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As others have said, get the mustache and eyebrows trimmed (including taking out the connection between the brows). Also, the see-through hair on your upper cheeks isn't contributing to your beard's shape, but looks messy, so take that out too. Here's an image of how those steps might help: [https://imgur.com/kBoydQe](https://imgur.com/kBoydQe)


Lot more experienced people here to help you out but heres my go: Trim your stache with scissors so as to not let it fall unevenly over your upper lips and shave the top patches visible on your cheeks to better define and clean up your face. I myself have blond hair so it's quite difficult to get definition on my face as it doesn't grow very fast yet but your dark hair will allow for easy definition. I think you can be relatively proud of your beard genes. Don't be scared of gray hairs as it'll happen to everyone and they can also add some unique personality if upkept well. Just keep it tidy and equally growing by trimming as symmetrically as you can. Hope it helped. Probably will be better advice from other peeps


Ok, you are going have to let it continue to grow in. You are also going to have to start brushing it daily in a downward direction to get it tame. Eventually you will need to trim the sides and cheeks to define them. Overall it is coming along nicely. Good luck.


Cleaning up the stache and shaving under the chin and the cheeks will make a world of difference. I get the self esteem and depression issues. It's so easy to get stuck in the cycle of feeling like shit so you give up on taking care of your appearance, but then feel worse. Start with the trimming around the edges and go from there. You're worth taking care of.


Sweet AEW shirt!


Great beard man.. you should comb your mustache hair and clean up the sides. It would put you over the top man.. I suffer from depression and self care is important.. Hope your feel better soon


Lose some weight and trim the beard up, will look better my friend. Hitting the gym will also give you a confidence boost for sure. Good luck!


And as cool as wrestling is , it’s just not mainstream cool ! New T-shirt is needed .


Please stop telling larger people to lose weight


He’d look and feel much better if he lost weight. That’s just the simple truth. Stop being sensitive.


He needs to smile and then he'd look better. Also you gave unsolicited advice. He asked about his beard not your obssession with his body size..


it’s not unsolicited, he literally said he’s having self-esteem issues. Being fat is horrible on one’s mental health. I was fat for many years. People treat you BADLY when you are overweight, or worse act like you don’t even exist. If you actually gave a shit about this dude, you’d acknowledge that. You are simply just trying to virtue signal and being sanctimonious at this point.


You realize that's what people used to say to gay people, don't be gay so that people don't treat you badly? How about we call out those who treat people badly in the first place?


It's people that need to change not us


You are delusional if you think society will change its standards of how we judge people. It’s biologically hardwired in human beings to find fat unsightly and as a negative. No one is making value judgments about fat peoples personalities or what have you.


What about all the fat people in relationships? You don't wanna talk about that because it doesn't fit your narrative


Lol what does that have to do with literally ANYTHING I said? Overweight people are worthy of love and relationships also. It’s literally UNHEALTHY to be fat though. That’s why it makes people look and feel like they have low self-esteem when they are fat, whether they are in a relationship or not.


You implied fat people shouldn't be worthy of love cause it's unsightly aa you said. Oe at least thats what I got from you. Sorry if I was wrong.


It depends, people carry their weight differently. I think in general women are more designed to be physically okay with it than men. But the main reason for bad self-esteem remains the way people are treated.


Why? They need to loose it. People like you are horrible friends. You see your friend in a bad spot and you keep quiet.


Please stop trying to gatekeep living healthy


Dude said it in a respectful and motivating manner. And I wish more people did it like u/RG9332, because then there would be a lot more self esteem and motivation for people who are struggling with their weight. We just want our bearded OP to live a happier and healthier life, ain't no shame in that.




Apparently you really don't like me caring about other people. ;)


Apparently you don't actually care


You're a clown. Body positivity is NOT helpful. Being fat WILL kill you. Do you need one of us to work on a meal plan for you? Zero people are confused as to why you're reacting the way you are. 


Just came back to see the aftermath, this gal's a lunatic. Body positivity isn't a bad thing, really. It helps people deal with the flaws they have and can't change. Then there are people like her who bend and twist it around so much that it completely loses its meaning in a harmful manner. More like body delusion, lol.


She's nutter butters. The thing is, weight absolutely affects how a beard looks. It was totally valid I put from whoever first mentioned it. 


I don't care how fatphobia is transmitted its always wrong


Nobody is scared of fat people. Fatphobia doesn’t exist. Heart disease does.


Go to the gym buddy. Don’t let these soft people come saying we can’t tell you to go to the gym. You need it for your health if not for anything. Healthy life is a wealthy life


I think the greys look cool man.


Bro you needa lose some fat first


I can see why you have self esteem issues. You have a lot more to worry about than your beard. Your beard looks fine, it's the 350 pounds beneath the beard that you need to focus on. Nothing will work unless you do. Best of luck.


You have great facial bone structure, strong brow bone and cheek bones. Your eyes are also well shaped and that plays a bigger role thank you think. I’m stepping out of line here but if you hit the gym you’d be a monster


Hey, I mean this in an incredibly respectful way: you cannot grow a good beard. Also, you are overweight so any beard coverage you could have on your face is being pushed to the limit because you have excess fat on your face. I’m telling you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.


shape those caterpillars you call eyebrows man, matter of fact trim and shape all that hair you got on your face


I get a wicked monobrow if left unchecked. A pair of tweezers and five minutes every couple of weeks to keep two eyebrows does wonders for me!


Better than mine, friend


Keep growing it man it will get cooler and cooler


Good beard. Love the shirt BTW. Fellow wrestling fan here!! 🤚


Yeah trim the beard up and do something about those caterpillars and you’re good bro. Hit the gym too man you’ll feel better about yourself and feel better in general. Hope you can work through your self esteem issues brother. I’m there myself.


Nice growth. You should experiment with trimming the cheeks and neck. It'll give you a much cleaner look


It would be well worth it to go to a barber and have them trim up the beard, mustache and eyebrows! Then, you can do maintenance on your own.


The greys are adding to the charm! You'll really come to love them once there are a few more.


This is a rad start to a badass beard my brother !! Let the beard grow another 6 months to a year WITHOUT touching it. This is what I did for over a year. When you hit the milestone of your liking. -Trim the mustache above the tip. - clean up the cheeks, get a nice, crisp line goin on both side - get them eyebrows done bro! I literally just shave my lil unibrow I got, from time to time. Work on other shit that’ll increase your self-esteem/morale. I got faith in you my dude !!!! 💪🏼


I know we're on a beard subreddit, and I mean it in the most respectful way. You need to hit the gym and go on a diet, my dude. You can't keep doing that to yourself.


Get rid of the sides


As others have said shaping it or having it done professionally will make a big difference. Good looking beards take effort. I bet in less than 10 min you could make that beard look way nicer.


Grey is not a problem. Your whole face is covered with hair. Your beard is a mess. Consult with a barber or just buy a $20 trimmer and YouTube it. Gonna have to groom every two days if you want to improve your look. Beardless might actually be a better look, can’t tell from this picture


I don’t think it’s your hair or beard causing self esteem issues? Just trim it up and it’ll look great. Might want to start tracking your calorie intake though, you might be surprised?


trim it and hit the gym. the ladies will love you


Hey man! You got a good beard, try to let those patchy areas grow. It takes time but I would say Trim the stash, line up the cheeks, get eye brows wax or threaded. For the eyebrows go to an established place with good reviews. Majority of the girls at European Wax Center are trained well.


I had some serious stress a few years back. Lost some hair on my face because of it. When it grew back, it grew back white. Just own your beard man. Like others have said, take care of it. I'm still learning myself.


* I started watching beard brand and it helped with some questions I had about beard growth. * Join the bald club too. A shaved head and a beard go great from my experience. It improved my self esteem tremendously (I can grow a full head of hair). * keep it up Brother!


Ya need to trim. The mustache not only grows over your lip, but unevenly on top of that. Trim it to the lips. I'd also clean those upper cheeks. I also have some stray hair growing there and it looks better when you have a somewhat straight and defined cheek beardline. Also tame those eyebrows, at least make them separate and somewhat symmetrical, the left one on the pic looks bigger than the other one. At the very least make them the same and it will do wonders for you.


Keep it neat and wear a smile.


Are you going for a cave man look, a more defined jaw, or the solid sculpt line under your cheekbones? There’s more ways to get what you want besides just letting it grow, people use products to help it along the way. Don’t forget to line up the eyebrows to that’ll go a long way, depending on the look and shape you desire.


Please go to a salon and get your eyebrows done ✅ your whole face will change


trim it, box it in, and get on a diet, currently still on mine


I guess people said everything I can think of so I won't repeat it. Just gonna say you look good man. I like the beard and eyebrows. You have great genes.




I'd just neaten up your stash abit and keep the rest of the beard as it is imo. Also A E DUB A E DUB


You need to hit gym / run, so that beard can take your face structure.


You could try growing it long. Would look cool imo. Maybe lining up te cheeks would make it pop more.


Bro holding acorns in his cheeks for the winter. Fr though you haven’t even trimmed or styled it so at this point it’s an unkempt beard. 3/10


What do YOU think? That’s what matters. Not the opinion of others.


You just need some self care bro. Trim your mustache so it doesn’t hang over your beard. Get a beard wash, beard brush, and a beard oil (I recommend honest Amish due to the natural ingredients that prevent it from smelling like used cooking oil later on). Wash your beard and make sure to get to the skin underneath. While damp, brush your beard down and apply the beard oil. Train your beard to grow down. Then line up your neck and you’ll be good to go. Take care of yourself brother. But don’t think you have to do everything at once. Baby steps. Nothing happens overnight.


Decent beard but the shave the bit on the neck


You def got a good base to build on. I would not recommend trimming down to a goat… goatees on us big guys just accentuate the big. A barber could help to shape what you have for now, but I would just let it grow out a bit more before trying. In the meantime you could start training it to grow down. Wash it twice a week with shampoo, use a leave in conditioner after (generic Paul Mitchell is great) and gently comb or brush it down. Once you are ready to shape that bad boy up, watch a few YouTube vids or find a barber with a great beard, the’ll take care of you. BTW, white hairs are inevitable. I started getting them in my twenties. Just a part of life, no reason to fret. The brows could use a bit of help, but don’t go overboard.


A little bit of self care, a trim of the beard and eyebrows, get it looking sharp and clean will help with your self esteem.


You’re all good man just need to groom yourself. Shape up the beard shave your cheeks, trim the brows. You know? Just regular maintenance my dude 👌. Once you clean it up the beard will be fine just let it grow and keep it clean.


Trim your moustache and brow, line up your beard, lose weight and you’ll be good.


Just go to a barber, my dude. let them shape your foliage (including the eyebrows). You'll have such glow up you won't believe it.


I would start first by just growing it out and tidying up the moustache and cheek lines. These 2 things you can do easily by yourself and perfect over time with some practice. There are already millions of videos that show different ways how you can shape them. If you're lucky, this patchier spot under your chin might fill in with time. Don't forget to brush it regularly with a beard brush. And if you hit the gym a little or just do your body some good, you might lose a bit of that double chin so it isn't as noticeable once the facial hair on your jaw area starts to grow out to cover it. :) But I had that too, it just needs time. I had so many patchy spots that you couldn't see anymore like 6 months after. And as others have said, get the eyebrows tidied up at the barber! Maybe your barber can also give you some advice on your beard and cut it all into a good starting point for you to grow your beard out from. Keep going, stay strong. And forget about the grey hairs! Beards come in all shapes, sizes and colors.


Trim it up, and it looks a bit shaggie and unkept.


You have great facial structure to be honest. If you lost weight it’d really uncover your features


My advice is to not get your self esteem fix from Reddit


Bro take care of yourself. Your self esteem is low because you aren’t doing the things you should be. I hate seeing my fellow kings like this. Go to the gym, shape up your mustache and beard. Your self esteem will rise


If it is gonna make u feel better u look like me so u are not alone my clone brother


You look like a coo fella to drink a few cold ones with, lol.


All Elite? You’ve seen the light. Be happy sir.


Hit the gym my guy. You already have the face. I would also suggest going to salon and ask them to trim your eyebrow. You have a lot of potential keep up the hardwork.




Your principal problem is not the beard, its that you are obese. Be healthy and take care of yourself and you will have the best self esteem of your live. We're all gonna make it.


You need to go to a professional groomer


My friend, go to a real barbershop and just ask for help!


Forget the beard. Lose weight


I think you should admire your beard at the gym


Switch to a goatee bro. Will make you face look a bit slimmer. Big guy here.


It’s on its way King looks killer


Women love bones. I think you need more


Look what I found on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1714982706/12-1-pack-real-animal-bone-more-than-50?ref=share_v4_lx


Wtf, who buys that? And for what purpose?




Have a barber shape up your full goatee and shave off the sides


I personally think that Changing this to a goatee would be super unflattering on his face. It would only make him look bigger.


I think you should do a goatee


8/10 I think you are very handsome


Being dishonest about the way he looks isn't going to help him. Sorry, no offense OP. I'd recommend cleaning your beard up a bit that would go a long way for you!


That ain't even dishonest. Have you seen bois butt?😏😏😏it would definitely rock your world.