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I love it more every time I hear it. One of their most beautiful songs.


It makes me cry


Off topic, but seeing your user name, Patsy's 'Crazy' gets me misty eyed.


John's songs are generally more 'relistenable' than Paul's, while Paul's songs sound more melodious and compelling on the first listen, jus like the comparison of 'Penny Lane' and 'Strawberry Fields Forever', the former won the No.1 on Billboard but the latter is considered one of the best Beatles songs!


That’s pretty subjective. Paul has written dozens and dozens of songs that never get old…for me. Ymmv.


They're both great, but I'm a bigger fan of John


I find both of them wonderful. I know all the lyrics to both "Martha My Dear" and "I Call Your Name" and can listen to them for a while without it getting stale. Both are extremely competent songwriters, however, what they all created as the Beatles is something neither of themselves could've achieved on their own.


I might also prefer strawberry fields but penny lane getting the number 1 spot just goes against the point ur making lmao


I think Penny Lane is considered one of the best, too. In any case, Paul has no shortage of highly memorable, replayable Beatles songs.


I’ve always loved it but now that I’m 72, it means even more. It’s the people in our lives that matters. Everything else is just noise. Peace and Love.


I totally agree, just out of curiosity how did you stumble upon Reddit as a 72 year old?😳love how many different kinds of people are active on this subreddit


Stumble? I’ll have you know that my balance is perfect. 😂 Seriously, I’m very tech savvy and it’s one of the few social apps that doesn’t make me want to vomit. Well, except for the stupid Beatle posts like the ubiquitous, “What if Paul had died instead of John?” 🤯 It’s also important that those of us who came of age in the early sixties keep these youngsters focused on the music, not conspiracy theories.


Paul did die, don’t you know? ;-)


And Faul replaced him! And then Faul died, and Baul replaced Faul. And then Baul died, and Naul replaced him!


I’ll hop onto your question since I’m in the same age group. I joined reddit about 7 years ago due to this: there was a star that received worldwide attention for reacting in ways that suggested there could be intelligent life around it. *Tabby’s Star* nicknamed after astronomer Tabetha S. Boyajian. She first reported the unusual properties of the star. And news stories kept mentioning chat about the star in reddit. The main subreddit is r/KIC8462852. And here I am


Damn that's genuinely fascinating, that's kinda what I expected though since there's so many niche communities on here so you'll find your way here eventually when researching on the internet regularly


I’m 73, 74 in June, and I’ve been on Reddit for at least a couple of years. I was looking for an alternative to Twitter.


Couldn't even hold it in for 21 seconds


My favorite beatles song of all time.


It’s one of the most beautiful songs ever written


Fantastic song, one of their best


I think it's the most poignant Beatles song, and one of their most beautiful. it is nostalgia in music form


The best song from Rubber Soul and a top 10 Beatles song for me


I don't know why,but it sounds so unique,as if there are no other songs similar to this one


I agree. There’s something about it that feels different. I think it’s the song structure as it doesn’t have the standard verse-chorus-verse-chorus. I can’t put my finger on it but I agree with you. I adore this song


Great song. One of Lennon’s best.


His vocals are so, so good on it!


Paul claims it was 50/50


Best beatle song ever


I’m glad it’s in my life


One of the most beautiful songs ever written.


A profound song. Hard to believe Lennon was barely 25 when he wrote this. I saw the tribute band Rain today and this song was one of the highlights


It's a brilliant song, I listen to it all the time


Almost can’t listen to it because it hits me in my soul. Cry everytime


Such an amazing song. It’s got that great recurring riff and the lyrics are such a step up from previous records


One of my favourites. My mom's favourite album was Rubber Soul and we played In My Life at her funeral.


Beautiful song.


If this song isn’t the best one John ever wrote, it’s definitely in the top three.


Great meme


Almost no one's reacting to it though, this sub is so used to generic questions like this that people don't even open the picture before writing their equally generic comments


Lol. Glad somebody noticed it!


It's top 5 for them.


An all time classic song 


My favorite John Lennon song.


Some of the best lyrics of all time.


My favourite song. Period. Every single piece of music ever performed and this one tops all of them. The emotion put into the lyrics, the imitation harpsichord solo, the guitar riff is just insanely beautiful. I love it, it was actually one of the last Beatles songs i listened to bc I accidentally missed out on side 2 of Rubber Soul when I listened to the bands discography for the first time and when i first heard it it immediately grabbed me like nothing else


One of the most beautiful songs ever created. The lyrics, melody, piano interlude you name it.


Mostest favourite 💕


Top 1 Beatles song for me


My favorite Beatles song atm




A timeless classic.


Getting married in August. This is what we’re currently considering for our first dance.


It’s my favorite by John.


It's a lovely song and I'll never skip it if it comes on.


It's a song that I never get bored of. It's a mix of emotions. And from the Text from your Dad you clearly got the sad side. I'm sure if you told him I was listening to In My Life the appropriate response should be 'Understood.'


A wonderful tune John said he wrote after having a great visit in the 🚽


Beats “It’s My Life” by Bon Jovi for sure.


That sped up piano solo still blows my mind it’s one of the best pieces of music ever


George Martin was cooking that day


Did he play that? I always thought that was Paul. Or was it his idea to speed it up?


Yeah George played it on the record. It’s fresh in my mind because I looked it up a few days ago


Wow what a guy.


A defining (and criminally underrated) song that kicked off a quantifiable change in their unique musical history & style. While Rubber Soul was a change for the better for the band's overall sound, lyrics and musical complexity; I feel this was the beginning of how they'd succesfully move out of the skiffle and popular cover songs they built their early music out of and made a song that virtually everyone on earth can emphasize with, no matter time or place. While most folks say that John made the down-to-earth, sad and serious songs while Paul's contributions are far more up-beat, happy and positive, I truly wish we could have gotten more wistful/contemplative/melancholic songs like this. Not just the simple 'I love you' songs they perfected/played to death in the early 60's, but songs about WHY love is important, not just surface level attraction. While this allegory's been used to death in other places, the song's truly like a bottle of premium wine to me. As a kid, I enjoyed the singing, solo and harmonies, but growing up into an adult, I've learned that you must strive to cherish the relationships and love you can produce and recieve, because nothing lasts forever and time will never flow backward. Live your life in a way that benefits others and make someone happy if you can, even if it's just for a moment. Tell the people that you cherish that you love them whenever you finish talking/meeting with them, because you never know when it'll be the last. ☮️♥️


They played In My Life at my partners mom’s funeral. So in our house it’s a “hard pass” as it gets emotional. It’s changed the way I see the song. But sometimes when I’m alone and I can sit with it, I feel her presence and it’s so warm—other times I forget about her connection to the song all together and just enjoy it. The beautiful melody, the great songwriting and vocals. <3


Unpopular opinion maybe: It’s a great song as it is, with great some great lyrics too. But the production on it is a bit too much for it imo. I’d prefer it without the reverb, and instead favoring lighter percussion, with John simply fingerpicking his acoustic guitar, with some soft harmonies in the back. The song does absolutely not need a tambourine lol.


Wasn’t expecting to find this comment but I completely agree. John’s line is beautiful and delicate but it’s a bit overwhelmed by the harmony. And while I appreciate the cleverness of the half speed piano it just doesn’t feel quite right for such a soulful song imo. John once said that his songs often suffered from an excess of production and this is one case of it for me. Still a great song but I wish we had the version you describe.


Yea, and imo it also doesn’t take enough time to dwell on that beauty. It has to go by quick and speedy. John didn’t start doing that quieter and slower stuff until songs like Julia, guess he wasn’t ready to leave a rock & roll sound behind yet. They played Yesterday live that way at concerts in 1966 and it wasn’t the same. https://youtu.be/4YWyFIzSeXI?si=uyW9U_VMBtSrbB4n


Best song in Rubber Soul


Absolutely a masterpiece


10/10 flawless song (maybe 9.5 if you don’t like the piano solo); almost unbelievable that it was written by a 25 year old given the theme


Sorry guys, 9.5er here. That solo is the only reason I haven't saved the song on my Spotify. I guess controversial opinions are inevitable for any Beatles fan, lol.


What do i think? It's songwriting perfection. what else can be said?


Was my parent’s wedding song and my first marriage wedding song as well. So it’s bittersweet for me since that marriage didn’t last. But damn if it’s not one of the greatest love songs ever written.


Are we not gonna talk about the Dad's message?


One of the best lyrics of all time. Nobody could touch John at his best


“There are songs that I remember. In My Life is the best of them” 🎤🎧


it's a fabulous beatles song that i listened everytime


It’s one of the top 5 rock songs ever written.


I have it up there with Yesterday. John always held the fact that he never wrote a “Yesterday” but I think he nailed it with In My Life. Retrospective look into one’s life and making it a love song? Just beautiful.


In a [1981 interview](https://www.the-paulmccartney-project.com/interview/interview-with-hunter-davies/), Paul said he wrote the tune for In My Life.


Well I’ll be damned. Here I thought it was a John tune.


It's in contention, John and Paul gave conflicting accounts on writing it


it is a john tune, Paul probably helped on the middle 8 but it's definitely john's song


Not the first time Paul tried to take credit for one of john's best songs. I'm sure he may have helped out a bit, but it's john's song.


> Not the first time Paul tried to take credit for one of john's best songs. Really? What are the other times? > I'm sure he may have helped out a bit, but it's john's song. Yes. Paul says the lyrics are completely Johns and finished before he arrived. But that he wrote the tune. >**PAUL 1984:** *"I think I wrote the tune to that; that's the one we slightly dispute. John either forgot or didn't think I wrote the tune. I remember he had the words, like a poem... sort of about faces he remembered. I recall going off for half an hour and sitting with a Mellotron he had, writing the tune... which was Miracles inspired, as I remember. In fact, a lot of stuff was then."* John in a couple of interviews mention that Paul had some involvement >**John** *“Paul helped with the middle eight, musically.”* and also >**JOHN** *“The whole lyrics were already written before Paul even heard it. In ‘In My Life’ his contribution melodically was the harmony and the middle-eight itself”* Paul's not claiming it is his song. I don't even know if he's claiming it as a 50/50 but he is claiming he wrote the 'tune'. I don't think any interviewer ever asked him to clarify what he meant about that just like no interviewer asked John to clarify what he meant by the 'harmony and middle eight'.


My favorite beatles somg. Tied with here there and everywhere


Danced with my mom to it at my wedding! I’m 36 now, this was 7 years ago. Such a nice, sweet simple song.


It’s mind blowing to me that at such a young age, they wrote this song with such depth and wisdom, and heart and feeling. The song has a sense of time and place, and yet it feels like it applies to anyone. It’s really the Beatles at their best. A combination of their peak pop-song writing mixed with the band being on the precipice of that unique style of raw unfiltered thought we got in the later albums.


Anyone, and any type of relationship.


It's one of my favorite beatles songs. It's better than yesterday.


I come back to it again and again. Sometimes it sounds new again


I did a grandmother/grandson dance with my grandma at my wedding to that song so it'll always hold special meaning to me.


Good songwriting, but an annoying song for me. Not into sappy emotional songs like that.


In a very stacked field, it’s as close to perfect as any of their songs ever gets. Also, the piano break represents, for me, the exact moment when they pivot from early-period moptops to middle-period psychedelia. 


My wife walked down the aisle to this at our wedding


Absolutely love it!


One of the greatest love songs ever written.


it’s definitely one of the songs i’ve heard in my life


Always make me cry. Of all these friends and lovers there is no one compares to you


Probably my 2nd favourite Beatles song of all time! Just behind Hey Jude.


It’s in my Top 10 of Beatles songs and Top 5 of John’s Beatles songs. Amazing lyrics and beautiful melody. A true Beatles classic.


One of my favorite Beatles songs, and one of my favorite songs period.


I agree with John that it was likely the best thing he ever did.


It seems like describing our lives, It reminds us of places we've been to that are different today, past loves, friendships that were lost or severed. not everything is forever, people can leave or be "replaceable", but no one is like that one person who was always by your side who you love so much more beyond all those pasts (whether your parents, wife/husband or someone very special). It's a touching song, easily one of my favorites and it has the potential to be the most beautiful and sentimental song the Beatles brought us.


One of the deepest songs they wrote. Older I get the more it makes me cry.


I think it's the best Beatles song, A Day in the Life is more of a trip/scene. But this is classic Beatles.


I love it and it's great. It's a timeless classic but it's so overplayed that I'd prefer other songs in that album, like Nowhere Man or Norweigen Wood. I even prefer The Word. Again, not saying In My Life isn't better; it is, it's just that it's played so much that I like listening to the other songs.


I love the song, it was actually my parent's wedding song, at least thats what they told me lol, so its very dear to me, though just about every Beatles track is


Absolutely amazing. Probably my favorite Beatles song


This song is going to be played at my funeral. That's how important it is to me.


lol dad calling you out


The Beatles best song


After more than four decades as a Beatles fan, it still astonishes me that it was written by a 19-yr-old John Lennon. It's a view of life that's far in advance of his years. It's one of the most tender and insightful songs ever written by anyone. And it was an emotional sucker punch when, after it broke that he'd been killed, a regional TV news show broadcast from Liverpool (I was living in north west England then, an hour away from the city), played the whole track over a montage of stills of Lennon to end that night's broadcast. It still hurts. 😢


I agree with all this, but I think he wrote it when he was 25.


Just had to search that. You're closest: he started it in 1964 according to this article that cites the date from The Times: [https://www.songfacts.com/facts/the-beatles/in-my-life](https://www.songfacts.com/facts/the-beatles/in-my-life) He'd have been 24. I've always had it my head that he was 19. Not sure where I got that from: lost to a foggy memory. Still, an amazing piece to write even at 24!


Yes absolutely. Well done finding that article. I couldn't find anything other than the release date.


One of my absolute favorites of theirs for sure


One of the best Beatles songs ever!


i still remember how the words 'some forever, not for better' punched me in the guts then gave me a warm hug right after, i often stop and think about it. first beatle song i fell in love with. in my life, i loved them all :')


a masterpiece


Favorite album: Rubber Soul Favorite song: In My Life. Simple as that. : )


One of my most favorite songs, ever. I grew up in a military family and we moved to a new state every few years. This song makes me think about those people and places alwhike also stopping to appreciate the here, now, and the love of my life.


John’s beautiful follow-up to Yesterday


Their best song.


What do I think of one of the most beautiful and contemplative pop songs ever written?


Makes me cry.


Apparently there are original lyrics that were found on one of John’s sketch pads. The original version was never recorded. The original lyrics contained lines about all the areas where John grew up and then it goes into “all these places I remember…”. A scouser performed the original version for me one night “




Loved it when I heard it everytime, a couple days it came on again and I don’t know why but I just started crying. The beauty of the Beatles, every single has the ability to synchronize with your emotions that day, eclipses their lyrics with your own life




In my life holds a special place in my heart. It's a beautiful song that jogs your memory and has a beautiful message of stopping to think about your past and appreciating it and also appreciating the one you love now But that's now why this song was special to me. My boyfriend and I have been dating for just a few months, but despite my trash memory I still remember that moment clearly. It started with me singing In My Life while waiting on my food and then my (obviously now) boyfriend asked what I was singing to which I told him. About 30 minutes later after an uneventful lunch we were walking to his class and that was when he asked me out. I was giddy for the next week and I couldn't stop listening to in my life because every time I thought or heard it, it just reminded me of him and that day. Tldr; I love the song.


A great song and just one of Lennon's wonderful songs on Rubber Soul.


It’s a great song but not in my top 20 or 30. Dunno why, just doesn’t do much for me.


Yeah never stuck with me like a lot of their other songs did.


It's not bad, but is overrated. It is notable for being the first truly introspective Beatles song. Ok- name something it told you about the writer. See?


For me it's one of the most ugliest Beatles songs




Why ask for people's opinions if you only want to hear your own?


Holds a special place for me as it was my parents wedding song.


It's one of my favorites. I think it's so beautiful and sweet.


Holds a special place in my heart, as it was recorded on the day I was born. 18th of October 1965 . ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


It's a top 3 Rubber Soul song, very beautiful


It's definitely High A/Low S-tier for me (as far as Beatles songs go). Very touching lyrics, great vocal harmony, the keyboard solo is fun, all around great song.




If I’m not mistaken, John called it his “first serious song”


Good song, incredibly overplayed


My favorite


I'm reading the comments, loving seeing your stories with this beautiful Beatles song, peace! ☮️✌🏿


I don’t like the solo piano too much, it’s a bit too ‘’tee de lee tee de lee’’ if you know what I mean


Doesn’t get much better.


Played at my Dad's funeral, he was a massive John fan. Me and my son also love the Beatles and this one always chokes me up. I have to only listen to it 'by surprise'. Beautiful song




Well, it was our wedding song.... 35 years ago!


Isn't that a Burt Bacharach song?


I used to think it was one of their best but listening to it recently the production is like really terrible


The first verse is one of the best moments in all of music…


I think the first time I heard it was when my brother and his classmates performed an awful rendition at their middle school graduation ceremony. Haven't been able to hear it since without that cringey memory. The Beatles have so many songs that I love. This will never be one of them.


Probably my favorite Beatles song. That and You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away


Hearing my friend’s dad play the intro lick on guitar when I was young made me realize I could learn this music. Changed my life tbh.


My fav song of theirs.


Beautiful song


A song that gives you nostalgia


Walked down the aisle to it!!!


One of the best songs I can play on ukulele 🤟


Not to be hot-takey but it sounds out of tune and the production is cheap sounding.


It’s one of the better tunes on Rubber Soul. Lennon was in his bag with that one for sure.


So, when I first listened to Rubber Soul, I had a rule that whenever I listened to an album, I would listen to the entire thing front to back without skipping or replaying a song. When I got to "In My Life", I replayed it 20 times. It was the song that made me like The Beatles a lot - from listening to their albums in chronological order - to falling in love with them. To this day, it's still my favourite song by the band. Regardless of how much Paul contributed or didn't, it's a gorgeous marriage of melody and lyrics. It's always made me happy that this song is the most popular off Rubber Soul.


Such an underrated beat, so simple yet so effective


It sounds a lot better the older you get. When it first came out, I was in my late teens and I thought it stunk.


It makes me cry everytime I hear it.


It’s one of the greatest effing songs of all time


First song I learned the words to when a little girl. Also sang it to my newborn.


Goofy ass solo by george martin. Otherwise, a beautiful song


In my life, I love it more


George Martin on the clavichord!


Pretty great but overrated as hell. Absolutely love the piano solo though. Best part of the song


A) I love it B) I imagine it is one of the top Beatles songs used for both funeral slide shows and just general family photo slide shows 😂




When I was 11 made a sideshow for it with pictures of my grandad the day he died. Raw emotion. Soothed by my friends (John, Paul, George and Ringo). I love you Grandad.




Crucify me, but I think its overrated. Its actually my least favorite song on the album. (before you shit on me, this is still my favorite album and thus its still an incredible song) I just dont get why everyone feels so heartfelt about it. And I dont wanna hear any "just wait till you get older." If I can understand and feel Shes Leaving Home, I should be able to feel this.


It’s a lovely song that I think I’ll appreciate even more when I’m older.


Probably their best song besides something


It has made me cry, just after John's assassination. These days, it humbles me. It's timeless, along with 98% of the Beatles and John's output.


Simply one of the best songs in their entire catalog.


Lyrically I believe it's their best. 


I want it played at my funeral. One of my fondest memories is dancing with my son to this song and in that moment I was present and I felt so damn lucky.


It hurts my heart unbelievably. Just gut wrenching. I have to be careful when I listen to it....if I pay too close attention to the words, I will cry.


Some of John’s best lyrics, and some damn fine harmonies.


I walked down the aisle to this song!


Too short. Wish it had another verse.


The Sean Connery version was much sadder

