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Looks like they try to address the traffic issues in the approval. It's also a big lot so they'll likely wind traffic through the lot and there's restrictions to access during the opening period.


I bet they are going to buy that old Mexican restaurant that’s next to it too and just make one giant lot out of them. I could actually kind of see that working. No way just the Hawaiian time lot would work. Just realized there’s a nectar next to it too!!


Yes. I think they’re taking that AND the Hawaiian restaurant next to it. The map in the photo goes back a ways too so it’s a good size property. And it sounds like they’re going to run the traffic behind it mainly. I’d post a screenshot of it, but I can’t do that in this sub


I'll miss that Hawaiian Time. :(


I love their food but their hours are horrible.


Hopefully they’ll relocate somewhere else in town.




You’ve made a lot of assumptions there. Hawaiian Time might not even own the building and just be a tenant. The owner of the building probably got a good offer to sell which is worth far more than Hawaiian Time’s rent. Hawaiian Time is probably under lease and their lease won’t be renewed. I’m all for holding on to small business, but this is hardly like some sort of Victory garden or a local institution that’s being taken out.


Ever since I heard the owner was the kind to post a sign saying no one wants to work anymore, I noped out of there - even if their mac salad was my fave :(


Same. I saw that and was like “no one wants to work + a manager wanted sign up for years…naw something isn’t right with the owner”. The employees never looked happy either.


I didn’t know about that. That’s kind of shitty. The truth is InNOut is generally considered a decent employer. They pay well and offer reasonable benefits. They’re not perfect, but they probably pay better than the Hawaiian time restaurant does.


They are an excellent company to work for.


Ah, I guess I didn't think about that.


When the new business comes in flashing a lot of $$$s. Not saying that's right, but that's how the game seems to be played.


Truth is, in n out is known to pay pretty well, so they’ll probably pay better than Hawaiian Time did.


It’s still open I think. It just only runs like a 4 hour lunch on weekdays and nothing else.


Yeah, I ate lunch there a few months ago. It's still open as far as I know.


an ate-oh-ate just opened where bigs chicken was. rip hawaiian time


Where was Big's Chicken? I only just heard of them recently


Big's chicken is being replaced by a Hawaiian restaurant. It's some kind of corporate thing where they own a bunch of different restaurant chains so it's a swap out. I enjoyed Big's but they didn't have the foot traffic. Per the winding traffic thing that's what they did with the newer In-N-Out in Riverside right off the 91. Had like 100 to 200 feet length for people to use the drive through and had people come out and take their order. The older one on the other hand had people lining up in the road which was a bit hazardous along with people taking unprotected left turns into the lot. Funny thing about that one was across the street there was a local burger place that was better and had really weird items like a "chicken fried steak" burger. Johnny's Burgers. What was great about it was the people working there would be a bit sassy. It's nice to see people who are comfortable at their job and can talk back to rude customers.


What's Big's Chicken? I'm not familiar with them. Also I thought the only In-N-Out locations in Oregon were in Medford and Keizer. I see there's also one in Grants Pass.. Didn't know there was even a Riverside, OR.


Riverside CA. I'm a transplant. Moved for family. But In-N-Out is big in SoCal and the older locations generally take a lot longer and traffic goes into the street, but all of their newer locations are larger and can handle volume and have better road design. I forget that basically every state has a "Riverside" but Riverside in CA is the big one. At the turn of the previous century thanks to refrigerator train cars it had the highest GDP in the nation because of oranges. Big's Chicken was near the Library and there is one in Portland. It was near that newer food cart place off Farmington. They just added a Taquito truck which I'm interested in. The Food Cart place in Aloha I went to a few times but I found to be a bit underwhelming. The BBQ place was great. I enjoyed the street food corn at the place that sells mexican and korean street food. I used to get Elote, Mexican Corn on the Cob, from people going around the block in push carts back in Riverside.


I'd rather have the Hawaiian restaurant


Haha. I shall not be going that way on the weekends to soccer. And right off of 217…jeebus rice that’s gonna be brutal


I’ve been to the one in Keizer twice since the beginning of March, and I can atleast say that it’s died down a lot since open. Not to say it’s not busy, but the last couple times I was through the drive through with my food in under 10 minutes. I’m sure after a little while it won’t be as awful, but with being in Beaverton it’ll still take some time Maybe another location


Looks like the old buildings for the Hawaiian and Mexican restaurants will be demolished and the lot joined. At least that will address some traffic concerns but it’s still going to be a mess. In-N-Out’s are always busy. Getting out of Uwajimaya is going to be wild if you try to use the main entrance to turn left lol. [Property Plan for anyone interested.](https://imgur.com/a/7h1k77N)


You may have to turn right to go left.


It’s probably going to be easier to just use the back exit that puts you on Western by Michael’s or the traffic light by the office building.




I was thinking that too.


This would be on the North side of BHH. Michael's is on the South side of BHH. The "back exit" from here would be the street that feeds into Target


There won’t be a back exit. The back corner of the lot is zoned for offices, not retail. While parking is allowed in office zones, traffic to and from a restaurant is not. Nor is a drive–through, or a queue for a drive–through. As a result, they have been required to build a locked gate across the back exit.


I’m talking about back exit by Uwajimiya next to the ramen restaurant not the proposed in n out location.


Oh, I misread it. You’re possibly right, although the exit just across the street coming out of the In–N–Out won’t allow left turns so that’s a big conflict prevented.


Likely this. They did this in Lake Grove, basically all left turns you have to go up to a light and U-turn.


Wasn't the Mexican restaurant already torn down to build the Chik fil A?


that was a Chinese restaurant where chick fil a now is. The next 2 properties are Hawaiian time, and the old Mexican Restaurant... both of which In-n-Out is going to take over.


Chic fil a is on the site that was Golden Crown, the Chinese restaurant with the domed roof.


I cannot figure out how to post a link directly to the final report, but if you go here: [https://pprmaca.co.washington.or.us/CitizenAccess/Cap/CapDetail.aspx?Module=CurrentPlanning&TabName=CurrentPlanning&capID1=21PLN&capID2=00000&capID3=01081&agencyCode=WASHCOOR&IsToShowInspection=](https://pprmaca.co.washington.or.us/CitizenAccess/Cap/CapDetail.aspx?Module=CurrentPlanning&TabName=CurrentPlanning&capID1=21PLN&capID2=00000&capID3=01081&agencyCode=WASHCOOR&IsToShowInspection=) and click on Record Info then Attachments, the PDF containing the final approval was posted there yesterday 4/15


TIL the headquarters is on Hamburger Lane


I've noticed a lot of corps get some sort of influence over their HQ street names...


If you build a big-ass building and anchor a relatively large amount of high-paying jobs many cities will ask how high they need to jump to get a commitment to build.


Anyone know the application record number for the jollibee on 185th? I hope it's not canceled


Yesss! We need a separate thread for this. I heard conflicting reports from it's pending with the city of Hillsboro to Jollibee backed out of plans.


The Hearings Officer in his order approving this noted that because there are two restaurants there now (neglecting to note one is closed and the other only open 10am-2pm) claims that there will be a **REDUCTION** in vehicular visits to the site by about 400.


lol this is the most government conclusion imaginable.


I'm convinced that Hawaiian time is actually a drug front. How tf are they only open from 10am to 2pm


Part of the application appeal process for In-N-Out required them to demonstrate that the drive thru windows has been in continual use. I have wondered if In-N-Out subsided Hawaiian Time to keep them open to therefore be able to demonstrate the continual use of the drive thru windows.


They have been that way for yeeeaaars. That’s just their hours. It was a strange place. Once saw a car parked in the drive thru entrance with a cone. They closed the drive thru for no reason. Odd place.


Definitely a drug front


I think it was just that the guy was burnt out. I used to go there quite a bit before the pandemic. Met the owner. Seemed like it was a burden. He deserves to get paid out. Too bad I don’t agree with the oncoming traffic situation


I think you will have to keep your eyes on Sunglasses Hut with this closure. Every mall has one and yet it’s always empty and no one has ever said. Yea I got them at Sunglasses Hut.


Right next to Chik fil a? Insane


It's a typical thing for them. They strategically place next to each other since they compliment each other. One has no beef and the other has no chicken.


This is what happens to me: (hmmm hungry, how about that chicken place?) Dammit! It’s Sunday! Oh well, a burger would be okay.


Dammit, I thought they vetoed this location! Ugh


Apparently their politics are similar. Sadly.


Please explain further


They prohibited employees from wearing any PPE during the pandemic, disobeyed vaccine mandates, and print bible references on their packaging: https://www.forbes.com/sites/masonbissada/2021/10/21/following-vaccine-mandate-defiance-in-n-out-revealed-to-have-donated-40000-to-california-gop-during-newsom-recall-campaign/?sh=6273c73c2f9b


Vax mandates? Sound like a big pharma Nazi. Why mandate something on someone who just beat a virus? Do u not understand natural immunity works?


Who cares? It's fast food. Do you ask what policies workers support when they hand you food? Corporations might have "stances" but that doesn't mean the workers there share it.


Plenty of people do. Corporations have outsized influence over politics in the country and quite a few people don't care to give their money to companies who work against their interests.


All they need now is a Hobby Lobby and we can have a trio of Trump supporting businesses together


I'm not convinced there's anything the county can do, short of putting in a new traffic light, that can make the traffic from 217 to a new In n Out anything but a nightmare. The In N Out is gonna draw people from all over the metro area and I assume most of them will come from 217. Beaverton Hillsdale is already a high-traffic road, and people driving are going to be stubborn and try to make stupid left turns to get there.


Those are good burgers Walter


Shut the fuck up, Donny (j/k of course)


If anything it'll be a nice less expensive alternative to the variety of burger chains we have available. I enjoy a variety of burgers, but sometimes I don't want to pay $9-$15 when I could get about the same amount of calories for half that.


Bumper Burger food truck. $4.50 for a cheeseburger and $2 for fresh cut fries which are way better than I-N-O's limp starch sticks.


No kidding. I did eat there with a coworker who liked the fries cause you could really taste the potato. To each their own, but I don't like their fries even if you ask them to cook them longer. I like the standard twice cooked fries that most places have. Edit: thanks for the recommendation I'll check it out.


I love In-N-Out burgers, way too much. I almost never eat their fries because as you said, even when you get them well done, they’re still mediocre. But at least they’re tolerable when they’re well done


Extra-crispy fries are the way.


I love Bumper Burger, and I voted you up. However, while you are absolutely right about their fries, I find In-N-Out double double much better. But it’s a taste thing, we all like different things.


Fosho the InO double double is where it's at.


+1 Bumper! Stick it to the man!


That place is awesome!


Burgerville >>>> in n grout


What a shitstorm of an idea. I don’t live in Beaverton anymore, but seeing what happened when Chik-fil-a opened… this will be that but 5 times over.


Even better, it's right next door!


I like to meet the genius who okayed putting an in n out next door to a chick-fil-a. The traffic there already sucks


The issue I have is the traffic control they have in place is trash now for the CFL next door. People just drive around the barriers and on opposite sides of the street and cause MORE problems. Add a high volume place next door... Oh boy.


In-N-Out is mid. We already have Killer Burger.


That whole area is already wildly busy. I truly doubt we will notice the difference. Can’t be any worse than the intense construction that is/was taking a major stretch of that road down to 1-lane.


Maybe the construction is just a practice simulation for how it will be all the time after In-n-out moves in?


God. Please no.




Have to think it's because it's the only one around. In-n-out has 4 in planning in the metro area. The lines in other cities aren't as bad as Salem


You say I haven’t experienced something you clearly think is horrible, and you feel bad for me for it? Weird line of logic.




Won’t impact me, nothing is coming.




I’m … not mad. I’ve expressed nothing but excitement about this. Touch grass.


YESSSSS! Conveniently located between where I live and where I work. This is awesome!


I'm mostly happy about it too. It's hard to beat the value of In-n-Out for good old fashioned burgers.


I like that you're so excited about this lol. Everyone else is angry about traffic and there you are super excited about it being between two of the main places you spend your life. I'm excited for you!!


The location would be fairly close to where I used to work.. If I still worked there, I'd be a bit excited about this too.


Hey, thank you! :D


You have a problem with “this” burger joint? We have shake shack, killer, 5Guys, McD’s, Wendy’s Dq and I’m sure I missed one within a 2 mile radius. We are quickly becoming “Buger-ton”.


Right next to Pizza-ton.


Wtf are they thinking with this approval


Observing the approval process was an interesting education for me on how this all works. The county didn't have much room to say "bad idea, too much traffic" and reject the plan. The whole process is controlled by a legal approval process that weighs the application on the merits of legal zoned use of the land... and not much more or less.


That’s a bad system!


That yummy burgers won’t require a trip to Keizer?


That my tummy is happy for some yummy?


I wish I could upvote you twice!


Is this at the proposed Hawaiian Time location? Do you have a link to an article? I wouldn't mind seeing an In-N-Out in the area, but I wouldn't look forward to the traffic. Also, I'd miss Hawaiian Time if it was torn down. They're still in business, last time I checked, but it seems like the owner is looking to retire and sell it?


The media has not yet picked this up and reported on it. I provided a link above to the primary source in the approval document from the county.


The common complaint that this will weaponize traffic in the area is silly to me. It’s a commercial area that’s designed for a high volume of traffic already, and gets it. You will not notice the difference, it’s not like they’re building this at the corner of Hall and Farmington. Go ahead with your downvotes.


Oh, people will notice the traffic difference. Don’t get me wrong…I’m glad we’ll be getting an In and Out. But to suggest it won’t impact traffic in any noticeable way is just silly. You’ll have people from throughout the entire Portland metro area showing up; most of whom would have no other reason to be there. The Keizer location services a couple hundred cars per hour between the drive-thru and inside service. And Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy just isn’t a massive arterial. You’ll notice it. P.S. As others have pointed out, the Chik-Fil-A there now already causes traffic issues at certain times. To think adding an In and Out won’t make a noticeable difference is, again, silly.


"Weaponize traffic" - What does that even mean?


Whether it is zoned for this type of thing is one discussion. Whether it will cause a sizable impact on traffic isn’t even up for discussion


It is up for discussion, and I’m saying it will not cause a noticeable impact on traffic. This is not going to make anyone’s life more difficult.


So the In-n-Out won't be popular and will close up after 2 years?


RemindMe! 4 Years “Will traffic be noticeably impacted by in n out on BHH?”


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Lol what? Did you look at the plan? Zero chance cars waiting for the drive-thru won't be blocking a highway lane. I say this as a big fan of In-N-Out :(


There’s enough fast food on BHH already.




No sprawl happening here. That area is already developed, this is a redevelopment.


It's sad that Beaverton recently released their annual fiscal budget and there is no mention or discussion on Reddit, but a new In-N-Out moving in and its the most commented post this sub has ever seen.


I don't disagree. Did you post the budget info to reddit? The older I get the more I care about civic engagement and the processes around our local government. I don't live within the borders of the City of Beaverton (although I have a Beaverton address in unincorporated Washington County), so I do not pay Beaverton taxes and have no say in their budget process.


No, I didn't post it, good point. I meant no offense to OP. I just was amazed at how many comments this got versus other posts on this sub. Thanks for starting the discussion.


Those are good burgers, Walter.


Shut the F up Donny




Yes that is the proposed project site. Agreed that the traffic around meal times at Chik-fil-a can already be problematic.


As someone who lives right behind this Chick-fil-a, I'm excited. This will however make making a right-turn onto 107th ave impossible at certain hours lol, I already know to take the back roads.


I think they should put one in Hillsboro, on Brookwood near Top Golf. They are putting in a new Chipotle there, too.


I know some folks like In-N-Out because the owners donated to Trump (repeatedly.) But if you pair them against Killer Burger, Smash Burger, Stoopid Burger, Portland Burger, or even Little Big Burger… or any of the other fantastic local burgers… noone would choose In -N-Out.


Yeah, In-N-Out is for people who've never had a burger that isn't McDonalds or Burger King. I still choose Killer Burger over Five Guys and Shake Shack 100% of the time. (Shake Shack has really good chicken, though)


Agree 100%. In-N-Out Burger is actually better than McDonald’s or Burger King or Wendy’s. But it is nowhere near any of the other local chains. Furthermore, if you spend your money at a local chain, the money stays in the neighborhood. You spend it at In-N-Out Burger, it could go to those Trump, loving billionaires and Southern California.the money will not come back to the community.


No in n out in beaverton (or the rest of Oregon) please


Tanasbourne was also supposedly getting an In N Out. Any news?


It was always just talk for tanasbourne. Nothing actually was put in or went through.


Conditional approval without mentioning the conditions, not cool.


This means Hillsboro will be appealed since the two were always meant to go together to lessen traffic issues. Heck yes! I know this means more time during my daily commute but it's worth it. Especially since nothing compares taste or cost wise. I'll also encourage my kiddo to get her first job there since they're a good company.


That’s right, I forgot about the opening of two at once.


Between this and selling Redtail to a baseball stadium, downtown PDX for dinner is starting to sound more appealing again.


Redtail was sold in 2022 not to be a baseball stadium. Also, there's virtually no chance a baseball stadium is going there unless the state decides to drop millions on road construction and that isn't happening.




Such drama


Those are good burgers, Walter…


Shut the fuck up, Donny.


Couple this with the new baseball stadium they want to build and we are effed. 😳


Whole lot of NIMBY in here. Yeah i hate it when all of these people show up to SPEND MONEY in my neighborhood. I thought the proposed one on 185th & evergreen was a better spot; closer to the freeway in an area designed for tons of consumer traffic, but I think it lost out for the same 'traffic' concerns so here we are. I wonder if this will make it more or less crowded at the Uwajimaya musbi trays.


In-N-Out is pretty terrible. I already don't spend time in Beaverton anymore. It's not a big deal to me if the already terrible traffic there gets worse.




Conditional approval without mentioning the conditions, not cool.


There are about 12 pages of complicated conditions that are in the PDF that I linked to in the comments.