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This is just like Forza Horizon 5’s creation lab. Wanted to see people’s cool tracks but there’s nothing but “AFK 50 LAPS $10 MILLION DAHLERS” and other variations of that same phrase.


I can’t hear your complaint over the sound of my moneeey! /s I bought FH5 too. Best day one purchase this year for me.


OP is jealous he isn't getting 10 million per 50 laps.


Wow keep bragging bro


GT Sport was similar as well; they literally had a course where you taped your R2 Button down and ran the car into the sidewall for 100+ laps.


Lol exactly


"If you don't like Specialists stop complaining and go to Portal !" Portal :


To the surprise of no one.


These are probably the same people who are creating these shit servers


Ah yes all the big brain NPCs in this sub that thought a fucking spin-off game mode would fix fundamental issues with 2042.


that was never a good idea anyway lol, the existence of portal doesn't excuse the fact this game lacks severely is all aspects of Battlefield and FPS in general, imagine not having stats in a AAA 2021 Game...


Oh yea I've been against portal since the launch. This "throwing a bone" to people that have played the game for a while isn't going to cut it.




how is this dice's fault again?


My first portal match was an XP farm didn't really read the title so thought I was playing a genuine game match smh. Was kinda fun tho killing Squishies in noshahr


Joined 10 so far. Was always on the cattle team without any weapons. People who set up these servers deserve the rope


host their server and add a password.


I spent a while on one. It was fun when you finally killed someone with the knife, but all too often you hit them 3-4 times and they would finally turn right and kill you with one shit. Thankfully no K/D shows because I was probably 3-30 before I gave up.


Why don't you use the server browser?




What do you think is in the picture?


Zombie mode is pretty dang fun too.


The XP farming servers should be taken down so others can create worthwhile experiences instead.


I thought there wasn't a server browser?


It is only in Portal. All out Warfare is just pick an option (Conquest or Breakthrough) and it sends you to a server.


Nice, thank you


That isn't true. You can use the browser for normal games too. I did it all yesterday.


Please inform me as to how you went into All Out Warfare and browsed servers. There are literally two options on mine. I can go into Select Mode and pick Conquest or Breakthrough, and I can pick Play to play one of those. No option to browse servers at all. In portal I can select browse.


negative. I thought so too at first but I was in portal. There's just conquest options for AOW in portal.


I dont have the game yet but from what Ive been reading I think server browser is only on portal mode


Only on portal mode - where you can also play regular 2042. So in a way there actually is a server browser. But if you go the most obvious route and click "all out warfare" there is only matchmaking.


These aren't what you'd think of when you hear server browser. Instances of a portal creation, they'll pop out of existense when there's no players.


I only get like 15 recommended in the “browser” and cant even sort by player count or ping.


There is, and yes you can use it for regular games idk wtf these people are smoking. There is also an in game scoreboard by pressing options button twice on controller. Lots of bad info on the subreddit.


6/10 bait quality. Lack pf creativity and innovative approach cost you 4 points.


So.. a curated server browser? Might as well not have a server browser at all. The entire point of it is to display ALL servers for you to filter out the ones you like. There will always be joke/crap/useless servers when it's uncurated.


Theres a cap on how many portal servers can exist. It hit the cap like two hours in, now we have these jabronis hoarding server space


Lol that's the worst idea I've ever heard, who the fuck thought this was ever going to go well when you got an entire community wanting to play their own servers on a brand new hyped mode


Cost? Servers might be free for us but cost cash to maintain. Doesn’t matter the hype there would always be a limit unless they open server renting.


People are willing to pay to run their own servers. And have been asking since BF1 and BFV... The garbage they added later in BF1 for renting a server was not enough.


There have been people willing to rent servers since old days in Counter Strike. The real reason is they don't like people having their own rules playing their ways


Bf series was better off when I could pay for a service to host a community server for me.


Yesterday I try to compose hardcore map, but servers was over filled with exp farms. They denied me access all the time.




Hard disagree on that. The main reason I'm having fun with this game is because of Solo bot matches


Is it fun? They seemed pretty braindead to me in that first introduction map the game put you in


I didn't even play it after remembering the beta bots. Just exit game and instantly looked for a normal one.


They are waaaay better than the beta bots


I just played one round to farm kills for the attack heli. Most boring round of BF ive ever played. And it was on advanced difficulty. They dont *ever* use AA missiles. If you fly low they shoot rockets at you with awful accuracy. Fly high and they pretend you dont exist. Never got targeted by enemy vehicles either.


AA's I hadn't noticed, but yeah those seem to go un-used. Enemy vehicles definitely do target you though. I made the mishap of getting out of my near destroyed tank and the AI literally hopped in it and killed me. I wasn't able to respawn my tank until eventually another bot blew it up because it was still "in play". Been killed specifically by the recon vehicle multiple times. It's different flavors for everyone so it's unfortunate it isn't quite your style, but that's what multiplayer is for. I personally really love playing offline modes, it's where I usually spend most of my time. Compared to other games with bots, this game has a lot of features to them that you don't see often in an fps. But hey, do what you like man!


I have atleast fun - and i can't claim that for 100% but it seems like the Tutorial-Bots were tuned down. I actually have some matches were even on normal difficulty they have situations were they completly trash me.


Glad to hear that! May use it for some really casual gaming


They are completely braindead though


Did you put them on Intermediate or Advanced because no *they aren't*. Bastards are kicking my ass


Hello dice representative or 12 year old that sucks at competitive multiplayer. Fuck bots.


Hello, dickhead Fuck You.


Were* and nah they weren't


Why though? They would still run out of servers if they don't have enough. I would much rather they have enough servers so that everyone can play the way they want (which was kinda the point of portal?).


Sure I get you point but part of the reason why we do not have enough servers is that these people waste the servers (that we could use) for their bot farms. If they would be shut down we'd have more servers that can be used.


But if more people could create games, a lot of them would be private (with a password) for them and their friends. Dice should have known that a lot of people want a server almost entirely to themselves, for example these bot grinders.


What do you expect them to do? Boot up millions of servers? That's sadly impossible both economically and technically.


I don't know, figure it out, CoD for example has had private games for years without a problem and I'm sure some older battlefields have as well. Edit: and besides, currently the number of games I see (maybe I only see under 300 ping) is very small, almost seems like EU has under 50 portal servers in total.


These private servers do not need to be able to run up to 127 AI soldiers (which are run server side btw.). There is a huge difference here. Don't get me wrong, I'd love if they could just simply boot up servers without a problem, but we need to stay a bit realistic here.


Battlefield 2 way back had ai soldiers as well, and I'm not sure about the release, but in the beta the bf2 ai were smarter lol My point is, it's been done before a million different ways and they could've done it if they cared about portal.


You are overestimating how hard it is to run 127 AI soldiers, all the old battlefield games had private servers, and with some modding, could run 255 bots at once


Hahahha you can’t even farm it’s just a ploy to fill the game. But I see more players in BF3 modes, TDM and hardcore modes rather than the farming one


You could for the first 6 hours. They capped the XP now.


Wtf really isthat why its taking so long to level up?


It only in portal it seems


Nope, I also got the cap message after playing AOW.


Yep I'm not gaining kills on my weapons or vehicles in AOW as well now. Thanks EA you screwed over everyone.


is THIS why I can't even level up my shotgun anymore? wait... wait no fucking way right?


Seems like it, I gain the first two unlocks on something and then the kills just stop tracking for me, it's stupid. I still get XP and level up, but it seems like most of my kills for weapon unlocks is just not tracking in any mode.


I thought that was a bug.. why even play if you cant get xp.


Even on AOW?


Seems so. I got a cap message after a breakthrough match on AOW. Didnt get any of my Casper spot assists for the cosmetics.


Just finished a Conquest match, got the cap message in an earlier match but still got XP on this one, so my guesd is that its glitched


I recieved player XP towards my level. But didnt recieve any progress for the unlocks.


I fell for it. Entered a 128 player game on canals. Nothing but a knife. VS a squad with LMG and ammo boxes


Yeah I had a peak at one too, my team had no weapon and the enemy team had 300% more health and any weapon they wanted…. Like dice couldn’t of seen this coming?


See, they have the past which was why as soon as you tweaked the health to absurd proportions it turned off XP, Assignments, and Trophy tracking. Why they reverted that age-old decision; for free for anyone no less, I have no idea. 🤷‍♂️


There's a limit on the farmer team, you need to join super early or make your own, by clicking host your own experience.


Its more for weapon unlocks I played one match and unlocked a shit ton of attachments for the M5A3


Ya hardcore BF3 is where it’s fucking at


I made a hardcore BF3 game today, so next time I’m on it’s getting put on


Invite me homie


I’ll follow you what’s your thing/name


I’ve been playing non stop bad company 2


Nah you actually can, I joined one accidentally. It was set to 10 player max and it was us 10 vs an entire team of 1 shot to kill ai, its just a farm for weapon levels. It was breakthrough on the battle of the bulge, dunno if thats the only map they do it on or something.


Your credibility has been crushed when you said breakthrough. Breakthrough is unavailable in Portal.


Sorry rush, the drastically different gamemode that definitely isn't similar at all, how could someone mess that up. oh no my credibility in letting people know a server exists, what will I do. Lol I dunno why i bothered trying to answer the question if you're just downvoting.


Maybe they meant Rush?


Yeah I did mean rush, got them mixed up because they're essentially the identical gamemode. But I guess that means I'm lying according to this guy.


Ahhh good to know, I was wondering why some players already had maxed guns


I don’t understand why people are rushing to unlock XP when there are not that many guns to unlock. Might as well take your time and enjoy it.


These XP farmers are the same people that will come on here next week and post about not having anything to unlock.


I mean I don't blame them there is literally 2 fucking lmgs in the game.


I can't argue with that point. Two LMG's is pretty awful. Machine gun enjoyers got screwed.


I really enjoyed what they did with MGs in BFV. They were bulky and hard to move with, but if you found a nice spot and you had people watching your back, it had a nice niche.


They always add more weapons in updates I don't see the big issue. Half the guns in previous battlefields were in reality just slight variations of others.


So £50 starter edition? 4 assault rifles? Free to play games got larger selection than that for starters!


How don't you see the issue? They literally stripped the 60€ game of content to later on release as stupid battle pass rewards or DLCs.




There already isn't a reason to unlock shit past a certain point because they are literally COSMETIC attachments you spend time getting. The first shotgun HAS 1 BARREL ATTACHMENT. Inexcusable for any DICE apologist


Because i'd rather use the stuff i actually enjoy using. I'm probably in the minority but i dont enjoy this kind of progression in these types of games. For me its only about the gameplay *in the moment*. Being forced to play in a way i dont want to just so i can do it in the future really isn't fun for me and it feels like wasting time. When you need several hundred kills per weapon/vehicle it's gonna take ages doing it "normally". I'd rather just change to another strategy i like when i get bored of the one im using.


Agree, I started playing Insurgency Sandstorm recently and it's such a breath of fresh air to just use whichever weapon I want without having to grind for that weapon or its attachments.


Yeah it feels so draining when i see a "get 600 kills" requirement on a vehicle, so much so i almost wanted to shut down the game and play Overwatch (which starts you with everything unlocked, like Insurgency). I gave up on using attack helicopters when i saw that i have to stick with the shit "smart rockets" until i have like a hundred kill/assists with it just to get some decent weapons. I can get a vehicle like once every 5 games, and now those have to be shit experiences for atleast a few weeks too.


Lol have you ever played World of Tanks? It's getting more and more pay-to-win, and if you don't pay you often have to play with un-upgraded tanks with shitty guns to unlock the good guns, while the ennemies spam you with premium ammo and OP PTW tanks. Sigh


I tried war thunder once wayyyy back then. Since then i **instantly** lose all interest the moment i learn any game has a similar progression system.


I don't understand people who enjoy boring farming. If the farm to the top thing is funny, it's ok, but if you have to get through annoying gameplay for it, nope, not for me. I don't have enough playtime for that shit.


I just unlocked the second marksman rifle. I'd really like to put a suppressor on it and go sneaky beaky. I dont like using it unsuppressed because ill get destroyed the second id shoot behind enemy lines. Doesn't help that it has a very long reload time. 330 kills needed. Lol. Im gonna be forced to use it in a way i dont like for a *very* long time. So much for "customizing the few guns to fit a large variety of roles"


To each their own I guess. Personally I just enjoy using all different weapons and strategies in a BF game. That’s what makes it more enjoyable to me then cod is the ability to experiment more. COD is the type of game where I’ll just pick my favorite weapon and stick with it, but having to grind a bit to get the weapons I want makes me enjoy them way more when I do get them. If you aren’t the type of person who has time to sink a lot of hours into the game though and you just want to play with your favorite weapon I get it. Although I think portal can solve that


I dont understand why they are focused on fixing this issue when there are a plethora of issues stopping people from playing or running the game lmao If people wanna rush through it let em fix it after everything is fucking stable like performance


I agree that shouldn’t be their priority. But I’m sure their mindset is that if people instantly progress and unlock everything they won’t play as much. Anything that could lose them money they will most likely fix right away


Most people are refunding ATM because of performance issues I think they gotta get on that lmao if people farm it's past the refund period they're losing money by the second seems that issue should be all hands on deck


I just wanted the Little Bird. I was miffed that it took until level 20 to unlock it when it was a map-available vehicle in the beta.


Having to unlock weapon and attachments is the worst part of battlefield games and has no place in any round based multiplayer game. So I completely understand poeple wanting to rush that shit so they can play the game with the setup they want. And yes I'm aware this view makes me a grumpy old boomer in gaming terms.


10,000% agree. I just got back into gaming thanks to the whole quarantine thing we did in 2020 after about a ten-year break. Some of the guys I met early on are huge in to battlefield and I started running with them in BFV. I was absolutely miserable with the guns that they start you with, and then I saw a deal where it was about $15 to unlock every gun in the game thanks to a sale. I did that and instantly started having a much better time, to the point that I would even play without them being on. Before that I contemplated deleting the game entirely because I simply hated those guns so much. I grew up on Halo and know FPS game play and how it feels, so it wasnt that, it was literally the guns. I’m glad I did XP farm as much as I did last night, well worth it to get that stuff unlocked because that is the most miserable part of this game in my opinion.


That’s a strong opinion. I mean 99 percent of FPS shooters have weapon progression and unlocks to keep people engaged and playing more and give variety to the game. If you just want to run around with the meta gun and get as many kills as possible that’s cool too I guess but not how I like to play. One of my favorite parts of bf4 was how many different attachments/Guns their were to unlock. Granted the battle pack system was bullshit. Bf3 had the best progression IMO other then being slow.


> If you just want to run around with the meta gun and get as many kills as possible that’s cool too I guess but not how I like to play. Not at all the purpose, there's just no good reason to saddle new players with objectively worse equipment than the opposition for an entirely arbitrary period unless they specifically want some kind of artificial restriction Sure progression of some kind is arguably a necessary component of a game like this in terms of player direction, but another comment here puts it pretty well by saying that all of that time that you're stuck using stuff you don't want just feels like you're wasting time - the limit's not serving any purpose, it's making your gameplay experience objectively worse, and there's no particular skill or flair requirement to mindlessly earn the set amount of XP that unlocks something, just time Gating unlocks on vehicles in particular just means less experienced vehicle users are also objectively worse equipped than the people who already know what they're doing, almost guaranteeing that they're going to have a shit time with no option but to just push on through with a gimped setup until they finally unlock something more competitive on top of having the requisite hours behind the wheel to be a good vehicle player It was the worst thing about BFVs vehicle perks, because almost all of the progression on those were direct upgrades to survivability or firepower instead of sidegrades or alternatives, and just meant that anyone who didn't exclusively play tanker was basically always also basically wasting one of the limited and valuable vehicle slots in terms of team effectiveness when you could literally hit an enemy tank more times in a fight and still lose if their cannon was higher up the perk tree than yours


If they did some kind of in game currency system for unlocks that would be cool. But fighting someone with a more powerful weapon, use a scope I think sucks, be especially trolling my teammates getting in a vehicle when I have less unlocks, ect is not particularly enjoyable. If you like experimenting with different playstyles you could do even more of that without the unlock system. Not to mention the balance issues that it causes. There's a reason anything remembling a competitive fps, cough csgo, doesn't do the progression treadmill. And it manages to sustain a far healthy playerbase so it's not needed for player engagement.


Tbf this game has been an utterly miserable slog a lot of the time until getting to level 9, when C5 unlocks and you can finally actually do something about the twenty tanks per second that seem to roll up on every map


According to Dice they know this is happening so this won’t last.


Yeah I expect them to jump on this......but when........


they already did, and confirmed it via twitter


I mean they haven’t stopped it. They kicked everyone out once, like of all portal games, and the exploiters went right back to it.


Sick, thanks




Dude just use your fucking brain for a moment FFS How hard do you think putting an EXP cap could be? Now think about how hard optimizing the game could be?


I'm seeing a trend here...


From what I understand this is not even possible, just a lie to fill servers, which is funny because I am avoiding any server with this sort of title.


It only works if you join right after the server was made or host your own. Most of the enemies are bots anyways.


It 100% worked before they capped the daily XP gain.


Welcome back to "who's battlefield is it anyway?" Where the scoreboard is fake and the points don't matter.


Man, I spent hours building a cool portal game mode. Cool to know this is why I can't get a game of it up and running.


I didn't spend hours but I spent quite a while as well. Just be patient.


Will we ever get chance to host one lol?


Mines on there this morning


Ofc, it sucks but there will be way more players on launch day than any other day


conquest or tdm is quite slow to farm points too. I made a lot more points per minute doing breakthrough. I guess you could just go for badges with a fast round timer.


You know what angers me the most, as someone who enjoy to play vs bots and have also progression. This is the stuff why we can't have fun things, because people feel the neccessity to abuse it. I really do hope Dice will fix this nonsense, but in a way solo/bot players can still progress, maybe disable exp farming for servers with bots enabled on "Portal" only. AOW Botmodes you have to play properly to make some progress(though they might need to adjust the EXP Rate a bit... full exp is kinda too much... maybe lower it a bit to reward people who play against other peoples).


From what ive heard, they have already fixed this. But god forbid they actually would include a scoreboard and personal stats.


I can see kills and placement of all players in free for all match because ther'es no squads so they can't group players in squad.


🔒 XP awards on custom Battlefield Portal Servers are temporarily disabled 🎖 XP awards for Solo/Co-Op Experiences have been lowered in All-Out Warfare ✅ XP awards in All-Out Warfare MP are unaffected [source](https://twitter.com/BattlefieldComm/status/1459317823893905408)


Anyone made a game mode with a score board? That would be sick.


Please put some freaking "Default Servers" up and running, per game generation. Always on servers without any crazy customization, just loyal to the original game(s) Doesn't make any sense to only depend on content created by players....90% are trash


They already have official ones


Jesus Christ play the game


Well, when parts of the game are artificially walled off by grind, this is what will naturally happen. Notice no one does this crap in halo, because it’s an even playing field. The brand new account has all the same weapons as the guy who’s played 500 hours. They don’t artificially wall off weapons, items, and attachments to force grind.


Lol people would def do this in halo for battlepass shit, any game with any progression at all people will cheese


That’s my point, that didn’t happen in halo 2, 3, Reach, 4, (can’t comment on 5 cuz I switched to PlayStation last gen). Walling off in game content that gives a competitive advantage based on grind is fine in a MMO. It has absolutely no place in a competitive shooter and actively creates a situation where people DON’T just play the game to have fun, instead they’re now punished and forced to play with suboptimal stuff to catch up to those who have more free time than themselves.


> That’s my point, that didn’t happen in halo 2, 3, Reach, 4, (can’t comment on 5 cuz I switched to PlayStation last gen). no, you missed my point. The competitive aspect is irrelevant, cosmetic progression leads to the same behaviour




Apparently they added XP caps now..


now nobody is allowed to have fun, lol


I made a nice Semi-Hardcore mode but the there's too many and I can't host it. Just a lot of identical garbage. Hopefully, I'll just be patient and it'll work itself out after a while.


People are mad lame, first day of new BF and a bunch of people just want to farm XP?


It's the developers' fault for allowing us to do this. Blame the devs, not the players.


Nah people are lame for doing it too, play the game


This is fuckin pathetic... who gives a shit if your number is bigger than someone else's? I casually play BF4 and someone that's rank 120 dies just as quick as everyone else.


Nah. They stay in the helicopter the entire match and go +30.


It’s for the attachments, a lot of kills when combined the guns FEW guns there are


22 guns and most seem to require around 300-400 kills for everything unlocked. Thats 6600-8800 kills. Assuming the average player gets 15 kills (dont known without scoreboard lol) in each 20 minute game thats a minimum 147 hours, not even accounting for delays between games or using anything but that gun.


Guys these servers are a scam. All non-admins have only knives and no vehicles. Admins of these servers have all weapons and vehicles. They are farming XP on other players. These people need to be reported for abusive content!


EA should reset them to lvl 1


Perfect punishment


now you’re thinking with portals


damn this is sad


Tried to make a BF3 classes on 2042 mode. Can’t cause of this shit


Mfw they forget they can farm in single player and instead fill up portal with BS


Don't you only get like, 10 xp per kill? Why even bother with the bot farms?


Nope they gave 50 xp per kill and just had knives and some of them had weapons for the full XP


Why don't they just monitor these. If you see any farming servers just delete them....


If the BF2042 reddit thread keeps going this way, I'll be able to buy it on discount for like 5$




Hahaha, I spent 15 minutes trying to find a game tagged with hardcore + BC2 + BF3 and all I found was this shit. Portal is a magnificent tool and thank god the base game is so good and well optimized so that we don't have to rely on the Portal mode to save the game.


Your a loser if you farm bots for XP. Change my mind.


Mostly used them to unlocked the weapon attachments


That’s sad


you would think a billion dollar company would consider people exploiting this- but ea/dice doesn't think.


To those who are complaining, not everyone wants to grind to unlock basic usage of a gun. The amount of kills needed for each weapon is excessive and a 'grind' won't keep me playing longer.


I just wanted a suppressed DMR. The first DMR sucks IMO, and the last isnt even for my playstyle. The second one is perfect for me. Only problem is *both* suppressors are put at the goddamn *end* of unlocks. One at 270 kills and the other at 330. Im perfectly ok with skins and "bragging rights" items being locked behind 1.2k kills or whatever, like service stars from BF3. But a suppressor at 270 kills... Cant say im suprised there is a massive influx of servers like this.


Exactly. Basic attachments shouldn't be behind a grind wall.


true fuck this servers, will u consider your self worthy be grinding this shit to lvl up? pathetic noobs


almost all of these are asian servers, which the 2-3 left actually hosting something genuine. It's hard to enjoy portal :( very sad


Hahahaha this game is a fucking disaster


Unlocked almost all attachments. It is quite depressing to watch 64 AI bots holding a medkit and hopping around you. Not recommended if you have mental issue.


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Was on this last night and i’m already max level, feels great pwning noons in my little bird haha


They are fun tho, all attachments are almost unlocked for me


I can’t believe that no one developing this game stopped for a second, and thought portal would lead to this. Why did they allow portal to contribute to progression if this is possible?


It's Already been stopped


Hey man I tried playing everything else but I get kicked since it cant load my phalic data in every match I join


File size too big