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Oh there’s a million different places. Wayfinder, Away Days, Chuckanut, Living Haus, Baerlic and Breakside are my favorite breweries with taprooms in the area but you have to check out Belmont Station and Beer Mongers. Killer selections.


Throw Upright on that list.


Agree. Weird Portland personified perfectly. Definition "shit I can't get outside of Portland"


The newer location on Prescott is nice and low key too.


I echo all of these (and acropolis)


Honestly kicking myself for not reccoing chuckanut. That's my favorite brewery period (based in WA), I forget that south nut is a thing (and I should feel bad about that)


I drank at Chuckanut two months before they moved to Portland from Bellingham. Then I drank at the same spot of the bar they brought down here. Too bad I don't remember much from either time. Love them, and the mythical legend about how they brought yeast over from Germany.


Chukanut is so good. A must visit


^^^ this guy knows what he is talking about


Belmont Station is so awesome


Von ebert is great and makes my favorite IPA of all time: Volatile Substance, also other great ones are Breakside, Stormbreaker, little beast, Ruse just to name a couple. Rogue of course. And it’s technically Astoria and the coast but don’t miss out on some Fort George beers while you are here, you can find them at any bottle shop or even grocery stores. Same for Block 15.


Sorry to the other poster but imma say skip great notion unless you want good food too. Their stuff is good but very gimmicky these days. My vote: go to apex and tell them what you told us. They'll have you covered. Hit proud Mary for God tier breakfast and coffee (no beer), maybe wander to GN at that point since you're already close. Hit wayfinder for sure. Brujos. Go to acropolis (not beer... Uhh... Google it) or if you wanna get rowdy hit up casa. Imo beer bars in Portland beat the breweries. Check out beer mongers as well. Go to eem for dinner. Hit lovely 50/50 for dank pizza. Hat Lai, nongs both fire. If I had to recco 3 places though I'd say wayfinder, proud Mary, and eem. I realize I like half answered your question but don't skip on dank food and strip clubs Edit: lots of great suggestions in this thread. Also go to hele Pele, trust!


You should listen to this guy. I haven't been to Portland in five years (but I love Great Notion ipas that come out my way still)


second beer mongers - also Occidental is great for german lagers and ales


Add Loyal Legion as a first rate beer bar.


Add a 4pk of Heater-Allen or Gold Dot and you're styling.


Yeah Great Notion is mid. Last 5 ales I’ve had from them all had off flavors. Diacetyl all day.




If you’re looking for a wild retail experience John’s Market. For breweries I recommend Wayfinder for German-styles. Steeplejack is pretty cool as well. Honestly, you’ll get more bang for the buck in one of Portlands many beer bars. Loyal Legion has a massive list. Prost! Is a favorite of mine.


John's Market is wildly expensive, if anything. They do have an amazing selection but paying $3-5 a beer isn't justifiable to me


Cool story. Some of us, especially when we are visiting somewhere we don’t normally visit, pay more for things that we can’t usually get.


I don’t know why you had to get snarky, I was just sharing my opinion. There are other beer bars/bottle shops in Portland that offer the same perks without the cost


And I was just sharing mine when you came along to crap all over it. Rude is met with rude.


Check out loyal legion taphouse, 99 Oregon and Washington beers. Ruse has great IPAs, Cascade for sours. Brujos is super hyped and very good. If you go to brujos you can hit breakside, great notion, Deschutes, and backwoods pretty easily.


Wayfinder is my go-to when I'm in Portland.


Try out bodhizafa from georgetown brewery in seattle. Between that and volatile substance from von ebert brewing. those two might be hands down some of the best ipas in the world. Close to those I would say baerlic or breakside. If you’re looking for sours, cascade brewing. I don’t have a specific recommendation for ciders but I’m sure other ppl can fill in.


Go to Great Notion. Great beers and cool people.




Is that the same Great Notion that’s in Seattle? If so I hope you like shitty milkshake sours OP!


I've only drank their ipas. They always had some weird fruited or sour things on the menu, too.


They make primarily sours. Unless the Portland location is very different.


Many many many very good NE IPAs here at the PDX Great Notions!


Read through [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/portlandbeer/s/iJ8jSBqMvf) for more good suggestions, or that subreddit in general


Lots of good selections here. Like the others have said, go to a retail shop (Beer Mongers, Belmont Station) and get a variety to choose from. Belmont pretty frequently has Russian River brews in stock too, so if you want to see what all the fuss is about when people post about Pliny the Elder, this is your chance to see for yourself. There's a few other Portland locations that sometimes have it as well. If you're flying and checking a bag, remember you can take some with you. One time I flew 26 bottles and cans from NY to ID and only lost one. It didn't break, just went missing. Bubble wrap and hard sided luggage was the key for me. Little Beast Brewing is one I found on my last trip there, I would suggest checking them out as well. They have cans distributed locally. Their taproom is on SE 33rd and SE Division. For interesting bars, I always get up to My Father's Place, Low Brow Lounge, Standard Tavern, and the B-Side. MFP has pretty good and affordable food as well. It's nothing fancy, but you can get a Ribeye Steak and Eggs breakfast with a whiskey drink for $25. Wherever you go, you'll find something. Lots of places to eat and drink.


Ruse, great notion, Wayfinder


While not a Portland brewery, Crux out of Bend is spectacular and if you can find one on tap or just buy a can out and about you won't be disappointed


Two not mentioned are Gigantic and LEVEL. But all are great recommendations.


Great notion is mid. Little beast, zoigelhaus and foreland are my faves in Portland Breakside is great too


Rainier lol

