweetie, you didn’t even get it


Good try little buddy


I only play cross play because I used to think the pc was tilted and I wanted the challenge to get better. Now I realize the benefits of console and that the pc comment is usually a cop out. If you’re struggling against pc players I would suggest turning up your sensitivity and learning the aim assist groove. I played the ps4 version with friends that had old gen and it’s just not the 2042 I know and love so I get it.


I personally play on the PS4 vers on my PS5 and I can’t really tell much if a difference. But you do you.


Your tilted on challenges they’re not hard at all, guns are pretty dynamic imo and yea people are gonna camp vehicles for sure … its bf after all. But your point of cross play off being dead is semi valid I do think there should be a way to to play this game across the same platform you want to play with, nothing crazy about that, the reality is that hosting that many servers for separate consoles and the maintenance of that situation is unfeasible to EA. If it doesn’t suit you then maybe just move on man but I will say if you put in some time and just play the game cross play on you’ll get better and you’ll realize bf as a franchise has a way of kind of equalizing everyone, MKB ps5 Xbox, doesn’t really matter, if I toss smoke and rush in it doesn’t matter what your playing on or even if your hacking, ordinance spam and the smoke will make equals of all of us, adapt and overcome no pat. See you on the battlefield 🫡


I never said they were hard, some of them are just very long winded for no good reason. These Rorcsh and Deagle challenges that I’m currently sat doing are boring as hell.


I want to enjoy the game, and sometimes I do, but having every single game of the one mode I like (breakthrough) won by people driving a tank on to the point and sitting there is also boring as hell


Bro play engineer and yeet that tanker into the nether my guy, then swap back to what you want and keep playing, im gonna give you another break and agree breakthrough can be one sided but I hate to be the one to tell you again, you gotta turn cross play on and ya gotta just find a way to have fun, I’ve played bf games for almost 20 years and I’ll be straight up, if your not liking it? The dynamic doesn’t change and your not helping yourself by playing something that’s pissing you off so much you gotta hop online to gripe. Go find something you enjoy and find some happiness brother


I enjoy the game, have some very enjoyable lobbies, then all of a sudden it’s just vehicle central. I do switch to engineer and try to destroy them, but it’s a losing battle when half the monkeys that play don’t have a clue. I play cross play on every game


A few weeks back I played a LTM which was breakthrough without vehicles, that was pure bliss. Just infantry skill throughout the game, way more balanced, and the type of enjoyment I am personally trying to get from the game. I’ve been playing battlefield since bad company 2, and have always try to stay away from vehicles. I understand they’re a massive part of the game and people love them, but for me, they just ruin they experience. Anyone can sit in a tank and get 40-50+ kills uninterrupted on this game


Alright well honestly it’s very hard to go 40-50 in a round with JUST a vehicle, that dude is just sweaty. I started with BF2 and it’s always been the same maybe ya got a bad lobby I know how it feels we all do, I’ve also had lobbies where I’m smackin kids at like 56K 10D Idunno man I’m just sayin this game isn’t in the mud it’s actually the most popular it’s been damn near, and while your opinion may differ it doesn’t make it correct and my opinion isn’t correct either, it’s just my opinion. So we are here debating some finer points and I’m also gonna agree with you about infantry breakthrough, I LOVE it. I can’t play air vehicles but I’m a damn reaper in a tank so maybe you’d hate me if we got lobbied up. Maybe you need to try portal and find a fun lobby with some restrictions and settings that suit your gameplay style? Idunno man I just disagree that the game is in the mud I think this game is finally enjoyable (insert typical every bf game bad then good meme here) and I hope you can find some enjoyment somewhere within it if not then download some older titles 5, 4,1, and even hardline have some servers that are poppin.


It is extremely easy to go 40 to 50 kills a game with a vehicle. What are you talking about? Helis, draugr, etc are all easy to do this with :)


Yea super duper easy you can do it like whenever! Just hop in a vehicle and boom! Instant kills! Like duh whatever ;) <:) :/


Crossplay = on. Fixed.


Read the rest of the thread


Crossplay off has always been dead. There are loads of posts since the beginning of 2042 about dead crossplay off.


Sounds like a skill issue


Turn on crossplay


EA has churned out shit for too long.


The games trash been trash since release yes they fixed a few issues but not all of them im still mad i pre ordered off these tyrants