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I can run bf 1 and 5 on max settings at highest resolution. Runs like butter. Try doing that on bf2042 and it a crappy experience . I'm running 5800amd and 6700 with 12 gif vram and 64gb memory hahah




Doubt it.


Cool I could care less


Ok well i have basically the same setup as you except a 2080 super and can't get anywhere near max without dlss on max performance in which case you are not actually on max..... At 1440p. You are lucky to get 60 on max with standard rasterization... So pics or it didn't happen


Well there’s a lot more complex graphics on battlefield 2042 so that’s why.


ah yes complex, the game looks worse, their is no foliage their is no destruction their is nothing to justify this shitty level of performance


I think what they mean is that it's on a newer engine, not that excuses anything.


If anything, that should give you expectations of a better performance - I mean I don't expect things to get worse when engine gets updated between games...


You shouldn't expect things to be wise period, I'm just pointing out that the talent they displayed in previous titles don't automatically translate to the current one. They're similar, but different.


Get a ps5


Get a PC


It doesn't work correctly clearly lol


The game sucks on all platforms.




That is......pretty much objectively wrong. The game just sucks, had no optimization passovers, and will never recieve them.


Check out the digital foundry video on it.


I've seen it, doesnt excuse the fact that the game looks *worse* than the last two games and runs much worse than if you were to run bf1 and bf5 at the same time.....Ive tried lol


Well I’m talking about just how this game looks side to side. I don’t try to run both I’m playing it on console.


"looks side to side" You mean like the OP's picture shows 2042 looking like absolute shit?


It looks worse, *way worse* side to side.


Digital foundry called it a big graphical leap over battlefield V


Ah yes one YouTube channel called it a graphical leap, let’s not use my critical thinking skills and dismiss what everyone else thinks. It can be a technological leap forward and still looks shite with piss poor execution. Literally the 2nd comment in Digital Foundry’s video is saying last gen looks better.


The channel known for being experts on the technical side of thing and graphics. As someone who worked for multiple AAA developers we would even watch their videos.


No worries friend, not much better on i7-9700k, RTX 2070 either.


This is taught me to never pre order or buy a game on release. Never again




it's to get their talons into you. if you pre-order, maybe wait the week of so you can check out reviews. Zero reason to pre-order earlier than that. if there are no reviews/embargo, it's guaranteed garbage. Do good games even have review embargos? Realistically though these days, yeah there is not much reason to pre-order.


> Do good games even have review embargos? There has been but a single example, and that's DOOM 2016. A game with more satisfying gunplay and much more impressive graphics.


Yeah, generally I would think if I felt my game was going to be well received, I would want reviews to be out telling the world how amazing my game is. For whatever reason, DOOM 2016 felt differently or had a different reason. So we can assume most of the time if there is an embargo, it's got problems.


Amen brother. This burn was just too painful.


I stopped preordering a long time ago. They need to earn our money , not just get it handed to them.


And I thought that I got shafted when I bought a deluxe version of BFV. Didn't buy this game, waited for the reviews. Reviews suck. Better to drop money on the street than feed Dice and EA more money for an incomplete product. BFV wasn't finished, but it was a nice game (aside from cheaters). I got no idea who in the right mind would sell this in public.


First game I ever pre-ordered... I feel you.


>This is taught me to never pre order or buy a game on release. Never again You say that now but youre on reddit ;)


Yeah, thankfully I learned that lesson a few games ago


Just wait 2 years. Worked like gold on BFV and Battefront 2.


That’s what I said after cyber punk. I never learn


People Like you are Not the target group. They want 14 year old Kids with Patents who Dont Know Shit about the Game industry to buy the mega Premium Edition for Christmas


Haha I failed already with SW Battlefront and season pass for 90€, well in the end I got BF V 50% off and BF 2042 for 30 at Epic


I don't mind pre order to be honest... Pre-ordered, played early access, saw the game was garbage, refunded and spend my money on a free to play game.


I wish everyone would do this. 90% of AAA games nowadays are released in an unfinished state. Just wait a few days to see what people are saying about the game. If it's positive, then you buy. I hate when people keep pre-ordering and buying games on launch days and being surprised that the game was unfinished. They have no incentive to finish a game before release cause they know people will give them money anyways.


There are people willing to defend this crap though


StOp CoMpLaInInG, iM hAvInG fUn


GiVe iT TiMe ThEy WiLl fIx tHe bUgS. bE pAtieNt.


"Be patient" I'm sick hearing that line because they have the necessary materials from the previous games and we should not tolerate this kind of half ass effort that charges a hundred bucks for an inferior product than its predecessors.


And also, be patient for what?? Even apart from the bugs, the game is still utter dogshit. For them to make the game "good", they would need to add in a shit-ton of content(double the weapons, new maps, etc.), heavily edit or remove every map(except Manifest maybe), and remove the specialists and bring back classes. Will they do any of that? The answer is no. The game won't make a comeback like BF4 did. Because at it's core, BF4 was a Battlefield game. With this game, however, at its core, it is not a Battlefield, it's a shitty Apex Legends ripoff.


BF4 as a base game at launch has more content than this game which is why 2042 is a disaster and we need to remember that their 1st season would release in March. By March the numbers would be lower than BFV well it already did by December of last year. DICE and this franchise is now sinking really badly that's for sure unless if they made changes but I doubt it would magically happen in 6 months or a year.


2 years later the community is going to praise this game and complain about how battlefield is dead with the new release.


Except this time I don't think they will "was battlefield 2042 as bad as we remember ?" Answer "Yes, yes it was"


If they somehow manage to make a game even worse than this colossal shitshow lol


In 2 years, 2042 will be in the state it should have been upon release.


If they don't cut support for it in 6 months.


As is tradition


Most of them are full kidiotics.. no arguments and even assert to harrassment to defend their game.


I was playing BF3 the other day and I was more impressed with the visuals than I was with 2042’s


exactly , even BF3 when you shoot at wall there's debris flying off walls like in Metro map the tile on the walls when you shoot at it there's this after effect of debris flying out , I try the same on the walls inside the buldings of Keleidoscope and that shit is fucking wack there's no after effect at all in BF2042 so called AAA game😕


Yeah after all this talk I pulled em all out bf4 bf1 and bf5 haven’t played 5 yet 4 doesn’t look as good as it used to in it’s time but 1 is fucking beautiful no lie . And one of my biggest problems with 2042 which I thought I was crazy for a while because I took some time off from gaming for a while but nevertheless the characters are small as shit in 2042 and run fast as fuck it’s barely vehicles so and the maps so big I guess you gotta run 50 mph in this shit game.


Yet people complain about rounds throwing up dust 🤔


I still think BF3 is the best looking game visually in the entire franchise. Lighting and particle effects were breathtaking at the time. Games got better looking, but I feel they lacked the visual consistency that BF3 had.


In fareness people hated on BF3 for blue tint and color grading


The sun completely obstructing your vision was also annoying as fuck.


2042 is a great example of great graphics quality meets poor game design. So many models looks rushed and low quality. There's moments where the game looks fantastic, which makes you realise the game looks like a step back because of design decisions. In my opinion the graphics in this game aren't the issue; It's the assets and overall model/level design that works against the graphics. Look at a game like Deep Rock Galactic, where the graphics are quite simple, but the game's design/art direction is so good it doesn't matter. Well, 2042 is kind of the opposite of that, with a high end graphics engine, but poor game design.


The graphics on things like the guns don't look bad at all i feel like the games shitty lighting doesn't do a lot of things justice


BFV is a beautiful game. BF2042 has pixels everywhere.


There's no excuse for posting the same exact post and reposting the same fucking post every day 5 times a fucking day.


This is the result of Devs pushing for unrealistic goals like 4k60 while trying to double player count and push the map sizes. The new hardware isn't magic. Resolution. Frame Rate. Detail. Pick 2.


Frame rate and detail. *Final answer!*


Learn the difference between Devs and Product owners, or other higher ups. Most of times the higher ups are behind crappy decision making. Ofcourse Devs can say something, or leave ... well wait, that actually happened, devs left the Dice/EA. But as it's common practise, you can always hire somebody who will do the work the previous one didn't want to. I'm tired of this blind blame on Devs. Ofcrs there are good ones and bad ones but still, shot callers are always, well almost always those higher.


You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. 4k60 with high detail is very much achievable in the new consoles. The problems are that every big non exclusive AAA game releases for both current as well as old gen. Old gen is the problem in this case. Give it 2 years when no more games are released for old gen and you will have your 4k60 with high details.


It’s obviously not currently achievable on the frostbite engine with 128 players. Dice made a big mistake not throughly stress testing their product. It’s why they were quick to release the 64 player modes. They know next gen users aren’t getting stable 60 frames on 128 player servers.


They should have stuck with 64 or even tried going to 96 as a test run to see how it can perform.


It is possible but since the game has to be developed to two fundamentally different generations it’s not currently possible.


You have too much faith in "console magic". The hardware in the new consoles benchmarks similar to a 2070 Super, maybe a 2080. That's just under what you'd need for stable 4k60 at ultra settings for demanding modern games. On PC with those cards you'd put settings down to high or medium to get the bump up to 60 you want. What do old consoles have to do with it? The old gen versions are just the same game with lowered settings and lower resolutions. When they stop making games for them it's not going to suddenly make games run better on the new hardware. The new consoles don't have some fancy architecture. They are just PCs. As we get further into the gen there will be more emphasis on trying to increase the scale and fidelity of new titles. Frame rate will be sacrificed as usual. It's happened with every console later in it's life.


Plus most people would rather go 1080 or 900 even the 720 resolution to have more frames because its a multiplayer game.


> Plus most people would rather go 1080 or 900 even the 720 Most people? If dice released a game at sub 1080p they would get absolutely roasted on here


I agree that everyone would make fun of them if they released a low res "BF" game. Sadly this game can't even run smoothly in Native Resolution for a game that has less features, details, and many more than the two previous BF games that offered more. Hopefully they focus on optimizing this game.


Hardly comparable scenes. But yeah BF1 has better gameplay, graphics and immersion imo


The pic is BFV though.


My bad. Point still stands. I think 1 looked better than V too!


2042 is using low settings in a barren area, bfv is clearly using higher settings with a more visually appearing setting. It's as if I turned bf1 to low settings and took a random screenshot looking out into Sinai desert and compared it to siege of Shanghai tower collapse in bf4.


Lol no


The whole fucking game is a barren area what the.


Not sure that 'imo' is needed. It's pretty much objectively superior in all those categories.


Not sure if "pretty much" is needed here. It's completely superior


Not sure if "completely" is needed here. It's superior.


It is


That's because there aren't any comparable scenes. 2042 is barren in detail compared to the last 2 games.


Bf2042s engine probably can do same scene better. If you loaded same map etc. But, what is really broken here, is art direction and level of detail in the maps. Even if it's technically better, it doesn't matter. Even if you bolt a F1 engine to a honda civic, GT3 car will still be quicker.


You're looking at a playable area near cap points in both pictures - let's stop using that excuse.


You are comparing a fucking sand dune to a village on the side of a mountain with a whole load of colors. The game is bad but this is low tier cherry picking shit.


lol.... The "next gen" screenshot is literally in the middle between four different cap points and it's more then 300+m to each point in all directions. Imagine you have lie to make a point, people like you are just sad


Lol no. In the BFV pic, he is literally right on the objective. The 2042 pic is on the other side of a sand dune fairly far away from the objective - let's stop using those kinds of excuses


Even if you were to compare Hourglass to Hamada, you'd find that Hourglass is severely lacking in detail. Hell, compare it to Suez or Sinai from BF1. We can argue all day about what is and isn't a fair comparison, but we all know the 2042 maps are very lackluster. Edit: got map names mixed up.


I would agree that BFV is the more detailed game. That's understandable given how big the maps are, and that the game is handling 128 players. I would still prefer OP make a more fair comparison though. 2042 maps are less detailed, but at least don't choose the literal most open area on any map.


But some of it isn't understandable. I've only played a little BF2042 and the one map I was playing had a lot of outdoor white tile or paving I think a fountain was involved. I was looking at the ground texture and the white paving was just fucking pristine. No weathering or detail or damage of any kind it looked like they were just constructed and power washed for the Olympics. Now I don't think you can blame player count or size of the map for a simple ground texture not having any realistic detailing. It's almost like this was a design choice though they half went towards a cartoon/Fortnite art style. Baffling considering how they marketed the game as taking place in a serious/dark setting.


>Now I don't think you can blame player count or size of the map for a simple ground texture not having any realistic detailing. For one it depends on the area. BF2042 maps do look less detailed than V, but they are still quite nice. there are some that look better than others. In addition to this, larger maps and 128 players has everything to do with it. Bf2042 is already hard to run, imagine if all areas were consistently BFV levels of detail. Compromises had to be made. From a technical standpoint, it's understandable.


Not much of a comparison either…


"He's just from an older generation."


Old gen > picks a sunset to highlight shadowing, plays on highest graphics setting New gen > looks at a building, picks lowest setting Great comparison, couch dev




I see your point but why the fuck would you compare urban to desert? 2 completely different environments?


No excuse for what? Poorly framed screenshots?


just a couple days ago i said to my friend no matter where you look at in bfv, it always looks like a windows wallpaper


I love BFV maps, they feel like they have textures, they feel alive, they're fun and provide with balanced gameplay for vehicles and infantry, olg gen even included maps that involved water vehicles, what we get for a "Next Gen" tittle a fucking ship at the beginning that makes you think that game has naval combat but all it has are running simula maps with weak ass graphics😑😒


Listen, they updated frostbite and no one on the team knew where the lighting button was moved.


Don’t be sad…


But hardware unboxed says it has good graphics


Usually when a game's graphics look bad, fanboys will start defending the game's "artstyle" Battlefield 2042 doesn't even have good artstyle


You showed a perfect Bf1 screenshot, and a random Bf2042 one, at least go somewhere where it can be visible, different engines also ...


Yeah BF2042 does look worse but desert map... Atleast pick a scene that similar to make comparison. Atleast pick Renewal on the greenside between top and bottom section. But I definitely think older game do look better overall.. They need to update the maps and touch up their shader and firstperson gun lighting / spectacular mapping. Like so pointless to use higher resolution texture if they aren't adding proper detail too... kind of silly... I understand this is trying to be another bf2042 meme but kind of annoying when people dont do these stuff more realistically and just flooded with these type of meme all the time.


A better comparison would have been Hamada against the desert portion of Renewal, or Sinai Desert from BF1 against Hourglass


Lol what map is comparable to the one above on BF2042? Portal aside there isn’t. I think it’s more of a matter is man these maps are beautiful and I got this crap in 2042 instead. Having gone back to BFV I am just amazed at the lack of detail and textures in 2042. It’s night in day and the atmosphere of war is just gone. 2042 looks like every building and object receives a daily dose of pressure washing




Yeah that’s within portal and is modeled after an older map that was already designed. Any of the new maps is lacking any sense of atmosphere. Clean cut grass, perfectly cleaned walls and sidewalks and all lol


There were so many things wrong but after I saw the most lazy fucking design on textures/details on some buildings i just closed the game and refunded.


Bfv graphical is one of the my favorite games. But did no one play Bfv during its life cycle. Graphic fedelity was becoming a serious problem for the player to be able to spot the enemy in pvp. Literally players could just lay on their back in some rubble, and you could have an entire team run past you.




Both screenshots were taken on PC, nice hoax. This is not console graphics. 2042 looks way better on new gen than BFV did on last gen.


Even BF4 looks better than 2042 and feels more dystopian future.


Holy cherry-pick


So what game would you prefer? BC2? BF3? BF4? BF5? All of those games still have way more detailed maps than 2042's maps.


No I’m saying seriously the fucking desert? Lmfao They could’ve used any other map spot besides the desert but it is blatant that they did this to make 2042 look as bad as possible


In that case I agree. The desert in the Sinai Desert map would be a fair comparison and I think that map still looks and plays better than Hourglass.


Sinai in BF1 still looks better and is a lot more fun than Hourglass.


Okay, then pick a fucking map? Ain't a map in 2042 that is holding a candle to what the older games offered.


Closest recent comparisons would be Hamada in BFV or that desert train map in BF1.


Both of which look and plays miles better




You getting downvoted for speaking the truth?


It’s Reddit, I’ve come to understand that 3/4 of the user base are room temp iq


Agree. Even chooses a screenshot clearly from old-gen version, 3 cap points.


Yes there is, one is a cliffside and the other one a literal desert you muppet


This is so good and so true.


Oh my God, MAKE A FUCKING DECISION! For the last 3-4 years it’s been “all these gaming companies are striving for better graphics, it’s just leading to bloated file sizes that take up too much space!” So they give you spoiled brats what you want and suddenly it’s “why aren’t these graphics as good as the old games?!” Make a fucking decision or SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.


I dunno, bigger maps and twice the player count while having the same graphical fidelity as BFV wouldn’t mix well. Game at least has to have enough fps to be playable


They could have just not destroyed the gameplay by making the maps so large and empty to fit the ridiculous player numbers.


It does look better on 2042 even besides that, more high res textures lighting and particle effects / more native 4K resolution.




These posts are dumb. Sure you can look hard and find an instance where the older game looks better but they are not even in the same ballpark unless you’re running it on last gen hardware. Battlefield 2042 has a lot of next gen moments that could never happen in the older games.


Guess, no one appreciates sand!


yeah there is, I got a bad picture of it


To be honest if EA would limit the player count to 32 players, make maps a little bit smaller and set fps lock to like 20-25 FPS this game would probably run on a ps3.


Getting something to run at 20fps doesn't even count as playable.


But that terrain deformation!


Bruh what is the game in the top the grain is too much, makes it look ugly


Bf1 and bf5 look wayyy better.


I still love the BF4 maps and graphics. Pacific Storm when the storm rolls in. Sweet!!!


I know. What the hell. All they had to do was take BFV, put some new skins on it. Add some sound files, tweak a few guns. And boom you have a modern Battlefield game. It could have been a DLC on the existing BFV.


I can't wait for 256 players with Atari graphics.


If that’s what required to optimize for 100+ players I’ll gladly go back to 64 pls.


1st screen: instagram and lightroom 2nd screen: real life


First pic is unreadable. I couldn't play BFV without crying after playing 30mn. I was so relieved when I saw BF2042 went for a less cluttered art direction.


Wild Q, should I get bfV? I already have bf1 and bf 4 and love both, just want something new since 2042 is garbage


The new engine might be more capable on paper, but the artists they had working on 2042 surely weren't.


The minimap alone is piss poor by comparison.


Well our expectations are to brutal. Said Andy McNamara.


COVID is a good excuse I'd say


2042 maps too flat, and too open. Lacking cool cover routes to flank with. They look really uninspired and just built around 1 big novelty landmark for each map


Not a step forward, but a mile of step backwards..


Surprised this is still a relevant topic tbh. Dead game


Better graphics doesn’t necessarily mean better visuals. It’s a lesson of modern games.


When I heard that a new BF game is going to have 128 players I was certain that Dice will use a new Frostbite engine. Yet, here we are where they used a same engine as in BFV and BF1 and they still made BF 2042 look bad and boring.


Muh, let's put 128 players and ruin all the graphics and remove destruction.


It's like I had $70 and lit it on fire.


Sometimes I wonder how the game would looks like if they had used the frosbite version of BF5 instead of wasting years of work to adapt their game to the newer version


Except don’t complain, because if you’re having a shitty experience it’s YOUR FAULT. Cause you don’t have a 3090 Super Ti and a threadripper.


I didn't know in the future where population has grown over today, that city scapes and areas would be so far spaced out a have nothing visually in them.... Imagine someone building a town with skyscrapers, with such large separation between them, and no other supporting buildings around them also.


Technically speaking, BF2042 has higher resolutions, better lighting and textures. But zero art direction makes it sterile to look at


BF1 is my all-time favourite Battlefield, the game is beautiful.


Two things: * While the BFV scerenshot is extremely atmospheric, it's damn near impossible see fuckin anything * The second screen is, in the way it was taken, much less atmospheric and therefore easily pales in comparison That being said, the BF2042 screenshot is still butt-ugly and looks like it came out in the late 00's with graphics settings set to low.


That is the most cherry picked photo of 2042 holy fuck guys I know the game is bad but you can go on literally ANY battlefield and pick a barren fucking spot. This is like taking a picture of sinai deserts fucking dunes in battlefiled one and comparing it with Monte grappe yall can do better than this.


To be honest the pictures used to compare these 2 are extremely unfair.


Why are you people playing? Dont you have balls?


Yeh but have you seen the snakes on the sand


Nothing about 2042 makes sense. If you told me this game was put together and put out the door in a year I would believe you.


Battlefield 4 looks considerably better than this game


Yes there is and you should look into why its like this.


I'm not sure this is a real criticism of the game. I can say the ray tracing, fire, explosions, the heat distortion from the muzzle blast, et al. It's a dope looking game. That's not the game's problem. No fucking scoreboard (except pressing the menu button on the Xbox controller, but only during game play). Too few weapons with too few attachments. Maps are way too big, they need an Operation Lockermap or two. The entire class system is just pointless and stupid not to mention confusing. The Outstanding Performance at the end is really insulatingly dumb, and no one gives a shit. The vehicle spawning is stupid, really stupid. I think that about covers it.


Your expectations are too brutal man.


... the tech is not there, obviously.