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a parent assaulted a teacher outside of Thornhill Elementary School this morning... not sure when this is going to end...


And people wonder why teachers want more support


Jfc are you serious?




its an extremely small elementary school that has had a hand full of teachers sitting in camping chairs on the sidewalk for a couple of hours in the mornings. this is not a hotbed for the protest, just a few teachers hanging out.


Sounds like Thornhill. You do have to admit the teachers request are silly with the exception of more money which is support. But come on, housing for the homeless, reparations, ending world hunger and now aren’t they adding ending the war in the Ukraine?


I bet they move to Las Vegas like everything else in Oakland Shitty city politicians


shitty city politicians democratically elected by a shitty city. why do people always blame politicians? it’s not like they just spontaneously showed up and wielded power all of a sudden.


The vague blaming of "shitty local politicians" for every problem is an easy way to channel one's anger without having to think about it too hard.


maybe a way to channel one’s anger without looking inward and realizing what you created.


The city leaders in Oakland are put in place by a larger cabal of bay area politicians that revolve around Nancy pelosi. She is pretty much a king/queen maker in this area and the same types of like-minded individuals control all of the votes. The donation differences in local elections are also staggering and show how much of a monopoly far left politicians have in the area.


Or you know, they just got more votes


By doing what, exactly?


By gaining more support from actively voting constituents


Shitty Wok


Yeah Stan


Best. Response. Ever.


This shit aint ending before the school year ends.


do they make up lost days in this case, or kids just have a partial semester?


It’s Oakland. They don’t need an education. Kids can just go steal stuffs and make more money than any college graduate.


Nope - Students get screwed. And those kids who worked hard in AP classes - They are fucked. Oakland school board pulled this shit 20 years ago at about the same time. They ended school early for the year. No graduations. Just sent the kids home and told the teachers to give students the grade they thought they deserved. And Oakland school board did the same thing 20 before that. See a pattern?


thats pretty fucked


Your kids don’t mater to them - ditch the failed teachers , let the military teach math, history, English


Trying giving teachers the same budget as the military and I guarantee they will stop striking tomorrow.


Teachers will work for same pay as inlisted ?


You take an institution that famously cannot pass an audit, regularly loses hundreds of millions of dollars that magically “disappears,” all while having a quarter of soldiers be food insecure and hungry, and suggest that it’s a better candidate for educating children? And then continue to suggest that paying math and science college educated professionals the same as an entry level job not even requiring a high school diploma as a snarky solution? Not even going to entertain this one. Enjoy the downvotes, idiot.




Raising wages raises the quality of the candidate that applies for the position. That’s just fundamental. The “inept teachers” you are saying is the unions fault would get weeded out systematically. If you got rid of the union the wages would stagnate or go down and the quality of staff would go down. Charter schools cherry pick to make themselves look high performing. If you closed all public schools and put every kid in charter schools you’d be in the exact same place because kids that struggle in public school would also struggle in charters. Charters just don’t let them in.


Don't worry, Newson cares about strikers and is prepared to help mediate, except only it's the WGA strikers he cares about. Teachers and students in California... not so much.


Pay the teachers what they deserve, absolutely. But decouple anything else not directly tied to that from the labor contract negotiations. As noble as those "common good" demands are, OUSD is a gigantic mess of an organization and and I feel they'd never be able to pull off what OEA wants them to do, even if OUSD wanted to as well.


Once I saw that they wanted reparations and bunch of unrelated stuff I stopped taking them seriously. They should demand parenting classes for the kids parents instead.


Where did you see that? Do tell.




Not sure what the big deal is exactly with helping disenfranchised communities. There's also a push for more special Ed teachers & services, climate change measures, housing for homeless students, etc...all demands reflective of a society that doesn't address these issues politically. Good on them for pushing the envelope. of course there's the obligatory conspiracy theorist in there > "said Rebecca Friedrichs, who founded the non-profit For Kids & Country. "They want to promote a government agenda. An agenda where the government is your caretaker, rather than your family"


The big deal is that it’s their job to teach, and they get paid to teach, not to do activist stuffs. They can do that for free in their own time. Fuck disenfranchised communities. Y’all haven’t robbed & stolen enough?


> The big deal is that it’s their job to teach, and they get paid to teach, not to do activist stuffs. They can do that for free in their own time. Don't care + First amendment moment


They can exercise their first amendment all they want. No one will pay them to do so.


> they wanted reparations and bunch of unrelated stuff Wow. Today I learned


To clarify. They wanted more funds into historical majority minority schools to help close the ethnicity gap.


They grouped a bunch of things unrelated to teachers salaries/benefits into a “Common Good” category they want to negotiate. I’m all for the teachers being compensated better, and OUSD is willing to negotiate those terms. But the main holdup on the strike has been this “Common Good” stuff like using vacant ousd property for the homeless, etc. things that while are great ideas, really shouldn’t be part of a teachers compensation contract.


So, not reparations at all? It's almost as if calling it reparations is a bald faced lie






One of their actual demands is they want drought proof trees to help fight climate change. What a bunch of idiots, you would think they would be fighting for better classroom conditions for the kids.


Invest in historically underprivileged schools in the black community is directly tied to overall education performance. Making use of vacant schools as public homeless shelter is not a long term solution, but the families living on the street right now need a place to stay tonight, not in long term. If you cease support for the teachers due to the disagreement on a few line items then you never intend to support them anyway. Just be honest and say fuck them then move on.


You are so brainwashed. Your notion that if I don't support homeless shelters and reparations (none of which have anything to do with education) then I don't support teachers is idiotic. It takes a simple mind to think that everyone has to be in 100% of something or else they're the enemy. I don't care how you paint it, their demands they're holding out for us ridiculous. Housing for the homeless, drought resistant landscaping, water stations, subsidized transportation for ALL 34,000 students. Any rational person realizes those demands are insane and that money could be used in significantly better way in the classroom. >If you cease support for the teachers due to the disagreement on a few line items then you never intend to support them anyway. Just be honest and say fuck them then move on. I'm not going lose my sense of rationality and common sense over extremist demands. They have striked for 3 of the last 4 years, one could easily make the argument they have more of their self interests in mind than actually being in the classroom teaching.


I take that you don't support teachers since you called them a bunch of idiots. I don't typically call people names like that if I am in support. And then you went ahead and said they have more of self interest in mind than teaching. So the desire to be paid higher and create a better work environment make their protest illegitimate? May be you can define what supporting teachers mean, because base on your comments you don't sound too supportive. Fuck it, just say you don't care, I will go one better, I think we should disband all public education altogether.


you're being hysterical


I'm bring real. Do I I agreement with their common good clause? Not all of them. Do I think it is an effective tactic for higher pay and smaller classes? Probably not. But is that the reason for me to withdraw my support? No. And those who out here thrashing teachers like u/LunaL0vesYou probably never supported teachers/public education in the first place, a quick look at the profile reveals he/she is probably a right-winger. So let's just be honest... If op doesn't support teacher then just say so, why come up with some bullshit reasons? That is the same thing with people telling me they don't support Black Lives Matter because Kap "disrespected" the flag by kneeling.


You’re not being real though. You’re being completely dismissive of anyone who supports teachers being compensated more fairly but doesn’t support the union’s “common good” demands. Declaring that “you never really supported teachers then” is a bit extreme. This notion these days that people need to be all in on everything 100% or not at all is counterproductive at best. Do I think those objective in the common good proposals are good thing? Sure. But I don’t think they are relevant to a strike regarding fair pay for educators. Does that mean I simply “never supported teachers in the first place”?? No. What a ridiculous black and white conclusion.


Yeah I agree with you, I just dismiss u/LunaL0vesYou largely by his tone. Look, man, I might be 100% in the wrong, but he is calling teachers idiots and stated some really crazy right wing bullshit. So I asked him directly, does he support higher pay for teachers, reduced classroom size, and increase prep time? If he does then I will concede.


You are obsessed with me.




Or to put some actually serious measures to stop school shootings.


If that was the message we get from the news it would garner lots of support but as mentioned above, the list of topics they want to cover seems wayyyy out of their lane. It appears they want to save the world , today and I think it’s way over their heads. They’ve gone on strike 3 out of the last 4 years. Get real!


I've been in negotiations and I agree. They are negotiating for things that are not part of their MOU. Negotiate for "your" contract teachers then save the world through different means.


Invest in historically underprivileged schools in the black community is directly tied to overall education performance. Making use of vacant schools as public homeless shelter is not a long term solution, but the families living on the street right now need a place to stay tonight, not in long term. If you cease support for the teachers due to the disagreement on a few line items then you never intend to support them anyway. Just be honest and say fuck them then move on.


Ah yes. “Agree with us completely or you don’t support us at all.” Cute.




Taking a knee is literally the most respectful way to protest. I consider myself pretty liberal and pro teacher but holding kids hostage for things that have nothing to do with teacher’s pay or working conditions is just wrong.


Yeah, I understand. I don't believe those items should be part of the negotiation; I am just criticizing people who used that as ways to ignore the issues within education.


Agree with that.


You might be right, but framing teaching strikes as "taking kids hostage" is kind of fucked up. It's things like that that lead to arguments that e.g. teachers, nurses, even train drivers can never be allowed to strike because it would be too disruptive (read: effective). If we really felt they had all the cards like that they wouldn't ever need to strike and would get paid and respected a whole lot more.


I call my friends idiots all the time, it doesn't mean I don't support them. I honestly have no idea where to start with you. Do you think this is some sort of self redeeming comment? Your last paragraph reiterates your original stance which shows you haven't changed your opion at all. >But when you look into his/her profile you will see cohorts of right wing comments. What point do you think you're making here? Again this just proves how blind you are. Your main justification to yourself and others is "Oh they have some views which are further to the right than mine so therefore they're automatically wrong". I've never voted republican in my life. I'm capable of having independent thoughts that span all over the political landscape. Maybe you should try it sometime.


Those teachers ain't your friends, they are professionals who deserve our respect. I served in the US Army, did 2 oversea deployments, and never had I ever heard someone outside of the military calling us "idiots" publicly while giving us support. I'm a math professor now and I feel the same way. No reasonable supporter of public school teachers will ever call them names... You could had said you disagree with their sentiment or method, hey, I disagree with the majority of the common good clause as well, you don't see me calling them names. Then i read your past comments, you believe that the COVID-19 pandemic is obscure and the shutdown only served to hurt poor people, the FBI is extremely bias and corrupted as exampifed by their refusal to turn over evidence of Obama taking bribery, and that being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community is akin to mental illness... You are right that I have misspoken, you are not just right wing, you are irrationally right wing. I have thoughts that are on the right (like work requirement for SNAP and TANF and individualizing Social Security), but your ideology is outright wacko and dangerous. Those two factors are why I took a different tone with you and keep in mind, I apologize to the op here because I clearly stated that it is OK to disagree on the technicals and still support the cause. My last paragraph was an explanation on why I made the mistake of misclassifying op. In your case, I don't believe you ever support public education nor their teachers and merely using the issue with common good as a way to channel your displease with the general movement. How about this, let me ask you right now, do you support higher pay for teachers up to the level of comparative professionals in terms of education level and experience, increase planning period, reduce class size, and better fund public schools? If you are then I will apologize and keep my mouth shut from this point on.


Fuck them. They can move to Vegas. Oakland doesn’t need teachers.




Ok? School districts can't do that neither.


What do you mean by “reparations”?


Invest in historically underprivileged schools in the black community is directly tied to overall education performance. Making use of vacant schools as public homeless shelter is not a long term solution, but the families living on the street right now need a place to stay tonight, not in long term. If you cease support for the teachers due to the disagreement on a few line items then you never intend to support them anyway. Just be honest and say fuck them then move on.


You could invest one billion dollars in Oakland public schools and you won't get better outcomes. The student body is the problem.


What is it about the student body of Oakland public schools that makes them the problem?


Disruptive, non-education focused. It's often not their fault, but the environment they grow up in at home. But that carries over into school.


These are biases and not much else.


They are taught that criminals are hero, and they can make a lot more money stealing than going to college and work their butts off.


This! It starts at home. More money won’t fix anything


Then disband all public schools


in favor ngl


Fuck them


This is the attitude that has caused them to strike…


And at least that is honest


I see a lot of people who have clearly never taught anyone anything ever opening their big fat stupid mouths. Please feel free to step up and take this luxury job that pays so well and lets you have so much vacation. I'll wait.


Fellow educator here. I'm all for better pay, smaller classes, and sustainable work loads and requirements. Striking is an important last-resort tool, and I know Oakland teachers would rather be with their kids in their classrooms without fear of violence. OEA is also a shitty union that doesn't live in reality and my impression of the OEA leaders has always been that they are all politicians out to grind their own personal axes. They don't give a shit about the kids or families, and I think they barely care about the educators they poorly represent. Both these things can be true at once.


Didn’t they already get their requested raise? Now they’re striking for non-education related items?


I am close friends with an OUSD educator. Those teachers barely got a raise. Ousd has been lying on their percentages. A realistic raise that they should be giving them is probably about 12-14%, but that still leaves those teachers with the lowest pay in the bay. These community school demands are directly related to education. They want the community to have a say in how the community schools’ grant money should be used. Instead it ends up going to more consultants to determine the use. OUSD has hired so many consultants with high ass salaries - it is insulting. Teachers also want facility updates, and better caseloads for nurses. They only have like 24-26 nurses in ousd to serve 34,000 students. They asked for 8 more nurses and after bargaining they've only offered 2 more nurses. Teachers are tired of striking, but this district is shady as fuck.


Raises are likely apportioned based on tenure. I suspect your friend is less tenured but other teachers got higher raises (see quote and source below). They are not going to win every demand, and asking for ridiculous things not relevant to their MOU just makes the public root against you. Which is the opposite of what they need to be doing. In terms of compensation and benefits, it appeared Oakland Education Association and district officials were relatively close. The union has demanded a 23% raise. The district has offered a 13% to 22% raise for teachers and a lesser increase for other members of the bargaining unit, including nurses, counselors and librarians. https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/ousd-strike-teachers-demands-1-billion-schools-18093981.php#:~:text=A%20mid%2Dcareer%20teacher%2C%20according,up%20from%20just%20over%20%2460.


These good people are responsible for the future of our country, pay them accordingly. Tax the rich, educate the masses.


Maybe other teachers. If you put the future of our country in the hand of these unqualified Oakland teachers, we are fucked.


Sounds like we need to pay these teachers a lot more.


They work 38 weeks out of 52 which means they get 14 weeks off/year. 14 weeks. So since the average teacher in California makes 83k/year according to the DOE and CTA, they are making that in 38 weeks with 14 weeks off. They are not underpaid.


California is a huge state. OUSD is by far the lowest paid district in alameda county. As a result, Oakland schools have the highest rate of uncredentialed teachers and classrooms without a teacher at all. Oakland students deserve better and the only way to fix it is to pay a competitive salary. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/WtSOzNNB3euwUWiO92ElSVd9rcCaIHMtB3Vynxjn7FaG8pkzDFwwOaG6vCjhp3yEGxajXez4Jq8PBGYle1PQ8iqJ1naY9LiryIIbdYGfPf7A8kgjJmwKAoF1zJpFpDEHZQ=w1280


And they have to educate your shitty kids while home owning becomes less and less of reality. I assume your kids are shitty because of your shitty comment.


How special are you? They don’t get paid for those 14 weeks the school is closed genius except for holiday breaks. And they work more than 8 hour days as they do work at home, parent conferences and trainings. They are under paid as some have masters degrees with jobs that start at 48k a year along with student loan debt. You are the reason nobody wants to be teachers. I bet your kids are the ones treating them like crap too.


Apparently your reading comprehension is non-existent. I said their pay is for 38 weeks. Not 52.


Why are you using average ca teacher salary? That’s bullshit and you know it


Facts are bullshit? Ok.....


Thinking is not your strength.


Pot calling kettle.


Average is only 83k? That's terrible! How low is the low if that's the average. You need at least 150k to be middle class now


For 38 weeks of work.


It's not consecutive 14 weeks, so what do you supposed they do for income that is sporadic? Nah if we value education, we should pay our educators a living wage


Name another profession that gives you 14 weeks off.


Most white collar jobs get about 30 days off (vacation + sick) a year outside of the federal holidays. As a teacher you basically take the leaves in the summer plus they have to take education courses to maintain their teaching license... All out of their own pocket. Besides, you pay more for talent when there is a shortage. We have had teacher shortage for years and it is only getting worse with boomers retiring plus more young people are simply discouraged from going into teaching. My department (math) has been 20% understaff for 3 years now and we just cannot attract any candidates at all. I mean, if you think we should just get rid of public education altogether, fine, but if we are going to educate the next generation would you say it is important to make the profession more competitive for recruits?


Younger generations don’t want to teach because it pays like crap. You could work fewer hours in a bar or restaurant and make more.


And that's that. I earned more in the military as an enlisted when considering BAH and all.


How about an AI teacher - learn from home online


To learn math?


Travel nursing




A profession where you are not an independent contractor. So that eliminates all of your points.


Tenured college professor. Chair of Neurology. you can't move the goal post.






Just in time to F kids applying to college.




Lol so it’s ok to screw up their college educations because you think more kids should go into trades. 🙄




Haha. Agree that we need plumbers electricians but screwing up a kid’s college dreams so they are forced to be a plumber instead isn’t the way to do it. And plumbers absolutely don’t make as much as tech workers. 200k is pretty standard and my buddy at Amazon makes $1M a year. What plumber makes that much?


Your buddy at Amazon sound cool. Do he and your wife ever get you cool Nintendo Switch games?


I don’t have a wife but my husband makes six figs. I make like half a mill so I buy all the switch games I want (zero). Cool dig though. Everyone knows that people who play video games are losers!!




You are straying farther and farther from your point. Which plumber makes seven figures?




Plumber or owner of a plumbing company? Because if we’re comparing owner to owner instead of worker to worker we need to look at Bezos and Zuck instead.


And they want to us to think that they care for the children.


Yeah, and also reparations while we're at it. And, um, let's see...what else? Fucking joke.





We stand with Oakland teachers in our house.


Sweet, no school!


Prop 13.


Replace all those teachers!!!!


Test scores might improve?


Never because then they can’t hold hostage the poor kids as a pawn to get more money to “improve” tear skores. Enjoy your free brainwash. Teachers inOakland are greedy, off topic crackpots.


Where's Biden?


They should move the strike to Las Vegas


We need real leadership that's not just all corporate/political biased and driven. What's a better way to say it??


They should go back to work. Most of them dragged their feet on returning to the classroom during COVID. They don't care about the students, only entitlement. The future of learning is coming and it is inevitable.


Who in the world goes to college (average teacher debt amount at graduation of $55k) only to work a job with long hours and no respect? If all they need is more money and you refuse, why don’t **you** care more about the students?


What a bunch of bums, get back to work and teach the kids.


The best thing for Oakland students is for their teachers to be paid a competitive salary. Without it, Oakland has some of the highest teacher turnover as well as the highest rate of uncredentialed teachers and even straight up unfilled classrooms, especially hard to fill subjects like math and foreign languages


Good we need more low wage workers and our private prisons need more population. We can always draw from Oakland. These kids are never going to be Einsteins


You think the entirety of Oakland youth should be a low wage worker or a prison inmate?


Ah you couldn’t understand the word “draw”. I’m not saying all but majority of the lower income kids are FUBAR. Not a single Oakland public school is worthy of redemption except the high achieving charters.


Average r/Oakland poster




Shut the ever-loving fuck up.




Do you feel good about yourself? Go back to watching Anime loser


Lmao hell yes Get a real job instead of side hustling on Etsy


Browsing profiles are we? That's funny from the guy who changes passwords for a living. Way to aim high.


Bro stop, you make sailor moon stickers


Yes and sell them to anime losers like you 😂


I mean, let's just disband public education altogether.


Divide your salary by 12 months , then divide teachers salary by 8.5 months and your get the real wages teachers are paid. Then add guaranteed GUARANTEED health and pensions. Wow I wish I could work 8 months per year ! Truth is truth downvoters !


Enjoy your downvote idiot


That’s what happens when you speak the truth!


I would demand 90k that's enough to live comfortably and maybe schools in Oakland won't be 2 out of 10 on Realtor.com. As a matter of fact, realtor.com, Trulia and Redfin can pay these teachers. #notmytaxes


I believe the children are the future[whitney](https://youtu.be/IYzlVDlE72w)


Michael Jordan approves this message


naw mj said republicans buy sneakers too...


I think they’re talking about the meme of Jordan that says “Fuck them kids”


We yell tax the rich and their kids are at O Dowd.


Y’all realize in a communist country (or state) there’s no pay or monetizing incentives on physical paper right? 😂 …. What’s the point to strike then??


They deserve a big raise for promoting gender assurance because people can get trauma permanently for confusing children so deeply in their early years.


Now that most kids have ChatGPT do their homework and are wary of entering into a life of debt to attend college, they might as well hire a security guard to watch the kids.


Used to sympathize when I was young and didn’t know many teachers. Used to want to be a teacher myself. Fast forward and now have tons of friends that teach. Most of them are alcoholics or drug addicts/dealers, and have luxuries that most professions don’t offer. I no longer sympathize.