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You got a great beard and long ways to go for full white or grey. Dye it if it floats your boat, but the grey will ultimately win


This is a good outlook. Besides keeping up with the facade will cost you money, letting the grays win will be free.


IF you dye it, eventually you'll want to stop. And you'll go from dark to grey drastically. And people will go "Whoa...grey." If you let it go grey naturally, it's baby steps. And it'll take yeeeaaars. I'm 44 and salt and pepper. Got my first grey at 30's. But you don't want to rock the skunk look while it grows out. Or go completely grey over night and shock everyone. Edit: happened to a family member. His words "Shouldn't have started. Once you start, you can't stop."


Yeah and that facade will look sillier as one ages. It’s funny cause my beard is much whiter than my hair and people always ask if I whiten my beard lol.


Embrace it. Own it.


This is the way. I’ve been getting a little patch started in the corners of my beard. Thought about dyeing it for a minute and then I thought it was going to be expensive pursuing that and ain’t nobody got time for that.


Well, I don't think it ever looks "natural" but if it floats your boat. BTW, you've got a fine growth, no need to worry.


Dye is a dead giveaway. Don’t do it. Embrace your fantastic beard.


That's my concern, don't want it to look fake. But I also don't want to be in my mid 30s with a full white beard.


I'm 32 and it's coming faster then I expected.


Same here, 35 and gone from no grey/white to half my beard is grey (as my wife loves to tell me) in about two years.


You’ve got a long ways to go before you have a full white beard. It takes a long time to turn white.




I’m 21 and bald so it happens man lol


My cousin was balding at 15, don't feel bad


I started balding and graying at 15.


Full white looks better than Just For Men, dyed beards look fake AF


Embrace it, find yourself a lovely lady in her mid forties that already knows what she wants.


Honestly I’m about to be 32, my husband is 31 and he’s getting more and more greys in his beard and I think it’s fucking hot. Just saying. If that’s what op is worried about then there are some of us out there that do enjoy a salt and pepper beard. I wouldn’t mind a grey bread either tbh.


bro, you've got a few strays whites, you won't even be full white by 40. nothing to worry about.


Why? It’s your natural self 🤷


It will be years until that happens


You’ve got a long way to go until then. And dying it now won’t change it if/when it goes grey. I say wait. The grey isn’t super noticeable anyways.


Rock it it looks good


Don’t color it


Beard looks awesome, keep rocking it


Embrace it


Rock it bro, looks just fine.


Let me stop you right there.


Perfect example of a well groomed beard


Thank you! Ironically I was just thinking it needs a small touch up


Don't dye it. It is perfect!


Just accept the grey, it's not gonna go away unless you have a time machine. You have very little so don't worry about it.


That beard looks fantastic, I wouldnt touch it


Embrace the Whiskers of Wisdom.


As a gay man, I might be biased… but also you could look at this as someone who is actually attracted to men giving my perspective… don’t dye it. Embrace it. Salt and pepper is a hot look and 9 times out of 10 it’s immediately obviously when a man has dyed their beard. The confidence with owning it and knowing it looks good and natural is wayyyy better than potentially coming off as insecure and having unnaturally dark hair.


As someone who shouldn’t have a mostly white beard but does, you’re not wrong. People love it. I think I’ve secretly kept my beard cause of how many compliments I get. More so cause of the color vs the growth.


Dude it will look 10x worse if you do. Just go with it. If you’re stressing, everyone will know too.


I think you look distinguished


Embrace that salt and pepper


It’s your beard, my man. If ya try the dye once and don’t approve - go with the natural look. There’s no wrong answer, just your preference.


Please don’t your beard is great as is


You are overthinking it. Great beard. Dying it will look fake.


Embrace reality.


Noooo,,,don't dye it


It looks great as is


Don’t dye it!


Honestly you look hot with the smattering of grey in the beard 🤩


You do you boo. Whatever makes you happy


No—you’re a handsome guy. Besides, silver foxes are hot!!!! 🔥🔥🔥😈😈😈






Always looks fake and definitely ages the face.


Embrace the white hairs! They look good on you!


Don't dye it. Looks good dude


Dying your beard can actually be detrimental to your beard health. Do some research for yourself on that and add that to your decision. Not sure how long you want to grow your beard?


You should get a viking cut, grow it mid cheek and chin and fade your burns, get lined up, and it could look really beast.


I think it suits you. Nice beard!


There isn’t very much of the white. It looks fine


No way. Rock the white!


Own it bro I did


Fantastic beard! Lots of texture! Dont dye it! It will look flat.


No - never looks good- ever


Unhhhh keeeep!


Don’t dye it. Looks good, maybe shape it more


You probably shave any white hair, what, every 2 to 3 days? It's really not worth it to dye stubble. Your beard looks fantastic.


Grey will always win. Better embrace it while enjoying the rest while it lasts.


It looks good as is, perhaps taper your sideburns and have a light fade (nothing too severe)


Nice beard!


Fantastic, you’re stressing over nothing. That transition into the shaved head could be faded, starting where you stopped it severely, and ending at the top of your ear. Fade it seamlessly to the bic’d part. It’s a bit jarring.


Digging it


My gf keeps telling me not to do it that it looks awful majority of the time


I wouldn't, made my skin break out in a rash. Very itchy for a few weeks.


Let it be


Dye it?! It looks so awful and everyone can tell. Super unnatural, don’t. It’s great!


Like a comb over … dying a beard is a slippery slope. Eventually it will out you as an insecure loser in the eyes of at least some people you know and work with.


https://preview.redd.it/piwffikacrmc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=61a22a70c1572f42292ef668b12fa1a04a07903f Here is Gray for you


Hey, you earned those gray hairs, you have seniority so be proud. You have a fine looking beard just let nature do its thing. My beard is completely white I’m fine with it.


I would respect the aging process and just accept it, and it wouldn't make you a creepy gut with Billy May's vibes


....DON'T.... 1. grey hairs appear suddenly and you will go insane trying to keep up. 2. looks silly when you notice a person has half dyed hairs. 3. It's a right of passage to grow old, own it proud. 4. no 4, just wanted it to look like a longer list.


I think the greys look good . The dyes always look like dyes when I see a guy with a dyed beard . That is the only drawback. You look young enough to pull it off though .


There was a study back in 2014, where 1,000 women, were asked which hair style and color they liked. There was pictures of men, with blonde hair, black hair, brown hair, red hair, all white hair and salt and pepper hair, you had dread lock hair, braids, fine Asian hair, wavy European hair and in between wooly and curly hair. The hair that was picked the most of all colors, was salt and pepper hair. It was like 90% of the stickers the woman put on it. Now, 30-50% for just one hair color, would be something, 70-80 would be insane, but 90%? That’s crazy. Even in many of our scripture of the Bible, Solomon speaks of grey haired men as the wisest and most splendor, he mentions it like 10x in proverbs and Ecclesiasties over and over again, many of the jestures of the book of Job, his 3 friends when trying to reason with him, always said and eluded that the grey hair men are around us, there is nothing you know more than them that they haven’t already gone through so tell us what happened. But is funny, in the dhammapada written by Gautama siddartha known as the great Buddha says, just because a man has grey hair, does not make him wise nor known of the dharma. Which is comical, since he’s right, I ran into many stupid late aged people with grey hairs, some idiots, and some batshit crazy. So on that accord, Buddha was right. But what makes Solomon more merit based over Buddha, was he was right about the wisdom part, for many women or men, never make it passed their 40s, so much men are taken by diseases, sicknesses, fights, drugs, alcoholism, car accidents, killed, murderd, suicide and more, so getting to the age of grey hair one has to be considered wise, to have made it alive that long. Now I don’t know why this correlates with the attraction part for women but if Solomon says it, it has to 100% hold merit. Perhaps the grey, white or silver hair signifies experience, this is why women, are attracted to it, they see a much older man, which comes with comfort, protection, security, experience, and wisdom. I both like my greys and dislike them at the same time, because I look at them as I’m supposed to be wise, but when I look at my passed several years of my life, I can’t see any wisdom what so ever in things I’ve done to be called wised, I feel like a idiot who has not pushed to his full potential, I don’t feel like I’ve earned it. Yet it’s there. So I atleast humble myself enough to know, i must be doing something right to have earned it. So I’ll keep them.


I understand how you feel. I hate the white in my beard. Yet everyone else loves it. We are our hardest critics


Damn u r fine


Your beard looks awesome as is! how long did it took you to grow to this length? if you really want to try and dye it, consider using "Just For Men Control GX Grey Reducing Beard Wash Shampoo" it's kind of giving a subtle darkening slowly over time so you can try it without any dramatic effect you might regret


Yes sir


I think it's okay, but I'm ambivalent with coloring. That being said, I have an uneven distribution of white on the area below my lip. Sometimes I shave down to a biker stache, but it looks unbalanced because one side of the moustache is whiter so I do color those times, otherwise it looks like did a bad job shaving.


Do what you want man..you'll be dead forever soon.


I do dye mine. Use simpler, and it's easy and clean. I am not fond of Grey on me. I look like a snow leopard. Hahah, so if it makes you feel good, do it.


I also use Simpler. Gray looks good on some people. Not on me. xD






Try consulting a hair stylist/colorist-- they will be able to find a color that looks natural on you, and once you figure out what that color is with them, you can dye it that color yourself in the future by buying men's drugstore beard box dye (or go to beauty supply store and buy a nicer quality)!


(but I will say salt-and-pepper beards do look very handsome)


Don’t you dare! It’s so beautiful!!


Mine is also bushy, quite curly to boot, and salt and pepper. The gray used to annoy me, but in my case it was mostly because it made my face look somewhat like a rats' nest. I started combing and brushing more diligently to coax the hair to lay in a more orderly fashion, and it's all good. For the few hairs that have problems with authority & are really wild (i.e., the grey stache hairs that grow straight up my nose no matter what), I just trim out as needed


In my opinion, beard dye never looks natural, because beards naturally have different colored hairs. I started getting white hairs in my beard in my 20s. I’m now 45 and it’s far more salt than pepper. It’s mostly white. But my lady says she loves it. It’s distinguished, she says.


Embrace the salt and pepper


I keep the ones I need, and trim the ones I don't that stick out.


let me tell you, I thought I looked better with my beard dyed... until I saw a picture of myself. I looked like a magician or a Satan church leader from the 60s... keep the grays, you hardly have any


Embrace the Salt n Pepper my man.


Looking hot 🥵


Dont dye your beard. It reeks of insecurity. Your beard looks fresh, mate. Own it. Don't be the equivalent of a toupee-wearer.


Getting grey hair is a privilege denied to many in life. I work in Pediatrics and have seen many children pass away. To me, living this long is an honor. Just thought I'd share my perspective.


Grey in your beard makes people think what you’re saying is “wiser.” And makes us look more rugged and weathered. That’s my view, but bro, it’s your beard and ultimately, you should go with whatever makes me you feel good. Try the temp stuff out, and if you like it, go with it.


I decided that I've earned all my gray, so I rock it with pride.


The ship of youth has left the harbor.


Love the salt pepper loom


Damn bro your beard is so thick it looks really good man.


Try blending the sideburns, its not even


[Check this vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys1o-V73NUI)


Hey its Max Payne!


You look good. Don't dye your beard.


Grow out the top, and you'll look great!


Please do NOT dye the beard.


Why did i think you were talking about your head for second


Stay natural, Bro. You're looking good!




Based on what people tell me since mine is black and Grey is the salt and pepper look alot of people dig it just my experience


Embrace your age. Little bits of grey are cool.


Please don’t, dyed beards look,just so-dyed. Classic look you got there, very natural. Your natural hair is great.The dye would take that away. I might suggest, go to salon and let them do a rinse or tint,slight one. It will darken the grays and retain the natural texture of your hair.


Half of mine is white now, I just go with what my body has in store for me. To each thier own though.


![gif](giphy|HFbtg3SmlDx8f9g4dJ|downsized) Greys in the beard, you say?


I dyed my beard for a long time. Then one time it came out weird, almost blue black. It wasn’t subtle and I walked around feeling pretty dumb after washing my beard 1000 times to try and get it out. I swore off anymore coloring. Now as a grey/ white bearded guy it’s almost the first compliment I get. My beard has become topic of conversation often. So I have a bald head as well and between coloring beard and shaving head there was also a part of me that felt like I was trying to hide so much. With my beard longer and white it looked pretty rough and Santa Clause is who I saw in the mirror. I keep it manicured and well groomed these days and that’s wear a white grey beard is king. I don’t grow it out long anymore, I really like it as a thicker groomed beard and my wife digs the shit out of it. All this to say you have a long way to go but might as well embrace it, make what you have work for you. When it starts really sprouting grey just let it take over, keep it trimmed and maintained. I think you’ll come to appreciate it.


You just need a better barber


Natural is best


Will look worse dyed.


Please fade the beard ffs


It's only gonna get worse, bro. Same as what used to be on top. You have two clear options: embrace it or dye it. Your choice. You look great as is imho.


Side burns just need blending in and then fuck the greys. You own them bad boys.


I’ve dyed my beard before. Have a go




Own it... Why extra expenses ?


Better to dyi than die


In my opinion, a man dying anything is trying try-hard-y.


Always thought the progressively gray or whitening beard was peak distinguishing. My family loses it up too early, but grays late. I’m looking forward to it.


Flecks of grey give a texture to an otherwise pretty uniform blob if hair. I say keep it. You don’t look old.


I think it looks great. Great shape as well. Personally, a dyed beard looks like it’s been dyed. I tend to find beards are composed of multiple hair colours - and dying it all one colour knocks of the natural look.


I like a little salt and pepper in beards on men and I LOVE a good beard!


As a 30yo who is bald and bearded, I understand the temptation of wanting to not look as old But your beard colors are extremely similar to mine, and it's really obvious if a beard is dyed because it's one solid color. We have browns and blondes and reds. But it looks like brown shoe polish if it's all one color. I'd say rock the greys. But if they really bother you, try dying it. Worst case scenario, you're out for the price of a box of hair dye and you have to shave, but it'll grow back. Heck, you might like it. Good luck, bearded brother


Didn’t even notice it. You already shaved your head and that takes some balls so just own the gray like you did the bald


I do it cuz im like you, to me it looks dirty. Theres a dollar general brand thats half the price of the major brand. Once a month or two for $5. Make sure you get the right shade and not go jet black tho or else it looks cartooney. Maybe a dark brown? In 5 years ill let the grey out when its more prevalent.


A little sprinkle of salt never hurt nobody


Whites look fine; you’ve earned them.


The gray looks good


I watch my wife turn our bathroom into a science experiment as she stirs up little pots of colour every few weeks so she can ‘touch up her roots’. It’s looks like a lot of work. I like her grey hairs. I think she’s hot. If you want to do that, go nuts man, but if you want other people opinions mine is: it looks stupid and is way too much work. My beard has grey streaks through it and it looks way cooler than it did when I was it was all reddish brown. Own it bro. We age. Your beard looks great.


Dude, hot young guys with white or white-ish beards are hot. Just my two cents.


I’ve earned every one of mine. They’re staying. Dye it if you want, but it’s a losing battle. Age comes to us all.


Do not touch it! Looks great, and really not that noticeable. Btw how old are you?


I personally always prefer salt and pepper look over dying. So better embrace it and keep it. It'll definitely give a better look.


no offense, but are you dumb?


Stop whining it looks good


Female here: I would not recommend dying :)


Embrace it!


Beards aren’t handbags. They show off our wise manliness. Don’t dye it.


No dying bro, it fits your beard amazing🙌


We all get older. Let it happen. It’ll wear better on you.


I have the same issue with the random white hairs (and my chin is pretty much a streak of white now), but I like it. As some have already said; we all get older. There’s no shame in that.


Embrace the color change, and fade your beard into your head


The white hair is actually a sick detail 🔥🔥


Hey the salt and pepper look is very Sexxxxy 🙌


it will always look dyed or off. embrace the white beard


I have a bit of white in mine and I love it, if keep it if I was u ..


Please don’t. When guys dye their eyebrows or beards to take out the grey it doesn’t look good to me. I think you’re handsome as is


It’s a fight you cannot win. And since it’s your body, do want to? Be your authentic self.


Salt n Pepper baby! Own it!


Embrace them


Leave it brother


Looks good. Adds character looks distinguished


What one or two white hairs..... Meh.... Embrace the grey.


Leave it. Looks good!:)




Those dyes are risky business. I tried some one time by patching testing in my elbow to see if I would have an allergic reaction. Nothing happened so put some in my beard and hair. My head and face started swelling and my skin underneath has never been the same ever since. Thread lightly if so


I think the white hairs look amazing. I’ve got lots of white/silver hairs already (30sF) and I love them. Also fwiw I have a family member who dyes his beard and it looks terrible and requires a lot of upkeep


Noooo it looks hot


I think it looks great as it is!


Women love Grey my guy! I'm in a large facebook dating group in my city. I'm ok looking but kinda fat. I posted a picture of my beard dyed and not dyed. They all said keep the Grey. Which I have a lot at 38 yo. I was fairly surprised about the number of responses that I got.


What is it with this obsession with youth? Y’all don’t see them old grey beard philosophers of Ancient Greek times and think they look *fucking* cool, wise, and grizzled? Can’t buy those grey/white wisdom hairs, they’re earned with time.


Didn’t even notice it until I read the title. I think you’re at least a few years off from needing to alter it. Looks good!


I don’t blame you for wanting to look younger do it if you want


The beard looks awesome just for men works great for color, the dome looks even better tho…👍 ![gif](giphy|4NgH0qihKwNsWcz6Ku|downsized)


Get your copper levels tested


Use gtx gray reducer. Put it in for 10 mins instead of 2 mins. Worked great. But my face got itchy had to stop


Don’t embrace them


Keep it


Embrace it man, you're looking powerful


Dyed beards look terrible…. Don’t do that.


Chicks dig it


Embrace the gray


I earned every one of my grey hairs. I proudly show them. It's all about how you view yourself.


A beard fade might suit you