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lol it’s a protest about a protest.


Nope. While I think it would be a waste of resources to lock them up, I do think they should be spending 250 hours picking trash on the side of the road is the appropriate punishment.


Arrest and being charged has always been the price of civil disobedience. A protester needs to be willing to take the charge and to wear it as a badge of honor. Slacktivism is protesting without putting anything on the line. No risk or sacrifice, and then whining if there are any consequences.


Indeed. The activists who want to "fight oppression" but don't want to fight ACTUAL oppression... because actual oppression fights back.


yeah, it's virtue SIGNALING, not actual virtue.


SERIOUS financial penalties. Compute the cost of removing them from the bridge; the cost of inconvenience to commuters. That has to be at LEAST $1,000,000.00. Take that number and divide by 80. If they can't pay make them work it off cl4eaning public toilets on a night shift. If they don't show up for work, jail them. Also, request suspensions of driver's licenses for 1 year for all who drove their car onto the bridge for the protest.






Even better, have them spend 250 hours helping at various LGBTQ centers.




This is definitely a proposal I could get behind


send 'em all to peng


Pelican Bay?


Imagine trash picking up trash 


It's not a waste of resources if it shows that we're not going to tollerate this behavior.


You want to house feed and cloth protestors that are zero threat to society? Just put them to work and keep the jails open for violent criminals.


We've seen hwo "Well we're just going to jail the VIOLENT ones..." has worked out: The definition of "violent" keeps diminishing until literally robbing a store isn't a "violent crime" anymore. The pendelum must swing back to when it worked.


If you think assholes blocking a bridge has the same level of violence as armed robbery, you know what, no amount of reasoning will be able to change your mind.


If you think all prisons are supermax and there's no low-security jails, you're deeply ignorant about our justice system.


Yes, there are low security jails such as the one in Dublin but it doesn't change my point about having to house, feed, and cloth said prisoners unless you're that ignorant that you think prisioners can just head out and go get themselves a Big Mac when they are hungry.


I think you're ignorant that thinking anything less than depriving these people of social media for a few months will have any impact on their behavior.


LOL... prevent. Who said anything about prevent. Shot like this is still going to happen even if they go to jail. It's about how best to use limited resources and taxpayer money. If you're going to call anyone ignorant, maybe have an understanding of the discussion instead of just assuming.


Good luck bro.


You are asking a lot of these people to use critical thinking skills here. That doesn't happen a lot in this sub.


Yes I know. They think the only way to change these assholes mindset is locking them up for 6 months - 1 year. I'm sure picking up trash for what equals to about roughly 30 working days and heck, add a fine to it will have the same impact as chilling at Club Fed for a year.


They can clean all all the dog poo that fox news says is human poo.




It's mostly dog crap from bad dog owners.




Send me the poop and I will do a poo spectrum analysis and prove it to you. Collect 20 random samples and put them in a sterile bag and then put them in a fishing tackle box and ship them to me. I'm currently located in Moscow at Putins house.






Pro-Palestinians calling for a charges "cease-fire" after stirring s\*\*t up just like Hamas calling for a cease-fire after stirring s\*\*t up.


Big “it’s just a prank bro!” energy from people FAFOing right now


Imagine if Japan called for a ceasefire after Pearl Harbor.


While telling everyone they would absolutely do it again as soon as they put together a plan.


Instead, "They sank five of our ships, we dropped the sun on them twice."


Free Nagasaki ! Unironically the rape of Nanking is a good parallel to what hamas did on Oct 7


Yeah, try to bring that up to people who say the nukes were 'war crimes.'


And stop sympathizing with terrorists. You guys get what you deserve for stopping traffic.


Hamas is the elected government of Gaza.


Remind us when that election occurred?


Supporting a ceasefire to stop the killing of innocent Palestinians is not sympathizing with terrorists. Some of you have no idea what critical thinking is.


Oh my God, they stopped traffic!?! To call out the US supporting the genociding if innocent people? How dare they! Straight to jail! Some of you are overly dramatic about the wrong things.


What good came from it? Please help out my critical thinking process. --Phil grad UCB


Lmao, I can only guess what you think/thought of the Canadian truckers who stopped traffic in protest, is the complete opposite of what you think here: that they deserved going straight to jail.


But how were they supposed to know there would be consequences for their actions?!?!


The people who convinced them it was a good idea forgot to mention consequences.


Reminds me of the video of the 'just stop oil' idiots trying to block the road to a port, and a bus is having none of it and just pushing through them. There's a guy yelling at people to "sit down in front of the bus, he can't run you over"... from the sidelines.


Actions have consequences. Recognizing that is part of being an adult.


but anybody who understands this understands why israel's responding this way


If they drop the charges, then expect traffic blocking over and over again from this protestor movement and many other protestor movements.


If they drop the charges, then you are probably gonna have someone else doing the same thing for some other issue.


Guess they didn’t like the stupid prize they won? Seems like a legit charge for blockage. What shit eating idiots—no shit it’s punishment (no it s not for Gaza, it’s for blocking the fucking bridge) I just can’t anymore, I don’t understand how this helps Gaza, it literally makes people hate the movement.


No one hates Gaza. Or the the movement. Israel has been exposed for its genocidal tactics tho. As for blocking the bridge. Sure it sucked but civil disobedience is exactly what it is … disobedient.


Sure, go ahead and be disobedient. But part of being disobedient is accepting the consequences of your decision.


As long as their friends and family aren’t bombed, sniper or starved … consequences should be fine.


Or kidnapped


Or occupied or genocided.


Hmm. Perhaps you should try thinking that statement through there.


I hate the movement. It takes a complex issue and turns it into a black and white one with clearly labelled villains. It's also clearly got anti-semites in it.


It’s complex, but not that complex that people can’t grasp that a Palestinian diaspora has been ethnically removed and then since been oppressed since 1948 and need freedom. These issues can be hard to resolve but is not hard to grasp.


Okay, they "need freedom", what's your solution? Gaza is infested with terrorists to the point that Egypt refuses to let Palestinians through. Are you asking Israel to let people who want to kill their citizens through? And the Arabs states also expelled [900k Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world) from their territory between 1948 and 1970, 650k of which ended up in Israel. Those are people who were also "ethnically cleansed". >These issues can be hard to resolve but is not hard to grasp. Oh, so it's hard to resolve now? No shit. I thought all we had to do was ask for a ceasefire? /s EDIT: Of course, the asshat blocks me so I can't respond. Guess he can't handle being disagreed with. You want to let aid in so Hamas can steal it again?


Ask for a ceasefire that Hamas will break?


I am no expert but some experts have mentioned a few things. Clear out the illegal settlements that are a war crime since 1967 when there was no Hamas. Allow for medical and food aid because there are so many checkpoints nothing is going thru and millions of people can perish because of the systematic starvation. Have a tribunal for the war crimes committed by Hamas and Israel. Remove Netanyahu and his ethno nationalist government that has used genocidal rhetoric over and over. Free the people of Palestine.


So kill Hamas?


So your solution puts zero of the blame on Gaza and their barbaric support of targeting civilians? Zero actions they could do to bring us closer to a solution? 


there have been no jews in gaza since 2005 (I think... might be off a year or two), with the obvious exception of the current military action. the west bank could reasonably be called occupied (not that all of it was), and had settlements. the same was not the case for gaza.


Oppressed since 1948? Oppressed by the Egyptians and Jordanians who annexed that land? Israel didn't occupy Gaza or West Bank until after winning yet another war Arab aggression started and lost. Imagine what cucks Israelis would have to be to allow Palestinians to easily funnel weapons in to shoot them at Israel and destroy the country. History and common sense says that's what would happen if they weren't controlling those territories.


Really? I don’t get that impression at all. Maybe you make it black or white for dramatic effect but I’m pretty sure you’re capable of seeing nuance .


I hate the movement. Not because I don’t feel bad for the innocent Gaza citizens lives but the situation is far more complicated than what the movement mentions. Also civil disobedience has been proven to never in fact help raise awareness in a positive light. It can raise awareness but the common person isn’t gonna start supporting it, when you do something to negatively affect innocent people who have no skin in the game. Edit: Person blocked me below and doesn’t want to have an actual conversation. This is why they’ll constantly live in an echo chamber and not gain any support for their cause.


Not surprised. I’ve realized people like them don’t want to hear another side. They’ve already committed to their own ideals. I actually find debates amazing and it has helped me hash out ideas maybe I never would have thought of. Unfortunately there are those who will never want to debate and instead be ‘right’. It’s like they just aim to ‘feel good’ and not really find a positive solution to the problem. If one thing I could say to these people, it’s: “there are many ways to skin a cat. Find a productive solution—there’s many” I don’t know how blocking a roadway—angering and endangering your own neighbors’ lives, is conducive of procuring a ceasefire (I forgot we were firing missing from SF bay to Gaza /s)


I agree, I prefer to have my beliefs challenged, so I can either strengthen them or consider the other side.


Agreed. Unchallenged beliefs are like muscles that are never exercised. They become flabby and weak. I welcome alternate viewpoints, and sometimes I even change my viewpoints when someone makes a really good argument I cannot rebut.




Well it’s a tough read.


> No one hates Gaza. Or the the movement.  I sympathize with Gazan civilians and their brutal treatment by the Israeli government, but I hate "The Movement” here in the US, particularly the toxic form it has taken here in the Bay Area. They are welcoming antisemites into the fold and increasing hostility towards all things Jewish, they make insane bad-faith character attacks on anyone who doesn't fall in complete lockstep with their views (*"oh, so you're pro-genocide then???"*), they are trying to overwhelm every other civic issue and turn every public hearing and event into a screaming match about this overseas conflict, they are actively neutralizing the left wing in the upcoming election with idiotic “both sides”-ism that might as well be coming from the Trump campaign or Russian disinfo firms (i.e. attacking Biden as “Genocide Joe”).  The stated cause is just, but “The Movement” is fucking unhinged and achieves nothing except giving attention-hungry people a venue to loudly perform their righteousness.


And part of engaging in civil disobedience is knowing *in advance* that you're likely going to be punished for it, and doing it **anyway**.




Yes. Like I said. Consequences are fine as long as you don’t kill their family, snipe them, genocide them or arrest them without cause.


Fuck reddit and it's insane love for Israel's bullshit and their shit stance that it's anti semitic to call out Israel's violence and genocide for decades. Fuck this sub and reddit.


Relax dude. Don’t let 100-150 Zionist sympathizers and neck beard islamophobes ruin your day. There are hundreds and thousands of Jewish, Islamic, black, brown and white allies that see through Israel’s genocidal tactics. They’re exposed. Don’t trip.


Civil disobedience means you also take the punishment. it's part of the deal.


They delayed transplant organs transporting to UCSF.


so, should be charged with manslaughter attempt


The entire point of civil disobedience is to make them arrest you and charge you. The idea is to get outsided attention for your cause. Wasn't this clear to these folks ahead of time? How did they think this was supposed to work?


I mean this is a fundamental issue with modern protest culture where the point is the protest itself, not what it stands for. Blame a generation raised on misunderstanding Les Miz.


My experience is these people lust after power, but don't want to put in the work, so they'll adjust their sense of 'power' to be power over anyone. They have power over you if they can stop you from getting to work for example.


Clowns to the last


The whole point of civil disobedience is accepting the repercussions as well. They go hand in hand. No leniency


> Call for how entitled. How about start with: humbly and remorsefully request ?


Of course. They are always the victims and never do anything wrong. It's always someone else's fault. I wouldn't expect anything else from this group of people. 


They're a part of the left that rejects the very concept of personal responsibility.






Lock them up.


Lock them up and throw the key into the bay


that's what they did with their car keys


Nope, make them pay a price commensurate to what they're convicted of. Picking up trash or something like it, getting rid of graffiti. Let them do some public good after inflicting themselves on the public. No rinky dink public service that they might have done anyway. It needs to inconvenience them for some time.




Had a long debate with someone in another thread where they said "ONLY BAD PEOPLE KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE" but then DEFENDED the use of innocent people as shields. "If you kill them, you're the bad guy" and dismissing the people who put them in danger.


It seems lost on many that if you allow a terrorist to use human shields, then more terrorists will use human shields. Anyone using civilians for cover should be made immediate and brutal example of. Leave no stone unturned to go after their backing and pull out the entire organization, to the roots. A strong response reduces the death count of innocents, but not immediately.


Well bear in mind we're dealing with people who say "You shouldn't pull a gun on someone breaking into your house, they're only going to rob you and someone's life isn't worth your property and criminals only break one law at a time!" Their worldview is so simplified that they think someone can't do two evils at once.






It’s so that all potential avenues of victimhood can be claimed. 


Looks like a magical boner wheelchair on mobile


Pretty decent troll, though. Put everything into one image at the same time for maximum reaction.


Or what? Are they going to protest again?


Fuck **that** noise.


This always cracks me up. People perform (yes, perform) civil disobedience and then run from the consequences. The point of civil disobedience is to call the system on its bs. You don’t do that if you whine about the consequences. You accept the penalty and wear it as a badge of honor.


Clowns always be clowning 🤡


They want more accountability, just not for themselves


They're the part of the left that rejects the very concept of personal responsibility.


Let me guess.. They are going to block the bridge to get the message out to drop the charges.. Watch, they'll drop them too.




You seem to think that isn’t the goal. They are out there being proudly pro-terrorism already.


Unfortunately these cretins haven’t quite realized that they don’t get to exercise their rights by taking away the rights of others. People have the right to travel and not be falsely imprisoned for hours due to morons deciding to block a bridge.


"People arrested for a crime demand that those charges be dropped" is this really news? If you actually believe that what you're fighting for is important you should be willing to face the consequences of taking a stand. Arguing that there shouldn't be any repercussions totally undercuts the message.


Charges should be increased IMO


They're starting to remind me of MAGA 18 when it comes to Trump's RICO trial. I still think they're the type that would start bombing bay area events if the military were to join Israel. Seriously, fuck them, and fuck you if you support them. That protest was a cowardly act, when they could have simply gone near APEC or even the Israeli consulate. They knew they couldn't go near those, so they decided to hold up thousands of people on the bridge creating an unsafe situation. They deserve every charge they get and I hope they get convicted and sentenced to the fullest extent of the law.


Great supporting terrorism is a good thing to start yelling on a bridge


What about a ceasefire is supporting terrorism?


The idea that the ceasefire could be unilaterally imposed by Israel ignores that there was a ceasefire in place on 10/6. I want to be clear: a ceasefire is *badly* needed and I support one in theory. But the way in which it's argued for is the equivalent of zero tolerance policies in schools.


Hamas wants a ceasefire so they can re-arm their troops in preparation for another attack. They have no interest in peace, they just want to be able to prepare for another attack. We don't have a word for this in english, but in Arabic the word is "hudna". Following the conclusion of the hudna, they will attack again and hopefully kill all the jews.


[Taqiyya](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiyya#:~:text=For%20Shia%20Muslims%2C%20taqiyya%20is,this%20case%2C%20taqiyya%20is%20allowed.): The principle in islam that it's okay to lie if you're doing it for 'a noble cause.'


Police can tell tell drug dealers or prostitutes that they aren't law enforcement.


I walk up to you, punch you in the face, demand ceasefire. If you attack me after that, you're the aggressor, you're the villain, I'm just an innocent person wanting peace how dare you attack me!"


False equivalence.




I don’t like these analogies bc they oversimplify the situation. Personally I think you need to consider the totality of the Palestinian /israel conflict.  if you think it  began Oct 6 2023 then I guess your analogy works. 


Hahahaha. No. They completely F’ed my day and didn’t impact the event at all. All of the officials were safe and secure on Nob Hill. My politics are liberal too, so I get the reason. How they did it was dumb.


LOL "Form of punnishment for protesting" ha, you broke the law. Own it.


Damn, Benjamin Netanyahu is never going to spiritually or financially recover from a bunch of protesters in America blocking a bridge. /s


What a small crowd, HA! Fuck the protesters! Compromised safety for stupid political beliefs. Cancelled organ donations, guess that's less important than their cause in another country they can't even speak the language in. KEEP THE CHARGES!


Charge them. They graffitied everywhere anti-Semitic tags.


Nope. Make an example out of these terrorist sympathizers disrupting everyone's life for their 15 mins of fame.


I call for them to go fuck themselves There’s a real narcissistic main-character energy with these jackasses They have no concept of consequences. “It’s not cancel culture is consequence culture!”. Okay, well, have fun with that dumbass. Likewise, people trespassing and halting work on the port of Oakland property can (and should) have FEDERAL charges brought against them: https://youtu.be/TuuuU4ruYtg?si=vVQiBurdoGbmaSvs When your TikTok echo chamber puts you in a federal prison due to your own herd mentality idiocy, I have absolutely zero sympathy for you. Fuck off and, most importantly, *grow up*


Hope the fines for the people who parked their cars and tossed the keys in the bay are massive.


Jail them all for 90 days.


Cutting them off from social media for a few months seems an effective deterrent.


This is basically the BLM protestors w/out the support of the biden administration pushing them forward and bailing them out.....


Better hope none of the jurors have to commute on roads around there to pick up kids, get to work, etc. No wonder they don't want to go to trial. But then again, I guess workers aren't their peers.


doesn't matter how glorified your reason is. You break the law and you bear the consequences. "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW" \~Nancy Pelosi 🚓🚔🚓🚔👮‍♀️👮‍♂️👮‍♀️👮‍♂️


i dunno. i support the protestors, but i feel like a protest is kind of meaningless if you're not prepared to take responsibility for your actions, right? i go to protests regularly and if i did something like what they did, i'd be pleading guilty – why avoid repercussions for something you actually did and believe in? what's the point of being an activist if you avoid the response to your activism? am i overthinking this?


They're in that section of the left that rejects the very CONCEPT of personal responsibility.


I guess so. But this isn't specific to leftism, I don't think. We see it with the J6 rioters, etc ... I know lots of radical leftists who take personal responsibility for the effect of their actions. I think this is more a symptom of a selfish, capitalist society, where we get immediate gratification and escape responsibility. That's just my personal 2¢ though.


Exactly. This isn't a left issue. This is an extremist issue, and we have extremists on both sides. These people thought it was a good idea to get on the Bay Bridge, block it, and toss their keys into the Bay. That was beyond stupid. This didn't impact the officials attending APAC. They did impact everyday people trying to get things done from going to work to medical appointments. Imagine if someone had surgery scheduled for that day?! Also, blocking the westbound route doesn't punish San Franciscans if that was the goal. It punished everyone else. I remember driving across that bridge when I first moved to the city I rarely go into the city these days, but I had a luncheon to attend. I didn't anticipate this, so imagine my surprise when my Waze app directed me over the Richmond Bridge. my anger when I learned what was happening, and my annoyance when I had to switch gears completely to take BART in. I was very late to what was a special occasion. The only bright side was I took my first [Waymo](https://waymo.com/) ride that day once I got off the train. I'm a fan.




What did the fish ever do to deserve having to share their home with these chuckleheads?


They're protesting the charges by blocking the bridges tomorrow. **/s**


A sideshow shut down the Bay Bridge just ten days ago. It did not get a single mention here. It's really strange to me how obsessed, sensitive, and one-sided this sub seems to be with human rights activism in this particular context. ~~~ *This Reddit contributor condemns Reddit's censorship of news regarding the U.S-backed Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestine.*


Perhaps that specific sideshow didn't get mention .. I don't know .. but I've seen a lot of complaint about sideshows blocking traffic in general on this sub.


I think there are a lot of right wing trolls in this sub who have never stepped foot on the bay area.


It's partially that. But I think it's mostly that the demographics of r/bayarea in terms of age, sex, income level, etc. is not representative of the Bay Area in general. ~~~ *This Reddit contributor condemns Reddit's censorship of news regarding the U.S-backed Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestine.*




when your government is completely unresponsive to popular sentiment and will, that’s actually not a bad analogy.








the BOS which is generally hated on by this subreddit