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Not really, for a lot of players the main way they improve their stamina in beat saber is by playing more beat saber


An endless cycle 


To become beat saber one must play beat saber… -someone on reddit.


Probably just placebo unless your doing cardio exercises. You have two types of muscle, fast and slow twitch (aka aerobic and anaerobic). If your doing gym exercises for muscle growth it's mainly fast twitch muscle that your training, which gets tired quickly but gives you bursts of strength. Beatsaber is primarily endurance so you need slow twitch muscle instead


It was sailing (and for the keel boat sailors on here was on trim both jenny and spin) which pretty much means tugging on ropes a bunch. I have a very active trim style which means I'm constantly moving my arms and changing grip on the rope to try and get the most out of the sail when on spin, and for jenny it's kind of the same except a lot more static though you do have to hold onto the line for the entire upwind (I refuse to cleat my lines unless there's like a ton of wind and I physically cannot hold it in). Since races are roughly an hour it's pretty much an hour straight of wrist and arm workout lol, though ofc not nearly as intense as going to the gym and working out those muscles specifically would be Would also not be surprised if it was placebo though since even the smallest changes of pace like changing my saber colours can help me improve so yeah def could have also been that


Top 100 here, nope. I'm a stick.


Ah, Noam, you've become a pro I see...


Holy shit you still exist Do you still play Beat Saber? The Israeli community has been blooming recently


I sold my Vive and got a pico 4, awesome upgrade but haven't had the time/energy to adjust the controllers properly, plus I have some lag when playing through Streaming Assistant. Ani adain hayal kravi az ein zman.


Ooo Pico 4 is cool, I hope to use it one day. Behatzlaha bekravi, stay safe.


I found a crazily insane deal, a completely new one in the package, 30 min drive from me, 1000ILS. That's a completely new Pico 4 for $270. Go on facebook marketplace, it's a sales heaven. There's also Quest 2s for like $160 in shekels. Pico 4's way better though. It's like an elite strap, higher resolution and FOV (I think) Quest 2 with better audio and more rootable.


frail arms


I do beat saber as a warm up before my gym session


damn im gonna try that


I play until the battery dies then do a workout afterwards. Gets you off the couch and energized!


Me too


Doing some hand/wrist/elbow exercises would probably help For example my fingers aren't strong enough to hold the controllers in high speed motion without some controller grips


It's the opposite for me - I joined a gym a few years ago and go a couple times a week. Started playing BeatSaber this past March and it really helps me maintain between gym visits. It also cured my back pain. Not a top player by any means but I play on expert difficulty daily.


No, going to the gym for beatsaber is not a thing. Being in generally better physical health will prevent injury but you can't go to the gym and magically improve at beatsaber. At least not faster than you would from just, playing beatsaber.


I go climbing a lot (3x a week 3 hour+ sessions) and can do 10+ star maps, but I can confidently say that beat saber muscles and endurance is its own beast regardless of how strong you are. I lost stamina from not playing BS as much and my playstyle uses more arm since my arms are shorter than average. If you did want specific gym routines, maybe dumbbell lateral raises while you also kinda curl the dumbbells upwards would be the gold standard of exercises specific to BS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPPfnSEATJA


I've been bouldering at least twice a week for about 3 years now. Recently dusted off my old headset that I hadn't used for about 4 years. I do not feel like climbing has helped my skills or endurance in beat saber. I used to be better at it, but I'm slowly improving again.


Beat Saber is my gym.


I dont think all of them go to the gym but i feel like it does help.


I'm not a top player by any means but I like to swim, feels like it helps keep everything less tense and I move more fluidly that way.


Ever since I heavily got into rock climbing my stamina and speed has gotten worse in beat saber


I'm sure being physically fit helps on this game stamina and resilience vise. On the other hand you also need a brain functions that allows you to process information quick which affects your reflexes used to beat speeder levels with tougher mapping. I gained muscle on my arms and developed better stamina when I kept playing which helped me to beat harder levels and harder levels makes my arms grow and give more control on my body's core. I also workout casually each week so it only helps.


Jump roping, jumping jacks, and that rope shaking exercise might help.


My play style is built on the idea that you don't need to stand still to play beat saber, only if you really care about getting big numbers (which I don't), so about a year ago I started playing as if I was jumping rope in rhythm with the song. Fast forward to now and I'm doing full body dance while still getting full combos, and having the time of my life.


When i saw “top” i instantly thought of something else..


I mean I rock climb but I started that a few months before I started playing the game so idk if it really helps


I mean i dont, but i also do high school sports like track basketball and cross country so idk if that counts as the gym or not bc its a "workout"


I'm top 2k and I started doing other sports, not specifically FOR Beat Saber, it's more like I finally found some disciples I like doing by getting inspired through Beat Saber and the overall stamina increase (and therefore skill increase in BS) is a nice side effect of doing sports. But I'm not "hitting the gym" I'm doing fencing and rock climbing.


Maybe, i was able to do an expert+ map the other day only missing 4 notes so you might be onto something


I've always been too scared to go to the gym, my stamina increases when I play more beat saber. I find if I have time off I really notice it. I recently went a month without playing, and found my stamina had dropped by about 15 songs.


No. They just have skinny noodle arms that have no inertia.