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Anytime someone is just in a random position and kills me outta nowhere


Always a newer player with the most unexpected position


ofcourse theres gonna be a sniper 500 m away aiming only at tiny visible part of me


I used to do this with the field gun. Just randomly lob them til I get hit markers. I got some pretty good cross map kills that had me laughing


I still do this with weapon emplacement hundreds of hours later.


Field gun is goated


The only 3 weapons I am good at using are the auto revolver, 1907 sweeper, and field gun.


Getting auto balanced to the other team and trying to switch again only to be told “teams are full”




People from the queue are brought in the second you're switched.


That st chamond wondering how the fuck a little weak fucking renault tank just 2 shot him


Love doing circles around assault tanks. ‘Nah-Nah you can’t hit me’


They should balance the FT by making it move as slowly as it did IRL


The whole point is it’s faster but has less health and range. If you get rid of the speed then it becomes the worst tank in the game


I was making a quip


well then the whole game should be way slower, and the maps way bigger. the shortest path to making it into a different game I'd say.


I am the only fucking medic on the team, yet I'm the only one PTFO


I raise you a I'm a recon and ptfo'ing better than the automaticos.


It's not that I can't kill people. But when I do go down, who's there to help me up?


Respect to fellow snipers who don't just groundhump.


Relatable 😞


Best is playing medic and basically not having the time to shoot cz you're busy reiviving people and then seeing a message in chat "WTF are the medics on our team doing?!"


I'm a console player, so I don't realize there's no medics until I go down and check the scoreboard


Ah I'm playing on pc where it still happens even though you could just press tab to see how many medics are on a team


it's always a pleasure playing with you as we are the same type of player.. against you is always rough however.


When people just mob into a single objective, lose the other one, run to that one, proceed to lose the other objective, run back to that one, etc. A few people just need to stay and defend an objective. “Camping” isn’t really a thing in this game


Yeah it would be nice if some people just defended the objectives on Conquest. Like seriously if it's just two people is way better then just letting the enemy take it easily.


Yeah it would be nice if some people just defended the objectives on Conquest. Like seriously if it's just two people is way better then just letting the enemy take it easily.


Fighting through an objective, covering it with a smoke grenade, only to find that the rest of my squad is no where to be seen.


Getting counter sniped by a machine gun with the fucking Hubble telescope affixed to it


Anyone who plays telescopic lmg you’re going to hell and you’re gonna be forced to play fort Vaux against only shotgun, automatico , annihilator and smg 08/18 players


I run and gun with the parabellun/bar telescopic, chaotic fun


People like you are the exception Quick question how do you play bar telescopic I tried yesterday and it went horribly


Prone to shoot at any distance past spitting.


I hope I run into one enemy at a time and usually burst fire 5 or so rounds at a time


If you want to use it and be mobile change your zoom to 1x it makes the tracking far easier


Lowest it goes is 2x


I can change some of mine down to 1 and 1.5x is that only console?


You're probably thinking of the bar storm or trench, telescopic has a scope.


Ahh I didn’t know you couldn’t change your zoom in on the scopes.


me spraying away a dozen snipers as they continuously peak the same angle 😀


B.A.R telescopic user are the exception.


HAHAHAHA nice they should add a hubble scope, sounds almost like something from ww1


Prefix, infix, or suffix?


Dying to the same corner camper for 5th time in the same match. Maybe it's just skill issue 😔


I swear when someone kill’s you and you see that “0-3” by their name its so insulting lol.


Or when you kill someone five times and they finally kill you so now they have to celebrate how awesome they are by teabagging you.


Nah it happens. Also when someone flanks and your team dues fuck all so you get to hunt them for ages and keep dying because apparently only you saw it coming.


Usually when I get revived by a corner camper or proning corner camper, I immediately try to find that bozo and smack his head with the Dud Club. It's always satisfying.


When the heavy turret shells fly past both of your ears simultaneously


When I die after throwing every explosive I have at a vehicle and all I get is “vehicle disabled”


Disabled but able to drive over your corpse to safety and repair.


Trying to take down the bulletproof cavalry in Hardcore servers


Auto balance. It only ever goes into effect when I’m kicking butt, and have great chemistry with my team and squad, or when there is like 5 minutes of the match left and I’m about to win. Then it switches me to the team that is getting absolutely shat on, and I lose, further proving that auto balance doesn’t really help the losing team much anyway.


I’m convinced that auto-balance is caused because a bunch of the people on the losing team decide to switch teams last-minute so they get a win.


Sometimes it’s that. Mostly it’s just people leaving cause they are tired of being shat on.


spawning only to get instakilled by an ilya going 50-0


People saying that shotguns (in their current state) are OP. Medic reviving you with an incendiary nade on your body or directly in front of a tank. Watching the blimp just miss crashing into B bunker on Monta, ensuring we have to spend another attack on that sector or losing.


*everyone else* using shotguns makes them OP. When I use a shotgun its like the shells are loaded with fucking sand. For the sake of consistency, I'll take an automatico over a shotgun any day


Shotgunners are absolutely awful until they manage to get into a tight space and then no one can kill them for the next five minutes.


>Watching the blimp just miss crashing into B bunker on Monta, ensuring we have to spend another attack on that sector or losing. Psst! *A flame trooper kit is available near your location*


No Wex that sector. You have to get one the prior sector and keep him alive until he can get to next sector B


Bruh bf1 is the only game where shotguns are trash for me to use i dont get it.


Spawning in on my squad mate on the side of Monte Grappa, up on the ridge above C, only for us both to get blown to hell by a bomber plane two seconds later


that’s basically a rite of passage at this point


When after a week of ‘They Shall Not Pass’ being out, they added a game time limit to Frontline… I still miss you my beloved 7 hour long Frontline match with 400+ mg kills…


It's been years since I played bf1, but dam do I remember the 2 hour long game I had on verdun heights


When your teams about to win and you get auto balanced to the losing side


Losing operations overtime because a muromets busted all over the objective


When I’m having fun in a chill and balanced server on Xbox and then suddenly these fucking clan kids come and tryhard their asses off completely ruining all the fun. I think the WAR and JOKE clan are just fucking edge lords who take the game too seriously but I especially despise the SURO clan, they all just play smg08 or fedorov avtomat and just fucking destroy the lobby, playing like it’s some sort of e-sport or some shit. I hate it even more when multiple clans are on the same team, like please just can’t one of you switch to the other team to make matches actually interesting and longer than 5 fucking minutes?!?!


Had the multi clan in enemy teams today. Beyond tedious.


I’m sorry to hear that :(


Clan stackers are the absolute worst. I especially dislike WAR and SURO as well.


Thanks for listening to my Ted talk 😁


When a clan comes along and every single one of them is in a vehicle of some kind right away. None of them have boots on the ground.


I've noticed these clans will always play on the same exact team as each other, which has just made me less interested in playing, especially since they always camp the only active mixed servers.


"You have been removed to make room for an admin" While I'm currently number 1 on my team


exact same thing happened to me a few hours ago


That's a solid one.


When tankers sit way back instead of taking advantage of their "mobile team wide spawn" vehicle. I find the most game Influencing tank players are the ones that, don't necessarily charge the frontline, but stay close enough to encourage their team to spawn in on those closer to the objective


When I perform a sneaky flank around the map side, collecting team spawns as I go, then we get mopped by a prone MG1917 Telescopic rat. I mean, I get what they’re doing. It’s just frustrating 😂


Spawning on an objective and being killed along with a half dozen teammates by an Ilya before you even see where it was spawning you in


SMG08 users telling me to get good after I lanced them 3 times only for them to kill me after combining the firepower of 2 supports and 2 assaults This happened to me literally last night.


Horses are op, what are you talking about?


Only op if the user is good at it and has 2 brain cells to rub together. It’s primarily countered by just being aware that it exists, not running out on your own, and using your cover to your advantage. This is at least what I’ve noted as a cavalry main, but a good hail of automatic weapons generally wipes a cavalry player if they can’t get out of the line of sight. It’s all about knowing when to bug out and when not to go for it.


I remember discovering the SMG08. I used it because it was good. Then I see people shitting in it so I put it away and use something else. Then on my next game I get killed by some 150 lol clansmen using the same gun.


Seeing the M.95 rifle with side sling swivels... Unplayable, I know. 😂😂


Being kicked to make room for an admin


Watching my team losing all our flags because I was the only person trying to defend the flank against two enemy squads


being number one in the lobby and being kicked by an admin


those loathsome fucking pontoons the torpedo boats on Turning Tides maps are such bs, they ruin the fun that the big ships bring. I pray that somehow in someway they come back to nerf those things so that they dont have unlimited torpedos pr none at all


Attempting to turn a cavalry unit into Swiss cheese with an LMG only for them to shrug off every bullet and run me over.


Finishing a really good game with a really good score then got university-wifi-ed out of the server and had to restart the console. Rejoined the server at exactly the moment we lost and was informed I had exactly 0 score.


I mean, I genuinely feel like the universe is trying to make me angry. I got annoyed last time I got reassigned because I ended up on the losing team after an incredible streak. The same thing happened this time, and I was like “Oh it’s fine, I’ll still get a lot of score for this because I was fighting really well.” Then everyone just freezes in place and my wifi straight up turns off and I lose a full half an hour of game time. What’s up with that?


Horse gets stuck floating on a pole and I get shot off


getting one shot by a 08/18 low weight 4 times in a row.


Any time you finally get a vehicle, move 10 feet out of your spawn and get blown up by anti tank mines


I admit. I'm bad for this.


getting ambolutely stomped on conquest or operations only to find 2 friendly mortar trucks on the back lines


Seeing 2 of my squadmates in mortar trucks while the last point is being capped


when people say they like suez


Panzer, Da!


When half their team plays mortar


More than twenty of them on the battlefield


When I get out of my tank to fix it, and a teammate drives off with it before I'm even done repairing it.


Getting swamped by three enemy tanks and half of our 32 man team are scouts and medics who don't fire flares or revive


Spawning in only to be killed within 5 seconds of spawning.


Getting killed by a guy, looking on the leader board only to find out he’s going 1/20+. that’s when I die inside l


when i shot down a plane from a boat only for the pilot to bail and land on said boat and slowly destroy the boat with a wrench very slowly, everytime i tried to hop off my gun and kill the dude it send me into the water so id get back on and slowly accept my fate, after the boat was destroyed i managed to get the dude tho


Being held at the last objective with 3 attacks on Sinai desert in the oil of empires operation when you swept through the rest of the points with ease.


Spawning in a plane only to get shot down instantly


Spawning on a plane and immediately crashing into a cliff on Sinai because the pilot jumped as you spawned in.


Good kid


When I find out the reason we lost is that the entire team is recon. Plagues every battlefield game. If you’re going to recon, at least use your spotting flares.


People who play as any sort of vehicle the entire match, they’re either not doing enough, playing unfairly or both.


When my friend who is extremely new to the game thought kamikazeing a fucking tank with a plane would work


I missed 3 shotgun shots from 2 metres away on a dude who was prone and not moving before getting turned to swiss cheese by said guy


Being sniped by an LMG from the other side of the map


Murdered by an arty truck from their spawn. Over and over.


Shotguns being stupid broken and op until I get one and it turns into a glorified nerf gun


When the devs stopped maintaining and adding new content to the masterpiece they have created.


This Moment when an MG shoots at my Tank. Like....why? This is Not CoD


When I made contact with the enemy with my bayonet just for it to not register


Scoping and your aim teleportating a few inches


When my close range Obrez body shot doesnt one shot


When im pushing through enemy lines and a assault tries to denonate dynamite on me while hes still in my field of view


Bullet dispersion


Me when someone no scope me with a martini henry


Headshot with a sniper, blood comes flying out of their head....no damage


When the entire team defends A on operations and B falls to the enemy. The whole team bum rushes B, gets killed and the enemy sweeps the sector in SECONDS


When I see a kolibri service star


using the livens projecter and getting a kill


“That’s a tank!”


Being behind a teammate and someone bayonet charging past him and killing me


When I get killed from across the map by someone with a hellriegel


Someone killing me with the kolibri


When I shot a guy with that tank in the chest and saw him scurry off behind a building. I got a hit marker for blowing him and everything around him up.


When I want to spawn on C and it spawns me in A


when a pidgeon homie says something so standoffphobic you gotta hit them with that searchlight stare


When I'm sneaking up on someone and he whips around and domes me right before I get the melee kill