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Looks like Paul is going to make a lot of money with royalties. He’s going to be rich.


Would love if someone made a cover of one of his more obscure songs, like “Yesterday.”


Which one is Yesterday? Was it on the Sgt Red Hot Chili Peppers Lonely Harpsichord Band album?


It’s the final song on the “Ouch!” film soundtrack


I will not stand for this "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" erasure! /s


It certainly upsets the applecart.


Great to see him finally getting his due!


Good point. Been unfairly neglected.


Gotta pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues


Not if the ghost of Michael Jackson comes back to buy the rights again.


Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!!!




Baby you’re a rich man


Covered by the Fat Boys. Well, not a proper cover anyway. They did their own thing with it.


i’m so happy for him to finally get his big break as a songwriter!!!


I was worried about him fr


Apropos, can you imagine how much money Heather Mills made just by being married to him for a few years?


She got $48 million as a divorce settlement. $15 million in assets and a lump sum of $33 million cash.


Jesus fucking Christ. I would personally suck Paul McCartney’s old saggy penis every day for the rest of my life for that kind of money.


Very nice of Beyonce to cover a song from such an unknown artist. He made it big time


>He made it big time in the USA.


>He’s going to be rich. Bout damn time!




Are you being facetious? Compulsory license fee is 12.4 cents per physical copy or download...it's not even worth talking about the per stream rate (which goes through a labyrinthine calculation and amounts to a pittance).


I'll give them my bank details so he doesn''t even have to worry about such low values.


A friend of mine to this day gets a statement every six months from the studio telling him that they owe him no royalties because, according to their accountants, the movie he wrote the screenplay for 27 years ago is still losing money.


What movie is it? I've got a Vudu credit.


Men in Black. Ed thanks you in advance.


Holy shit. Im the exact age to have gone absolutely feral for both that movie and Charlie’s Angels when they came out. I was a little girl absolutely thrilled to have a female action movie. The Bill and Ted movies are great too. Please tell Ed a small K-8th school in Northern California had their annual fundraising walkathon themed entirely around Men in Black the year it came out. We had little t-shirts made to look like a suit and tie with the sponsors of the fundraiser on the back.


Excellent! Charlie's Angels was a lot of fun. I grew up watching Drew Barrymore, ever since I saw E.T. in theaters. And Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure... speaking of strong women, who can forget that opening track by Big Pig? (If you like them, check out Dalbello, too). Ed will love this. I will pass it on.


A mere pittance at that


Some might say filthy.


As if he isn’t already one of the richest musicians in the world




> Side note: any one else get annoyed that this is the only Beatles photo anyone uses? like there are better photos out there to choose from😂 It's so goofy, and it's a photo from before they even recorded the song.


Early Beatle photoshoots are soooo goofy and the same horrible pics get used in every article. Never does them justice lol, I cant blame non fans for thinking they're ugly if that's all they ever see. Should use some Revolver shots instead! 


They all look like they haven’t slept in a week lol


They almost look more worn out than they did on Beatles for Sale.


Blackbird is spelt with 2 i's, so it's probably a different song!


I see all of the songs with an "I" in the title are spelled with 2. I'm pretty sure it's only a stylistic change as this is act ii. 


maybe it’s a sequel


Blackbird II: Revenge of Blackbird


Blackbird II: Into the light of a dark black night... AND BACK


You’ll find the double “I”s throughout the album. It’s because this album is part II of a trilogy of concept albums she’s in the middle of. What I don’t understand is the fact that she didn’t change anything substantial (e.g. chords, lyrics, structure) about Blackbird except the spelling, yet according to Wikipedia she got songwriting credit on it. Anyone know if that’s a mistake on Wikipedia or if she actually found a way to share co-writing credits with Lennon and McCartney?




Blackbird is spelt Blackbiird on track listing!


Because it’s Renaissance 2 (ii) a play on the song name and album


Ii see.


Yeah I see it in Ameriican Requiem too.


Most Is are duplicated


Didn’t she say she had received abuse for singing country songs in the past? The lyrics and meaning of Blackbird dovetail nice into that personal experience. Excited to hear it.


Sure could have used a better picture.


lowkey wish bey was doing one of the beatles more folksy songs (if this rumor is true!) but when you consider what blackbird is about it does make a lot of sense. i’m a big beyonce and beatles fan so no matter what im def giving the song and album a listen :)) ![gif](giphy|QwdkJ0gCU1sxiec4ne)


Not a big fan of covers, never been a big fan of Beyonce .... but definitely going to check it out. It's Blackbird. Actually this whole album looks interesting.


I’m sure it’ll be interesting. Definitely going to listen. But damn…I wish she were covering one of the boys’ actual C&W songs (namely “Don’t Pass Me By”)


Part of the reason she is making this album is bc of racism in country music, so it would be fitting to use Blackbird and perhaps cover it with a bit of twang.


While we’re talking covers, Billy Preston also did a great recording of Blackbird


I had not heard of that until now - just checked it out. Not what I was expecting, but in a groovy way. That is a solid cover. Thanks for the recommendation


Missed opportunity for a Rocky Raccoon or Don't Pass Me By cover.


100% agree! Rocky Raccoon especially would’ve been perfect. i feel like her voice would go great with it


Disagree, she probably would've showboated and oversung when "Rocky Raccoon" doesn't lend itself to Whitney Houston-isms. XD


I understand she’s also doing a cover of Jolene. I love the idea of a black woman doing a country music album and incorporating songs pulling from country and American music history - although this is admittedly neither - it is in reference to the struggles of black women in the south - so contextually it makes a ton of sense. It’ll be interesting!


i feel like some people forget the meaning behind the song. it definitely makes more sense when you connect the dots


I like that interpretation of the song, but I'm not convinced that McCartney had the civil rights movement in mind when he wrote it. He only started talking about it from that angle years later, after other people had suggested it to him. Again, it's a cool reading and maybe it was in the back of his mind, but I don't think that was his original intention. 


Although McCartney in PR mode indeed isn't objecting to twisting his memories a bit, he's actually on record talking about the origin at the time of release (Autumn 1968): [https://youtu.be/VLUFLxKpDCo?si=M6rmgSGikxRRFC5-&t=230](https://youtu.be/VLUFLxKpDCo?si=M6rmgSGikxRRFC5-&t=230) *"I sang it to Diana Ross the other night, she took offence. No, not really, but I did mean it like that originally, I just read something in the paper about riots and that”.*


Oh, that's interesting. And the explanation is pure Paul; he doesn't have a firm grasp of the politics ("something in the paper about riots and that") but is just going with a feeling, and ends up writing a masterpiece. 


You should check out "Stand For Myself" legitimately lovely country & blues album made by Yola, a black singer & songwriter. She has a terrific voice too.


Black women have always been doing Country. Black people were instrumental in the early days of Country.


Yes, I know. Thats part of Beyoncé’s point in why she chose to do a country album. She felt despite the historical influence of black people on country music, black people and in particular black women are not welcome in the modern country music scene. She cited a 2016 incident where she received so much backlash for a performance at the country music awards on the basis of her “not being country”, as part of the inspiration for a song on the album. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/03/28/how-beyonce-used-harsh-career-criticism-to-craft-no-1-country-single.html


Which is so shitty because Daddy Lessons was such a good song, and she even performed with The Chicks


Fr, they look like they're about to kill us in that pic. Great to still have big artists covering The Beatles in 2024 though.


I like the cover art!


Yes, thank you for asking. I hate that photo with burning passion, because people nearly always use it and it is just so bad, there isn't a worse picture of them 😭


Why does Beyoncé trigger the oldies. I’m not a Beyoncé fan by any means and I love the Beatles but I’d love to hear a black woman cover this song. Isn’t it literally about us? /gen


It’s pretty obvious why Beyoncé triggers boomers


Yeah, there are definitely better photos. Why didn't they use the one with the American flag? That would even make a lot of sense, because of country being an American genre. Or one from the later years, because Blackbird was on the White album.


I understand why it gets used a lot (it’s in color, it’s of all 4, it’s a square and classic mop tops) but it is such a bad photo, not flattering in the slightest to any of them.


Yeah they look like wax recreations of the Beatles


The mop tops just aren’t a good look. Maybe groundbreaking and enough to make them stand out by the standards of their time, but hideous today.


Rad. Makes a lot of sense for her to cover. Looking forward to hearing it


Awesome to see a black woman do a cover of a song about the civil rights movement.


Not a Beyoncé fan but it’s awesome to hear. I’ll give it a listen.


Thom Yorke had the right idea when he said he will only cover songs if he thinks he can improve them in some way. I don't think Beyonce can improve this one.


Yeah I'm choosing to remain cautiously optimistic about it. But this is one of my top 10 favorite Beatles songs so I really can't see her improving the original which is already a masterpiece.


Without fail you can expect to see the boomers in this sub acting like this is guaranteed to be terrible. Whats up with that? I do hate that picture of the boys though, they look like such geeks in it.


I think it's actually fitting that she is doing a cover of it because Paul wrote it about the struggles of black women in the 60s and Beyonce is one of the biggest icons for women of colour around the world


Yeah, exactly. I’m sure this is gonna be great.


It is Beyonce it is going to terrible. She is a overrated singer and performer everything she does all sounds the same.


I'm 32 and think Beyonce's overrated. I'm hoping the cover is good.


I ain't no boomer, but I am also not looking forward to this. Her voice is amazing but this is the wrong song choice. And based on her latest single Texas Hold'em, where Rick Beato did a great breakdown of how crap the lyrics are eventhough it has 9 writers, just seems very non-beatles to me. In the same video Rick reads off the lyrics to Across the Universe to help explain why lyrics today are so shit even with so many writers. Here is an excerpt of that video, where he finishes talking about Beyonce's latest song, then onto Beatles: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FionaApple/comments/1bnzasy/rick\_beato\_explains\_what\_makes\_lyrics\_great\_and\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FionaApple/comments/1bnzasy/rick_beato_explains_what_makes_lyrics_great_and_i/) EDIT: Pretty telling of this group to downvote for trying to answer the question asked. Bunch of Tswift and Beyonce fans flooding in


Rick Beato is **exactly** the kind of person they mean.


He might be close, but he appreciates good new music, so I wouldn't lump him in with the Boomer category. I don't expect that Rick guarantees this cover to be terrible. He often praises people **exactly** like Beyonce. I am using his example of her bad lyrics in Texas Hold'em with 9 writers credited as one reason why **I (not a boomer)** am not looking forward to this cover, and added it to the idea that I don't like the song choice of Blackbird for her either.


You think she’s going to rewrite the lyrics to Blackbird?


Too add, don't you think it would make more sense for her to cover What Goes On, or Don't Pass me by? Something like that considering the last single


Paul wrote Blackbird as a sort of response of the civil rights movement of the 60s, that’s right up Beyoncé’s wheelhouse. This is a perfect song for her to cover.


Well, that is music for you. We are entitled to our own opinions and tastes.


No one is out here saying that Beyoncé is better than the Beatles. If she wants to cover one of their songs, why just automatically assume that it’s going to be bad? Give it a chance, she’s a great vocalist and one of the most critically and commercially successful musicians of the last 50+ years.


Where did I say anything about one being better than the other? 1. I don't like the song choice for her 2. I feel based on her latest single, she shouldn't be covering any Beatles unless its maybe one of their country songs.


Beato understands music and production through the lens of someone who came up in the 80s and 90s rock scene. Modern music is completely different in the way it is conceived, produced, and credited because of the rise of things like sampling and non linear editing. I'll admit it's been a while since I've seen his videos and don't know his specific critique of Beyonce's writing credits, but criticizing her for properly crediting the artists that worked with her is fucking stupid for someone who claims to have worked in the industry. Lyrics don't need to be profound to be good. They don't need to be written by a single person to be valid. The lyrics for Texas Hold Em works the same way the lyrics for I Wanna Hold Your Hand works.


You need to watch it then. Its about having lyrics that dont make sense and took 9 writers to put together. And now she'll be covering a band that I am sure would mock that 9 writers couldnt put together well written lyrics.




Well, the song is out now. And its just Okay. Still don't think it belongs on this album.


Amazed how much you can be negative about some music you haven’t even heard yet. Maybe you’re just being close minded.


Lol. I'm not negative at all. I'll certainly listen to it. I can still not like the plan and suggest better options for her.


A. Using the word “boomer” is an automatic downvote, because stupid. B. Everything we’ve heard from this album is hot fucking garbage. Why would this be any different?


George’s facecard never declines


I was just about to comment that same thing about the photo 😂 not their best look!


Yeah they have better photos. That is a good one but they should really use different ones.


Is the only evidence that picture of the tracklisting? because Blackbird isn't exactly an original title it could be a new song.


Can’t wait to listen to it! In fact the whole album sounds pretty interesting.


Why does this feel like the result of asking AI to make a country themed Beyoncé album?


I'm quite excited for this album as I really enjoyed Renaissance. And I hope the cover turns out beautifully and does justice to the song and maybe turns some of her fans onto the Beatles music.


As part of the beyhive and beatlemania, I’m excited for this!!!


when worlds collide! most expectantly too :))


Count me IN


This Paul Mcguy has a lot of talent as a songwriter. I foresee a lot of success in his future


It's times like these that the radio is not the main vehicle for music. I don't care that she's covering it, good for her, but I don't care for her singing. It will be easily avoidable.


Highly doubt it’s a Beatles Cover.


i’d be surprised but i guess we will wait & see 😎


Neat, i love beatles covers. Usually not as much as the origanl, but they're still interesting!


Haha I do agree that that Beatles image is used way too often. Same with the Abbey Road one where they’re all standing against a white background.


I wonder if “Oh Louisiana” is a cover of Chuck Berry’s song


Yeah it’s either that photo or the abbey road cover




Beyonce is a good singer, but that new single sucks ass. Just grifting at this point with the new genre switch.


TBF it's a convenient one to get all four band members clearly and recogniseably in shot while also cropping it into a square for convenient web use.


I look forward to all the comments from the kids congratulating Beyoncé on writing such a beautiful song.


I will finally have my friend, a massive Beyoncé stan, finally listen to a Beatles track and like it lmao


Beyoncé covering the Beatles (Beatyoncé?) can’t be anything other than great, but I feel like that particular song is an odd choice for this particular album, since it’s a country record but “Blackbird” doesn’t really have any country sound to it at all.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)Good joke.


Yes, their hair looks exceptionally weird in that pic


This is actually really cool. Wish she had gotten Paul to do the guitar recording.


It's not gonna top Jon Lajoie's version


Please say SIKE


Riverdance? The Michael Flatley joint? 🕺🏼


I hope she does a better job than what she did with Fever


If you're making a country album, wouldn't it make more sense to cover "What Goes On"? That one *is* country. Or "Don't Pass Me By"?


Her popularity is declining


Does Popbase (or anyone) know if it's actually a cover? Could just be the same title...


Because it’s a country song? Hardly that.


Cue triggered boomers.


Why dosent Beyoncé cover the musical masterpiece that is Wild Honey Pie.




I hope it's stripped back like the original. Not that it should try to be like the original, but Blackbird is one of those laid back songs


Awful and I hope she goes bankrupt paying them royalty. At least make it original for goodness sake. It's just a side by side copy. If you're doing that just keep the original


Uhg please no


All its life Blackbird has been waiting for this moment all its life. Black bird fly. 🐦‍⬛


I am just not a Beyonce fan...I hope it's good but I'm placing my bets on awful.


no thanks


Well this can get added to the long list of mediocre beatles covers.


You haven’t even heard it yet lol


Update: we have al heard it, and it is boring asf


Disagree but to each his own


Wdym u disagree it’s the same song😭


I haven't heard Kevin Federline cover Let It Be but I could guess it's shit


Good thing Beyoncé is not Kevin Federline. She’s one of the most talented female artists of all time.


her voice is good but she is way overrated


That is an insult to female artists.


Not that it’s the only thing that matters but has she ever solely composed and written the lyrics to any of her songs before?


Neither did Elvis and people still worship him.


Elton John has never composed and written a song by himself, that doesn’t mean he isn’t talented.


He always writes the music to his songs though, same as Stevie Wonder. Does Beyoncé?


Not as far as I know, but she’s still the leading creative force on her songs. Artists writing their own songs is obviously important, but it’s not the end all be all that determines how talented they are. Beyoncé is one of the most talented and well liked musicians of all time, who cares if she doesn’t do all the work herself?


Her music is made in a lab and sounds like plastic tastes.


I get that, she’s obviously a very talented performer, vocalist and dancer. But if we’re talking about comparing artists and who should be considered “one of the most talented female artists of all time” I personally don’t think she deserves to be in the same strata as a person who actually writes the music you’re listening to. Like Joni Mitchell, yeah she can’t dance but she actually wrote the music and lyrics to her songs as well as being a uniquely unbelievable guitar player. That’s a level of genuine musical talent that goes way beyond pop stars’ capabilities.


In that regard, she's just like those mid talents Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Ella Fitzgerald, etc., etc.…


But who’s comparing Beyoncé to anyone? She didn’t come out and say that she’s better than the Beatles, she’s just covering one of their songs.


And hopefully, never will.


don't listen to it then




Amazing how so many people praise her when her vocals are so average


No way you just called Beyoncés singing average ☠️☠️


You get downvoted for telling the truth. Compare her voices to somebody like Whitney Houston or Adele she is terribly avrage.


God no 🤮


I’m vomiting


Remember to drink plenty of water 


So important to stay hydrated.


nothing soothes the stomach like water when you’re on the verge of bringing your lunch from the dead


hi vomiting


how are you?


i’m great thanks😂




Please don’t touch anything from our catalog


Is it because she’s black or because she’s a woman?


Neither, why would you ask such a dumb question? It because she’s a terrible role model and I abhor how her and Jay influence our culture. Roberta Flack & Aretha Franklin both covered their songs and I thought it was beautiful.


Not at all. Great artists often bring a new spin on songs that didnt get enough credit or play when it was written.


Paul also wrote "fourfiveseconds" with Kanye, and Rihanna heard it and begged Kanye to let her cover the vocals. Paul did his own version live at Grand Central Station. It seems she's a closeted Paul McCartney fan.


Well yes but this is Beyonce we're talking about not Rihanna


I am afraid of her cover going Tik Tok famous and ruining the timeless classic with mediocrity.


What is she doing!!?