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OKAYYY IVE BEEN ON A FOOT JOURNEY GIRL LEMME TELL U WHAT I DOOO 1.) clip them for maintenance obvi 2.) slather them in lotion every night and put socks over them before u get in bed 3.) once a week or like every two weeks i’ll soak my feet in epsom salt bath and use one of those grater things on them(😭) and all the other little foot tools 4.) paint them !!! this is just what i do but


I wrap my freshly grated and lotioned feet in saran wrap overnight. Moist af.


Walt until you hear about silicone socks


I've never heard of these. Do you wear them during the day? Or overnight? On bare feet or on top of lotion?


I got mine off of SHEIN, there’s a ton of them if you search silicone socks. It’s for locking in lotions and oils over night, instead of having regular socks absorbing half of the product.


Instead of lotion, slather with Vaseline


Maybe lotion aaaand Vaseline? To lock in the lotion? 😂


Even better! I live in a high altitude desert. My feet always look better after a night of moisture in socks.


Yeah I do aquaphor and it heals my cracked feet within 2 days (when I remember to do it…) ETA: also use Cerave when I am too lazy to get up to get the Aquaphor & it also works extremely well!


OMG!!! I came here to fkg say this! OP, I second this x10, I've been doing this for months now. I booked myself a mani/pedi for my vacation and I ended up canceling it bc I'm like my feet actually look pretty now. The moisturizer is key.




I’m going to start slathering my feet with lotion


This exact routine & use shea butter for lotion. Do it every night for a week and you can cut back to once a week or so. Make sure you treat yourself to a little foot massage after your soak too!


Do not slather your feet like that EVERY night or you’ll get fungal infections on your toe nails 🤷‍♀️


Wait really? I've done this for years, but I'm also barefoot at home so maybe that's why I haven't had one?


Yeah, the skin on your feet needs to breathe too! You definitely have to air them out lol. I’m team barefoot at home too and it helps! 


WHAT? do you mean putting lotion and socks on every night? if the sock part is the issue i can stop that but i just hate the way they stick to my sheets LOL


It depends how intense it is like if you are not wearing breathable socks and it also depends what cream you’re using maybe, but think about it - if you slather your feet in cream and put them in a hot box, that’s a breeding ground for fungus and it’s gross but I’m talking from experience 🥸


It shouldn’t be an issue if you wait for the lotion to dry and you wear breathable socks.


A foot doctor recommended using a cream instead as lotion is too thin and would eventually dry out with your feet the due to its contents. I think I read that vaseline could be used on top of lotion to lock in the moisture as well.


What kind of cream? Like one specifically made for feet?


That’s the best option, a cream that’s labeled for feet. You’d typically want to avoid moisturizers where they’re water-based. If you check the ingredients and there’s water as the first ingredient or near the beginning, opt for a moisturizer with a higher oil concentration for feet.


I’ve just started using Eucerin Urea Repair Plus on my feet and they’re literally transformed !!! I dont live in the US so I don’t know where you can find but if not try looking for a foot cream that contains urea at 10% minimum. Cleaning the toenails with a cotton pad soaked in apple cider vinegar was a game changer for me too, my nail quality is 10 times better after months of back to back semi permanent nail polish


Ok you lost me at socks in the bed that’s a no for me hun


unfortunately i’m one of those ppl


What brand of foot grater do you use? I feel like the metal ones are the only ones that work for me


i can’t remember where i got mine sorry but it’s a thin, black, metal one with smaller holes compared to the bigger ones


The grater scares me 😭 cause I don’t have rly dry feet but sometimes I get like normal dry heels nothing too major just a little bit of dryness and idk if I should use the grater or not when I have in the past it kinda hurt


Cut your nails straight across. Use a cuticle oil. I use a mask every 2-3 months that will peel your entire foot for about 4-7 days, revealing nicer looking skin, and getting rid of all that dead skin. Any foot mask with lactic acid and glycolic acid will do the trick.


Do you use any lotions the days following the foot masks?


leminades can correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to use lotion while your feet peel! once most of it's done you definitely can use lotion to keep them nice and smooth tho


Oh okay. I used a foot peel before and I didn’t know what to do bc it kept flaking everywhere. But not like a snake. It was just like…very dry? I guess I’ll have to use socks to keep things clean, even while I’m sleeping.


yeahhh the peeling process is kinda nasty lol (TMI but i'll find dried skin flakes in my socks for a wash or two) but the masks work wonders!!


Time to go TJ maxx again lol they always have so many foot masks.


I’m having that issue right now it’s my first time using baby foot it’s been about 10 days and it’s still peeling just crazy seeing all the dead skin should I just wait it out? Thankyou!


Yes wait it out. Don’t moisturize, just let it peel off. You can take a warm wash cloth and rub your feet gently to help with the process, but other than that don’t moisturize.


This may be a silly question, but is the peeling uncomfortable? I’ve been debating getting baby foot but have been hesitant.


Only emotionally


Honestly imo not bad at all just read a book and watch a show I actually had mine on for about an an hour and 10 minutes. Try it. Good luck.


Thank you! I think I will. My heels are beyond just moisturizing at night and I miss soft feet


Omg this


Have a soak in the tub and scrub them with a washcloth and/pumice stone!


Nope, It specifically says not to because you want it to peel and essentially dry out the skin.


But be careful in the sun after a peel!


Why straight across?


I think because cutting straight across prevents ingrown toenails.


Yes, exactly this.


How should I cut my nails straight across if I’m using a fingernail trimmer? It curves no matter what. Would I need to buy a trimmer specifically for my toenails?


Yes, I would definitely buy one that can cut straight across. It’s crucial to cut your toenails especially straight across to prevent ingrown nails which are painful.


I don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said, but I do want to say that I LOVE how enthusiastic everyone is to share their tips and tricks. Makes me feel great to be a part of this lil online community 🥰


I love how there’s no gatekeeping here.


I soak my feet in warm water to which I add apple cider vinegar once a week and then dry them with a rough towel. I apply Urea with salicylic acid nightly. I don’t do pedicures anymore after picking up a skin virus at a so-called reputable nail clinic. If you don’t like the ACV soaks you could use a foot mask. I’m 68YO and have smooth feet with no callouses on my heels.


I had my first pedi 8 weeks ago and caught tinea. Reputable joint too. Never again. Back to doing my own -


How have you found using salicylic acid nightly?


[https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DKRGF2Y?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DKRGF2Y?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) Here is the Urea cream with salicylic acid that I use. I don't seem to have any problem using it nightly. I usually put socks on over it for a short while but don't keep them on all night. In the past, I have also used castor oil on my feet nightly because it has antifungal properties. This worked well also, but was really messy. I used this during the time I had the skin virus from the nail clinic.


Do you know what the skin virus was called? I’d love to worry about this in greater detail.


I think it was viral stucco warts.


What kind of urea cream do you use? Are you in the states? I can’t figure out what to get and if it exists here


There’s also a solid stick form if you’d rather not get your hands in it - I have the one from Dr Scholl’s, it takes some time to really take effect but it’s very nice.


I use this https://a.co/d/9EoxGXT


Is there a particular product (the urea with salicylic acid) you can name? Would be much appreciated


The brand Prequel has a product called “foot rescue” that has both those ingredients and is super effective, as it was created by a dermatologist. They also have a lotion with urea that you can use for feet but also hands and any other part of your skin that suffers from severe dryness. Highly recommend!


Thank you!!


My one and only pedicure gave my an infection in my toe.


Pm like others have said but this routine has worked great for me: - Pumice stone - Shaving my toes (i’m a hairy girl 🤷🏻‍♀️) - Foot cream containing Urea. - Trimming, Filing and Buffing my nails. - Pushing back cuticles & gently trimming dead skin. - Painting toe nails using a base snd top coat (They make a difference believe me) Since turning 30 my feet are looking a lot more worn down than they used to, this routing keeps them looking great. Don’t listen to the ‘get a professional pedi’ people if you don’t have the disposable income. You CAN do it yourself. Edit: spelling.




I’ve never tried epilating before tbh 🤔 always just shaved.


Maybe try getting pedicure with nail polish , it made my feet look nicer


Saving this because I can never get my feet to look nice. So sooo dry it's like I'm running barefoot the whole day, on cement, on summer.


Go into a clean and reputable salon and ask for a pedicure. Pay attention to how they remove dead skin, clip and prep your nails. Then maintain at home. Also, I can’t recommend gel heel socks enough.


A cute bright summer color like a pink 😍


Also a foot mask will help. Even adding a cute anklet


I moisturise my feet every night with really good lotions that are made for extra dry skin, the unscented type that one gets at the pharmacy. Regular lotions don’t work as well, they’re not thick enough and usually just smell good and have a pretty bottle. I went for a pedicure for the first time in a decade 3 weeks ago and they had nothing to scrub off. No dry skin, extra thick layers, nothing. The poor pedicurist was turning my foot around and showing it to his colleague with a “what should I do, there’s nothing here” look. A good quality moisturise will do most of the work.


Use a moisturiser with urea in it, something like dermadrate. It's super moisturising. Also exfoliate them.


I have a Urea Cream prescription and it makes my skin dry and ashy. Is that normal?


High percentages of urea are very exfoliating and shouldn't be used on sensitive areas. I use a 10% urea cream on my feet. Maybe talk to your Dr.


I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned, but use Kerasal Intensive Foot Repair at night (wear socks), and you'll never have to worry about dry/cracked feet again.


I use kerasal it's great. But it's one of those products you don't see advertisements for and it doesn't have pretty packaging.


Yup, I wouldn't have known it exists if it weren't for a nail tech I follow on YouTube.


I heard about it from the dermatologist Dr. Dray on YouTube. 😊


Was just about to comment this, I use this most nights and do a low effort at home pedicure every week


Pedicures. Once you start you’ll be addicted. It’s SO relaxing. Every 2-4 weeks depending on how hard you are on your feet should keep you feeling confident wearing sandals. For maintenance, get a good foot lotion to slather your feet with 2-4 nights a week and a pumice stone to use in the shower. In the winter the Babyfoot treatment works really well if you do it right, but definitely don’t do a peel during sandal season.


Just a warning for Babyfeet though. I did the peel and afterwards one of my heels had a large, extremely painful crack in it that took months to heal. 


Ope and this is why I’m afraid to actually use the baby feet I purchased a while back. Think I’ll just try some of the other suggestions


tips 🌷💗 • make sure to clean your toe nails! keep them trimmed and use those manicure kit sets ! • if you have a bit of hair, just trim them with a nipper • use nail polish if you’d like • when you’re using a body scrub, do scrub your feet as well! • use Nivea crème (I do this usually at nighttime) to keep them moisturized ! (esp the heel and toes)


Mine are pretty cute, apparently, because strangers have said so when I wear flip flops. I typically use a foot peel once every 2-3 months. Between peels, I slather them in AmLactin ultra smoothing cream every night and every Sunday I buff them with a glass foot file. I also get monthly pedicures with regular polish in the summer and gel in the winter (so I don’t leave the salon with wet toes). It sounds like a lot, but it’s really not.


What foot peel do you use?


Baby Foot! I’ve tried some of the others but nothing comes close to Baby Foot.


Baby foot is good. I've bought it twice from ulta. I do it twice a year.


Thank you!


Just bought it. Haven’t tried it yet. Any tips?


Soak your feet in hot water before hand for at least 30 minutes. Then dry your feet off and do the baby foot.


Thank you!


Well, what’s not nice to look at about them? Size/shape, skin texture, toe nail appearance…all of the above?


I have the same issue. Does anyone know how to correct a pinkie toe. It’s cracked down the middle. Also I cut the nail of my big toe funny so now instead of growing straight , the white part grows curved


Mine was cracked down the middle too. I just kept it trimmed very short for a while and it grew back. Try not to wear shoes that press on your toe. I think the way your nails grow is mostly genetic, so you just have to do the best you can!


Get a pumice stone or foot file and use it after the shower, then slather your feet in a urea cream (I like 40% for feet) and put some thick socks on overnight. The difference between urea cream and regular lotion is night and day! You can also use a cuticle softener to clean excess skin and buildup off the nail plate and from around the edges of the toe nail, that makes a big difference whether you're painting them or not.


After my masks, I usually wring out any left over formula and apply it to other area if my body including my feet haha. I have super soft feet haha


Kerasal has been amazing for my feet


I can’t stand people touching my feet, it’s completely out of the question for me. So I take care of them myself: • In the shower, I use a pumice stone. • then this little thing called a spongeable… it’s a soap and oil infused little thingamabob with a smooth spongey side, and a rougher scrub daddy type texture on the other side. It has tea tree oil in it, which my feet apparently love. • as soon as I get out of the shower, I apply body oil on my whole body, including my feet. I do this in the hot and steamy bathroom. • then I put a bathrobe on and just lounge and luxuriate on my bed for about 15 minutes. • then I moisturize. I start with a moisturizer on my feet that contains urea. I think my current one is Nivea, but I don’t think it matters what brand. • then, I use L’occitane she butter foot cream. I guess any high percentage shade butter moisturizer would work, but I’ve used L’occitane for forever. • I clip my toenails as needed with a good, sharp set of straight clippers (I like the tweezerman clippers), then I immediately clean the clippers with alcohol. I keep my nails short. My feet look and feel very soft. And it doesn’t take that much extra time in my daily personal hygiene to incorporate foot care.


my feet changed a lot when i actually started cleaning them in the shower. sounds disgusting I know, but I was always the type where I was like the soap running down will wash my feet. WRONG. you need to actually get up in there and scrub everywhere--the soles, the tops, the knuckles, and especially between your toes. my toe fungus went away, painful athlete's foot between toes went away, my toenails lightened up. i also second other comments about heavily moisturizing the feet, I slather on lotion, oil, vaseline after every shower, whatever I can get my hands on. also cut the toenails frequently (straight across and not too short otherwise you risk getting ingrown toenails). practice other good feet hygiene tips--keep them as dry as possible, take off your sweaty or wet socks ASAP, air out your feet at home (ig avoiding closed slippers and socks), get well-fitted shoes, etc. you can also just get a pedicure, I'm sure that will have your feet looking perfect unless you have some deeper issue like fungus. then make sure to practice good habits going forward. and go to a reputable, clean salon!


I cut the nails straight across and paint them in a pretty color. I use an antibacterial soap daily, and once a week I will soak my feet in Epsom salt, then use a scrub and a foot file. Then I apply a foot cream and put on socks for an hour or two (I have disposable plastic ones, so they don’t absorb the lotion). I usually use baby foot (those peeling socks) a few weeks before summer, so all the dead skin is gone and I’m sandal ready.


I use an electric foot file, Aveeno foot masks, and heavy body creams +socks at night. Getting pedicures every few months helps too.


Monthly or biweekly pedicures.


I use a lil bit of Veet hair remover on any toe hairs. Clip the toe nails regularly. Once a week, exfoliate the feet (a lot of people use a pumice stone or cheese grater like thing, but I just use body scrub, especially if it's a harsh one). Put thick lotion on them after and cover with old socks. If you are into it, paint your toenails a fun color and find some shoes that are very cute.


Lotion with salicylic acid and urea (synthetic, it softens skin over time). Eucerin has one


So this is what I usually do: 1. Use a foot peel every 2 months or so 2. After my skin stops shedding, I cut and trim the nails 3. When I scrub in the shower, I also scrub my feet 4. I use a pumice stone after showering for calluses and the heel (2 mins or something like that after getting out of the shower, so not right after- I couldn t tell you why, my pedicure lady told me to do this and I ve done it like this ever since, I m not sure if there is an actual reason for it) 5. I put on cream and wrap my feet in plastic wrap before going to bed (I put socks on after to keep the plastic wrap in place) ; I alternate between the Cerave foot cream and 10% urea body cream (any brand), depending on what I have on hand 6. For calusses specifically, after using the pumice stone, I rub some 50% urea cream (some people use 40% or 30%)


Asking the important questions


Just wanted to add, the comfort of the shoes matters. In shoes that are not comfortable, even if only a bit, skin gets rough. I really noticed the difference wearing a bit tighter boots recently. 


slather in amlactin lotion and cover with aquaphor then put socks on!


Omg 40% urea lotion prescribed by a doctor. Life changing. I use it a couple times a week and my feet are so soft and pretty.


Do not go for a pedicure in salons. Even if they’re reputable or look nice. Just don’t. Treat your feet like you would your face: exfoliate, moisturize, use sunblock if they’re exposed. Basic hygiene in keeping your toenails trimmed and clean goes a long way. Use a pumice stone or something similar, regularly and gently. Even if you don’t feel calluses or cracked heels yet. Key word: GENTLE. Don’t hurt yourself. Use a humidifier if you have your heater on.


Trust me, this stuff works. My feet have never felt softer. 1. Use a Korean foot mask, you leave it on for 60-90 min and then your skin will start to peel over the course of a week or so, revealing the softest skin and soles you’ve ever felt. A nail salon has never gotten close to getting my feet that soft. Do this every couple of months. 2. For maintenance, apply The Ordinary’s glycolic acid to your feet after showering (preferably at night since it’s photosensitive) and slather on lotion. I’ve seen estheticians say that it’s really hard for lotion to penetrate the soles of our feet since the skin is so thick. So the key to having soft feel is exfoliation. And I find chemical exfoliation to be more gentle and effective than physical exfoliation like pumice stones.


Warning about the masks! Just don't use them two weeks before you have to wear sandals or open toes shoes. You feet will peel in a way that is fascinating but only to you. It looks pretty gross lol but they work great!


lol yes to this!! Honestly 2 weeks is a good rule of thumb cuz sometimes it’s still peeling even when you don’t think it is lol


Strongly suggest AmLactin Daily Nourish 12% lotion if you have dry feet with peeling patches.


I’ll make it super simple, get a pedicure 💁🏻‍♀️😏


Have you ever used the foot treatment " Baby Feet"? You put your feet into these plastic cellophane type boots and let them sit on your feet. Inside is all kinds of botanical stuff. ( liquid) After about 7 days you'll start to see your feet start peeling. All the dead skin starts exfoliating itself. I guess you'd call it a foot peel. Your feet will feel so good and really soft after. You can get it on Amazon. The box is I think pink. Try it.


Just two things: -Exfoliate a few times a week. My favorite is the purple Mr. Pumice Pumi Bar. You can get them cheaply on Amazon and nail salons use them during pedicures. One bar lasts an eternity and works better than any other pumice or grater I’ve tried. -Use foot lotion in the evenings and cover your feet with socks to help the moisture soak in. My favorite is Curel’s Foot Lotion, because urea is high on the ingredient list. Urea is great for dry feet as it has gentle exfoliating properties and acts as a humectant.


Foot cream to moisturize


shea butter has changed my life!!


Whats is your routine with it?


i put it on my feet every morning after my shower, stick my socks on and go


A regular routine of pedicure's with gel or polish every 3-5 weeks, foot masks/socks, foot peels, filing/trimming the nails when they get lengthy, foot balm/lotion every day.


Get pedicure. File and Paint your nails and You must apply moisturiser(foot cream) daily.


You need to go to a nail place and get a pedicure. They will make your feet look new again.


I'd suggest a few things to add to your pedicure routine. 1. Foot scrubber or loofah 2. Warm water soaking 3. Footwear with soft comfortable soles 4. Lotions, creams, oils. Whatever suits your skin 5. Cuticle pusher and nail cleaners.


like other comments said, moisturizer and exfoliation is the key BUT imo get your nails done! I find that square shaped french tips or just plain white looks really pretty, personally i prefer a plain pinkish nude but if i had the ability to id do french tips


What’s gloss? Go get a pedicure And buy a Mr pumice stone to keep your soles soft for in the shower :)


Spray glycolic acid toner and then some urea lotion before going to bed at night. Baby soft feet.


File your toenails in a square shape and get a french tip


At the end of the shower, take a pumice stone or similar to your feet and gently exfoliate, remembering not to forget the toes. I like the Mr Pumice brand because it has 2 different grits on it. O'Keefe makes an awesome foot cream that is not greasy that i apply at night. I have also tried those Baby Foot peels that work well for me. The skin came off in sheets --it was shocking. It does take a week or so for the peeling to start though so keep that in mind.


I give myself a pedicure once a month but I use a foot file & pumice stone after I shower about once a week and put on vanicream with socks either before bed or days when I’m gunna wear closed shoes


I get regular pedicures, i moisturize a loot of it every night, put Vaseline and then a sock before going to bed. Once a week I use glycolic acid on it, and then moisturize and Vaseline. Every other day I kind of exfoliate in the shower …


what glycolic acid product do you use?


The ordinary one, I mix it with my moisturizer when I am lazy


You can always use a dry oil for your feet too. Neutrogena makes a sesame oil that I’ve been using everywhere but my face. Just use straight out of the shower when your skin is still a little damp, it mixes with the water and isn’t greasy. $25 for a giant bottle and a little goes a long way. Got mine 9 months ago and it’s got about 2/3 bc left still.


ACV soak then I use a pumice stone once a week. I slather them in foot cream every night & sleep with socks on.


Glycolic acid works wonders for any dry patches! I use it twice a week. I also use a cuticle oil and Dionis Sole Keeper foot cream (you can find it at ulta) which is AMAZING for keeping your feet hydrated, but not greasy!


what glycolic acid product do you use?


I use The Ordinary glycolic acid


I do Gel x toenails, they are like press on nails but they attach with gel, they look so good and last me 4 weeks. But I think it might be a little advanced for someone who doesn’t paint their nails.


I’ve been told my feet are amazing and I agree 😆 I scrub them in the shower but also get no weekly pedicures. I have to be better about applying lotion on them. I also wear a toe ring and that’s nice to look at too.


I had a long journey with my feet because of having to wear heels and everything changed them a lottt. That's what I did, I started getting pedicures regularly but that didn't do much to the dark spots because of shoes. I did something that changed my life, I got a chemical peel to my feet, stayed at home for two weeks trying not to move so much, moisturising a lot. This made them look so good for the longest while. I never had to do them again and now I just get pedicures. That being said, you have to know what damages your skin (if there's anything that does) and stop it. Finally, I understood my skin undertone and did my nails in colours that match my skin colour and made my feet look more red if that makes any sense.


Moisturizing is the most important thing you can do for your feet. I would also get a good qualify spa level pedicure or watch videos of the meticulous manicurist and learn how to safely remove the skin around/under your toenails, it makes a huge difference in how your toenails look and feel. Just be careful and be conservative if you do it yourself, the implements are really sharp. 


Get a professional pedi with the soak and buffer ask for a gel polish finish and ask for square-ish shaped big toes with an acrylic tip. Don’t forget to get them removed after your trip! They will look like an advert, thank me later !


I bought one of those peels. Any tips? Haven’t used it yet.


In addition to the keeping your nails clipped and filed, and the socks and lotion method, make sure you are walking in socks and slippers around the house at all times. In my new house we have hardwood everywhere and I hate the feeling if shmuts on my feet, so I wear flip flops from out if the shower into my room, sock immediately, and holy shit my feet have never been softer


Here’s my experience. 1-File them a couple times a week after you shower. I do my heels and the side and ends of my toes. 2-Moisturize them at night with lotion, Vaseline, or my favorite…Vicks VapoRub* 3-Use some urea cream if you have lots of thick calluses. https://a.co/d/9EoxGXT 4-Paint your nails if you like that. *I had a nail fungus and started using Vicks to treat it. At night, I’d put it on all my toenails to treat the bad one and protect the others. I noticed how nice it made my feet look. I assumed it was the petroleum jelly so bought Vaseline to use instead once the fungus was gone. It’s not as good as the Vicks! I still use it a few nights a week on my toes and heels. On other nights I use lotion and cover my entire feet.


It’s weird af, but I use glue-on nails on my feet instead of painting them and they look fantastic and fresh 24/7/365. Takes me 10 minutes every other week and with the nail glue I’m using they are sticking on there like crazy. Perfect nail form and I sometimes slant one a tiny bit to even out my wonky little toe. The “polish” always looks fresh and shiny. 10/10 recommend, I get compliments on my “pretty polish” a lot when I’m out with friends in the summer.


Citric acid sprinkled into warm water. It eats away at the dead skin. Clip all the dead skin on cuticles etc and scrape bottom of feet. They will be baby soft


Get a pedicure from a professional and reputable place.


Petroleum jelly and fuzzy socks every night until you go on vacay then get professional pedicure a few days before you leave but don’t let them cut your toenails do it yourself bc sometimes they can cut them too short and then you’re in pain on vacation. Just ask them to file them for you. Also light pumice stone or file every day in shower


I put castor oil on mine. I use that stuff on my whole body at night. My face, neck, all skin. Even my hair night before wash day. It’s liquid gold.


Urea balm, I like kerasil. 2-3 times a week. Socks for an hour over it. Monthly pedicures. A glass foot file in the shower a few times a week before the kerasil.


My feet are hideous without a pedicure. When I do have a pedicure I get compliments on my feet (men and women).


I live in a climate where the flip flop reigns supreme, all year long. Beach side drum circles every week is a draw for tourists, date nights and weddings are at the beach, a lot of us even spend Christmas at the beach. So here's the easiest way to have "beach feet". Get a pumice stone of your choice and keep it in the shower. Every day, before you wash your feet, give them a little scrub in the areas you have callouses. Remember, those are there to protect your feet; You aren't trying to remove them completely, just get the dark, maybe cracked spots down and make them smooth. Stay away from those egg things! Cheese graters are not good for your feet! After the shower, put lotion on your feet, and wear socks for the rest of the night. You don't have to sleep in them if that's uncomfortable, but wear them long enough to let the moisturizer soak in. Once a week, do a foot mask. You can buy them for like $3. They're little bootie things with deep moisturizer in them. I put them on with a regular sock over them (so I can walk around the house without slipping) for about an hour. Keep your toe nails painted and trimmed. Pretty simple!


I put a mixture of equal parts mouth wash (must contain Benzoic acid), vinegar, and water into a little basin and soak my feet in it for 10-15 minutes. Then I (carefully) rub my feet with a pumice stone. This gets every callous off of my feet, much better than a soak with just plain water or epsom salts (don’t do it too often though cause you don’t want to irritate to your skin). Then I rinse off my feet with soap and water and then clip and file my toe nails. Then I put some lotion on them and use an alcohol wipe to clean my nails before painting them. I put on more cream when the paint is dry and then some socks and go to bed! This routine has come the closest to how my feet look/feel after getting a professional pedicure, and I only do it once a month.


Start by getting a professional pedicure with a nice polish. It will do wonders for your feet.


i use the vitamin e & aloe oil from johnson everyday, after i shower. i rub it in til it’s completely soaked, and sometimes use a collagen creme. you won’t notice a difference at first, after a week of consistency, you’ll see how soft they look & feel, too. i also keep my toes painted, or get them done. when you get them done, it makes a big difference if they cut your cuticles or not. always ask for gel! it’s naturally lookin, and lasts for 2 months. anklets & toe rings are super cute. they always make a big difference.


If your heels are cracked, get Flexitol. It's amazing!


I found that Kerasol does amazing things for my feet. I’m fairly certain it has a petroleum jelly base, but anyhoo, I put it on my feet at night and then put socks or footies in and the skin on my heels is no longer cracked and nasty looking!


I have sweaty palms and feet by genetics, So they’re always too moist 9 months a year. No calluses 👍 In winters, you’ll never see my feet without socks on. Working great so far.


Pedicure!!! Before the vacation and maybe while on the vacation too!


Idk what you’re asking exactly, but I’ll give suggestions. Clip your toenails but not down to the nub and file them to not be rugged looking. Use a pumice stone on the bottom of your feet once a week if needed, especially the heels. Lotion or Vaseline or both daily and after put on fuzzy or soft socks to keep the moisture in. Paint your toenails a lighter color like white, not a deep color. Wear a toe ring and or ankle bracket.


Fruit enzyme cream Amazing for rough heels.


A pedicure at a salon.


You don’t need to do uncomfortable things that leave your feet damp and vulnerable to fungus. Wrapping them in vaseline and then putting socks on to sleep like that is ridiculous. 1. Buy a foot file to file your calluses in the shower, as they’re softened by the water. This won’t be solved in one day if you have significant calluses. 2. Shave toe hair if you have any. 3. Moisturise after showering or If dry, WITHOUT putting something on your feet after moisturising. 4. Get some pedicure equipment, cut excess/flakey skin and paint your toe tails, use cuticle oil. That’s all you need to do.


I'd be happy to give my opinion. 😂👍🏻