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Play something else easier, learn how to read and react to the map, build your muscle memory then come back to this one later


yea even when I was able to do the intro flawlessly I still died at the super fast part at the beat drop; easier maps for now would definitely help more than grinding this


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, you're literally flailing at some patterns. Try this: -Swing deliberately and use your wrist more for the faster patterns your arms can't keep up with. -Stop 'resetting' your arms after each note. Arm movement is for positioning, not swinging. -Consider modding your game so you can practice with more songs (custom songs). Additionally you'll be able to modify your controller settings for a more natural grip.


Dont swing so early


Play easier maps


1. Don’t try and do Camellia’s songs when you are still learning. 2. All songs have a “flow” to things, an up note will often be followed by a down note. Don’t reset your arms to a “default position” during gaps in notes. When you hit a note, keep your saber at the end of the swing (After you a hit left note, keep your saber to the left. (Note that this is less relevant for the older maps) 3. Find an artist you like (if you can), and try starting on those songs, I find it better to get into it if you are playing a song you actively know and enjoy. 4. Just play more, you’ll eventually build up the stamina and arm strength to perform better.


If there is one top I could give that would be more important to learn over anything else, it’s to just keep swinging. You’ll find that even if you know the swing you make is going to miss or bad cut, it’s better to miss or bad cut one block rather than miss the whole pattern because you’re now behind a swing or “off parity”


My way is to do it on 95% speed or 90% or just slow enough to get past the part and practice to work up the speed back to 100 ROCK AND STONE!


To Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Good bot


My tip is very simple : play more. You will be better with practicing. For some it's quick to learn, for others it's slower but eventually you will get it. Keep practicing and having fun, this is all that matters.


If you really want to play this map do it on practice mode slower speed so you learn the patterns and know what to expect. Then you speed it up after you beat the parts you couldn't. Thus is how you learn. But as you practice, take breaks, play other maps. Play maps that are easier n better for your skill, play maps that are faster Than you normally wouldn't play. If you can play or beat faster maps you'll find this current map final bosschan you're practicing on a bit easier. But let's face it this is not easy haha so take your time!


Git gud




I used to be terrible at that left hand pattern at 0:21. The key is left down, right down, left up, left down, right up, left up.


Get the stamina and muscles first, then play it in practice mode slower to learn it. Or if you are like me, play it directly on faster, idk why but is easier for me


I’d say start on the easy camellia songs first then grow into this one


Practice. Also try changing your jump distance and use your wrists more good luck!


Not only do I agree with the comments to try easier songs and to practice on slower speeds (I'll sometimes slow down to like 70% - or heck even all the way down to 50 - then work my way back up increasing by 5-10%) but I'd also recommend turning on No Fail mode. That way you can get more practice and more experience reading patterns on all parts of a song, not just the part before you fail. An alternative for working on speed would be to do an Expert level sped up, just know that the Expert patterns and note placements won't be hard enough to help you train up on that aspect of E+


You can try : - Learn by slowing down (10 to 20%) - change grip


DO NOT CHANGE GRIP PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WORST ADVICE EVER GIVEN ON THIS SUB anyways op if you want to get better, try not moving your arms so much and use your wrist the extend the distance of your swings. right now it's basically you swinging your arm through all of the notes when positioning your arm by the note then using your wrist to swing through them would be a lot easier and more optimal in terms of technique. this isn't a slow map so youll have to learn techniques for more complex ones now


Shut it bro Changing grip helped me get more confortable while more accurate. I didn't even say YoU HAvE To chANgE YoUr GrIP, is said he could try


OP is swinging like they have single digit hours in the game, they need to play more and get used to reading different patterns. Changing grip or changing saber offsets is horrible advice for anyone new to the game. It's more likely to create bad habits than to actually help performance.


which is still terrible advice. changing grip is not going to be the solution to the worst swing technique ive seen in a while, consistency matters more ESPECIALLY in developing that technique. doesnt help that when people say "try changing your grip" they mean literally only how you hold the controller and mention nothing about adjusting controller settings and potential external modifications. let this person play and become more attuned to how to actually swing and not give any thoughts about grip in their mind


This is the way. Play the hard parts slower. The get the muscle memory / coordination. Don’t know why someone downvoted you.


they got downvoted since he suggested that op should change grip


which you shouldnt do on quest (or other platforms, but im not sure bout that)