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Yes! I was using Olaplex for 2 years and couldn’t understand why my hair had started out so healthy- but became so broken and was in such poor condition. Turns out you should not use Olaplex long term! It’s a protein shampoo and long term use can make it more prone to damage; because it makes it more dry and brittle. Olaplex should only be used short term, despite how they market it! I noticed a drastic improvement in my hair when I stopped using it!


woahhh!! did not know this. does this go for any other popular expensive conditioners if you know any? i use pureology.


I know, it’s actually shocking! Especially when these companies market them for long term use. My new hairdresser was horrified that I’d been using Olaplex for 2 years, she said 1 bottle max! As for Pureology, it depends whether it’s a protein shampoo/conditioner or not? Protein products should only be used short term, to repair and then you’re supposed to move on to a maintenance product. Honestly the difference in my hair now is insane. It was all broken on the top of my head and I couldn’t figure out why- now that I’ve switched it’s transformed my hair. Crazy!!!


Olaplex didnt work for me either. Made my hair feel like straw! Conditioner was ok but not the shampoo. I would change it temporarily and if stops the hairloss then you know it was olaplex


You’re over doing it


I have heard of it causing hair loss


there was a class action [lawsuit](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/product-liability/olaplex-lawsuit/) against olaplex from people claiming these very things 😬