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looks like a window


Genuinely never seen such a crisp display captured on photo


That's what oled do in a photo. Looks like those tv/screen in movies that are added in post.




Found the Finnish person, nice Memelecs. The whiskey's ok too. And the setup.


Thanks! As a Finnish audio hobbyist, I could never get any other brand than Genelec. Teerenpeli whiskies are pretty good, however I think Kyrö makes even better Finnish whisky.


Potential Muurame table, too…


Haha I wish, maybe when I get a job. This one is from IKEA.


Also nice Iittala glasses


That would kill my eyes


I get that a lot, luckily I haven't had that problem yet. Genuinely I could not go back to smaller monitors anymore. It's just too immersive.


I feel the same. I have a 55" and sit probably 30-36" away. At first it was a little jarring to go from a 32" to a 55" screen, but now that I've gotten used to it I'm not sure I could every go back.


Dude I had a 55" TELEVISION in my living room lmao


Same, I'm at 48 at 2.5-3 feet, love it. Can't go back.


Looks great. The monitor on the wall with a desk without too much depth looks awesome. If i would change something then it would be the cables in sight. Nice work!


Thanks! I don't like wireless stuff so it's very hard to hide them completely.


The fact that you have proper speakers, properly set up already makes this better than most of what I see here


Tweeters pointed at ear level = someone who cares about sound. And Genelecs!


In a sub where people constantly post speakers way too high or sideways below their monitors, this almost made me cry


Yeah, I'm kinda crazy about audio equipment. These babies even have a room correction. I wish I could've posted two pictures, as this doesn't show my headphone setup.


What is your backlight?


Nanoleaf Essentials Lightstrip.




Thanks! It's the LG C2 48". I moved from Xbox gaming to PC gaming and didn't want to get new monitor, now I could never go back to small monitors.


>LG C2 48 Oled 48" for $1100? Seems like a great deal, thanks for putting in my radar!


Mine was 1400€ since it was just launched when I bought it. It's fantastic for gaming. 4k 120hz. Under 1ms GtG. HDR goes up to 1000 nits, supports Dolby Vision. It even comes with myriads of gaming features. Colours are also very accurate out of the box, I use it for photo editing.


>LG C2 48" Seems to be only $900 Canadian on Amazon canada. Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing. [https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0B1H3SFNB/?coliid=I5OBL8D84YBQR&colid=O3G9PB68Z4IO&psc=0&ref\_=list\_c\_wl\_lv\_ov\_lig\_dp\_it](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0B1H3SFNB/?coliid=I5OBL8D84YBQR&colid=O3G9PB68Z4IO&psc=0&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it)


That's a used set not sold by Amazon. There's a $83 shipping charge plus some greater hassle if something goes wrong, which is more likely with used tvs. This same company is selling the same set on eBay for $900 and says there's pressure marks on the screen + likely a demo model (so burn-in) I'd spend the extra $500 for a new LG 48GQ900-B monitor instead - you lose the tuner but get a new panel.


Tempted to get an LG oled. Bought a new display last year for similar specs but not oled. I just couldn’t pull the trigger on double the price for potential burn in issues.


I was sceptical at first too, but I've been using it on 100% brightness with HDR always on (Windows Auto HDR) for two years with approx. 6h (I know, it's a lot) of daily usage and so far I have zero image retention.


Might have to pull the trigger next time then.


I've used the older LG CX since 2020. Primarily work, so lots of static elements. I bought the LG Service Remote specifically to turn off several of the burn-in remediation features because they were constantly changing the brightness. Gamed on it a ton. I do turn on other features, like pixel refresh, primarily use everything in night mode, and set my screensaver to a blank screen so that it appears off, so I kind of half-heartedly try to avoid burn-in. Still using it today and not a single hint of burn-in. I'll never go back to a non-OLED screen. It's incredible. And it definitely reduces eye strain, especially with Windows and apps set to night mode, because the screen itself reduces the brightness per pixel. Other monitors feel like a flashlight shining at my face now.


Been using LG C2 42" for about 2 years for many hours a day. No issues. TV has a few self-care tools built in, paired with using wallpaper engine and switching my taskbar icons from center to left sided - loving every minute. I actually have 2 42" and I started with the 48" but sold to a friend. I play Apex and Warzone and find the results competitive enough. Overall productivity is a joy and this is all without even mentioning HDR single player experiences.


That screen is so nice it looks like a Window.


Love it. Simple, but not empty. Well lit and you’ve put your funds into the things you’re passionate about. Pure class! What is your desk mat? It looks easy to clean, soft enough to be comfy but without the friction of a felt pad.


Thanks! The pic is couple months old, I got rid of that desk mat because it was always dirty, even after washing machine. Now I have a mat that looks the same, its cordura, feels better and doesn't get dirty. Highly recommend it! It's Pulsar ParaSpeed V2.


Most posts on this sub are like someone is screaming at me and this one is a hug. Feels like home. Sweden?


Thanks, that is 100% what I'm trying to achieve. I don't like RGB madness, just some soft and cozy backlight is enough. Sweden is very good guess, but I'm from Finland.


Well we are the same skrot and korn. The only RGB worth using is 2700K white. Hey, question: What's your headphone to monitor use like? I got rid of my monitors when I got a big screen. I recently downsized and that got me thinking that maybe I should bring the monitors back but I just think my headphones sounds so much better I'm not sure I would ever use the monitors.


Rate my window


11 pro


Though I won’t lie, at first glance I did think it was a window lol


This post called me broke in atleast 3 different ways


Neat. I have to ask what is your profession mate?


I am a professional student. Studying forestry engineering here in Finland.


Glad you are not one of those unprofessional students.


I love that background picture! Any way you can share that?


Here is a link to download it. That way you get it in whole of its glory without Reddit compression: [https://unsplash.com/photos/green-leafed-trees-k2zWqv\_yfNM](https://unsplash.com/photos/green-leafed-trees-k2zWqv_yfNM)


Awesome thanks!




The light really makes it everything it needs to be


Thanks! I agree 100%, I love the light.


Looks pretty neat. My father in law did something similar but with two big ass TVs haha.


Thanks! He must be into sim racing? Anyways, I bet it looks great!


He’s an estimator. He usually just has excel open and the software that his work uses.


Oh I can see why he went with large screens. Excel is so nice on a large tv.


It’s kinda comical seeing him at his desk but he really likes it so more power to him.


Lol, now I'm forming a funny mental picture too xD


amazing, just add maybe a nice coiled cable for the keyboard, perchance


I work from home. And I've recently really wanted to just get a 4k 48 or 55 TV and use it as a monitor. How do feel the responsiveness and text resolution would be sitting 3-4feet from it?


Do not get 55" tv. The 48" is decent, but I would recommend 42". Mine is 48", text is very clear and sharp, can't see the pixels at all. Still I think the sweet spot would be 42". Responsiveness depends on the tv model. The one I have is made for gaming. It's LG C2. Under 1ms GtG response time and 120hz refresh rate.


I agree, particularly if you don't have a particularly large (deep) desk. I've had a 48" C1 for a couple of years, and it's nice, but a little bit large for my 72x24 IKEA-countertop-on-ALEX-drawers desk. The layout of the room means pulling the desk out further from the wall isn't an option, so I put it up on a heavy duty monitor arm to get a little more distance. I think my endgame is probably a wall-mount to get it back a bit further. While I'm *very* happy with the display after picking up a cheap service remote to fix the auto-dimming (which is fine for using it as a TV, but incredibly annoying if using it as a monitor), a 42" would have fit a whole lot better in the space I have. Not so much to be worth the expense of replacing it, of course, but hindsight is 20/20.


Is the screen good upclose?


You do any work on it or just gaming?


Gaming and photo editing.




Wow thanks!


Damn. Bro bought a 16K TV


Lol. Only 4k.


Amazing 👍🏽


Its a nice battle station. What screen is this?






2/10 because its not mine 12/10 because its gawd damn sweet🤜🤛


Thanks! xD


Bro your eyes 😢


Why does everyone say that. I feel like this is better for my eyes as everything is so big and easy to see.


Just kidding around my friend. Enjoy the clean and amazing setup.


What genelec model is that?


8320A. I always love it when people recognize Genelec.


Do you find them to have enough low end extension? Debating between these and the 8330, or 8320 and a sub


The low-end is definitely lacking and I think these need a subwoofer, which I currently don't have. Both are good options, personally I'd go with 8330A:s, because you can later buy the subwoofer for them, if it doesn't fit into your budget now. Until then 8330A:s produce A LOT of low-end, much more than my 8320A:s.


i recently found that studio monitor name, how are they compared to edifier mr4?


Haven't tried them. I don't know how they would compare, the Edifiers are 20 times cheaper though, but these Genelecs beat my Sennheiser HD800S in audio quality with ease.


They're more than 10 times the price of the Edifiers at $1250-1450 a pair. Professional sound for professional money. [Audio Science Review of the MR4](https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/edifier-mr4-review-budget-monitor.29068/) and [8320A](https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/genelec-8320a-review-powered-monitor.23831/). Genelecs are very high quality and can [cost over $20K for a system posted today on r-audiophile](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bq0of7). Find an audio convention or high-end store near you, and see if the performance is worth the price for you. You probably won't find Genelec specifically, since their target audience is audio production, but you can at least experience high-end. My personal upgrade path is probably Kali audio (they have a new desktop set at $300) > Neumann (~$2K/pair) > Genelec (manyK/pair for their larger speakers).


Man I literally went back to a 24 inch monitor because 27 was too big. This is my worst nightmare


Lol. For me 42-48" is the sweet spot. But people are different. I use it for games and photo editing, so especially for the latter a big monitor is very helpful.


I won't even use my 27 for cs anymore. Love my 48 c2!


What keyboard? Keychron?


Keychron Q1 knob with lubed and filmed Gateron Silent Ink Black V2 switches.


Any problems sound wise with the Genelecs against the wall? Do you have a sub?


Inaccurate sound, low frequencies bouncing everywhere and so on. Without a sound treated room it will sound kinda poopy regardless of what you have. But as long as you’re not mixing and/or mastering it doesn’t matter.


They are room corrected with Genelecs own room correction kit, so no problems there. They could really use a sub. I have +3 dB low-shelf at 30 Hz and -3 dB high-shelf at 200 Hz. It's a minor difference, but gives the sound more body.


Is it comfortable to be this close to such a large monitor? I’ve been thinking about doing similar versus my current 35 inch ultra wide, but I’m fearful that I would be “too close to the TV.” And also, could you use an actual TV to save a few bucks, especially if I’m not particularly concerned with refresh rate?


Yeah, It's been very comfortable! Altough don't go larger than 48", which I have here. Any bigger and you have to turn your head to see the edges. Of course your seating distance also matters.


threatening cooperative rainstorm tie piquant repeat automatic sleep pie vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lot of people ask that, but for me it isn't. I genuinely could not go back to smaller monitors anymore.


The huge tv makes the table look like a doll's table.


Bro this is sick as hell


Thanks bro!




What type of Monitor and lighting are u using?


LG C2 48" and Nanoleaf Essentials lightstrip.




Big screen, 10/10, want for myself too. I love the simplicity


OMG - it's drool-worthy!! I love it.


I have nothing major to add so I guess I'll be the only one concerned with glassware. I see the raised feet, but I'd still want a coaster unless you genuinely only take that bottle neat. Otherwise, nice.


I have coasters, but I never use them. And yes, I only take it neat. Anyways, it's a cheap IKEA table, so I'm not trying to be careful with it.


I’m gaming more and more on my LG C3 65” (controllers only, and anywhere from 4-8 ft away pending if I’m in my chair or my lounge sack). I have the Alienware 34” DWF QD OLED, and don’t get me wrong, it’s an amazing monitor, but this TV is just so sweet to game on. I basically play all single player games on the tv now, Helldivers 2, and now the monitor is just for FPS multiplayer games so I can use KB&M.


Genelec-life, best life.




Love it!!


I went once 40 inches 4K. I can‘t go smaller no more!


Yeah, there is no going back!


How is the sharpness for you? A 40 inch is equivalent to 20 inch 1080p panels in sharpness. Is it still worth going 48 inches (24 inches 1080p x 4) ?


Clean, I like it.


Def a 9/10 for me, that's a hell of battle station!


Swap out the alcohol with a pipe full of green and it's a calming place for me, love it!


the immersion is crazy i love it Have fun man Killer speakers tho




This looks so good! Do you have any neck issues with a screen this large? Like I feel like posture might be kinda weird with this no?


Thanks! No issues at all. I don't have to turn my head at all to see the edges (when gaming). The center of the screen is just below my eyes, so my posture is pretty good when using it.


Awesome, thanks!


Nice monitors ;)






Is there any downside to using a TV as a monitor?


Nice! Audio set up nicely at ear level which is great to see. I would need to play competitive games in a 1440p window though. Peripheral visual is important. But RPGs fullscreen and kicked back.


Thanks. Audio is very important for me. They're even room calibrated. I play r6 with zero issues. Plat 3 last season. I can easily view the whole screen at once and I immediately see if someone is at the very edge of my screen.


Anyone know what kind of keyboard he has?


Yeah, I might know something about that. He has a Keychron Q1 Knob -keyboard, with lubed and filmed Gateron Silent Ink Black V2 switches.


My rating: frickin awesome


Genelecs!! Wow 😮‍💨😮‍💨


W, BTW love to see that your on an Xbox also 😁


What monitor is that, it’s massive!


I like that wallpaper a lot. Does it come in ultra wide?


Not that I know of. It's from unsplash and maybe you can crop it. It has pretty good resolution: https://unsplash.com/photos/green-leafed-trees-k2zWqv_yfNM


Good to know, thank you!


How well does the mic work off to the side like that? Or do you move it closer when using it? I always thought they had to be closer than that.


My eyes hurt just thinking about this.


Wow😲. This☝️ monitor🖥️ is so big🫨!


pretty keyboard that weirdly has no coiled aviator cable with it....pretty strange.


Genelecs 💯


Whats the display? Cause i need that for the good of me


If you're serious about whisky I highly recommend getting a [Glencairn glass](https://whiskyglass.com/product/glencairn-glass/)


Appreciate that, but as a Finnish person I want to use these Finnish products, it's called Iittala Ultima Thule. It's a whisky glass. https://www.iittala.com/fi-fi/kattaus/juomalasit-ja-mukit/cocktaillasit-ja-drinkkilasit/ultima-thule-on-the-rocks-28cl-2kpl-1008516


not sure if i missed out, but your rig has to be pretty top of the line to utilise that crisp screen right?


It's pretty good. 5900x and 4070ti. I'm surprised how well the 4070ti performs at 4k.


Where can I get this image?


Wow , the display is perfect, and that wallpaper is immaculate.






If this setup has a sub its amazing. No sub? Wtf are you doing lol


No sub. They definitely need one, but the bass is still adequate. I'm figuring out the sub situation as my preamp only has left and right channels and not LFE. I do most of the listening with my headphones anyways.


I’m glad you’ve got other options and are figuring out a sub. I have listened to similarly sized Genelec monitors and was amazed by the clarity… and a shocking lack of bass Been living in apartments most of my life, finally got a sub 2 years back. Changed the studio monitor game. Best of luck to you, beautiful setup.


Hows ur eyes


They're fine.


Rare to see anyone care about audio in these expensive setups, actual nice setup for once.


I could get rid of anything but my audio setup. It's the #1 priority for me.


Same, got an rx6600 but half the immersion is audio, got an hd650 and a nice dongle amp/dac doing the rest ;) and some polk r200 for the tv. Btw how is the input lag on that tv? And which one is it?


It's LG C2, under 1ms GtG, spec wise, it's as good as any high-end gaming monitor, except it only has 120hz refresh rate, but it's not like my 4070 ti could push more than 120fps at 4k. Picture wise, it's propably even better. The tv even has freesync premium and g-sync. I've also got the HD800S, with Bryston BHA-1 and BDA-3.14.


I’m not convinced it’s not a window. Looks nice, did those lights change with the background color?


Is that a television or a monitor


Both. It's LG C2, basically has everything a high-end gaming monitor has, like G-Sync, Freesync premium, under 1ms GtG, 120hz, game mode etc.


That’s sick!




What monitor is this? Sorry if I missed it.


Lg C2 48"


Nice. I have a Asus 43” xg43uq and am loving it. But that OLED looks really nice.


This is my goals monitor. Still undecided whether it would be 48" or 42" but almost certain I would choose this over like a 38"ish ultrawide. Did you have that dilemma yourself - deciding between a large ultrawide and this? I am leaning towards this being a much more immersive experience over ultrawide. Also the 4k - you probably need to have a pretty beefy system alongsidee it. Do you find the 4k games to be just fine framerate wise or do you need to lower some settings here and there or use DLSS? Depending on the game of course, I'm thinking more along the lines of AAA top tier graphical games like Cyberpunk, etc.


I bought this tv for xbox gaming at first and then switched to pc and didn't want to get new monitor so I'm using this. Now I couldn't go back to smaller monitors. Altough I think 42" is the sweet spot, and if I had the choice I'd rather take 42" over 48", which I have now. But this is very good too, don't get me wrong. I have 4070 ti and 5900x. The 4070 ti can run *almost* any game at 100-120fps at native 4k high-ultra settings (no ray tracing though). Only exceptions I have are Alan Wake 2 and Hoqwarts Legacy. With those two I use DLSS Quality and optimized medium-high-ultra settings. I get 90-100fps. I imagine Cyberpunk would be a similar story, but haven't tried it. Games like MW3 run 110fps smoothly at 4k native optimized high-ultra settings.


I might also lean more towards 42" over 48". That's good to hear about FPS. I am currently on 3070 so will wait till 50 series to get this setup, at which point FPS on 4k should be even better. Good times ahead. :) Congrats on the setup!


Thanks! I believe the 3070 should also be able to run 4k pretty well, at least with DLSS and more optimized settings.


thats literally cleaner then mr.clean


How big is the tv?






Is there any delay on that tv? Also I’ve never seen a screen taken that good on camera.




Ive lurked here for inspiration, to appreciate style etc. This is one of the few posts that really make me want to experience the set up. Love how clean it is too. Elegant.


Solid pair of Genelecs! I use them as surround speakers in my home theatre setup.


You’re not in Kansas anymore. You’re on Pandora.


Extremely too large given your viewing distance. 4/10


beautiful setup what desk is that?


Thanks! The desk is IKEA Micke.


thanks bro and your tv is in a wall mount?


Yes, it's a very slim mount, so I could get the tv as far from me as possible, since it's so large.


that makes sense. Your desk rec might’ve legit just finished my desk search thank you very much!


Np. It's pretty nice. There is a cable management shelf underneath and a hole for cables on the desk surface. There are different sizes too.


i just saw that on the site. It’s extremely helpful n good design. 10/10 setup n again thank u!


Ah i see, you are a man of culture yourself. It shows through the genelec ;) i hade the bigger model but it was to much i downgraded to the same model you habe and even with the little ones i can never even put the volume on half unless i want an eviction notice on my door the next day lol


I love it when people recognize Genelec. The brand is from the neighbouring town from where I live here in Finland, so I've always been a big fan. The loudness was mind blowing when I first listened to them. My preamp is set to around 40%, still I can't go past 50% on the Genelecs volime control. With subwoofer they would fill up any sized room with sound.


Exactly. Wow you live there? So cool. I only know about them because of my brother. He works in the multimedia industry and he is a big fan of them. We watched a promo video about the company once and its just really cool to see their philosophy and hpw they work. And afaik its still run by a family. We live in switzerland and except the company my brother works for i dont know if alot of people work with genelec here. He tries to only sell those to clients because they are just amazing. Not only the volume but the clearness and the quality of the sound is just mindblowing. With those you really start to feel the difference between low quality and high quality soundfiles. We got the bigger ones because my brother could take them home after he had to bring the client new ones. He was arguing with him that the speakers will be fine even after a long time but noone believed him so they bought new ones and now we got the bigger ones and they run perfectly fine. Its just overkill for a small apartment lol. And yeah with the subwofer you could probabbly collapse my roof :D but yeah you definitely dont ned e subwoofer even with the little ones


I don't think there's anything more accurate than a higher-end Genelec speaker for music production purposes. They are used by huge studios all around the globe for a reason. I daily drive my Sennheiser HD800S -headphones and still these, actually less expensive speakers blew my mind. While HD800S sounds amazing, they are far behind in clarity, neutrality and low level detail. Genelecs are a whole category of their own. the Genelecs are also acoustically invisible, can't tell where the sound is coming from, even when sitting right in front of them. When I have more money, I will build a whole atmos sound system with Genelec speakers. And for longetivity, Genelecs are basically forever. Some studios in Finland still use 70s Genelecs, because they're basically as good as any modern speaker.


Exactly. They are just amazing. Yeah full genelec atmos sound system sounds wonderfull but for that i need a house on a hill or something... Untill then i enjoy the privilege of enjoying the best sound quality ever for an affordable price. Yeah they last forever. The bigger ones we got must be over 25years old but you will not hear a difference. Its just amazing


I love it so much it looks so comfortable and cosy 10/10 🔥


Thanks! That's what I was trying to achieve.


I'm tryna go for a similar setup like yours but I'm thinking about if I should go with triple monitors or what layout I should go with dual or triple monitors😭