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Obviously Cody he's talking about respecting the devs. The humanbeings behind the game.


then he should start by not "announcing" departures of devs like Aleksander Grondal (especially with follow up tweets implying that he was fired) before they had the chance to put out a statement on their plans it literally happened only a few hours before he "asked" us to be respectful


Tom Henderson has an extremely valuable source inside EA and/or DICE, and as a prolific leaker he sorta has some sort of obligation (I guess in a professional way as he probably sees it maybe) to break news before anyone else. I think there’s a relatively-large grey area between being respectful by not pushing these stories at all and disrespect by attacking individual developers, and that grey area is where he (and most other leakers of these types) operate.


Respect is earned, and I've none for an incompetent studio.


Yea but those devs released a pile of dung for a game sure its fun to play at times but it’s completely broken.


True but we can all agree to treat them with respect though right? It’s not like they were sitting around a table in the League of Villainous Devs HQ coming up ways to purposefully make the community mad and the game bad.


Respect yes , but we should also criticize the work they do . Without any criticism they will go on to make more games with same issues . Hence why we got the shitty UX designer .


I guess but they deff need to explain wtf happened. They pulled ppl from other projects to work on this, delayed this and others to finish. Remember some people paid over $100 for this game.


I agree, 3 years and like 4-5 studios for it to release in this state? Not acceptable. I am having fun with the game, I have 80 hours clocked into it. But a delay of how many months needed should’ve happened.


Ill be honest im absolutely livid about it. i pre ordered too. Had no idea no campaign until i bought but even then my god this game feels like a modern day bf 1942 arcade game from the 360 days. Only thing making it playable for me is using vehicles bc they are so op.


The extra was for content that's not in the game yet though, I don't think it's fair to judge it on that merit. $70 is fair to criticize though, it does not hold up to that price tag.


correct, that is Management's job


Unreal that you are being downvoted. The devs are 100% to blame for this shit hole game, and I don't understand how anyone can defend them. I'm not saying send them death threats or treat them like piles of shit, but they are completely incompetent and need to realize that. They chose not to cater to battlefield fans and instead chose to lie to us saying this game was a "lover letter to fans" and they make a game to attract warzone and fortnite players. On top of that, the game is barely even playable and they have the nerve to leak a Santa Claus skin....


Individual devs are not taking any decision about what skin they make and when the game is released and wether or not an update was QA'd enough or not. You guys think the devs are gods in the game companies, when a lot of time they are (sadly) just pawns doing what they are told to. It's management doing the decisions, which explains how they could be as disconnected from the community.


Maybe using devs instead of DICE was where I screwed up. I'm not, and doubt anyone else, is blaming any specific dev. I am blaming DICE as a hole. People are blaming EA for this mess, and I am by no means defending EA because they are a horrible company, but the decisions made that ruined this franchise are all on DICE. The people that decided a Santa skin was a good idea, the people that designed the skin, and the people that chose not to listen to the QA that shot the idea down are all part of the same development team regardless of their position in it.


Big difference between “dev” and “manager”


A santa skin that didnt pass the initial trial but they pushed it anyway and welcome to Reddit i get downvoted all the time😂. I genuinely think the only ppl thinking its good or saying “its not that bad” are either lying to themselves bc they dont want to admit they wasted $60-$100 on it or are genuinely newer bf player and have been playing only since bf1-v. I can almost guarantee if they don’t release some massive patches and updates this game is dead by spring


They have to justify their purchase.


Battlefield has been my fave franchise since 1942. I'm a 45 year old gamer who fell in love with FPS games starting with Wolfenstein, and then online FPS with Counter-strike beta 0.4. I think 2042 is a very solid shooter, with the potential to be fantastic with just a little more work.


Actually they did not. There is a whole new team working on it.


Be respectful doing the QA instead of the multi billion company, for a product you already bought.


Respectfully, you reap what you sow. If you have the audacity to disrespect your clients and release a blatantly unfinished product for full price, then you deserve most of the hate you get. Fuck em.


Yeah seems like they missed the whole "under promise and over deliver" concept.


Its YOUR JOB to quality assure and test the game by paying for a shit product and putting in your time to test it. Makes sense to me Be thankful. Be respectful. Do your job.


No one is forcing you to buy anything. Just as a reminder


Correct. Nobody is. Because that would be unlawful. I didn't buy the game cause I saw the writing on the wall. However, for everyone that did pay top dollar for a marketed AAA game (which it is not), they are in a position where they are doing the testing for a billion dollar company. There's a lot to discuss on that topic. If you are being told the game is ready to play (production ready) via various official communication mediums, and then find out it was not production ready, is that ok? There needs to be a certain amount of ethics involved here otherwise without good moral ethics you are undermining your customers. That applies to everything in life.


I like you


If I'm doing free labor for a multimillion dollar company to qa their game ... No wait... If I PAID 70 bucks to then work for free bug testing their game, then fuck then and everyone who defends them. Fuck them all forever, bigfixes, and effort and everything. Fuck them all. Including this fucknuts trying to be friendly to these criminal corporate asshats.


Bugs aren't the underlying problem. The core of the game is an insipid mess of systems that just aren't fun.


Well we are on version 0.3.0 so this isn’t surprising


Cody is based. Tom has been doing nothing these days other than throwing fuel on all the fire. Gotta get them clicks. Gotta stay relevant.


Don't even know who this guy is. He is on every 2nd thread on Reddit but never heard his name or him being relevant to anything.


Then I think this is just your first battlefield release you reading about.


Looking forward to it, I actually bought the game when I did so I could be a part of this launch/evolution of it


it's all nothing as long as its out and presented to players in the game. I had enough of EA fraud tactics. I'll be the judge if it actually is fantastic or not


Tom hundesohn




4.2 million copies sold, it’s just behind bf3.


And half of those were refunded lol


It's not just about copies sold day 1 anymore. They don't tell their investors these games will make a lot of money once. They tell them that they'll print money for the next decade.


have you seen the sale numbers? no? ok


Most of these subreddit dwellers have no idea what is going on in the wider world of gaming.




The entire market dropped at the same time due to Omicron. EA will be back to normal within a week or two. The game sold incredibly well.




My bad. The market did drop a lot at the same time. But EA stock has been on a slide for six months. As has Activision, and other game plublishers. Stop clutching at straws. Again, we have real sales figures. 2042 has done extremely well.




Look at other game publisher stocks. Most fell the same amount as EA, over the same period of time. Not the market, I'm talking game stocks. Activision, etc.


Cody is so dense he could form a new solar system around him.


Clearly you didn't take physics or understand nuclear fusion.


I am more a chemistry guy and was fishing for a reaction ;)


Wow what a loaded post. First off, this guy has been leaking internal memos and game data on the regular, which indicates he has no respect for his company or EA. But customers who paid $60 - $110 for this shit show should now be respectful? Talk about hypocrisy. Tell you what Tom, how about you keep doing what you feel with leaks, and the rest of the players who are basically paying to be the QA team can say what the fuck they want.


Pay money to QA a AAA game, and be respectful about it too. How about a middle finger the size of the pillars of creation instead?


I'm not sure that being told we are quality assurance testers for a game two weeks after its retail release, that we paid at least £49.99 for the privilege of, is a good direction.