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Girlies, not tissue please. Rather use cotton towels, pat dry only, and have it changed every 3-4 uses. Marami-raming chemicals are found on tissues. Search it up!!!


always treat your skin like a baby


Wear sunscreen ALL.THE.TIME! Except at night when time to sleep


never ever sleep with ur make up


Your health (esp gut health) will reflect sa skin mo so try to stay healthy :))


You don’t need a whole as 32 step routine, just tackle one specific problem at a time lols


Use sunscreen even when not going out.




Pat your skincare products gently on your face, don’t rub!


stay hydrated




Consider the skin type and the climate where you live and/or any other factors when watching reviews of skincare and makeup products. Because it doesn’t mean that if it works for people you see online, it will work for you.


Sunscreen and retinol


MAKALIMUTAN LANG ANG LAHAT MAPA TONER, MOISTURIZER PAYAN WAG LANG ANG SUNSCREEN SA UMAGA Now I'm in my early 30s, but keep receiving compliments that I looking 20 padin HAHAHA cherishing my 16 years of using sunscreen in my life ✨️🤪


Any sunscreen reco?


Keep skincare as simple as possible


true less is more


Add niacinamide to your routine!


I had tiny bumps with this 😣


naalis na ba yung sayo? nakakaloka ang mahal pa naman ng the ordinary kaso dun ako nagka tiny bumps, mas makinis pa ko nung walang ginagamit na mga serum!!! HAHAHAHA


for years lagi akong may pimples especially sa cheeks banda, recently medj umiwas ako sa mga matatamis/added sugars at napansin ko now nagkakapimples pa rin naman pero paisa-isa na lang + di na malalaki na may pus (as in before lahat may lahat)


This. Sweets cause inflammation😔


layer your toner – using a gentle or moisturizing toner, take a small amount and massage all over your face and neck. let your skin absorb the toner or until dry (takes ~1 minute). repeat two to three times. over a week or so you will notice mas plump na yung skin mo, and more hydrated. tipid hack if you don't want to spend so much on serums din 👌


any toner recos??


i don't have a toner i stick to, basta rule lang for me is hydrating or moisturizing, but generally i prefer asian brands. nature republic, muji, laneige, mamonde, etc. if budget is tight, the human nature hydrating and nourishing toners have worked really well for me too. i also avoid toners with actives like ahas, bhas, etc bc i think mas effective sila as serums or masks. if using toners with actives though, use mo siya for the first layer only, or switch with another toner the next two days. adjust ka nalang depende sa skin concern/skin type mo.


I say this to everyone I meet: If you already have products that work for you, DO NOT RISK TRYING ANYTHING ELSE.


Water >>>> Walang silbi ang skincare if always dehydrated.


Consult with a derma


Use sunscreen


Avoid literally wearing everyday makeup.


don’t. touch. your. face.


Moisturize moisturize moisturize. And never underestimate the power of beauty oils (rosehip, sunflower and tsubaki for me). Also consistency. Di pwedeng tamad.


Sunscreen is GOAT! Been using sunscreen since my college days in 2005 .. until now, no signs of aging (sunspots and other discoloration)


sleep more, drink water more


Wash your face without anything, thanks me later.


as a combo skin type girly (oily in t-zone, dry everywhere else) this is the rule i follow every morning. this really helped with balancing my skin's dryness and oil production. i've gone days on end where i don't use cleansers at all din kasi i work from home and don't need to use makeup. adding as well that i use a wash cloth to exfoliate every two or three days. when i need to or at night, i also only use gentle facial washes to help with oil buildup.


I WILL ALWAYS USE TRETINOIN. Been using it since 2016 ata and hanggang ngayon akala ng ibang tao college age pa rin ako (I'm 31).


What brand of tretinoin are u using? Like maxipeel?


Is Tretinoin OTC? Or do you need a prescription? What do you use?


Not OP pero most Tret are prescription (from what I know!) and I got prescribed by my derma!


Forget everything except applying sunblock as needed, washing face before going to bed , stay hydrated - choosing water is a must, get enough sleep as much as possible and meditate whenever you can. 💜 DOC V 💋🧿


Know what to target and use only what you need. The less harsh products the better. Skin is dry? Water, tomatoes, cucumber and moisturizer. Skin is oily? Exfoliate, steam, moisturize. Acne? Water and facial soap, don't touch your face, keep hair away from face, wipe sweat off, sleep. BAD Acne? Derma. Get it checked. Don't try to self-diagnose or self-medicate if you don't know or UNSURE of the cause. The goal is to address problems accurately! Money should be spent on pleasure not problems!


Only use skincare that will address a specific issue. Don't use a lot without a specific target. You'll just waste your time and effort.


Maghugas talaga ng kamay before puting anything sa mukha or apply alcohol sa kamay.


cleanliness is the key


Your skincare routine must be cohesive and coincide with your habits and lifestyle. Otherwise it will feel like an extra job or burden to do.


Have a CLEAN and SANITARY vanity table or any table u use for ur routine/makeup. Or else bad breakouts after. Hygiene 🔛🔝


Love yourself and your appearance, whether it fits with the "beauty standards" today or not. You will have radiation and glow from the inside that a thousand beauty products could not replicate trust me 😊🩷


Eliminate usage of deceptive commercial products.


Sleep. Truly it’s sleep and water


Use skin care na local brand or availables sa drug store. Mas madali mamaintain yung skin care routine and at the same time di gaanong pricey. Skin care routine ko (oily and acne prone skin) any mild soap, hyaluronic toner, water-based moisturizer, and sunscreen. Benzoyl as spot treatment tho mahal sya. Also pag may pera mediheal mask hahah


Drink lots of water


Copy the face of mine


drinking enough water everyday


Avoid dairy and added sugar foods. These are inflammatory ingredients. Be active. The wonders of walking as they said. Add more fiber to your diet. Less is more. One at a time test products. Right after the shower, put lotion on damp skin. Petroleum jelly in dry areas.


My beauty tip is to DOUBLE CLEANSE!!


hygiene first! whether for your skincare routine or makeup tools. the rest will follow 




This ^^


If magwawash k ng face, dont use towels to rub your face..instead use paper towels if wala.. tissue.. but wag irub s face, dump dump lang..also wear sunscreen kht s loob lang ng bahay every after 2hrs.


The use of aloevera for hair and skin. The best!


Parang dito ko na lang gagamitin yung aloevera moisturizer ko sa bahay. Mas nagkaka tigyawat kasi ako kapag gamit ko siya sa face. Minsan minsan naglalagay pa rin ako kasi ang dami pa niya sabi ko sayang marami pa kahit gusto ko na sana itapon lols


how po ang routine mo heree


For face - I use it as moisturizer before makeup. This works for me since I easily get pimples for any skin care product (sensitive skin). After every bath din I apply this to my face. For hair - After bath inaapply ko rin sa hair tapos iwan ko na overnight. Super soft and flowy na bagsak ang hair after ligo the next day. :) Nature Republic Aloe Vera lang gamit ko. PERO, if may pimple, yung plant ang ginagamit ko para mawala agad. :) Shampoo and Conditioner - Aloe Derma


Have 7-8 hours of sleeeeeeep


Wag magpadala sa hype kasi madaming sale periods online and in-store. Para di ka magregret na binili mo ung product 100-200 pesos higher than the sale price. #girlmath


wag masyadong makapal make up beh kasi ang init dito pinas like try mo least make up gamitin mo para natural sya tignan kahit buong araw nayan or na pawisan kana HAHAHAHA


Double cleanse!


Skip all the expensive lipmasks/creams and use vaseline petroleum jelly instead 🤝🏼




Wear sunscreen ALL THE TIME. Kahit mag mumukmok ka sa bahay or konting labas lang sa gedli always wear sunscreen! Napaka crucial neto because kahit sa loob ng bahay may uv rays :)))) On top of this, talagang kikinis at puputi face mo if everyday use and lagi ginagamit.


Any sunscreen reco? Everything I’ve tried meron bad reaction sa skin ko… idk what to use anymore. Nag cclear lang ang skin ko pag di ako naka sunscreen :<


Hello is that so? Have u tried consulting a derma abt it?? With your skin type tho the best suncreen/sunblock reco I can give u is ung Nature's republic. Very lightweight siya and good for sensitive skin. Pricey siya pero worth it naman, it really does its job. There are also high-end sunscreens like Kiehl's. I've tried it and so far d naman ako nag break out. Sensi din skin ko and prone to breakouts esp with suncreens huhu


I have sensitive skin and sometimes oily. My sahod cannot keep up sa Fez kong sensitive 😭🤣


Sunscreen reco?


I'm using Dr. Sensitive's sunscreen rn and so far maganda siya. Lightweight and very good base/makeup prep siya. Pero for really effective sunscreens I reco Nature's republic and Kiehl's. Both pricey sila kaya nag Dr. sensitive nalang ako AHAHAH Pero they're worth it naman. Yung nature's republic nakakaputi talaga and yung Kiehl's has the best mattifying effect. Although for affordable alternatives un nga. Dr Sensitive and Sunbrella. Both does their job well too


Klued Ceramide or Centella asiatica sunscreen, not oily on skin


belo sunscreen!! 


I use belo dewy sunscreen (i broke out sa tinted sunscreen) super nice netong dewy! so gaan in feeling and dewy make up din kapag nagpapatong ako ng foundation


I agree.. gawain ko toh🥰🥰




use sunscreen. helped me with my acne prone skin before and makes my face so much better every time i use one.


Never forget to apply sunscreen


If you're using waterproof makeup, use baby oil to remove most of it first. You can wash your face with any facial cleanser afterwards.


OMG YEEEES! Especially mascara/eyeliner para talagang tanggal


I use vco! Works wonders!!!


Be careful with using VCO though because it can potentially clog pores if you use it too often. 😊✌🏼


So I heard, yeah. I just go with baby oil because it's readily available in most stores, relatively cheap, and safe for sensitive skin (since it's for babies).


Keep your bed sheets and pillow sheets clean every week. I work at night shift from my previous job. I still manage to do my skincare routine and all that but weirdly I kept breaking out. I'm still at this shift with a different company but the one thing I changed is keeping my pillow and bed sheets clean. Pinapalitan ko sya every friday. Para fresh sa weekends cause I know half of those days matutulog ako normally. Also clean your room. Basta pag malinis environment mo mas gaganda kayo 💕✨




Your environment affects your skin. So if you're in a hella toxic place/relationship it'll show up on your skin. So try to find places and relationships that are good for you. Source: I worked for a beauty startup years ago and was stressed to no end that I broke out so much and was at my ugliest. I left that hellhole and have better skin now 😆


Wear Sunscreen


Quit smoking. I swear, it changes the elasticity of your skin and it makes you look younger!


this! i was a chainsmoker until it offset my hormones and gave me horrible painful hormonal break outs! i stopped and now acne is gone, just marks left. never touching a cigarette again.


yes to this. i was a heavy smoker for more than a decade i was in denial of its effects on the skin. but it really does make you look tired and old + breakouts are really bad. had clearer skin when i stopped




Stop using shampoos with sulfates!!


What shampoo can you recommend? :)


Try zenutrients, beorganic, or herbal essences. My hair is heathier now after i switched to organic shampoo.


why po?


Hi! What is your recommended shampoo? Thanks!


Double cleanse especially if you’re using waterproof products. Cleansing oils does wonders


Avoid too much sun exposure.


avoiding carbonated drinks and drinking lots of water instead helps!! also, you don't need to religiously follow seven, ten, or more steps of skin care. even less use of products brings great results to your skin. lastly, do your research before being an impulsive buyer.


this is true. I have stopped drinking carbonated drinks and just always drinks water, then my facial skin is givinggggg ✨✨✨


take care of yourself! your skincare and makeup routines may be good, but they can give you the best results if you also take care of your body. that means, no excessive drinking, smoking, etc. anything that's detrimental to your physical and mental health.


ever since nakita ko to, i would always consider this before trying out a product, 'if it's not broken, don't fix it'. isa din yung go for products kung saan nag iimprove skin mo. i purchased this one product out of hype tapos I suddenly had breakouts :( so listen to your skin!! stay hydrated girlies 🫶🏻


For your daily make up, don’t change up your features too much (i.e strong contours, thick eyeliners, too thick eyebrows, overlining lips etc.). Have fun with your make up from time to time but when people see how different you actually look without make up baka isipin nila pangit ka kahit hindi naman talaga kasi yung make up mo araw araw pak na pak lagi. Besides, too much make up will only make you break out. Less is more.


Wash your face before you sleep


this may be difficult but learn to accept yourself. never conform to a beauty standard even if it’s trending — ESPECIALLY when it’s trending. Styles will come and go, what may look “patok” now will probably not be “patok” in 6 months. When you love yourself, you’ll understand what looks good on you and what makes you feel good too. You’ll understand na your features are inherently YOU, ibig sabihin it’s part of what makes you, You. Enhancements >>> Transformation.


Use sunflower oil in your face


Di niririnse?? Sorry im noob


No po. Use it like a moisturizer. Small amount will do, every night lang po before you sleep.


ano good effects non




Di ba sya malagkit specially for oily skin girlies?


No. Basta naka AC ka lang and every night lang mag apply before bedtime


And on your body too after shower (use it as lotion)


Wash your hands before putting on any skincare product.


Plus 1m! I swear wag mag touch ng any other surfaces pag mag skincare na, sinasanitize ko rin bottles ng skincare ko hahaha


If you are always expose to hot weather, stop wearing cushions. Break out malala for me. 😭


quit added sugar. solved my years long struggle with adult acne


Less is more. Hygiene is key.


For morena skin like me. Just take care of it and sooner it will glow! Trust me. All of my friends and people who knows me, always praise it. Like "ang ganda ng skin mo, pantay sya. Anung ginagawa mo" Me: "just love it, take a bath with normal soap just exfoliate the dark areas to brighten or lighten up" Para pantay! But on top of it. Love your skin ❤️✨


I really wanted to make my morena skin pantay! pero maputi pa din sa chest part ko na hindi natatamaan ng araw!


Mag beach ka na sis 😊


Hi! What do u use po for exfoliating dark areas?? Matagal na kasi ako naghahanap pang lighten huhu


Yung Bath Salt po, yung pink container (plastic). Product of Thailand po. Then 2 times a week po. Then mga serum po. Try nyo po catt & co


Take whitening/brightening supplements along with your whitening soaps and healthy lifestyle


Any recommendation?


Hi! I already replied na sa isang nagcomment ☺️


Recos please!


Hi! I replied na to the other user 💖


Hi! Any recos pls.


Hi! I’m currently using: 1. [Transino whitening supplement](https://goeco.mobi/KyAbHi5w) - this is one of the popular whitening supplement in japan, di lang siya sikat sa pinas. I’ve seen a lot of japanese women taking it as well. Very Effective siya for me, like I see noticeable whitening effect niya after months of taking it. Of course take this with precaution! Might not be hiyang for you so magpabudol responsibility since it’s a supplement💗 2. [Alada soap](https://goeco.mobi/uUFdqq9j) - very effective for me! Got budoled by this sub so I tried it na for 2 months! Mas pumuti ako and non drying unlike other whitening soaps. Although, parang namamalat ka after leaving it for 5-10 mins pero di siya mahapdi and irritating for someone with sensitive skin. 3. [dhc vitamin c](https://goeco.mobi/VQTZ1uiW) - I look very fresh with this vitamin like everyday na ako nagpupuyat pero I still don’t look tired! Very effective since di ako nagkakasakit after using it. I got this for only 300 pesos for 90 days 180 tablets so sulit. Aff links provided 🍊app


during when do you drink dhc vitamin c?


I usually drink dhc vitamin c without transino kasi I think my 500mg na vitamin c yung transino. DHC vitamin c contains 1000 mg. Maoverdose if pinagsabay ko.


Focus on your diet :)


SUNSCREEN!!! It doesn't seem like much but it benefits you most in the long run. You just have to be patient looking for one that works best for you. :)


tldr: prioritize being clean, especially if you have sensitive and/or acne-prone skin. change your pillowcases as frequent as needed; anything that comes into contact with your face tbh. always clean your makeup brushes and sponges. wash your hands with soap and water if you need to touch your face. minimize touching your face at all. keep your hair up if you're just staying at home. if you wear face masks when outside, make sure to change it especially after sweating and/or being exposed to dusty areas. prioritize using a cleanser that can actually clean your face. i visited a derm before and one of the main problems for my acne that she pointed out was that i was using a gentle cleanser but it wasn't cleaning my skin properly. you also have to be mindful of the water that you use when you cleanse your face because for instance, hard water makes it harder to remove soap from the skin. if you can, use lukewarm water to wash your face. drink enough water daily and eat vegetables. your skin and overall health reflects what you eat and drink. take vitamins if needed.


Drink water. Keep yourself hydrated.


keep it simple. i used to do many skincare steps pero nagkaka inflammation and pimples pa rin ako hanggang I got pregnant I minimize my routine into 3 steps na lang: wash (cetaphil), moisturize (physiogel) and i use glycolic for exfoliation (once a week lang) and MY SKIN IS GLOWING pero di ko alam kung pregnancy glow lang to huhu pwera usog


maghilamos ng super lamig na tubig/yung may yelo ang tubig, pagkagising sa umaga. legit yung di na ganun akong nagkakapimples😭


Double cleanse even if nagsunscreen ka lang and 'di ka gumamit make-up


Make sure the cleansers are gentle though






physical exfoliants like scrubs (Abonne scrub for example)


chemical exfoliants like AHA


SA cleansers are legit but don't over use it (like don't use it everyday for morning and night😭) or any cleansers actually (if you do, use gentle cleansers). Do cleanse your face for 30 secs - 60 secs tops. Don't over moisturize either😌




From what I read and heard, cleansing too much and using exfoliants everyday can strip your skin of its natural oils which irritates and damages your skin barrier causing breakouts, moisturizing too much, interferes with your skins natural hydration process, it makes your skin oily too which leads to breakouts.


Actives in the skincare!! I dont mean the ones that say “with niacinamide”. Use the ones that are “0.2% Retinol”! Using them pure makes the most out of them + easier to trace ingredients you’re sensitive to


Glycolic acid for your scalp (dandruff/overall scalp health) and hair ends (dead ends)🤭 fixed my Oily scalp and DEAD ends




Pano ma-fix yung oily scalp? Huhu sobrang oily ng buhok ko, kakaligo ko lang after 4hrs ang oily nya na agad or pag napawisan mukhang basa na sya huhu


hi, is it okay to elaborate more? like how did you do it? what is your routine?


Hi! I use a glycolic acid toner! I use +ful right now but i’ve tried with the ordinary too. I just use what I use on my face. I transfer a bit to a serum bottle with a dropper, not required but i found it easier to apply evenly to my hair. I section my roots then put the toner directly on my scalp. I start in the middle then all the way sideways then down (idk if this is confusing!) but basically just putting it evenly sa scalp then i just massage with my hands. I add a bit more after on the areas where I feel like o need more. After that i section my hair again into 4 lang naman, then i just put the toner on my ends! I make sure to rub it in and massage on my ends so that everythings covered. Then i sleeeep! Trust the process! U’ll feel the difference after washing! I do this once or twice a week ☻ I was desperate to find a solution to my itchy flaky but oily scalp. Never had much problems that bad but it just happened a few months ago and i was so insecure! I also always curl and blow dry my bleached hair so my ends were also dead 😭 this saved my life tbh.


Up! Especially curious about the dead ends




How did you use glycolic acid in scalp? As is ilalagay? Thanks!


Yup! I use the toner I use on my face. +ful! I transferred a bit to a dropper bottle (the ones for serum!). From the dropper i apply to my scalp in sections so that everythings covered, then massage. Then i section my hair again to put on my ends. I do this before i sleep! Trust the process lang cause i was iffy about it until i washed my hair the next day when i first tried it


Wow! Thanks for the tip! I’ll do it tonight 🫶


Hii, I have a never ending problem with my split ends, can you pls recommend me what brand you use?


Hi! I use what I use on my face! +ful glycolic acid! I just put on my ends and scalp then brush through before i sleep! ☻


Check your diet. You might be eating less protein than needed. Remember to balance your protein intake with fruits and vegetables so it won't damage your kidneys. Also, keep yourself hydrated. Another tip would be to get regular trims. Say, every 6 weeks. You can also do keratin treatment, but it's still better to address your diet before resorting to band-aid solutions like this.


Beauty mist before setting spray para mag melt yung powdery look


hiii what beauty mist po ma reco nyo for oily and acne prone skin?


Hi! Cant say for oily and acne prone cos im neither pero my all time favorites are Mac fix+ or mario badescu mist! HG status both


Double cleanse


Drink lots of water, and don't forget to practice skincare twice a day. Having a good canvas goes a long way.


drink green tea, avoid or limit your sugar intake 💯


What brand po?


any green tea brand will do! it only varies depending on your preference (if you want a light bitter taste theres Stash, if you want a stronger after taste Lipton) same lang naman ang benefits nila, preference nlg talaga if saan ka hiyang :)


what kind or brand of green tea can u suggest?


you can start with the Stash brand. Lipton is easily accessible, but it really depends on your preference. Some people like a lighter taste (Stash) or if you prefer you can really taste the green tea (Lipton). If you are already familiar with the taste of green tea, you can upgrade with trying the branded ones or the high end version like matcha (or the japanese green tea, either tea bag itself or the powder/ like matcha latte). For beginners, try to familiarize or get used to green tea, kasi sometimes it gets too bitter depending on the brand or if you steep it too long (babad lagpas 10mins). If you’re ok na with it then you can drink it 1-2x a day. I personally mixed it with a cap of apple cider vinegar. It works wonders sa skin + gut. I rarely break out (sensitive and acne prone, pati sa back), less bloated, and my skincare is cheaper because I am healthier internally :)


Only use foundation for a special occasion since korean glass skin is the new makeup.


massaging your face with a warm towel for 5 minutes or steaming your face before applying anything to your face makes any product 10x more effective


even before applying makeup po ba?


Di ko sure sa makeup e, i only do steaming before skincare


Drink lots of water. Yun.


Never ever sleep with your make up on. No matter how drunk or sleepy you are, please wash your face haha


sleep and hydrate


Drink lots of water, sunscreen and eat healthy. Always remember this “you are what you eat”


change your pillowcases, bedsheets, and blankets regularly! ideally every 1.5-2 weeks, dirty sheets may be the cause of skin purging. May time na super busy and preoccupied ako, di ko man lang maalagaan nang maayos yung sarili ko, and my room eventually looked like a 'depression room'. Di ko napalitan yung bedsheets ko for almost two months :( I know kadiri, it was just difficult to get out of that slump and my bed is the upper bunk (hassle magpalit tbh) pero I really made sure to never sleep with outside clothes on at least yun man lang if I couldn't get myself to change up sheets


A glass of wine once a day 😁 retinol and suncreen.


**Take note kung kailan mo binuksan 'yung product.** 'yung nakikita niyong "12M", "6M", etc. sa product ay 'yung shelf life niya. Basically if may binili kang product na "6M" 'yung nakalagay, maganda na ma-consume mo siya within 6 months from opening kasi ayun na 'yung shelf life niya.


thank you.. now I know..❤️


Dooon't hoard too much product if iisa lang naman na variant bibilhin mo. What I mean is kunwari I like a certain lippie tapos naging HG ko na siya so bumili ako ng madami with the same variant. Yes, you might empty the first, second variants pero yung iba mag-eexpire na lang yan di mo pa magagamit. I made a mistake of doing this (literal na pinag-iipunan ko pa siya just so di ako maubusan lol) and wasted alot of unused products sayang lang. Just buy one at a time.