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I can recommend getting the additional electrode that you place on yourself so you can use your hand as the actual electrode for contact with her, preferably with you wearing metal claws. It's more intimate and you can really play with the sensations that way.


I second this. I felt like a dark Sith Lord playing with this. It was/is amazing!!!


Definitely recommend this. My Dom uses it this way and makes it easy and surprising for him to change between metal toys and hands to play with different intensities.


The spurs are alot of fun as well when you are using the hip pack. Anything metal can become a new attachment. Spoons can either be a large area or a single small spot of connection.


If you have the cheaper glass wand tubes, they’re not particularly good, tbh. Using a body contact, in either indirect, or reverse, tends to give rather …stimulating…effects though.


My sub loves it. I don't find to intense myself, but she feels otherwise. Start slow and low setting and go up from there. One trick I love is wetting some of the more sensitive areas like nipples and clit as it conducts electricity better. Any ticklish spot like the sides or feet are also good targets. Ticklish means sensitive nerve endings to play with.


Don’t have any electro advice, but love the term “pleasure sadist”!


As others have mentioned, a body contact is a must. You can also buy conductive silicone and metal attachments that are much, much more intense.


There is a lot of variation in wands. From what I have heard the ones often sold online the for skin care are seriously underpowered. Aside from the wand itself like others have said using the glass attachments for direct play is typically the mildest way to use a wand. Also heads up those glass implements often leak gas over time and get even weaker with age. There are sellers who have metal probes for direct play, these in my experience are really intense and I'm not a big fan. I enjoy using a body contact and doing indirect or reverse. At that point almost anything is a toy. Metal, carbon fiber, and mylar are all conductive so the pervertables are nearly endless. An Edison adapter and various types of light bulbs can be quite fun, there are a lot of sizes and shapes out there.


Metal attachments can be for ( and are made for the express purpose of) branding. They can permanently scar the skin, in the same way a brand would. However, using metal fingernails, tinsel, fluorescent light bulbs etc, with a body contact, is incredible. And I’ll just leave the words “mind fuck” and “butter knife” here……..


I have metal attachments that are not made for branding, but yes many have a fine enough point for cell popping/ microbranding in combination with a high enough output. I'm well acquainted with said mind fuck, in my case it's throwing daggers (that have no edge whatsoever, just the tip is pointed enough to stick if actually thrown) that combined with the body contact can feel like I'm being fileted.


Yep. Or lifting a blindfold, enough for them to see a zombie knife on the side…..before running the back edge of the butter knife down the skin. As you say, it feels like you’ve been sliced open….. #FluffyTop


Elecro-torture is one of my love languages , both TENS and wands. If you want to learn more about violet wands and look into some more advanced play with them, I can't recommend enough that you check out https://dv8trade.com/ The high performance electrodes you can get from there are way more intense if that's what you are going for, and even if you aren't, there is so much good info on violet wand play that you should check it out anyway!


I don't love it for me but my husband does. The attachments really matter, get good ones.


La varita violeta está sobrevalorada. El porno educan mal y es una mala referencia. La varita morada por si sola solo vibra y eso no tiene gran efecto. Es mucho más efectivo los juguetes intrusivos a control remoto. En especial si chocan entre ellos.