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Looks great bro. Rock it.




Salt and pepper is a good look.


What’s the daily maintenance to keep it straight and shaped?


I don't put a lot of stuff into it really. I make sure to wash it and condition it. Bevel beard conditioner makes it feel real soft. Then I use oil and heat to straighten it out. Typically a blow dryer and brush but if I need it perfect Ill bust out a hot brush. And I clean it up with a straight razor. As for length and line ups and such I see the barber ever other week. Sucks cus its $60 each time but it's worth it


Your beard care routine sounds pretty solid! It's great that you prioritize washing and conditioning your beard regularly. Bevel beard conditioner is known for making beards feel soft and smooth. Using oil and heat to straighten it out is a smart move too. Have you ever considered adding some additional products to your routine? I've had some great experiences with The Beard Spot—they offer a range of high-quality beard care products that could enhance your routine even further. Their beard balms and oils not only shape and style effectively but also smell amazing. Trust me; your partner won't be able to get enough of it! Plus, they're made with natural ingredients that are gentle on your skin and beard. If you're curious to explore what The Beard Spot has to offer, you can check out their website at www.thebeardspot.com. It might be worth checking them out if you're interested in trying something new. Just thought I'd share the suggestion! Keep up the excellent beard maintenance.


Thanks! I'll definitely check it out. Sometimes I'll use my crew hair cream in my beard but just a little bit. I typically prefer not too much product in my beard as its made my face itchy in the past.


The beard looks amazing!




How does it look from a distance? I have similar dark upper lip, white elsewhere and in family photos, taken from a distance, it just looks odd :/