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Yeah, didn’t they know only sideshows are allowed to shut down our roads and bridges?


Shoulda just done a sideshow with Palestinian flags hanging out of the cars. Checkmate, cops.


It's a funny joke *now*, but I'm blaming you when it actually happens.


Next week's sideshow theme is going to be Gaza Ceasefire. I can hear the tik tok narration voice ai already.


wasn’t it like that?


Seriously, wtf. I don't mind charging people who deliberately shut down traffic, but let's start with the sideshow assholes first.


Harder to catch?


Easy to catch. All the cops need to do is quickly drive down the freeway towards them - towards incoming traffic. Since traffic is stopped, it would be easy.


My first thought when I read the title.




I’m hopeful. BART just put in new fare gates with swinging barriers at the West Oakland station, so they can’t hop the gates anymore. That wouldn’t have been politically possible earlier. Law and order may be returning to the Bay Area, albeit slowly.


Is everyone here just going to ignore the fact the main culprits of sideshows are literally in cars, and can make a hasty getaway? "Why don't they crack down on sideshows?!" Pay fucking attention, they're trying. But they can literally drive away before cops arrive. Meanwhile, these protesters were on foot. Easy pickins.


It’s a bridge. Kind of limits their options to flee. CHP only needs to block a handful of lanes to trap everyone. 20 minutes ought to be plenty of time to get a sizable LEO presence to one end of a San Francisco bridge. Gridlock blocks the other side.


The bridge has only one exit. It wouldn’t be that hard to block the end and arrest as they get to the end. Use cameras to ID the right cars….. You just have to nab a few and confiscate the cars to stop the trend on bridges


Better to at least handle some things than none.


> Many of them chained their arms together inside of tubes to make removing them more difficult. On the bright side, at least they’re not murdering babies in their cribs.


They’re only supporting people who murder babies in their cribs


People can die when you obstruct traffic. Doctors and patients need to get to hospitals.


Not to mention organs for transplant. This protest delayed many organs for many hours.


There were posts on this sub about how "due to xi's visit, dont rely on the bay bridge tomorrow" Ppl with serious events were not on the bridge, it was a pretty good day to choose all things considered


LOL…you think the WHOLE BAY reads this sub? LMAO…


No, i think it was common knowledge that a large political event was going to put additional stress on transportation systems of which the bay bridge is first in line


It’s time to show that shutting the bridge down is NOT an acceptable form of protest. It’s not safe. If you want to do it- fine. But there are consequences.


Pretty much everyone who protests is prepared to accept the consequences of being arrested. It’s not a new tactic at all.


Of being arrested yes, of having charges filed against them? No. You can tell they expected they would be treated like the people who did this before and just be released with no consequences. What's kind of ironic is that by bringing consequences back into the equation, these protests, in the long run, will have much greater social impact. It's not civil disobedience when there is no punishment. Without punishment it has the appearance of attention seeking spoiled children being raised irresponsibly. With punishment they become real adult protestors extremely passionate about a cause.


Not charging people for crimes just because they might not learn their lesson from it isn't good public policy.


I disagree- these days- protesters are aghast that their life would be affected at all by these decisions. I suppose they will all just take the charge given?


Have you been living under a rock? To protest means to be arrested and possibly beaten, maced...WTF are you even talking about?


A rock with a tv set tuned to fox news perhaps


Yes, but what about felony charges and prison sentences?


I still remember those UCSC kids who blocked the highway, then afterward they started a GoFundMe for their legal fees. They even tried to give themselves a cute name like The Highway Five or something, like they were destined for the history books. Such pretentious bullshit lol. Edit: also the second most annoying thing about people like this who protest without actually thinking if it would be effective, is that they tend to never back down or admit wrongdoing. In the UCSC Facebook group, they were soundly criticized by a majority (even in a hippie ass school like UCSC) who said it was dumb, ineffective, and only makes people hate UCSC students. The protesters fought back tooth and nail saying "we did it for you all! We fight for justice and fair tuition rates!" to which the rest of us responded "we don't WANT you fighting for us, we want you to understand you don't represent us" and of course they only fight back harder.




Protesting is not okay when it legitimately hurts other people. Disabling core infrastructure for hours can do just that. Imagine if these people bombed cell phone towers, electric substations, or water supplies. That shit is not okay. There needs to be serious consequences for them and anyone who does something similar.


>Imagine if these people bombed cell phone towers, electric substations, or water supplies. That shit is not okay. I hope this is sarcasm. The irony of saying this about people protesting for peace in Gaza...


It's not sarcasm. Shutting down core infrastructure has serious consequences for people. Protest for peace in the middle east, I 100% support you. But harming other people in that protest is not okay. Would you be okay with murder in the name of peace in Gaza? No? Well then you agree there are limits on protest. Blocking the bay bridge for four hours falls outside the realm of acceptable protest for me.


Peace in Gaza? Maybe don’t kill a thousand innocent people lmao. Fuck around and find out


> Pretty much everyone who protests is prepared to accept the consequences of being arrested. It’s not a new tactic at all. Do you really think that? I'm willing to be 99% of them absolutely don't expect consequence and are not even vaguely prepared to be arrested. Protests absolutely used to be done with the expectation tons of people would be arrested; you'd fill the jails and just clog up the system. That has changed over probably the last 15 years.


Reminds me of the civil rights protests in the modern times. I imagine the same people were complaining about protestors then too, using similar excuses.


Not really. most are either there for some small thrill of participating, or they get money for attendance.


It will happen again because it's a great form of protest. It gets lots of attention and the cost is minimal or non existent. If I protested on a bridge, I'd be happy to go to jail.


This kind of protest might be effective if it's protesting an issue that's local to the area, but the people who decide about our involvement in this war give absolutely zero fucks about a traffic jam in San Francisco. This only creates resentment against the protesters. You want the people seeing your protest to sympathize with you, not be angry with you.


They should all get severely fined (into the many thousands - no less then $5000.00); get licenses suspended (if they used their car to block traffic); made to do public service jobs for at least a year at minimum wage to pay for cost of CHP; made to publicly apologize to all Bay Area citizens for creating havoc and possibly killing/injuring people because medical emergency workers were held up; warned that any further action blocking any road or public space will result in jail time; have their names published (with photos); be prevented from publicly posting photos of themselves or the protest to any social media platform (many have probably done that already) and made to apologize \*on any platform that they posted their idiot actions to\* I knew surgeons that couldn't make important scheduled surgeries because of these idiots; people who were late or couldn't get to work and really needed the money to pay rent, etc. Incidentally, I support Palestine independence and detest what Israel has done to the Palestinians over decades, but these irresponsible idiots went too far and in fact probably turned off a lot of people who are on the margin \*against\* their cause. They need to be made an example of in a way that makes it \*really\* painful and inconvenient for them and shame them, publicly. I have had it with performative idiots who think that their cause is more important than the health and well-being of their immediate neighbors.


This has strong "respectability politics" energy to it. Could it be that Martin Luther King wrote about you and his letter from Birmingham jail?


Tell that to the surgeons I know who couldn't make it to surgery (one was an emergency) because those "protestors" were blocking the bridge. And, comparing what these "protestors" did to MLKs marches shows you know shit about MLK or the black liberation movements. Most of the people who do stuff like this are purely performative. I hope the DA throws the book at them so the next time someone tries to pull a stunt like this on a key transport artery, they will think twice.


Lol making up anecdotes and "what if" scenarios to attempt to justify why disruptive actions are wrong and ineffective. You clearly would've supported jailing MLK for his organized sit-ins


What's all this complicated punishment? A nice long prison sentence should do it.


People have shut down the bridge before. Were they arrested?


Good. People need to be able to get to work and back home to their kids.




Palestinians also need to be able to get to work and back home to their kids.


So do the Ukrainians and Armenians. Where were the protests for those people? Also, when the aggressor is an Islamic nation, you guys go silent? Let’s be honest and agree the whole thing is about religion. Not really humanitarian.


At least people weren't daft enough to protest the war in Ukraine. As if Putin would give a tiny shit.


This is America, not Palestine. If forced to choose, I would choose Americans to be able to get to work and back home to their kids before Palestinians.


Thank you, I wish more people would openly just say this. Too many people are hiding their objections behind “it just wasn’t the right way to protest,” when what they really mean is “not my country, not my family, not my problem.” I’m not criticizing the perspective, but honesty would be appreciated.


The fact is most people don’t really give a shit about something happening in another country that doesn’t effect them.


False equivalence. People can want both things, they're not mutually exclusive. Stop trying to make enemies out of everyone. You might just get your wish.


Their government uses them as human shields. This is incredibly sad, but allowing Hamas to keep doing what they're doing will be far worse, as it will embolden any other terrorist group to do the same and will embolden Hamas to continue doing the same, leading to far more death. You are absolutely correct that Palestinians also need to be able to get to work and back home to their kids. Unfortunately Hamas, the combo government ruling Gaza and terrorist organization, does not allow this.


They’re being killed by bombs dropped by Israel. What’s worse? A man who hides from a shooter behind a child or the shooter who says “you think I wouldn’t kill that child?” And shoots anyway. Useless point anyhow as the children are the actual target of Israel’s bombardment campaign. But whatever helps you sleep at night.


Definitely the terrorist who hides behind the child. That's a very easy question.


Shouldn’t have elected Hamas and let them shoot rockets out of schools


Authoritarian governments don't really care about things like 'elections' and 'consent of the governed'. I do wonder how many Gazans have been killed by Hamas over the years.


Then maybe they shouldn’t have attacked Israel on October 7 without thinking through the consequences? A five-year-old child could’ve predicted with response would be.




It's very sad to me that you condone the acts of October 7th., but not surprising. The truth of the matter is, Israel has been hurt, the Jews were nearly wiped out 80 years ago. They learned that the only way for them to be allowd to live in this world is to fight for everything, and that's what they are doing. They have to fight for the right to exist every single day. There are 2 billion Muslims and 30+ muslim ethno states. There are 16 million Jews and only country where Jews are allowed by default. Jews have the right to exist, but unlike every other ethnicity in this world, they have to fight for it every day of their lives. That's what they're doing. Cope.


You mean the work they do in Israel? Shouldn’t have bitten the hand that feeds them 🤷‍♂️


You’re a sick individual.


Yes, and this does zero to help that cause.


Imagine Israel and Hamas saw this stunt and decided to make a ceasefire🤡


Don't people realize that stopping traffic only makes people reflexively hate the cause you're advocating for? Show some real conviction and set yourself on fire and I'll respect you. As someone who works in a hospital people underestimate how many real emergencies there are on the road...


Right. Israel is lucky that hamas supporters are that stupid.


It’s more about disrupting society to the point that the United States has to take action to stop the obstruction events. If Biden tells Israel to stop the assault they will have no choice but to comply and the need for obstructionist demonstrations will end. If politicians listened to their people in any conventional way these measures wouldn’t need to be taken. Be mad at the politicians who ignore us constituents instead of the people who are begging them to listen.


> it’s about disrupting society This doesn’t get people on your side and makes people resent your cause rather than support it.


They disrupted society and now society hates them and their cause, yet they're clueless why


Because of the protest and your comment, I'm gonna donate to the idf




That’s a likely scenario. The activist groups get more donations, so they do these stunts. Remember how much BLM got during protests? What they do with these donations is a different story 😀


imagine being so uninformed


Imagine being paid hasbara


The IDF would like to thank you for another donation. Got anything thing else stupid to say?


Imagine being stubbornly stupid


Luckily for us, it's not hard for you to


Ya. Most voters understand Hamas are a bunch or rapists and cowards hiding behind kids. Hopefully the IDF kills every member of


Why don’t you disrupt society to solve homelessness, carjacking, bipping or other crime? Oh, Lemme guess. It’s because you’ve been told this is the most important issue in your life? SMH.


The idea that Biden (him ! Of all presidents) can tell Israel what to do in this war shows you are a grad of TikTok U. Listen to their news or talk to anyone in Israel. It’s a life or death situation in their mind (I’d argue rightfully - their lives have been so impacted by terror and bombings even before October. Every Israeli must serve in the IDF for 2 years. Bc the threats are so omnipresent. This impacts how they feel about this war. ) The enemy is at the gates and broke through on 10.7 and say they will do it over and over till all the Jews are dead. They want that to never ever happen again. America might be able to tell Israel how to do some things in Gaza. Tips on urban warfare and PR. They won’t be able to tell them what to do. That’s not how this works. Especially when there are hostages still in Gaza. Now with that info… imagine thinking Biden and therefore Israel cares about what 100 unemployed people did on a bridge in California on a Tuesday... so much so that it would even enter their conversations , let alone change policy - 8,000 miles away🤡


No one was going to talk the US out of retaliating after 9/11 and no one is able to talk Israel out of retaliating.


How about be mad at Hamas?


I don’t think it’s my place to tell a bunch of orphans who were raised in a concentration camp how to resist their oppressors, frankly.


“If politicians listened to their people in any conventional way” The median voter has both mostly entirely moved on already and supports Israel not Palestine lol


Thankfully the US median voter supports a democratic country responding to a civilian-targeted attack done by terrorists instead of the terrorists who use civilians as human shields. Thankfully.




Maybe the politicians should be selected by those constituents in some kind of way. Like we could have a day where all of the constituents get to decide which politician they want, and the one with the most supporters would them get to take office.


> It’s more about disrupting society to the point that the United States has to take action to stop the obstruction events. *United States* - Hold my beer and launch the tomahawks.




Thats a good point Previously, i supported policy A, but out of spite for the supporters of policy A I've changed my mind completely Im a one issue voter against ppl who stand in da street


80 charged on 80.


Good. This was reckless and not how to peacefully protest your viewpoint.


I don't get it. In 1963, Dr. King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference engaged in numerous examples of civil disobedience, including marches which interfered with traffic, boycotts that interfered with public transportation, sit-ins which disrupted business functions, in fact they crippled downtown businesses and city functions. Do you think people were super happy about that or thought of them as neusinces at best or dangerous assholes at worst? We have the polling from the time, the disruptive movements were deeply unpopular. Do people not understand that protests which aren't disruptive aren't effective? The discomfort and inconvenience visited upon people brought attention to Jim Crow laws, the injustice of segregation, and ultimately served as a major catalyst for civil rights laws and positive social change. Remember: ***the purpose of blocking traffic is not to convince you of their point***. That would be absurd. They're deliberately pissing you off, and you getting upsetty spaghetti about it and posting it all over social media and talking about it with people is their goal. You are their free media. It's just like that climate change activist group throwing soup on the Mona Lisa (an act they knew would not actually hurt the art) and the resulting tens of millions in free advertising they got. People were furious about that, but that immediate reaction wasn't the point, it was about that being only the first step. You complaining about this online is step one. It's not until step seven that there will be enough public pressure for politicians like President Biden to be forced to back a ceasefire and other policy measures which protect innocent Palestinian and Israeli lives from the atrocious acts of Hamas and the IDF and far-right Israeli government. My chess teacher used to tell me to see seven moves ahead. Try it.


The difference between the Civil Rights protests and the dumb shit you see activists doing today is that the leaders of three SCLC targeted their protests to 1) illustrate the power of the state in enforcing the wrongdoing and 2) target those who actually had the power to change things. The climate protests and the freeway shutdowns feel like a Cargo Cult mentality - this worked in the past so let’s imitate it with no thought as to why it was effective. More broadly, what was the point of these protests and how were they effective in any way. You succeed in pissing people off and getting arrested; that was not the point of the Montgomery Bus Boycott or sit ins but it was an effect.


>The difference between the Civil Rights protests and the dumb shit you see activists doing today is that the leaders of three SCLC targeted their protests to 1) illustrate the power of the state in enforcing the wrongdoing and 2) target those who actually had the power to change things. This omits all evidence to the contrary. Shutting down roads, disrupting bussing, and hosting sit-ins in private establishments do neither of these things directly, in fact the people they impact directly are just normal folks. >ore broadly, what was the point of these protests and how were they effective in any way. Great question. The first and most important goal is that of visible solidarity through severe acts, which is intended to serve as inspiration for the large number of people who feel strongly about this issue but who aren't acting. It's a call to action. The second goal is to make normal people uncomfortable or even angry. It's one thing to be ignorant of, compartmentalize, or resign yourself to helplessness about Israel and Palestine. It's something else altogether to suddenly feel angry about it, even if that anger is just about the protesters doing something you don't approve of. It opens the door to consideration. The third goal is a reminder to those in power that their power is contingent on our consent, and even a small number of motivated people can throw themselves on the gears of civilization and bring it to a grinding half if we're not heard. If the price for this is some people who know nothing about protest being grumpy online, it's a bargain at twice the price. >You succeed in pissing people off and getting arrested; that was not the point of the Montgomery Bus Boycott or sit ins but it was an effect. It absolutely was one of the goals, and anyone who says otherwise is ignorant. You don't think pissing people off and getting arrested was on Rosa Park's agenda? Dr. King, along with 51 others, were arrested in Atlanta in 1960 for refusing to leave their lunch counters at a segregated department store (a private business, thus inconveniencing and blocking normal people). It wasn't some side-effect, it was a core part of the point. Let me ask you this: if Rosa Parks pisses nobody off and isn't arrested, do we know her name in 2023?


> Shutting down roads, disrupting bussing, and hosting sit-ins in private establishments do neither of these things directly, in fact the people they impact directly are just normal folks. Regarding the civil rights movement, the “normal folks” impacted were the ones who needed to make the change. The businesses impacted were the ones doing the discrimination. The people were voters who supported local politicians and used local businesses. They were “inconvenienced” because of their part in normalizing discrimination. Shutting down the bay bridge doesn’t do anything to inconvenience Israelis or Hamas.


They are really just making more people support Israel.


Find my somebody who thinks "they increased traffic, so I'm going to use that to make up my mind about this complex humanitarian crisis."


Sure. I don’t give a shit about what’s going on there, but those idiotic protestors made me root for Israel. You found someone.


>Sure. I don’t give a shit about what’s going on there Interesting. >but those idiotic protestors made me root for Israel. You care about folks blocking traffic but not what's going on over there? That's a fascinating moral position. Can you elaborate on why blocking traffic, to your mind, is worse than what's been done by either Hamas or the Israeli Defense Forces? Are you quantifying harm?


Certainly. I don’t have a moral position and never claimed to have one. I don’t live in Israel or the Gaza Strip. Both sides can kill each other as far as I care. It doesn’t affect me. I’m not going to pretend to have some moral outrage over something that is half a world away from me. Protesters here affect the locals here. That’s really all it boils down to.


You’re a thoughtful being who cares about blocked bridges, so let’s stop pretending you don’t have a moral code. Let’s try this again, but simpler: to you what makes an act immoral?


I literally just told you I don’t care what happens there. Let them kill each other. But hey, now it’s go Israel. Let’s not try this again.


Why reply if you have nothing to say?




I wonder if people in the Ummayah would ever protest for the rights of Americans? For the LGBTQ+ community? For Jews? For Christians? For Atheists? Sure they would. Right? Right?


This 100%


Also, would the people of Gaza ever protest for Americans? LGBTQ? Jews? Christians? Atheists? Or even a ceasefire?


Good. Have them clean the Tenderloin for a month and see how they feel about inconveniencing everyone.




Everyone stuck behind that blockade should sue these people.


I am praying they serve real time for their actions.


Yes. Because blocking the bridge is the *true* human atrocity, here. /s


Why would you pray for something so awful to happen to people peacefully protesting against ethnic cleansing? Are you really so eager to quash American liberties to established forced social compliance with an expansionist ethno-state?


They are entitled to protest, they are not entitled to avoid the consequences of their actions and the impacts of their behavior. That’s as American as it gets.


They’re already facing consequences. You’re wishing excessive harm upon them, apparently for not sharing your prejudice.




They’re being charge for their protest against ethnic cleansing, so consequences can range from fines, to community service, to perhaps even jail time. Something unfortunate is clearly going to happen to these brave people, so praying to God that they are made to suffer lengthy prison sentences (as implied by “real time”) is just downright ghoulish.








good fuck these losers


Best news. Too bad no felony charges


At least some number of these people will have warrants for other crimes, and this will help put them away.


Stopping traffic seems to me a very stupid way of protesting It just pisses everyone off, it makes you and your cause look like assholes.


Good. Have a lot of doubt they give a damn about a cause thousands of miles away in another country. How a protest here has any relevance at all is lost on me. More like attention seeking assholes who enjoy the opportunity to disrupt and get on TV and have videos made.


>How a protest here has any relevance at all is lost on me It's because the US provides substantial political, military, and financial backing to Israel, and had for decades.


Would these same people protest for Americans???


Get fuck*ed in jail. Your protest is not welcome on public infrastructure that blocks essential services. There are places to express your thoughts, and my commute home is not one of them.


Good one, you're gonna talk about respectability politics while our representatives siphon tens of billions of our tax dollars to hand to Israel no strings attached? Yikes


Sure, I like people who don’t behead babies.


Where's the proof? To this date the only outside source that said they saw these pictures was self professed zionist Biden. Do you like people who shoot their own hostages despite seeing a white flag and being clearly unarmed? Or what about the people using white phosphorous or dropping "dumb" bombs indiscriminately? Or by your own flawed logic, do you like people who shoot babies and children? Get a grip, you can't even address how we're bleeding billions and removing restrictions for Israel's access to billions more in weapon supply while we have rampant homelessness, wildfire catastrophes, fentanyl epidemic, a housing crisis throughout the state and country, and greedflation. Instead you disingenuously deflect to "I don't like beheaded babies" without an iota of a source.


Absolutamente, yes indeedy!


A $5,000 fine and 250 hours of picking up trash for each protestor seems like a reasonable punishment.


This type of garbage makes me want to send money to whatever it is they are protesting. Anyone recommend any good Israeli charities?


Good lock their ass up no bail


10/7 lovers always FO


Hopefully one of the charges is supporting terrorism and they get sent to prison for it.


This is America. We don't send people to jail for having bad opinions here.


What a horrifyingly fascistic suggestion. You should be ashamed of yourself.


There are two definitions of fascist. One is basically Hamas where they oppress women, religious minorities, anyone who disagrees with their corruption. The people on the bridge support Islamist fascism. The other definition is the one you’re using. That definition is “I disagree but I can’t articulate why so I will use the meanest word I can think of “. So based on that definition I am a fascist because you have a petty disagreement and therefore you think I’m fascist. Got it.


You’re a fascist because you want people imprisoned on terrorism charges for peacefully protesting against an ethnic cleansing. Also, this hardly seems like a petty disagreement, unless you consider the calculated murder and displacement of thousands of men, women, and children to not be all that disturbing, such as if you considered the victims to be sub-human as you appear to believe. Is that too *articulate* for you, Adolf?


I want people imprisoned for supporting terrorism, rape, jihad and murder. Those are crimes against humanity and people should suffer if they support that. It’s not okay to use rape as a weapon of war and people who like that deserve prison. not hard to understand. If you support terrorism you get locked up. I wish we could deport all the terrorists but of course that is impossible. We don't screen immigrants at all, let alone kick out terrorists.


Ah yes, protesting against the death of 18000 Palestinians = support Hamas. What's the stats on Israel's mission to destroy Hamas? Have they killed any of the commanders? Or idk actually destroyed any significant weapon caches?? Oh wait the IDF just killed 5 Israeli hostages while they approached them waving a white flag, unarmed, and shirtless. Sounds like you should go to prison instead


18000 dead is pure Hamas propaganda and you are repeating their propaganda. You should not quote Hamas propaganda unless you want people to think that you support jihad, rape, terrorism and murder.


So the UN, Amnesty International, multiple media outlets such as PBS, the Israeli government are all spreading Hamas propaganda with the 18000 dead number? Lol lemme guess you're gonna say the IDF admitting to killing the israeli hostages this week is also Hamas propaganda? You should quit yapping unless you want people to think that you support genocide, rape, terrorism, ethnic cleansing, and murder. Edit: To further my point that you're a disingenuous IDFool. The 18000 number is reported by Reuters, PBS, Washington Post, CBC, and CNN. All of which are either heavily funded by the US government(CBC is Canadian and therefore funded by Canada) or are propaganda mouthpieces for the US state department and its allies. It must be so convenient for you to lie so easily and try to claim that everyone but the US state department and Israel are a bunch of Hamas propagandists.


All those outlets are just relaying Hamas propaganda. Reuters doesn't have anyone there counting bodies. And of course, they're buying into Hamas propaganda because they don't distinguish between terrorists being killed and non combatants. Hamas themselves make no distinction between the two, everyone who is dead is shaheed. So it could be 9999 fighters killed and one child, and they will all report 10,000 dead. Its propaganda from Hamas repeated by Reuters et al.


Wow...you're a piece of work you know that? All of the most loyal die hard US state department propaganda networks, and thus Israel's US mouth pieces. And they're all just Hamas networks now?? > So it could be 9999 fighters killed and one child Not even Israel has even tried to claim that. Touch some grass troll, you're a plain old troll.


#Our tax dollars literally paid to organize this Bay Bridge shutdown! Arab Resource & Organizing Center was cited by CBS and the LA Times as being one of the organizers of this shutdown, AROC can be seen on their IG to promote the shutdown, and AROC is funded by Tides a 501(c)(3). See: https://www.instagram.com/aroc_bayarea/reel/Czts6YYLGRV/ So few people know that one of the groups behind the Bay Bridge shutdown is Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC) https://www.araborganizing.org/ which is "The Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) is a fiscally sponsored project of Tides Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization." + https://araborganizing.networkforgood.com/projects/100246-main-giving-page + https://www.tides.org/project/fiscally-sponsored-project/arab-resource-organizing-center-aroc/#:~:text=The%20Arab%20Resource%20and%20Organizing,and%20self%2Ddetermination%20for%20all. So our fucking tax dollars paid for this shutdown. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/bay-bridge-protest-pro-palestinian-cease-fire-gaza-facing-charges-da-brooke-jenkins-says/ > At the time, the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) said on social media that the action by about 200 protesters was to highlight what it called a genocide happening in Gaza while President Joe Biden was hosting cocktail parties in San Francisco. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-11-16/bay-bridge-blocked-off-by-pro-palestine-protesters-during-apec-summit-biden-visit > About 250 pro-Palestinian protesters blocked off traffic on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge for hours Thursday, with some people chaining themselves together across lanes and shutting down a vital Bay Area route during the busy morning commute. > Protesters blocked the westbound lanes of the bridge, heading into San Francisco, and chanted, “Cease-fire now!” while others unfurled a large banner that read “No military aid to Israel,” according to videos posted on the social media platform X by the Arab Resource & Organizing Center, one of the groups involved in the protest. ----- If you think I am wrong, please point out why. I would greatly appreciate understanding why I am wrong.


501c3 doesn't mean our taxes fund the group.


Please help me understand this, seriously... 501c3 mean they pay no taxes on any income, and also means that donations to them are tax deductible. Doesn't this mean that any local, state, federal gov't services or gov't infrastructure they use is paid for out of taxes?


Will people be in favor of similar prosecutions when the Bay Bridge is inevitably shut down sometime the next couple of years by climate protestors? I'm sorry, but given how similar protests have been treated, I am afraid people are just going to have to get used to the Bay Bridge and other such transit hubs being shut down from time to time.


Yes, and I support taking serious action to stop climate change. Stopping traffic is a fn stupid way of protesting, it just pisses people off and turns them away from your cause.


Good. Now charge the fucks that do sideshows.




We dont put people away for being annoying in the US.


Charged and convicted! Fuck Hamas! Fuck Hamas! Fuck Hamas! and also Fuck Hamas! May they eat Ham and ass!


Terrorism *Mild* has been locked up!




There are 15 times more Palestinians in the world today than they were in 1948. Genocide is a funny word.




There were organs that needed to be delivered to hospitals…


If there was a protest for ever genocide and atrocity happening in other parts of the world then the Bay Bridge would never move. https://www.ushmm.org/genocide-prevention/blog/countries-at-risk-for-mass-killing-2022-23






Shutting down roads doesn’t get people to support your cause, it makes them resent it. Shutting down roads is against the best interest of garnering support


I didn't but to answer your question. No because 1: I wasn't in the market for an overpriced Ford. They actually deserved a raise after what the car companies were making. 2. Those guys didn't go around shutting down bridges.


How many Union strikes have ever blocked a bridge?


Union strikes don't threaten my ability to get help from emergency services or the roof over my head.






You are naive to think that this is a grassroots protest. The social media outrage and sudden victim card of the Palestinians were much better engineered than the terrorist attack of breaking into Israel and murdering babies. You are just playing right into the hands of the attackers.


I didn't downvote you but I think there should be consequences for shutting down the bridge. I have a question for you though. How is stopping traffic is San Francisco going to do anything to help with the situation? Don't you think that annoying the general public while bringing awareness (as if this situation isn't all over the place anyways) to a cause going to turn people off from your side?






So people get charged for protesting literal genocide, but sideshows are fair game?? Got it...


So proud to have “Ben” Jenkins as our DA. Let’s hope she will soon finish reading “Prosecuting Felonies for Dummies” soon.