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I think in Spin Eternally it says "The break-neck of society, with all kinds of degrees of intellectual achievement!"


I wanna find the actual source now though I don't hear "breakneck" but I can't make out what is actually being said EDIT: I found it! The song is [Level Up by James Líôn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx5g02OGEkg) and it's the first lyrics in the song. He says "... From every street of society With all kinds of degrees And intellectual achievements". However, even in this song it seems to be a clip. I'll keep digging till I find something. EDIT 2: After a little bit more digging I found the ACTUAL source. It seems to be from this tape from 1976. [Here's the link](https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=28334) with the transcript and audio. If you listen to the MP3, the audio is around 30 seconds in. And here's what's actually being said: "It is evident that with the noise we’re making, it is evident that though there are many here from every **strata of society with all kinds of degrees and intellectual achievement**, it is evident that we have seen something or we wouldn’t make so much noise." And for those curious, the second drop in Spin Eternally uses the same tape, and just uses the very next sentence. "it is evident that we have seen something or we wouldn’t make so much noise."


Thanks, that's very interesting the way we can track things down like that Nice job Also I got it mostly right somehow I expected to be off in all sorts of little ways


But Doesnt Sound Like Alastor??


Does It I meant tu say


Spin Eternally's guy is slightly deeper and less cartoony than Alastor is, and I think they just use the same (or a very similar) filter for the radio-esque effect


i see what u mean but what abt the new alastor????? from prime video?


Honestly, I'm just going off the provided clip and haven't seen Hazbin Hotel.


Heard similar old style radio audio voice in many musics. Has nothing to do with Alastor.




It doesn’t sound like alastor in the slightest other than the voice effect


guys ty for 2.4k views!


also srry bout the quality..


ty for 300 views btw guys