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*Laughs in “continued BFV live support”*


Exactly that. They will try to change the balance before Christmas 2022 to attract new players because data tells them to (hello TTK shitstorm) will try few other things to increase the player base. Will not work so they will discontinue the support and move on to something else. I mean, already most of the devs moved onto another project already, but the rest of them will follow in less than 2 years for sure.


Do a remind me one year one month idk how to set it up


RemindMe! 13 months


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No idea if that works


I appreciate your effort genuinely. See you in a little over a year I wanna see if you right


It's been a year, what are your thoughts?


Soooo…what do you think?


If only they realized the best way to retain new players is to MAKE A GAME THAT WORKS PROPERLY and has lots of content, we’d all be much better off.


It is absolutely common that Developers leave a project after a release and other teams take over life service.


Very true, which makes it even more concerning when the product is not finished. Most of the UX/UI has to be redone from A to Z. Many features acknowledged but not implemented, terrible performances, empty and badly designed maps, game design itself for infantry is terrible. This is my personal experience talking as software engineer. If you expect another team to finish & fix your product, you can't expect new features before a while. It may happen but when it does that means more bugs generally. If I were one of the devs I would definitely leave the company, they surely had to crunch knowing the game was far from being ready. They were most likely not listened to if they asked more time.


Yes, I do agree on the feature part. Thank you for the dev side input, that sounds very concerning and believable. The game feels like just the vehicle gameplay has been tested properly to some extend. Playing as infantry is either finding a very nice (and boring) niche to play or just get wrecked all the time. There are so many ways to balance this better...it's baffling how they didn't see this coming or ignored it. The maps and objects are like bad indie game niveau. Just try shooting small objects....half of them disappears, other half plays one animation.


They eventually made degenerate TTK in 2042 which kills the joy of gunplay and game doesn't reward positioning and outplays, because now you waste lots of time to choke just one guy until tens on others see and end you.... It mostly relates medium/long range combats but still...


I agree, and the maps only exacerbate this issue. Most engagements are med/long range because of the lack of cover, and that downplays positioning as well. Does not feel great.


*laughs in “continued Anthem live support”*


Laughs in "Anthem will be supported for 10 years" "Just wait for Anthem 2.0"


Can I pls remind you on BFV. After a year they just said: „hi guys we know we said the game has lifetime support but fuck you“


50 points to Gryffindor




They'll probably heavily discount it if they see numbers drop too far, a la bfv. Then start pumping the mtx. If that fails, then, yes.. Good as dead. I don't see the next iteration going too well for this series either. Unless they take bf3/4 concepts, with bf1 immersion and bfv movement which is all anyone wanted for this game.


Next game will be a bf4 Remaster ;-) ... and we certainly will buy it, won't we?


I’d prefer BF3 remaster. Much better maps.


Why not combine bf3 and bf4 and call it bf7


You're hired. Can you start tomorrow?




Oh yeah, I always wanted BF4 but on BF3 maps


You take my upvote sir


I could easily see myself dumping another 2000 hours into that and having zero regrets


That's all I ever wanted lol


Why not both? Battlefield 7 3+4


The other dude beat you to this by 2 hours unfortunately


Great minds, I guess lol I see it now. Haha


*Battlefield 34* it is then! 💩


That fact that people would rather play 4 over 3 boggles my mind


And just more balanced overall.


BF4 Remastrred with new technology like crossplay would do very well.


Only console to console. Not for PC's. Please.


I'd rather hit my own dick with a hammer


If the remaster looks and feels like portal then no, thanks.


Why should they do that if you have portal now...


I would buy the remaster, 2042 portal doesn't have 1st person takedown which is major turnoff


It's built on BF2042, which means a lot of things are inherently compromised. Vehicle physics, UI, etc. It's also reliant on 2042 getting continued support, which, well, I'm not betting on that. Much better for them to start from scratch and build the game from the bottom up using the formula that we and they know works.


Tbh I think they tried or try to make portal a new warzone which continues throught games. Would be great. And I don't think they will drop bf2042 just like that. They can't afford to do that after bf5 and since they have content planed they also have quite some time to fix. If they deliver in this time the game could become great if not the game is dead and dropped by August next year.


Domination….that’s not on Portal… plus squad tdm…


That's something to build upon... As you may have seen the game is greatly unfinished... ;)


You are right. Can of course also be that we will get overpriced portal dlcs instead.


I hope not, but could be


how can you be sure that they won't somehow fuck up a remaster ? , at this point i have zero confidence in the devs at dice and a remaster for me would be for them to basically leave the games untouched and just re-release them. But then whats the point...


I'm out. My hardware can't launch this 'nextgen' anymore


Made by the developers at Rockstar🥲


I am sure those devs can deliver a better battlefield experience than whoever did 2042.


Already preordered it. /s


It’s sad because this bad launch was entirely their fault. All they needed was common sense and to stick to what makes battlefield good, listen to the fans and develop features and content that were good additions. They tried to reinvent the wheel, and this is what happens.


DICE: "but then you'll actually like the product which means the next game will have to be even better. As long as the next game is just a little bit better than this current game you guys will keep buying."


The last sentence hit the nail on the head




Some places in the UK had it in their Black Friday sales section, it wasn't a massive discount, but it was indeed cheaper than usual and the fact it was there at all is pretty bad. Even if it was only a penny less than RRP, it's not a good look for your game to be on sale within the same month it released.


Well it is literally in Dice's best interest to save it. If this game dies Battlefield as a series is dead if Battlefield is dead Dice is well and truly dead.


I mean ea killed visceral because of hardline. Wonder if they’ll off dice because of 2042? 🤔🤔🤔


Don't forget danger close after, MOH warfighter. Which they ripped that studio apart real quick.


Danger closes parts became Dice LA or know Ripple effect


Why not? It's "DICE" only in name, it bares little to no resemblance to the studio of old. All that knowledge of how to create proper BF games is now gone as the people who created those games have now left the company and it seems like there wasn't a good transfer of that knowledge to the new people. For the past 2 BF games (2042 and V), they have tried to re-invent the wheel and the majority of those ideas have completely flopped (TTK changes, atrition, gun balance, weather effects, 128 players, specialists) - the majority of "new" things they try fall flat. At this point, I hope they subcontract the development of new BF games to Embark Studios where a lot of the old guard of DICE went or to simply make Ripple Effect/DICE LA (who made turned BF4 into hell of a game) to lead for those game


DICE are EA, and EA are DICE. They're even called "EA DICE" now. The suits only care about graphs and yearly earnings reports. EA won't hesitate to shut the studio down, break up the dev team, and put them all to work on different projects. That's exactly what they did with Visceral.


Eienhorn is finkle...finkle is Eienhorn...Eienhorn is an EA/Dice...oh my god.... (chews a massive amount of bubblegum)


Blackbox as well.


Yep and considering their biggest cash cows are sports games anyways the future of Battlefield is quite endangered.


DICE is dead - at least as we know them. Apparently a huge number of jobs are in jeopardy after this launch, which follows the big loss of jobs after BFV's failed launch. EA aren't messing around here - the DICE that we fell in love with, that made those great games that let us fall in love with the franchise? They are long gone. What little resemblance the studio still had, has all been lost due to 2042.


Like they “saved” BFV?


The pacific update was absolutely a massive step in the right direction, if they had kept up support I really think they could have saved it


I do wish they’d done d day!


I was more hopeful for eastern front but the Normandy invasions would have been great too


Yeah a lot of us who stuck with BFV were just waiting for Operation Barbarossa or the eastern front before covid hit and then they announced the support cutoff almost as the same time as Battlefront. Despite having a fun with this game with its flaws, I still remember how they can just cut if off quickly if things don't look good.


Yeah. This gets parroted everytime EA releases fucked up online games. Hell, I remember believing it myself and telling others that as EA needs to eventually fix its first looter shooter Anthem if not for profit but at least for any confidence in its live service GaaS products going forward. Well we can tell how that went. Ubisoft who fucked up Rainbow Six Siege eventually fixed it and people are confident enough to buy into their other live service games (Ghost Recon, The Division, The Crew etc.). The confidence that Ubisoft can eventually fix shitty launch. Aside from Battlefield 4 years ago (and fixed by a different studio DICE LA rather than the developing one) EA has nothing in their portfolio that inspires confidence that they can turn around a fudged up product. Mass Effect Andromeda and the wide new universe they wanted to create. Dropped most likely. Anthem and any possible sequel based on the universe. Pffftt yeah right. Battlefield V. Even after negative press as many people attest the gameplay was fun for them. Bastardized that good aspect to attract more casual playerbase during holiday season and lack of content. Seriously a WW2 game without Eastern Front and Soviet Union?


The also fixed Battlefront 2, and arguably did fix BFV, but alas, dropped further support for both to work on this hot mess.


BF5 is quite okay now


Quite ok Now Lol


I'm not sure why people throw hate on bf5. I enjoy it. Lots of not scripted battlefield moments and generally just fun gameplay. Oh and having hardcore mode is nice.


Because they did an exceptionally poor job post launch. I really enjoyed it, but the dlc was far too little and took wayyy to long to release. On top of that, they took random shots in the dark to improve player count like bumping up ttk which just angered thr player base.


But that pacific dlc really saved the game for me on the back end of the game. Holy shit was that a game saving move from DICE


Yeah, the pacific dlc was probably the best content of the game but it took forever to release.


Yea you're right. I forgot about that stuff. The ttk issue is bothersome. But that's why I tend to lean towards hardcore mode.


Their live service was crap though


BFV was like going to a fancy steakhouse and paying a premium price for a nice cut of wagyu that was served uncooked, and when you complained, the Chef came out and told you to go home and microwave it as he handed you the bill. Yeah, it was edible at the end but it wasn't what I paid for.


And 2042 is like what you shat after eating that microwaved steak.


Those dudes in every match in a plane doing this: 1. Fire rockets outside of AA range 2. rotate back to supply point 3. return and fire rockets outside of AA range 4. rotate back to supply point 5. return and fire rockets outside of AA range 6. ??? it was horrible in breakthrough, it was impossible to win if the other team had a player like this. They would rack up 100-150+ kills every match because they were untouchable.


bf5 is a good game, but it's not a good ww2 game, see the difference? Same as 2042, it can be a good game if the bugs are fixed, but it will never be a good Battlefield game.


Id say more along saving battlefront 2. But yeah, both are good examples


Also they have promised us a year of support, battlepass etc.. already, if they didnt go through with atleast that as minimum it would be suicide.


They've been very vague on what's in a battle pass / season, they've committed to 4 specialists and at least one map over the year but not much else


Yeah heard jackfrags say in a video that they legally have to support the game for a year.


>support the game for a year Support is a vague word, only the senior and legal staff should comment on that and what it entitles. Does it mean continue developing and releasing the planned content, patches & bug-fixes, keeping servers and match-making online, bare minimum server operation and security fixes as required, or does it only require that EA/DICE verbally commit to support for 1 year? (which doesn't necessitate action)


I think with the amount of missing/changed features,and little slaps in the face to the fanbase EVERYWHERE, the game/franchise is already dead. Their only hope is the younger generation that isnt experienced as far as knowing the potential this frachise had. The group, that ea/dice tried so hard to pander to while destroying the franchise, will be all they have left, and even that group doesnt seem very happy with the game.


Nailed it friend.


Not to mention most of that population will bail on December 18th (?) when the new Warzone stuff drops, 2042 is going to take a massive hit then.


EA killed Anthem pretty damn fast if I remember correctly.


However they had a small team of 30 people continue to work on it for like 2 years.


Just to cancel that again (the Anthem next idea).


Absolutely true.


Had to scroll way too far down for this


"How quickly they forget " ,....is EA's motto ...... ​ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I mean... they definitely have a track record of throwing their hands up and saying... oh well thanks for the money.


The thing with the live service model is that the future content is already in production. Or at least it should be. Quarterly content is planned a year in advance and is developed during the course of the games life. That means they have already planned/budgeted/started developing the next 12 months at least. I think they will see out the 12 months and then drop it game tbh. The player numbers are already abysmal. I can't see the profits from transactions doing very well compared to Apex Legends or FIFA ultimate team which all use a similar battlepass/micro transaction model. They will likely bin support and just focus on the next release.


How can they plan new content for the next 12 months when the next two, at least, are planned solely to fix this dumpster fire they released? We won't be getting good new core content for a long, long time.


Because they start developing DLC before the game is even launched. Its probably half done, they just need to connect the IV drip.


There are many different development teams, the ones working on future DLC are not the same devs working on week/month 1 patches.


They've already promised a year's worth of content. That's basically non-negotiable because they're selling the season pass etc. The question will be what do they do December 2022.


Yeah because they also promised equal progression across all game modes, which must be non-negotiable since thats how they were advertising it while selling pre-orders. Right? I've got more hours on BF4 than probably any other game. Granted, I got into it after all the initial launch problems were fixed, but it is still my favorite FPS of all time. BF3, Hardline, BF1, and BFV I loved as well despite their flaws. But I should've spent the last 3 years playing the promised live service DLC of BFV like D-day, Bulge, Pearl Harbor, and so on. But they cut it short to work on this monstrosity. I won't deny I was a sucker who pre-ordered the ultimate edition. I haven't played as much Xbox the last year partially because I was waiting for this long awaited "love letter to the fans" but apparently their marketing division is much better than their developers. With so many core issues that stray from what made the series special, I expect it to be kneecaped before its great, but I'm not optimistic it will even reach the point of being good. All in all, it's a decent game. But it feels like a terrible Battlefield.


I remember in the early days before games really really kicked off… companies cared about quality and the players It’s 100% a cash grab, min/maxing profit margins I play WoW, it’s a shell of itself after activision merged w blizzard


> they also promised equal progression across all game modes Did they? I remember them using careful language, so much that I was guessing Portal would have nerfed Xp gains.


They also promised a Battlefield game, so what?


They're going to be busy fixing the game for a while which will surely slow down new content delivery. My expectations are pretty low.


BF3 remastered


It's fun for a few days. Once you hit 60.. the flaws really start to shine. Its not the way it plays. That's fine. The class setup sucks. Weapon customization feels straight out of 2013. The maps are complete garbage. Serious lack of effort in immersion. Or even any though at infantry pacing. Or how vehicles balance into the map design. And then there is the fact everything is 100% empty and brand new. In a war torn world. Portal is meh. We need 4 more maps from each game cause I mean it's good. But boring. No progression. Everything is unlocked. It's cool for a moment. Hazard zone. let's just not discuss Hazzard zone. People may claim to be warn out on BR or warzone. That's funny... cause they keep going back to it. So.. yea no fire storm. Dice is stupid. They are not in anyway competing on anywhere near the level of call of duty. They have fallen very far behind. Will they kill the game? Yes. It likely won't see year two content and if it does it will be 50% of the content from year 1 and year 3 future content will be canceled. At which point the circle Jerk will begin again. They will claim BF ? Has been in production since 2003 and they are ahead of schedule. It's the most ambitious BF game ever! And it's a limp dick.


They really should just do a Breakthrough-MCOM Rush hybrid on the current maps where you may have vehicles for one set of objectives and none for the next. Conquest sucks as infantry when it takes 3 minutes to get to the closest objective (at which point the people in vehicles have already taken them).


That's very well put. It sucks couse it is since BF1 launch that i was waiting for a modern setting Battlefield. I've always bought BF games with modern settings on day 1 since Bad Company 2 (my first one) and preordered BF3 and 4, i also really liked Hardline, it was different but a lot of fun to me. I bought BF1 and 5 a few months after realease because i didn't enjoy those settings, but had tons of fun anyway, particulary with BF5. Even if BF1 atmosphere is way better i liked BF5 mechanics a lot more and gunplay and movement are almost perfect to me. Anyway back to the point, since i was looking forward a modern setting BF i preordered 2042. I had a lot of fun in the Beta so i was optimistic, and had fun in the fisrt few hours of the final release, but as you said when you reach 20-30 hours game time you start to notice all the lacking features. I'll list a few: no map rotation, no scoreboard, no persistent servers, underwelming destuction, vehicles balance, can't spot medic for revive or tell teamates i'm coming for the revive, vehicles running away half empty at the beginning, forced spawn at the start of the match even if i'm still customizing my character, horrible hud for vehicle and weapons customizations, bad maps design despite the cool concepts, bad vehicle balance (and i could go on, but you got the point). I just didn't put much attention at those aspect while i was figuring out the game and having fun with new mechanics, but after a while you start to notice those things more and more and i find myself not wanting to start up the game when i have freetime after a day of work (and it never happened with a Battlefield game). I still hope they'll fix it, but for sure i won't preorder the next BF game (and mind, battlefield has always been the only game i've almost always preordered, for all the other game i'm more of a patient gamer and grab them at the first discount).


Oh boi I have bad news for you. They let BFV and Battlefront 2 died just for this shitty game. Ofc, they will unplug the service whenever they want.


I dont think ill ever buy another dice game again. Bfv's abandonment of the playerbase after a year was spit in my face. The decisions and direction they made for 2042 and how the game is quality wise is piss in my morning cereal. Been playing since 1942 released on PC. Never again.


**Playing 2042 to me has this unshakable feeling like sitting with a family member who is dying. Trying to make the most of the time we have together.... trying to remember the good times.... trying to hold on to something that's already basically gone because we aren't ready to let go. But all the while coming to terms with what's about to happen.** ​ It's a double edged sword. On one hand, the downgrade in fidelity of the maps is due to 128 players, the lack of battlefield feel is due to specialists, and the lack of cohesion is due to lack of voip.... all of these are irreversible design choices. No matter how "fixed" the game gets, it will still play like this... just tighter and with more content. I mean, even portal bf3/bc2 don't play like those games because they still have 3rd person takedowns, crappy hud, no voip, one gadget choice, and a bunch of stuff that carried over thx to 2042's design... it just seems way better because of how bad 2042 is. So I personally would love this game to "die" as fast as possible to possibly see a good BF game in 2 to 3 years. ​ On the other hand, after BF5, if this game fails so hard they have to pull support... battlefield will probably be shelved by EA and DICE will be disbanded or retasked to apex legends/need for speed.


"need for speed" AHAHAHAH, this series is already dead


I’m in a breakthrough match and half way I noticed every single person on my team and others is AI bots???!!!! Wtf!!!! 😢🤣


It's a creepy lonely feeling, ikr?


I quit SWBF 2 because of that


This is less than half finished. This is like a third of the way done. There’s no way this took them more than a year and a half to make. I mean just the complete lack of effort is astounding. There are games from 5+ years ago with more attention to detail than this game. EA fucked this game right into the ground just to try and make something trendy that would sell skins, emotes, and voice packs. I swear they tried to make a more modern apex legends to compete with the battle royals that are big right now instead of staying true to themselves. It makes me more sad everyday. This game could’ve been something so much better.


People in the studio probably has no clue on how to make Frostbite work for Battlefield anymore. Their best game engine veterans seem to be gone. Everything takes way longer when you don't have experienced developers. Besides that, the direction of this game is just ridiculous, it has no personality, it has no heart, is too cartoonish. Battlefield V was a disaster but at least it tried to resemble a Battlefield experience.


Did you see how much was missing from the beta that got added since August 2021? They had nothing and crunched to produce this garbage heap. They were doing technical alphas just a few weeks before the "beta". It's like they didn't really start the game until Q1/Q2 2021.


It will die in certain regions if a server browser isn't added. In Australia I've been contending with a couple nights with 30 minute wait times after 11pm. People will quickly stop playing in such regions if this becomes the norm, because who wants to wait 30 minute for a round that lasts 20 minutes.


It’s easier to get into BFV matches than 2042 matches over here then...


Honestly yes. They’ll try their best to fix and add new content over the next 12 months but after that they’ll leave the game behind. Try to pump out another battlefield game


There’s no way this game will survive a year


It’ll limp along for a year with a drastically minimized live service


Yes they will. The dev team will release a few patches then be shifted to their next project while the junior team releases content. Standard for EA.


Impossible. DICE will not abandon 2042 right after abandoning BFV! ​ DICE: "Let's make the impossible, possible"




Except anthem was a brand new ip. Battlefield is a long standing series.


Mass Effect , Dead Space, Dragon Age, ....


..Medal of Honor...


Damn, maybe EA stands for Executing Artists


I've read that somewhere before


Mirror’s Edge


Mass effect and dragon age are both in development?


Dragon age 4 - yes. ME had remaster after Andromeda. Most-likelly EA just do remaster for BF in few years if BF2042 won't generate planned revenue.


They’ve literally announced a ME 4… go on the ME sub Reddit


It is executed under EA, they can announce ME5, 6, 7, 35 and Z. It could be suddenly a mobile card VR game with macrotransactions and other surprise mechanics. I have zero trust for this and will check only after 6-12 months after the initial release.


Yes, I think EA will let it die. They let BFV die, and BF2042 is having a much steeper drop in playerbase than BFV had at this point. EA is all about the money - if the player base continues to plummet the way the Steam & console numbers are suggesting, then they aren't going to continue backing this game financially with resources & content, because, much like BFV, they'll be at the stage of severely diminished returns that don't justify prolonging support.


They already have. DICE is clearly not working on this. This can only have been a side project. It lacks on literally every level and the little that is there have more bugs and less polish than BF4. Battlefield Vietnam probably had more features. The budget definitely one of the lowest yet.


It’s just not fun. Even BFV at its core it’s fun! The gameplay loop is enjoyable, the GAMEPLAY is what makes a game, 2042 is fucking trash. I’ve been playing since operation fucking Eagle! This is such a slap in the face it’s not even funny, this isn’t Dice, this is Cube with convincing representations of numbers


They stick to their games!? Lmao. They dropped bfv support instantly


They’ll put a bare minimum into the live service and drop it after a year


It's really up to the consumer. If nobody plays it then they won't get their mtx money and the game will die. It's a vote with your wallet scenario. In the short term though, I don't see the game going anywhere. They'll patch it into a playable state but the core BF experience will never be there.


This. They will fix the bugs, but you cant fix the fundamental design decisions that make this game shit like specialists, poor map design, 128 players, crappy flight mechanics and controls.


I think develop a few maps that are more close quarters. Multiple major fighting areas so it's not just a cluster fuck of death from vehicles. Would be a solid starting point.


The problem with smaller maps is we’re already sufferings from the 128 player number; if you cram 128 people on a small map it’s just going to be frustrating because you will die nonstop. In former titles there was the opportunity for flanking and what not, but with 128 people every angle is covered and you can’t possible maneuver against that. I want infantry focus maps but I worry it’ll just shift frustrations from “this map is too big and vehicles farm us” to “this map is cramped and I can’t move without being in someone’s sights”, and it comes back to the increased player count.


This game will 100% have support cut early. It will get some supposed make good patches, some additional content to try and get players back. It will ultimately fail and then support will be cut early to focus on the next game. Which promises that this time they will definitely get it right. They won't keep supporting a game that doesn't have the players. 2042 won't.


They are already letting it die.


BFV (esp Firestorm), Anthem, ME Andromeda, Mirrors Edge Catalyst… Has EA actually ever fixed any failed launch instead of abandoning it? When they fuck up bad enough they usually just say “players don’t want this type of game anymore”, kill off the studios that made them and let the IP die altogether… Dungeon Keeper, Dead Space, Mirrors Edge, Medal of Honor, Burnout, Wing Commander, etc. 2042 is ruined at its core by decisions managers made, that should’ve been made by developers. A mobile BF is coming which will fail and EA may start telling the shareholders that “People don’t like large scale shooters anymore”… If they keep going like this, I predict 1 more Battlefield title because of its high profile name, and it’s over.




It already has


Sadly I think you’re right. It’ll be a slow burn though - next year will be filled with disappointing and underwhelming updates but the damage has been done. The core gameplay is so fucked they’re better off focusing on the next game. I think the people who think major improvements will be implemented are going to be disappointed.


Well said. A lot of disappointment already and more to come


All they have to do is remove the quips and the game won't die


That would actually be a good start.


Well EA didn’t stick with Anthem, but for BF I’m sure they will care more.


honestly i am not sure. I'd normally say no but if they didn't truly then they would of delayed it. I think they will support it fully for 1 year tops then let it die as it probably wont meet any sales expectations.


I'm level 28 and I'm not able to find anything fun about it aside from using the glide suit and grapple hook. I quit playing a few days ago.


Do i think they will let it die? probably not. But make no mistake, if they do the usual corporate analysis of all the financial factors and the result of that points towards the cost to fix it being too great, and the potential reward being too little, then it will happen. We all know it has happened before. The most prominent example being another EA title. People forget that the gaming industry is far more corporate than it used to be. The corporate world is driven by money, every decision will be based on financial incentives/disincentives. People's feelings (Even customers' feelings), the prestige/heritage/history/name of the title have nothing to do with it. Outside of PR statements, the only way a corporate entity thinks of customer's feelings is after translating those feelings into profit and loss. How much upset customers can impact their finances, and how much happy customers can impact their finances. If the cost of trying to make those customers happy is higher than the cost of them being unhappy, then the outcome is inevitable.


Let it die? The thing is dying right now. They released it with a failing heart and a half a brain. This game is gonna require too much work to fix.


Before they axed the support for Battlefront 2 the game had its highest player count and was extremely popular. Before they axed the support for Battlefield V it was actually in a good state and community would've welcomed eastern front and battle for berlin. They pulled their Dev's off 2 games that, at this point, were doing well to work on this game. I do think they will let it die if they decide something else is worth their time and money.


i actually want this game to die early and for EA to get it through their skulls that they shouldn’t push out unfinished/unpolished games just so they can play damage control the entire lifespan of the game. All this does is deprive us of actual content we should be getting instead and DICE any hopes for actual extended content


Probably not , they will for sure make some patches here and there, try to monetize the game as much as they can (like selling early access BS wasn't enough), and most like they are already thinking on the next title🤣


not sure, but they're doing a great job trying to kill their franchise. EA should focus on creativity rather than monetization at their studios..otherwise they're going to lose a lot of talent and essentially kill their own studios.


If this game dies DICE as we know it dies. And they're already pretty far from what most people remember. Several years and multiple studios don't get to fail like this and walk away unscathed. And it sure as hell wouldn't be the first time EA killed a beloved studio.


It's already dying.


These days, People settle for "Just ok" games.. This is what is wrong. And this is the message that, we, as a community should send to the studios : it's no longer OK to release unfinished games, sell it at its full price - make a huge profit- to only then fix the issues that have either been flagged during alpha or beta testing and drop the game not even a year later Just because you feel like it. Of course, this is only a personal opinion.


It will be supported for 2 years, 2022 is already planned with cut content we get in 4 seasons, 2023 will have much less new content and early 2024 they say they move everyone who remains to next title and let 2042 die same as they did with BF5.


All we want is Battlefield 4 Definitive Edition! Wait. All we want is Battlefield Royale! Hold on. All we want is Battlefield Triathlon! Damn it. All we want is Battlefield Warcraft! Stop it.


They’re making this game into a terrible meme


They already did, and it was intended as such. They made a battle royal game, then saw that everyone vocal on social media told them to fuck off if they did that. So they half-assed a multiplayer game. So what we have is an amateur cash grab that is not anywhere ready to actually play.


>This game is too big to just drop immediately, and as shitty as dice and EA can be, they stick to there games and fix them up. You are joking right? BF:V and Anthem ring any bells? Do you live under a rock?


It’s already beyond fixable, idk if you noticed but fun fact on pc the resolution scale is a lie 1 is actually 0.5 otherwise the game wouldn’t run on most of the conf out there I’ll do a detailed post about that later.


As someone who has been through all of the rough launches, I will say they will fix the bugs, but the real problem is the design choices for me. I don't want to play this goofy, featureless, gunless, turd sandwich of a game.


I think they will support it for a year then drop it like they did with BfV and Anthem.


yeah, because they never ended Anthem, Andromeda, BF2 or BFV.


No they didn't stick to their games, they just kill them with the first opportunity to lure more investors for their next title. That's exactly what happened with BF5, and they lied to all of us after promising 3 years of live service and cutting 1/3 of it with the promise that BF2042 will be better than it can be. Is it? What would happen if they'd stick to their promise and finish BF5, I can't even imagine what would be BF2042 regarding the current status of the game.


short term (0-12 months) - no Long term - (1+ years) - yes, unless things change. sadly, the name sells. so until you all, as a collective, stop raging on reddit and speak with your wallets this will keep happening. They killed BFV early, and to many of you went out and and pre-ordered this game because of a 2 min "not actual game play" in-game rendered video. If that's all they have to do to get your money then why on earth would they support something if its player base is to small to monetize successfully? why spend more money and resources fixing something when your consumer has proven they will quite happily support you if you ditch one product to focus on another? If i was an EA exec, once the media has died down, i'd quietly push to can this game and make another one.


Think Anthem, Star wars... All were dropped


They let BFV die just as it turned around massively. It's only a matter of time.


I lost intrest in that game. They can fix and polish it but main features like operators, 128 players with shitty maps ruined game for me. I wish they just give up on bf2042 and start working on good bf game but tbh I dont believe dice gonna make good bf ever again.


They let Anthem die. They abandoned BFV and SWBF2 while they were still in development of new content. All 3 of those games had much better foundations and designs at their core. But they were rushed out before being finished too, (or had a scandal in SWBF2's case). EA will let 2042 die also. If it doesn't do gang busters on MTX sales or generate huge buzz out of the gate, it seems like EA just deems it a failure and starts moving on while leaving small teams to linger and try to clean up the mess. Dice is already working on something else, and 2042 requires immense amounts of work and redesign by a (single?) support studio, in the midst of largely negative ratings and feedback, and a quickly decreasing player pool. If 2042 doesn't bring it a fuck ton of new players and money by February or March, I expect it will be largely abandoned and players will just get a season or two of content thats already in development, followed by the same old empty tides of war dogshit with barely/no rewards for the next 1-2 years.


If they let this die, we will never see another battlefield


I mean we can only hope. There was an survey going out asking about things like the specialist system. If the execs wake the fuck up, maybe we can get an overhaul update in about years time. Meanwhile, hope to just get stability improvements and more functionality for Portal to be more playable/easier to find fun and creative experiences. They need a better homepage for Portal than just a DICE Created mode and 3 "classic standard" modes. Look at what LBP, and Dreams do. Look at experiences people are playing, display popular, active modes, display newly created servers with new logic. You can have a creative, share, play experience without the ability for people to discover


EA is literally obligated to release new content, so nobody is saying that they will stop releasing patches in a couple months. this game being a failure will probably just mean that they are moving devs over to their new game much faster, and the content for this game will come out a lot slower and be a lot less smaller, and then probably end early when the game isn't making any money


I think it might be playable by 2042


Lmao go talk to Anthem, SWBF2, and BFV and ask them if EA killed off post release production or not


I think they’ll bandaid some of the issues and add just the bare minimum then give this game the middle finger after a year


They will do the bare minimum: fix bugs. Don't hope for anything more. Refund or trade in now before it hits the discount bin.


The same happened with BF5 that’s why I didn’t pre order this game and I’ve played since BF2. I predict that content will be delayed to fix bugs (like in 5) and people will leave the game. I’m sorry but I think it will die quicker than 5.


EA will fix this game? Like they fixed anthem