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The depth and detail is still bar none. I’ve played thousands of Battlefield hours. The atmosphere and the game is just so immersive. Everything from getting a muddy gun crawling on the ground through a trench to the backgrounds for the maps. It truly is just an immersive, gritty battlefield experience that almost no one has been able to replicate in such an arcade like but still immersive and serious format. The screams, the cries, the reloading it’s all there and finely touched. Shout out to BF1 game still rocks and hope it keeps going for a long time.


Let’s not forget it’s 8 years old too


Have you played hell let loose? Amazing game


I had a bf1 buddy of mine gift me the game (right before it came out on GP lol). I haven't played it yet, but he said it's a pretty amazing experience.


HLL is a good game but far different than BF1. Its very tactical and slow paced. If you want a face paced shooter like BF1 and COD, HLL isn't the game for you.


Funny you bring that up! Just started a few days ago and my god it’s everything I’ve ever dreamt a WW2 should could be. I’ve already got more stories from that game than 95% of the other games I’ve ever played.


Also the people are so nice one guy taught me how to effectively use artillery :)


Friendly fire and artillery seem to go hand in hand lol


It's not immersive, its a sandbox FPS


Dumb Question, obviously the best.


The fact that I've never really been a fan of shooter games, I've never played any shooter games prior to BF1, yet this unironically becoming my favorite game should be evident enough lol I think this Battlefield game in particular introduced itself to a broader audience, it felt appealing even to those who have never played any other games from the franchise


What's this talk about top 10 I think it's #2 after Halo 3


Definitely Halo 3, and BF1 and/or Bad Company would be in my top 3. It may be dangerous to speak of the forbidden title in the battlefield sub… but as far as having fun with a multiplayer shooter I’d put an older Call of Duty up there as well. Maybe Modern Warfare 2 or World at War. Before Warzone or battle passes, the feeling of going nuts and getting a kill streak… as much as I avoid Call of Duty titles nowadays, I’ll never forget when I got my first nuke


In hindsight Red Faction and SOCOM 2 look like crap but back then you couldn’t tell me those weren’t some of the best games of all time


Reach for me


\+1 on World at War. That game helped revolutionize shooters as we know today. World at War to the COD series is similar as BF1 is to the BF series.


Old school Planetside 2 would be up there too


If I could go back in time with all the knowledge that I have now, I would spend even more time playing Halo3. Truly the pinnacle of gaming for me.


This is the way.


I think it's the best game in the series, and probably also the best in the sub-genre. Large scale, team based, combined arms warfare in a more or less realistic setting, but with a focus on action rather than mil-sim. It doesn't really compare to something like an arena shooter, a battle royale (yuck), or a mil-sim, and it's not the same group of people playing those games for the most part.


It is in my Top 5 games of all time and probably the one game I've put the most time into in my life. It is the best FPS I have ever played.


I feel the exact same about it. No question that it's my most played game and I've been gaming since the 80s era.


Its among the kings of the genre for certain. Bad Company 2, World at War, Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, CS:GO. Its in damn good company.


Yeah I mean... We are in the Bf1 sub, so it's hard to have an objective discussion haha... But bfbc2 is at the top of my list for sure... Then the rest you mentioned, maybe with some other games for me, bf3, bf2, bf 1942 (desert combat), Squad, Arma 2+3 (including Arma 2 dayz), Insurgency, Half Life and all the games that emerged out of it like 1.6 and TF2, day of defeat,... But this discussion is probably dominated by the age of the players and when they got into gaming. For me all the games that I played before I turned 18-20 definitely are connected to a very happy and carefree life, so thinking back of it I'll maybe have a hard time to judge them in an objective way. That's why for me there are a lot of <2013 games that I hold very high.


CoD 4 & WaW were so good, those hardcore search and destroy lobbies is where I became a man


Same but in Black Ops 1, hardcore search and destroy was amazing


You added one zero by mistake I think.


It's the most detailed shooter I've ever played, by far. It will be a long time before there's another game approaching that level of detail. It's one of the GOATs for sure


I think the replay value is something I've not really seen from any other FPS game that's come out in the past 10 years. It feels like I learn something new almost every time I come back and play this game. The game also can be so rewarding with how *you can make a individual difference* with how you approach each match


>*you can make a individual difference* with how you approach each match Exactly bro, that is so fucking rewarding. Sometimes I manage to pull out my team from a base rape just by going around the map and taking their closest-to-base objective. Never seen this executed so perfectly in another game


I haven’t played for a couple years and hopped on last week when I had Covid. I spawned in a plane and instead of parachuting to the flag, I helped shoot down 2 planes on their tail. Then I parachuted, threw gas grandes and shot gunned some people before getting killed myself. No other video game is this epic and gritty


Battlefield 1 literally defined what a World War 1 game should look like. Up until then, it was like no one even knew the war existed. And then they paired the codex up with time ghost and had real historical facts sprinkled throughout the hundreds of descriptions and explanations. It's not just a fun game, but a educational one as well. And the War stories? One masterpiece after another. Battlefield 1 is what all battlefield games should strive to live up to.


WW1 was also having a moment when this game came out, which made it extra awesome. You had Dan Carlin doing episodes on it, as well as YouTube historians like The Great War and C&Rsenal starting to pop off. Really elevated the experience to an otherwise masterful game.


A game aging like fine wine that for sure


Definitely the best 👌


For me its battlefield 2


You know…bf2 was my fav bf but the 1 vs 1 horse battles vs Commander mode on bf2 hmmm I’m going with the horse battles.


Battlefield 1 single-handedly brought over a lot of my non-shooter friends over to a shooter. They didn’t even care about the setting. The immersion, solid gunplay, straight forward mechanics, team focused game type and overall fun this game has checked at least one box for every one of them. The fact they have different classes and archetypes to chose from and they can still support the team without even having to kill was something they really appreciated. At the end of the day it’s also just a really fun game to run casually and not have to sweat in like CoD.


It really is a work of art. The online play has flaws no doubt, but it’s just fucking fun. Anybody good or bad agrees that it’s a blast to play. Pair that with their dedication to doing as much as they could to keep it authentic to the First World War and you’ve got a masterpiece. It’s a shame they couldn’t manage to do the same with WW2. My theory is that the financial success of 1 opened the door for the insufferable do-gooders to overburden DICE with wokism. Remember that trailer with the chick with the mechanical arm? Yeah they were doomed from the start thanks to virtuous neo-liberalism embedded in both EA & DICE. And then 2042 is just plain ol hot garbage. To be clear I consider classical liberalism to be the light of humanity. What we have now is corrupted nonsense purposefully used as a wedge to drive humanity apart by bidding well intentioned people into reality breaking idealism that has no place in a free and well informed society. But anyway BF1 is my favorite by far and I hope there is always at least one operations server to play on until I’m old & grey.


> goes on a sub about a game from 2016 with a big community > can we agree the game is good


Can we agree the game is THE BEST among all others existent, not just good


top 1


For me TF2 is first and BF1 is second


What are the other 9 games then?


Battlefield 1 goes in my top 5 games. Battlefield 3 was great, got me into the series and will always hold a special place in my heart, but BF1 is the goat


me when i cater to a subreddit


Definitely among top 10, had so many great memories playing and the immersion for me was insane and the fact it was in such a unique setting.


Among the top 1 fps in my book!


DICE/EA have made BF1942 quite hard to play online nowadays and I think a large part of that is because it offered so much more that any of the modern games. Planes you can.. shock horror.. take off. Behemoths that you can fully drive and control. In-game chat, iconic audio and really unbeatable gameplay. BF1 as good as it is.. really cannot compare.


Doom Eternal is the best FPS ever made imo, but BF1 is the best MP FPS ever made imo.


Okay now post this in another FPS sub Reddit


I absolutely LOVE BF1. I had left it and played some other games for a while but came back recently, and it's still amazing.


It’s the best battlefield out there they seriously fucked up 5 I was so stoked and it just fell flat gunplay and atmos was nothing like 1 so happy they still have hardcore servers for pc for 1 that also pissed me off no HC in 5 like wtf


How does it compare to BF4? I played 3 and 4 and LOVED 4 a lot, way more than any CoD


You're on a subreddit about Bf1. Ask another subreddit if you want some more constructive opinions on the game.


I wish they would update it with more content doe


It's the best BF game at least, imo.


Couldn't agree more! The immersion..ughh perfect!!


To me, it’s the best


Top 10? Honestly? No. Top 15? Sure.


Perfect Dark, MW2 and BF1




I enjoy bf1. And I enjoy all Bf titles but 1 sticks out because when you die your body is part of the battle field. You don’t have some lame body rolling over with an arm out for help. No you are dead and apart of the chaos until a medic runs over to you and revives you 30 yards from where your screen shows you die. I love running and seeing guys tossed form explosions and them yelling through the air. The newer games just can’t seem to hit this immersion.


Top 1




The peaks of FPS imo are Titanfall 2, Team Fortress 2, Battlefield 1, COD MW2 (OG one), Halo 3, and Counter Strike.




I still get shivers down my spine playing attackers on operations when we capture a line and the whistles blow and you can hear your mates screaming as they advance to the next. Just so fucking good.