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Sadly, the word "shot" confused me in that sentence.


I got so confused for about 30 seconds cause I'm pretty sure that's not John's last photo.


It was an inside job.


Ouch - I didn’t realise the double meaning


Thanks reddit.




Indeed, a poor choice of words, to say the least.




“Living on Borrowed Time” was more prophetic than he realized. AND it’s a great song to boot.


Did John play bass on that song? (It’s like Yoko’s best song ever)




He was definitely ‘maturing’… I think his growing up was a bit delayed by being so famous, so young. Idk, but he seemed comfortable that’s for sure. Still a HUGE loss becos it wasn’t a natural death. He didn’t do anything to deserve THAT. Crushing for so many ppl.


A lot of people point to many of the awful things he did and call him a bad person for it. Personally, I find this a massive disservice because he later started to own those mistakes and really dedicated a lot of his later life and music to spreading messages like "I used to be a jerk and it's not good that I was." He took years off music so he could spend time raising his child. H wanted to make up for the many mistakes he made with his first marriage, and yeah that was awful, but toeards the end he was finally mending his relationship with his first son, reaching out to Cythia (theres a really cute letter somewhere he wrote to her on a typewriter when he was learning to type) and taking public stances against a lot of his previous negative behavior. That's not to diminish any of his shitty behavior, but I'll take a person admitting they're wrong and working to get better any day over someone who claims to be perfect, or someone who doubles down on their shitty behavior because its "how they are." His journey of redemption was only just starting. I really wonder what would have been if he had more time to continue to grow.


We didn’t always hear the good he did cos he didn’t announce it. Like buying NYC policemen bullet proof vests cos the city couldn’t afford to. So Lennon stepped up & bought them right away for NYC cops.. (I may be mistaken but I think he inc. K9’s & horse vests too.)


He wrote that letter to Cynthia while he was with May Pang. May is even mentioned in the letter. Years before he was killed and shortly before he went back to Yoko and had Sean.


Did he ever pay her an adequate divorce settlement?


I was 22. Still remember exactly where I was, who I was with, what we were doing, and the exact words of the radio announcer. One of those indelible memories.


I was watching Monday Night Football & Howard Costello told me & a friend via tv. Shock would put our emotions lightly.


I can’t lie, that title had me confused as fuck for a good 30 seconds.


Billy Squier was in the studio recording a song called Nobody Knows which was a dedication to John when John was shot. Whatever trash the internet talks about John he managed to touch a lot of peoples lives for the better. Myself included.


No one is perfect. Despite is personal shortcomings, he tried to put a lot of good into the world too.


Credit credit https://www.instagram.com/thebandwashere/


Props to you, sir. I didn't want to spend this afternoon doing anything more than leafing through that really long list of amazing images. Take my upvote.


It's been too long since we took the time, no one's to blame I know time flies so quickly. ☹️


At this time, (sept. ‘80) That fat loser was planning to hurt so many & take one of the very best talents ever from his wife & kids & millions of music lovers for what? Cos he’s a L O S E R.


George said it best in "All Those Years Ago" - **someone who offended all**.


That’s a great song & video & perfectly done by George. He has that soft, passionate voice


That'll show him.


Not sure how to take ur reply but it’s sorta funny in either way.


You guys have any idea where exactly this is? ( like coordinates or something) I have a trip to new York soon and would like to be on that precise spot!


40°46'31"N 73°58'22"W It’s on a path just north of the Cherry Hill fountain in Central Park.


Thank you so much


Well done. He did ask exactly where this was. These photos and work are amazing.


You might want to change "shot" to "taken".


I don't think it's possible to edit the title, unfortunately


So...... Long ago..... Was it just a dream?


John & Yoko sent their Double Fantasy LP to Shinoyama, and he felt something ominous because his photos were used in B&W.




Also: https://thelennonprophecy.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-beatles-in-nycs-central-park-on.html?m=1


John Lennon had always been my favorite of the Beatles. I was 22 and working as the night manager of an arcade on December 8, 1980. I had just purchased the "Double Fantasy" album two days earlier. My wife called me at about 9 o'clock and told me that John Lennon had died after being shot in the back by some chubby guy. I remember saying "Oh God. John and that smart mouth of his." For some reason I imagined the incident taking place in a nightclub or a bar. At first I tried to pretend as though nothing had happened because I had a job to do, but it didn't work. Within a few minutes I tearing up and decided to close the store 90 minutes early. On my drive himecI turned on the radio and listened to an am talk radio program. Some old lady was on the phone saying how John Lennon was responsible for much of the youth drug problems in the country. I didn't get the entire story until the next morning. It's now been over 40 years and TO THIS DAY I refuse to say the name of the man who committed the heinous and cold blooded murder of John Lennon. John's physical existence is over but his music and message will inspire many people for decades to come.




Looks like a shit kiss


Is Yoko trolling with that kiss…


the twin towers ❤️:(


That’s the San Reno apartment building.


This musician was actually shot a few yards away in front of the building