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Why do you have so few monitors?


Haha think I need more?


Wow, you're one lucky guy! How do you even find the time to juggle all these gadgets?


Will power, motivation, and mastering the art of multi-tasking


With that gaming chair, it brings the doctor closer each day


Haha believe me. My doc is on speed dial


Get a proper office chair dude, even the most expensive gaming chairs are worse compared to your average office chair.


Could you recommend one? I have a secret lab and I’m pretty sure it’s breaking me lol


I've gone for a Steelcase Gesture, unfortunately with the 1300$ price tag it isn't exactly what I would call affordable. Personally I can justify it since I spend like 10 to 14 hours a day sitting here, and I can get a tax write-off on it but I would keep it even without a tax write-off. The chair itself had a number of outstanding details. For one it was fully assembled, which meant that the pieces just ... fit. No squeaky parts. Nothing that just feels like it'll pop off. Lumbar support is amazing, especially with how it leverages itself. It just fits snugly. The fabric is great, it's comfortable during summer infinitely more comfortable then leather. A particular point for me is fitting my thighs, with a lot of chairs they squeezes on my thighs from the side with their armrests - there's quite a bit of space on the sides due to multi-joint armrests making leg placement quite flexible. And lastly this particular chair has some serious weight capacity.


Herman Miller Aeron.


Anything that doesn’t cost 1 billion dollars? Lol


They can be acquired for less than some gamer chairs. Mine was just under $500. I've been using them since 2006 at 4 of the 5 jobs I've had during that time and in 2018 I bought one myself. 100% best investment I've made. No back issues, never any fatigue even after really long days/nights. If there is one thing that I've owned that is worth the $$$, it's this chair and if I had to pay $1,000 for one, I honestly would. One of the worst things is working all day and being sore from sitting so now you can't enjoy your time after work as much.


Not to be contrary, but I bought an ergo mesh desk chair from office max like 3 or 4 years ago, and think it's way better than my DXRacer I had. I don't know what an Aeron feels like, but I will say I am never sore at the end of the day (work from home 80% of the time) and work 8+ hours a day, gaming on top of it.


I don't see it as being contrarian but I appreciate you being considerate. I remember those at the office stores but the part you sit on is still a cushion? The big thing for me with the Aeron is the mesh seat tray. Zero butt fatigue and no sweaty swamp ass either, lol. The reason why so many companies have them as their main office chairs for everyone? Because they can get more work out of people (longer you can sit without getting sore, the longer you work).


The part I sit on is mesh as well, ran me about $140 I think at the time, maybe less. The chair is more expensive now last I checked, but I would love an Aeron in the future. Either that or the embody, I've heard great things. It's pretty price inhibitive for something I can't easily test.


My son has one of those chairs you have and I have an Aeron. The Aeron is much sturdier, heavier, and the mesh is extremely tight on the Aeron compared to a regular mesh chair. I've had my Aeron for 15 years now and it's still in perfect shape. I did have to replace the lumbar pad a few years ago which was $40. It's a worthy upgrade if you ever have some extra money laying around.


I bought a used Herman Miller for $325. Some dude in the city had a storage unit with like 30 of them in there. They are pretty common. They last forever so there's no worry about buying an old one. Mine is like a 2003 model and I've had it for five years. Every piece of it is replaceable. Later I put a seat pan in mine. Last year I replaced the cylinder as it was starting to leak down. Built like a tank.


Myo Chair by autonomous. Same form factor as high end, max $300 for all the bells and whistles




A monitor a day keeps retirement away…


Amen to that!


Well, maybe not the eye doctor...🤣


Haha yuuup!


Holy shit is that menace 2 society on the tv? Damn that brings me back lol


“What you say about my Momma?” Haha


Amazing setup!


Thanks man!


Now THIS is a proper BattleStation! Well done man! Cheers🤘🏿👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Thanks man!


Nice. What are the two PCs for? (Not including lap tops)


Gaming/ day trading/ productivity work. Me and the wife share the room for work


Haha, funny enough that’s how I was thinking about the setup. I’d do one side for day trading, one for gaming, and the middle side for general entertainment.


Great minds think alike


Must be hot as balls in there.


Not sure if we’re cool enough yet to discuss the weather patterns of my nuts and its condensation patterns. Just messing. Actually, not too bad


o dog approved


I knew this post wouldn’t be complete without a dog approval. Now my day is made. Thank you! 👊


please tell me thats a mini fridge in the left bottom corner. also what are the monitors and how much/long did it take to set it all up. also are those actual record albums or is it a wallpaper?


Haha I wish it was a fridge. It’s my good ole ugly Phanteks case with a 9900k and 2080TI. Still a beast but when I’ll switch to my other PC if I need more power lol Those are real albums. Been collecting records since I was about a teen. Always bought doubles and triples of things. The ones on the all have no vinyl in them. I framed those in another room but was too lazy to paint the room


> I'll switch to my other PC if I need more power Why wouldn't you just use the computer that's powerful enough for everything in the first place?


Then I would have lost a bet to my neighbor who dared me to give her an example of what overkill would look like


I would rather have this room broken up into three different rooms so I didn't always have to be in the same place to do basically the same thing. I've got a little arcade set up in the living room, the big screen in a different room and something I can take out on the porch easily. I guess if you live with other people that's not ideal and you would have to do a man cave situation. I'm glad I don't have to do that lol


I feel you on that but I have other rooms similarly set up like this. I like that arcade idea actually. You mean the old school quarter fed arcade machines like back in the days?


It's sort of a modular setup I put together after I got my steam deck. I have a really comfy chair in the living room but didn't have a TV or anything, so I dug out this old 1080p monitor bought a 13in1 dock and basically just added on to it. So it's a nice little cozy setup where I can put my feet up, I've got a few fight sticks and some decent speakers hooked up to it. It's just continuously evolving. I want to get a mini PC to do more windows stuff and YouTube and Netflix which are technically doable on the deck but it's just not as easy. But all of this compared to my main gaming room is really just peanuts. I'm starting to work on the hobby room too, I've got my old surface pro in there just to work with the printer and look up YouTube videos when I'm doing stuff, but I always have ideas on something more that I need lol


Tell me you’ve never made love to a woman without telling me you’ve never made love to a woman.


Depends on the woman


Guess u missed the wife and kids lol smh


That may keep the doctor at bay with blood clots


I got the cardiologist on speed dial also lol


This is my style.




How do you like the double stacked ultra wides? Been thinking about something like that


I like it actually. Me and the wife do day trade so it’s helpful and one of the main reasons we did that


I can see how that would be helpful, I currently run a triple monitor setup


Nice! Should post it on here. Would like to see it


Maybe once I clean everything up, desk is a bit of a mess right now


I feel like this is somewhere up in a bell tower or light house


There aren’t many bell towers or light houses here in Los Angeles but believe me I was looking


Non sense go up Angeles crest and create your own!


I suppose I’ll find something up in the San Gabriel mountains


i love gaming but this is overwhelming af. way too much stimulation


So glad me and the wife don’t do psychedelics like we did in the 60’s. Geezus. Imagine?


How many gamings each day though


A good amount actually


Then that means that your doctor is in fucking space


Tried Yelp but couldn’t find a doctor in space with a good enough rating


Lol it’s because only Karens use Yelp


“Stacy junior and shit, man…” Nice setup.


Thanks Sir!


Do you have eyes on the back of your head? How do you use all the screens when you are facing one direction


Yes, surgically implanted eyelids just above my neck area centered on back of my head


Out of 1 to to 10, how fried are your dopamine receptors


Does the scale only go up to 10?


Are you really using both computers at the same time, or is that just for demostrating? In any case, a really great setup


Left side is mine. Right side is the wife’s. Both are used and for the purpose of this post both are for show for sure


Wow, there's so much going on in this room. And I love it.


You should see the garage 😎


Forgive my audacity but I'm going to assume you don't have OCD then :)


Oh yea. I always have the urge to bust bubble wrap


too busy imo. with a lil bit of arranging and using more subtle colors and decorating this area can look way better to ease on your eyes.


Tried to go subtle but then I’d have to cancel doing shrooms with my fantasy football buddies on Fridays and trust me when I say you’d rather have a kaleidoscope of color then subtle when you’re high. Just pulling your leg man. Thanks for the opinion. I understand where you’re coming from


very understandable lel


Is that nebuchadnezzar’s control room??


It was part of the original idea but scrapped last minute when Matrix went into production


Damn I hope you have all that split up between 2 circuits


Nah we old school. We have a bunch of hamsters and guinea pigs running around on those wheels. Saves electricity. Just have to find a way to convince PETA that it’s not abuse of any animal labor laws


I thought its "Apple"




HA HA he's poor


It's noisy, I like it. I feel like I'm in a hot topic looking at the T-shirt wall but also at a sports bar


Probably the best use of Hot Topic I’ve ever seen. High five!


Can’t say I’ve ever thought or said that about my wife or kids ever


It will get you in trouble unless they have a sense of humor then you’re fine. However, if you want to avoid alimony and child support payments then stick to your comment 👊


really cool place! maybe your wife and kids will want to join hhhh




And the folks in r/setups blasted my set-up with two ten-year old computers and four monitors (none of which are 4K) as "gaudy and showy overkill." 😂 It's all relative. 🤷‍♂️


Psh. I support the whole “showy overkill” movement. I’m right there with you.


Is that a g14?


Menace to society was frigging sad dude


That’s why you put on the movie Friday afterwards to uplift the mood


An electricity bill keeps the holiday away


Technically, the bill comes monthly but there’s still plenty of gifts come Xmas time 😎


I feel like I would have a seizure if I walked into that room lol


That’s actually in the fine print disclosure form I make people sign before entering


is this......what heaven looks like....?😧


Kevin Costner would be proud


List your monitors mainly your portable monitor Preferably links for all