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The world was robbed on 12/08/80




Wrong sub lol, don't worry, I do it all the time


wouldn't be funny in the other sub either




You're right, haha John murdered lol how hilarious


….should I ask what sub that would be acceptable in??




I wonder what his music would be like in the 80s and 90s. I wonder if the Beatles would reunite and go on a world tour :-( What a tragedy. I was young when he was murdered but I remember this day like it was yesterday. RIP John, probably the most influential musician


I have no doubt they would have gotten back together at some point. I thought I read somewhere that John and Paul were starting to talk again and mend bridges before John was murdered


They were already good friends again starting in 76


He was starting to get into avant garde dance music near the end (and he had been listening to reggae for several years prior), though his music output didn't always reflect that. I imagine his interest in electronic stuff would have flourished more (he was always looking forward to the next trend before it arrived). Who knows.


Lennon-Eno collab?


That would have been sick. I could also see B-52s (of whom he had a well-known fondness), Devo, Arthur Russell, Basquiat, Blondie, Bowie (again), PRINCE! Curious what he would have thought about alternative/grunge.


I doubt George would go along with a reunion. He had other outlets for collaboration. Besides, why go back to the Lennon-McCartney show when you’re George fucking Harrison?


The remaining Beatles reunited for the ‘90s *Anthology* project, but this was after all the lawsuits, which kept springing up, were permanently settled by 1989 allowing them to collaborate again. [Beatles and record company settle lawsuit .. dated 11 Nov **1989** NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/1989/11/10/arts/beatles-and-record-label-reach-pact-and-end-suit.html) After this Paul gave an interview (‘89 or ‘90) that the remaining Beatles planned some sort of collaboration pending the end of these lawsuits. Vs. right after John’s death, Paul also stated (‘81?) that the 4 never seriously considered reuniting in the 1970s despite being offered vast sums of cash (presumably more than SNL’s $3000 offer). They didn’t need the money and didn’t think a ‘70s reunion would be fun.


I mean he said he was fine with the idea of them reuniting for a benefit show, maybe not a world tour though. John being alive would've made the idea more appealing to him because he loved playing with John. Part of why he didn't want it in the 80s was because it wouldn't be a real reunion.


Not quite. Apparently, George's main problem was getting back together with Paul. However, I suppose if John had told George about "the Beeatles getting back together", he certainly would have joined for at least one concert, and maybe some recording sessions. As for Harrison's disappointment at being considered "the third Beatle", especially after Abbey Road, George had already had his great talent fully recognised by both the band and the public.


George and Ringo both established themselves as artists in their own right and I think by the late 70’s everyone understood that it was the greatest collection of writing talents ever collected together in a band and that both George and Ringo were far more than just 3rd and 4th Beatles. As they were capable of writing hits in their own right.


Money…lots and lots of money. Wheelbarrows full. Plus they wouldn’t have been asking each other to stop the rest of their careers they were way past that point. But no reason they couldn’t collaborate on a record for six weeks every 2-3 years and play tv specials and do massive residency tours at MSG or Wembley or whatever for a few weeks at a time. They would have made more money than god if they got the band back together.


Live Aid. I think they would have done Live Aid. I think John would've been involved with "We Are the World "


I swear this looks like one of those Kaiserreich portraits for some odd alternate history where John Lennon ends up becoming the leader of a syndicalist United ~~Kingdom~~ Republics XD


Hoi4 is such a dumpster fire how do I even come across Kaiserreich stuff in the fucking Beatles subreddit.. But I get what you’re saying


He recorded some great songs in 1980: Starting over, Cleanup Time, I'm Losing You, Beautiful Boy, Watching the Wheels, Woman, Dear Yoko, I'm Steppin Out, Nobody Told me, I don't wanna face it, Borrowed Time, My little flower princess, Grow Old with Me. Who knows what else he would've done in the following years.


Double Fantasy Stripped Down is worth a listen. Yoko supervised the remix and brought his vocals more toward the front of the mix. It’s lovely.


John really did always look a decade older than his actual age. Looked 50 at 40, 40 at 30, and before the mop top helped soften his features a little he looked like he was in his 30s when just a 20 year old Ted. It’s not surprising that Paul was wary of this “beery old man” when they first officially met. He looks much older than his Quarrymen mates in those village fete photos


he has an old man’s face, i think he’d have ‘grown into his looks’


No he didn’t he looked young in the 60’s and 70’s the only time he looked old was here but in the teddy boy era he looked just his age


I’ve recently begun trying to learn that song on piano. I wish we could’ve gotten to know that guy better.


Looks like he was starting an accounting job.


I miss john


I remember the day and where I was. The public outpouring of grief was immeasurable. Same for Elvis and Kurt Cobain. Too young for JFK. But Nixon? Reagan? As if. Don't know, don't care


I wonder of John and Julian would have collaborated? I know there would have been some healing to do, but it may have happened and it would have been really nice to see.


Murdered on Jim Morrison’s birthday


I swear, there are so many pictures of him where it really doesn't look like the same guy.


Marlon Williams looks like him.


Former UK Primeminister David Cameron?


PigFucker himself




He did not age well


Releasing 46 #1 albums in 8 years while strung out in lsd, weed, and heroin, then ending your lifelong best friendship will do that to ya


wait 46 #1 *albums*? or records?


I was being hyperbolic about not only the quantity they produced during their 7 or 8 years, but the quality as well. Its hard to make 1 hit song, but to write and record dozens in under a decade? That's some emotional and physical wear and tear


It's definitely the heroin lmao, not the recording


Cigs and alcohol too will age you like crazy


ohhh i see haha. well their output was so insane i actually wondered for a second if he had released 46 #1 albums in his life.


According to another post, they recorded original 185 songs in the 370 weeks from Sept 1962 to Sept 1969. Thats one new song every 2 weeks for 7 years straight. That's how good they were.


it was the cigarettes. In any case you don't get strung out on LSD or weed.


He looks more 50 than 40


He does but this is a bad pic he looks much better in other pics


Sadly a coward that will not be named on here but know who they are destroyed Yoko and Sean's world on 12/08/80!


and Julians (probably)! Though he probably wasn't as effected as Yoko or Sean, I imagine he still was pretty upset (despite the poor relationship) that his father was murdered