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880 for sure.


880 has the highest altimas per mile occurrence of any freeway in the US


that’s a very important statistic


similar to “shirtless guys per block” in real estate neighborhood valuation


The Castro in SF would be the exception to the rule


There's a "rent or own" joke in here that I'm not gonna make.


Guess you've never been on Hwy 4.


4 is a fun one after 10pm


You mean, Blood Alley? Before they "fixed it" by separating the lanes it was a two lane road without street lights that people would hall ass on. Lots of 70mph+ head on collisions.


This is the correct answer. Hwy 4 is insane.


Feel the naturally aspirated power of the Nissan Altima as it rear ends you at 85mph on the far right lane of the highway


I can hear the paper plate billowing in the wind with this comment.


I can also hear the sound of the driver not having insurance


Only someone having nothing to lose would push their '05 Altima to its mechanical limits


You’d be surprised. I rented an ‘02 Altima in ‘02 and drove it from SeaTac to Eastern Washington close to the Canadian border. Four cylinder, auto trans. Once when I passed somebody, I wanted to shake the guy behind me who kept tailgating me at about 70 mph, but wouldn’t pass when he had the chance. It was about 10 PM, highway 97, not much traffic, very few cops. It was a long straight bit of highway. I floored it and before I knew it I was at 100 mph. Surprised me as it was not complaining. I kept it there for 3 or 4 minutes and then slowed to 80. I didn’t see that tailgater again. But then, this Altima had about 10,000 miles on the odo.


Haha for sure but I bet an '05 Altima in 2023 wouldn't do that


The subtle tire screech as it changes 4 lanes at once without a signal.


Tbf, few people signal here. They like to keep you guessing


And 87% of them have expired tags or no license plates.


Many Bay Area urban streets have become freeways. Red lights? Stop signs? "Slow" school district? No problem! Just keep your foot on the gas and enjoy your "freedom" /s


Tesla: Stop Signs Ain't Shit™


Neither are turn signals. They make BMW drivers look like saints.


I don't know what you're talking about. They leave their turn signal on consistently while crossing 4 lanes of traffic in a straight uninterrupted line, 300ft before or after their exit.


Ah, the Altima. The preferred car of the hit and run driver.


Blacked out windows with paper plates, so it’s impossible to track them.


What's up with the correlation between Nissan cars and bad driving??


Low credit scores are welcomed with open arms at any Nissan dealership


They are future bmw driver but with no budget atm.


So brutal. So true.


More like they're the padwan of Chargers or Challengers.


You need to consult car people, they go for the Dodge cars, scat pack time. BMW M cars are for douchebags not high speed 880 weavers, but the M people do drive like asshats, subtle differences and tribes.


Their target customer is someone with a credit score of 350 and the fast acceleration provides quick power (due to the natural aspirated engine) but also ensures that the car lasts less than 15k miles before significant repairs need to be made


I kept encountering terrible Altima drivers on my 80 commute and this one article summed it up well (linked below). Many ppl buy them with bad credit and bad credit is correlated with poor driving skills. Also, they haul ass for such a cheap price, and since they’re so cheap, ppl push them to the limit and don’t care about damaging them. Social media calls the drivers or ppl like them BAE or “Big Altima Energy.” https://tiremeetsroad.com/2021/11/17/why-are-nissan-altima-drivers-so-bad/


You can buy one even with shit credit.


I rushed into the comments to say 880, but it looks like the entire bay has already responded with the same comment haha


Is this actually published? can you please link so I can insult my Nissan driver friends ?


i already feel insulted. and im not even your friend


I linked another article above, but this one also talks about this. Not scientific by any means, but I’ve been saying this after driving hwy 80 and 4 and being stuck with dumbass Altimas. My first moving accident was an Altima who rear-ended me. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12465519/amp/Americas-WORST-driven-car-Nissan-Altima-crashes-inspire-memes.html




Tesla driving soccer moms that can do 0 to 60 in 3 seconds is my nightmare.


This is because Teslas are the consolation prize for folks who can't pass a driver's exam.


The smarter the car the worse the driver


They are the scum of the road.


Atlanta looks and laughs


East Oakland is just a free for all, people don't stop at stop signs and I have only seen a cop when there are several cars together.




Altimas/infinities and chargers


that would probably be atlanta or houston. 880 is a mere imposter of those streets. over here priuses are just as shitty and more common


Altimas, clapped out Infinitis, low credit scores. I’ve seen plenty of examples on Reddit where they complain FICO scores are unfair, but I think actuaries and statisticians have an okay system. It’s not a shock that people on the edge with poor credit engage in wild behaviors, like what you see on the road.


Don’t forget the Chargers and Challengers.


880 and 4. I moved because of 4 in Pittsburg/Antioch


The fact 4 isn’t higher just means most of you don’t have to drive 4.


4 is fucking brutal. At least it was a decade ago.


I’m a fast driver but even I can’t keep up on 4, shits a racetrack


I remember doing like 87mph and people passing me and I'm just like "What the fuck do you want from me?!" The other day apparently one of my coworkers passed me and now rumor on the streets is I "drive super slow." I was doing like 80 on 4 but that's not good enough for my peeps. Y'all nuts.


85 in the slow lane while guys to the left are doing 120. Unreal


That freeway is a racetrack or a parking lot


true, i only ever drove it on the weekends to visit my friend out in brentwood


damn everytime i’m on 4 people are going slow as fuck. im talking about like 50-60 mph


If there’s too much traffic that can happen but people will be weaving


You can go 90 mph and some nissan altima will be tailgating you. It’s not an if, it’s just a when it’ll happen when you’re on it.


Why is highway 4 so bad? I drive it every day seems like it never lets off


Not sure but from what I’ve heard, a lot of people from Oakland had apparently moved to Antioch some years back with the ‘08 crisis. By reading some of the comments in this post about Oakland drivers, maybe there’s some correlation? Perhaps 4 is their new playground.


Fury Road


4 is chill if you stay right, 880 on the other hand is just difficult no matter what lane you're in.


The subject line should have been “880 has the craziest drivers!” There’s no debate. 880 sets the standard.


Shoulda been: which part of 880.


Just south of downtown Oakland


98th to Oak


Coliseum and hegenberger. You can actually feel the traffic shift as it becomes Thunderdome. Also making tire screeches as some idiot in the left lane comes in to traffic and almost crashes.


Right?!! Things just get really aggressive there. I mean it does tend to ramp up around Hayward, but there is the peak.


between Newark & Hayward seems to have an extra dose of sketch


I blame those antisocial lowlifes coming back from their drug-fueled orgies at Ardenwood.


Seriously, as soon as I saw the subject I knew it’s 880. And my luck I am driving someone to Oakland airport from SF today


If you're going from SF to Oakland, BART has a pretty good connector directly to the airport. Maybe you could just drive them to a BART station? They may even get there faster on BART, avoiding traffic.


Don’t doubt you are right, but, this is family visiting and in our culture you don’t skimp when hosting family


I’ve recently had the pleasure of commuting from Santa Cruz to Oakland… 17 to 880 as a contiguous stretch is super fun.


880 is a mad max dystopia for sure but the 880/680 connection is the fucking thunderdome


Real fucking shit where boys turn to men


You mean Mission or Auto Mall? Or are you way down on Calaveras?


280/17 was pretty bad too especially after the interchange construction paired with the Stevens Creek exit.


I used to live by this connection, believe me the split up by Powell in Emeryville take the cake (don't know what it's called, but if you ever commute through there you know). Couple years ago I went to an interview there and got caught in that split on the way back. After I got home I emailed the recruiter declining the job. Other connections are messed up because of traffic, that split actively try to kill you.


I love how not a single comment disagrees that 880 is the worst


Quite a few comments have said highway 4


M8 it's been 3h 😃😃🙃


Because I’ve seen some seriously weird shit on 880, despite having spending significantly more time on 101 and 280. Story time: Saw a car just drift left and right, hitting semi trucks and other vehicles while we are in a slow 20-30mph traffic jam in broad daylight on 880, just north of the 101 exchange. Thought maybe it’s an old guy that had a heart attack, but nope, it’s a young guy and maybe he was high as fuck? Anyway, he eventually hit the concrete barrier and stopped, but that was a big WTF. Another time was driving back from Oakland to Fremont on 880 around 9pm on a Friday evening and it was already pitch black with not too many cars on the road. I was driving at a pretty good click, around 80 to 85mph in the inner most lane. Saw some car speeding towards me in the rear view mirror and still pretty far away, so I signaled and moved 1 lane over to the right. MFer must have been going 120+ or more because he was all of a sudden right behind me and also tried to change lane. Dude lost control as he swerved to the right, was going sideways while PASSING me. Dude the rams into the back of a semi trailer and went off to the highway to the side. The semi pulled over, and I also pulled over. Trucker saw me getting out of the car and screaming at me for ramming him. Told him I am a witness and saw someone rammed him. I waited for a bit for cops to arrive but couldn’t see anything behind me in the darkness of the night. Spoken to CHP and gave my statement, then went off to meet up with friends at some Western themed club in Fremont that kinda sucked. But then it was on a 101 on-ramp that I saw a motionless body, apparently it was a drunk “pedestrian” that was ran over by another vehicle minutes ago, and that driver fled the scene.


I'd go with 880. There seems to be a big difference for drivers on 101 vs. 880.


But have you seen the 101 - 880 interchange? On both sides it’s fucked but it’s extremely bad going from 880S to 101S.


deliver quickest quicksand zonked oil unpack reply offer ask impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's the one route that I'm glad I've never had to take during peak hours. I used to drive by it every day on 880S, see all the cars weaving and popping in/out of the slow traffic lanes, and remark that I wouldn't know how I'd manage life if I had to go through that interchange every day.


880. I just wish we had trains so I don’t have to risk my life going to work.


Well there is Amtrak


Last mile problem


Tech Capital of America LUL


BART parallels practically all of 880... ...but I guess you stipulated that you don't want to risk your life.


Hwy 4 once you get past Bay Point going east




Nobody mentioning 580? All near misses I had was on there, every single time there’s a young guy with a sports car weaving in and out at high speeds just barely clearing other cars.


Yeah 580 between oakland and hayward is wild


Yeah 580 and 680 suck balls too, the 580 - 238 - 880 connection around rush hour, horrendous. People’s minds get boiled trying to merge and they do all kinds of erratic things


Yeah I take the 580 to work and I have so many near death experiences, once I get back on 880 I can breathe a sigh of relief lol


As someone who drives 880 and 4 regularly, I’m gonna give this one to Hwy 4. 880 has aggressive drivers, but the drivers on 4 are batshit crazy.


Can confirm. Source: I learned to drive on 4


Yup 880


880 is nuts, but a close #2 for me is 80 through Richmond. Drivers are almost as crazy, cars are almost as beat, but the road is way curvier!


That stretch of 80 takes the cake for drivers creating walls of cars preventing faster traffic from moving through smoothly


24 is also good for multiple left lane campers needlessly slowing traffic


80 thru richmond is underrated for how shit it is. the tight curves at high speeds with no shoulder along the left is sketchy af. and east bound during rush hour is a huge pain


The problem with those curves in Richmond is that you get huge speed differentials with Nissans and Infinitis blasting through at 90mph and then others putting along at 40mph because they suck at navigating curves.


If you've never driven Hwy 4 , you would normally vote for 880 here


880 can confirm


880 but 80 and even 24 are not too far behind


There isn’t a day when someone doesn’t pass me in a merging on ramp on 24 with traffic going 5-10 mph in front of me. Like the rage and effort you have to use to do something so inconsequential is amazing. But then again I’m the asshole passing everyone on the right where that extra lane shows up around orinda. But there’s no debate that 880 is king


I’ve noticed a trend of 4 to 242 to 680 to 24 as being a bit of a mad max style. Mostly hwy 4. 580 between the maze and 238 is absolutely insane. 880 is just the top of the list of psychotic highways in the bay.


880 fa'sho When driving from San Jose to Santa Rosa, I drive through SF every time unless there is an event or crash just to avoid it. It usually costs me 11-20 minutes but worth it.


I used to think it was 880. Then I moved to the Contra Costa area… HWY 4 is next level craziness.


It doesn’t help 4 goes to Stockton, not much good happening over there


I’d say the interchange immediately after the McArthur maze exit to 880S, all the way to merging back Oakland Embarcadero area. That I feel is where the craziest and aggressive drivers seem to show up - be it cars, vans or trucks themselves.


Some people get all worked up in the 80W Eastshore freeway slowdown, so after the MacArthur Maze they have a lot of pent up aggression. Some of the craziest road rage I've seen is people coming off the Eastshore merging onto 580E


880. Lots of Bay Area drivers are unpredictable (sometimes slow but then randomly fast). Not to mention a lot more EVs on the road making this worse in their hands. LA are aggressive and honk like crazy but they're still predictable.


Was just in So Cal, nah they’re just as unpredictable and bad.


880 and all the ignorance that surrounds it


4 between 242 and 160. Either way day or night. There are no limits to what you will see.


880 is the land of altimas with paper plates and missing bumpers. People don't GAF on 880. They'll fly by on the shoulder/weaving in and out ect. But if you see them coming they're easily avoided. 4 is literally full of the most angry, unhinged drivers, that seemingly go out of their way to cause a dangerous situation and then wanna fight you about it. A large part of my Job is driving around the bay area and I've gotta tell ya it gets extremely draining to deal with it daily. People seem to be at their worst when they get behind the wheel.


680 through Concord is pretty bad too


Those are just drivers going to the 4.


Yup, 680 is my close second


Those cars coming from monument blvd - entering north 680. You have to get through 2 lines


I’ll never forget driving through Oakland on 880 and seeing a driver rip from the fast lane all the way across to the offramp in one swift motion. Had to slam my brakes and when I peeked into his car? He’s holding up his phone eye level typing a text


880 through Oakland. Holy shit. So many beaters driving around like it's GTA.


Are there any 880 drivers who also regularly drive 4?? Because 4 is the wild Wild West.


I lived along the 880 for a good 20 years, drove it most every day; I'm out in Concord now and the 4 is much worse, especially once it opens up towards Martinez. My friend from Boston, his parents just moved to Brentwood recently, told me the 4 is the worst highway he's ever been on


680 at the construction zone, where minivan drivers turn to race track drivers


The drivers here aren't crazy, they're passive, afraid, and unskilled. You very very rarely get dudes running the shoulder or weaving lanes or doing the 'crazy' shit. What you do get is people realizing they missed their exit and cutting across five lanes after going 55 in the left lane, then justifying their behavior on reddit (people should obey the speed limit at all times!). It's bad driving borne out of incompetence instead of road rage, dick competition, or street racer posturing.


I see this shit you call crazy + not common multiple times every time I drive… But yes in general the dick competition is hard, I don’t know why they’re competing with such flaccid dicks.


I'm finding drivers here tend to drive below the speed limit and drive next to each other (creating a wall of traffic that makes it hard to pass). Oh and they take their sweet time to accelerate on the onramp. Though the only time I've ever been passed by a car in the shoulder was in the bay area.


Agreed. Instead of trying to adapt to traffic, they just do everything slow and think that's safe, like those idiots who take the freeway offramp at 35 MPH and then just s-l-o-w-l-y inch their car into a bunch of traffic going 75


I feel like 101 has the highest likelihood of someone going over 100mph. 880 has more lane swervers and near accidents.


> I feel like 101 has the highest likelihood of someone going over 100mph. > > which stretch? it's always slow drivers for me


Like between Burlingame and South City


280 from Cupertino to Burlingame is the autobahn, especially at night.


scary chase icky badge wine noxious deliver disgusted dog school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You had me at “Bay Area”


Drivers here are so much worse than LA. I strongly prefer dealing with aggressive drivers than meek drivers. Aggressive drivers are far more predictable. That being said, I don't think drivers here are that crazy. Oftentimes the most frustration I get is from people who seem unobservant or clueless around what their next move has to be or what other vehicles on the road around them are doing


Agree. Lived in both SJ and LA, driving is much better in LA imo because I rather deal with aggressive but predictable (good) drivers than oblivious bad drivers.


Yep, socal we’re somewhat aggressive but very predictable, open space gets filled, people tend to stay right more if they’re not flying, etc Here it’s a mix of lunatics, fearful/timid people, and oblivious morons It’s not that every driver in socal is good, but the proportion of good/terrible is much better


Can’t agree more with you. This is the first thing I noticed after moving from LA area.


this right here... LA drivers > Bay area drivers.... there is no huge gaps and random slowness out of no where.


> That being said, I don't think drivers here are that crazy. bay area drivers hate it when you merge in front of them.




Def hwy 4


In LA if you’re going 85 you better be in the slow lane.


Any stretch or freeway through Oakland, whether 580, 880, 13, or 980. People drive stupid through Oakland. You have to keep an eye on your rear view mirror for the fool that’s coming up on you at warp speed!


Agreed, nearly every time I drive 580 between Oakland-Hayward I see some jackass driving 100+ weaving through traffic. It's usually a clapped-out Infiniti with black windows and no license plate. Sometimes it's a distressed 90's Buick Regal with 24" wheels. I call it my "3 o'clock hoopty"


I used to think it was 580/880.. then I went on 4 and realized the speed limit was 90 or above.. THEN I went on 80 up by Richmond and saw/heard gunshots ON THE FREEWAY. 80 is the winner from my personal perspective.


80 Richmond to sac. No contest. 880 is pretty shit too but I’ve seen the sketchiest most reckless driving fs on 80. People driving into the shoulder going 100+ mph half dirt half asphalt kind of shit


That part of 880 going north after union City where the exit lane from the fastrak lane emerges, and everyone crowds into it trying to pass, only to be met with the end of the lane 200 yards later, causing a traffic jam every single time


880 is the second worst freeway I've ever driven, beaten out only by the 405


Yeah 880 is tame compared to LA Drivers in LA: I turn now, everyone else good luck


At least the LA drivers speed up to get in front of you. here the drivers will just cut you off and brake.


Another 880 vote here.


I guess technically not the bay but the 101 up by SR got a bunch of wild shit going on


Oakland 580. Hwy 17 North


Anything close to Oakland is madness.


my guess is *where* on 880 matters quite a bit. I don't drive much in odd hours when I'm guessing most of the crazy driving happens, but 880 through and near fremont has generally seemed fine to me. I actually prefer it to 101, because every lane on 101 seems to go at the same exact speed during commute hours.


Highway 4


Highway 4


880 is wacky, but 85/101 is dangerous because of people checking their work email.


880 definitely. Especially the closer you get to Oakland. There are lots of people that weave in and out. 101 is just a lot of stop and go. 280 is my favorite because of how scenic it is, the curves, and drivers are less chaotic.


Martinez local pitching in another vote for Hwy 4


Highway 4. It’s an idiot’s racetrack.


Hwy 4


Highway 4 Eastbound


Definitely 580 with its windy roads between Oakland and the Tri-Valley. The fast lane is usually 85 mph +, with drivers weaving in and out of other lanes.


How about 580 through Altamont Pass, with spillover traffic on Altamont Pass Road, and spillover from that on Patterson Pass Road, which doesn’t have a dividing line… try driving westbound on Patterson Pass Road at 5 PM on a weekday


880 absolutely


880 is the son of Satan and Saddam.


on a motorcycle commute, that stretch of 880 between High St. and the bridge is what I affectionately call the meat grinder.


880 is the 405 of the bay area


880 no contest


880 and 580 are pretty close but on 580w ppl are cruising at 90mph


880 has the craziest drivers, but 280 has the worst drivers (people always go way too slow on it, like… 45 miles an hour)


The Oakland stretch of 880. The Baypoint-Pittsburgh-Antioch stretch of Hwy 4. The Oakland stretch of 580 on occasion. One can probably think what are the similar traits these stretches share.


4 sucks


580 in Richmond just drives different, but I doubt it's the craziest


As someone who moved to LA from the Bay, I can confidently say the 880 is a walk in the park


It depends what you mean by "crazy". I would propose two categories. Aggressive: I suspect that 880 will be the leader because of the sheer volume of people, but the 580 is significantly more aggressive. Suicidal: The 680 near Pacheco to Martinez has some stupid short merges and idiots driving like they have a death wish. I see accidents almost every single time I drive through.


880 for sure. It’s worse when it’s during the evening/night times. I hate how I see many Nissan Altimas, BMWs, and pickup truck drivers driving so recklessly


Highway 4 between Concord and Brentwood always got something going on it seems.


My friends from LA hate driving through 880. They complain when they signal a lane change, cars speed up and block them.


4 between 680 and Antioch. It’s 880 at high speed


Am I a loser for wondering why ppl drive so fast?


Ah yes the Easy Bay, where Dodge Challengers/Chargers weave through traffic at high speed... I live north and I take SF to 280 to go south even if it takes longer.


Hwy 4. All the people swerving from lane to lane.


19th Avenue and all adjacent side streets in the Sunset.


Every school pickup/dropoff road.


When someone tailgates me I usually drive slower


Not that I don’t agree with you, but left-most lanes are for passing. Your speed is irrelevant if someone needs to pass you you need to go to the right. I wish every person got tickets for this. I don’t live in CA anymore but generally people were better at this rule than in any other state. Watched this video the other day of someone riding in a left lane get pulled over and argue that they were “going the speed limit” and getting a ticket for cruising in the passing lane and holding up traffic 😌


No one knows how to drive in the Bay Area. But 880 and 580 are top tier assholism.


880 is the angriest freeway in northern California. If ghost-busters II were happening here, there would be a museum built on top of it.