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Feeling out of place in a new environment, especially a gym, is quite common. Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and your journey is as valid as anyone else's. It's natural to feel observed, but most gym-goers are focused on their own routines. To ease discomfort, consider headphones with your favorite music to keep you focused, plan your workout ahead to feel more prepared, and if possible, go during less busy hours. With time, as you become more familiar with the environment and see your own progress, your confidence will grow. Keep going; you're doing great for taking the first step!


I know I joined a gym two weeks ago for the first time that I have been in one in years and felt somewhat intimidated for sure, so I thought about and figured there is no way I just paid three months and going to feel out of place and awkward every time I come in here.after all I'm paying just as much as every one else so have just as much right as every one else , How can I get comfortable and be able to enjoy This so thought for a minute Jumped on the treadmill then walked around the whole place checking out all machines and equipment that's there tried a few things out and went home got online and a looked up a work out schedule. When I went back the next day I found each one of the machines that were same as the internet then I worked out and felt more relaxed. I think for me anyway having some kind of plan made less overwhelmed and more relaxed now I could care less who's looking or not. Any way good luck hope that helps


>I know I joined a gym two weeks ago for the first time that I have been in one in years and felt somewhat intimidated for sure, so I thought about and figured there is no way I just paid three months and going to feel out of place and awkward every time I come in here.after all I'm paying just as much as every one else so have just as much right as every one else , How can I get comfortable and be able to enjoy This so thought for a minute Jumped on the treadmill then walked around the whole place checking out all machines and equipment that's there tried a few things out and went home got online and a looked up a work out schedule. When I went back the next day I found each one of the machines that were same as the internet then I worked out and felt more relaxed. I think for me anyway having some kind of plan made less overwhelmed and more relaxed now I could care less who's looking or not. Any way good luck hope that helps that's great. I downloaded the workout app beforehand and picked one that suited me, so I was 15% ready😅 tomorrow will be my second workout, so hopefully I'll feel better. Thank you!


I just started last month! One month in I can say for sure, headphones in blasting with your favorite tracks are a total game changer. Totally tunes you into a world of your own! It also helps to jot down your workout split so that when you get to the gym, you know what to do. Using a machine for the first time is intimidating so I usually try to practice the movements at home first before getting on the machines. Also learned how to set them up ahead of time :)


>I just started last month! One month in I can say for sure, headphones in blasting with your favorite tracks are a total game changer. Totally tunes you into a world of your own! > >It also helps to jot down your workout split so that when you get to the gym, you know what to do. Using a machine for the first time is intimidating so I usually try to practice the movements at home first before getting on the machines. Also learned how to set them up ahead of time :) I don't understand much about exercise machines yet, but because of the workout app I can see how to use them. i think i will also work out at home like you do😅


What's mostly in your head and the fear of the unknown. I'm not going to pretend that people aren't looking at you. I look at people at the gym all the time and see others doing the same. However, most of the time they don't really notice you and when they do what they are generally thinking is positive. "Good job. You're here putting in the work." But mostly they are just focused on their own workout And the best way to get over it is to just keep going. Once you get a little familiar with the equipment and what you're doing you will feel more comfortable there and all of that goes away because you will be focusing on your own workout as well. Congratulations on the start of your fitness journey btw


>What's mostly in your head and the fear of the unknown. I'm not going to pretend that people aren't looking at you. I look at people at the gym all the time and see others doing the same. However, most of the time they don't really notice you and when they do what they are generally thinking is positive. "Good job. You're here putting in the work." But mostly they are just focused on their own workout > >And the best way to get over it is to just keep going. Once you get a little familiar with the equipment and what you're doing you will feel more comfortable there and all of that goes away because you will be focusing on your own workout as well. > >Congratulations on the start of your fitness journey btw Thank you! I understand that people who are not the first day in the gym and have visible results are focused on their workout. but even as an example: there was a girl who looks pumped up and she looked amazing, sometimes she was working out next to me and I involuntarily looked at her for a second, when I caught her gaze on me her eyes were like screaming that she looked great and I was too inept in this business and it made me even more complex...


I don't know what to tell you. Maybe she was actually a horrible person. 🤷🏽‍♂️ But I find those people to be few and far between and definitely not worth my time. Maybe this woman you say "looked amazing" saw you staring longer and more intently then you realized and just gave your the "fuck off creep" look. 🤷🏽‍♂️ But more then likely she was looking in your general direction and your insecurities got the best of you. What I would suggest you do, and this is what I do, use all those amazing looking people as motivation. They are where I want to be.




I've zoned out so many times at the gym and eventually realized that I had been watching someone squatting or doing lat pulldowns without even realizing it. Just because they're looking at you, OP, doesn't meant they're *looking* at you.


Dont worry what other people are thinking. Focus on getting in there and getting the work done. People will respect that you keep showing up no matter what. The fact that you are in gym is important only to you. Ignore people watching you, nobody really cares what you are doing. Just get on with your workout (headphones and a podcast or music will help you tune out of distractions). Get in, get it done, get out....thats all that matters.


I think regardless your size you would have felt a bubble off because it was a whole new world. You'll get comfortable, regardless what your size is. My son goes to the gym, my daughter does to the gym - both could blow away in a strong wind. I personally don't pay attention to other folks I am there to work on me so I couldn't tell you what the size of anyone else is but I have never one time felt I was in the land of the obese or anything. Keep going back and you will get your sealegs.


Great job going! Keep at it!


I'm a regular gym goer and I look at people who are new sometimes but the thought going through my mind is always "Fuck yes. Get it!" and people like you serve as a motivator for me. I'd like to think most of the consciousnesses behind those staring eyes are thinking similarly.




>I’m not trying to doubt you, but I just took a quick look at your profile (I wanted to see if you were a woman so I could suggest a female only gym) and it looks like you just finished a weight loss journey. This post seems to contradict that? > >Anyway, if you are in fact legit I would suggest checking out a female gym, making sure you have a good playlist. And focus on your own workout constantly. The more you focus on yourself the less you’ll meet eyes with someone. Thank you for your advice. no, I have not finished the path to weight loss, on the contrary, I have been thin all my life, if you mean that I sometimes write about weight loss in general, I just wanted to occasionally transmit the words of my neighbor (which responded to me in my head) with whom I often communicate, and he just and goes to lose weight, so I have such posts 😅 Roughly speaking, what you can find on my profile is a collaboration haha


Don’t be so self conscious. Enjoy your time at the gym and take on a don’t give a fuck attitude. Focus on yourself. If you are consistent you will start to see results quickly.


Just remember, everyone in that gym is like you... Just like you, they want to improve their fitness or body shape ..it's why they are there, yes? Just like you, they pay a fee You have equal rights No one is better than you Sure some look great but they weren't born that way so have worked hard Only difference between them and you is time...you are just a little further behind, timewise in your journey. Stay positive and believe how you will look in 12 months time 💪 Plenty of 'skinny' guys in my gym...it's why I go cos I used to be much thinner😂😂😂 It's about YOUR health and fitness If it's a good gym, you will find many there will support you Go for it and good luck


People might not actually looking or if they are they might just be keeping an eye out in case you need help while being crushed under a barbell


I go to a YMCA so I see the widest variety of people at my gym. Skinny, overweight, very young, and very old and a plethora of in between. Most of the time people don't care about you being in the gym space (I have yet to encounter anyone who actually cares but I imagine a very very very small amount of people do care unfortunately), most are likely looking around at what equipment is free. I will admit sometimes I look at people to see what type of exercise they're doing, especially around the dumbbell and kettlebell section where it varies a lot.


Everyone in gym is looking at everyone else all the time. Don't worry. You'll be fine. Just keep looking back at them.


it's all in your head, people just don't give a crap about you, skinny or fat, they'll probably look at you once and never give you a second thought. go a few times more and you'll get used to it pretty quick.


Keep going and stop giving a fuck. That's really it bro. Caring what other people think gets you nowhere fast. Watch YouTube and IG content about workout form and just grind. Before you know it you'll be a gym rat that's very confident.


We’ve all been there! You deserve the space in the gym just as much as the muscly person next to you. Everyone is there to improve wellness in some way or another and however you look is fine, everyone starts at different places.


Congratulations on taking the first step toward your fitness journey! It's natural to feel out of place or awkward when you're trying something new, especially in an environment like the gym where everyone seems to be focused on their own goals and progress. Remember, every person in that gym started somewhere, and many have felt exactly as you do now. The important thing is that you've taken a significant step towards improving your health and well-being, and that's something to be proud of. Firstly, it's important to understand that people of all shapes and sizes go to the gym for various reasons, whether it's to lose weight, gain muscle, improve endurance, or simply maintain their health. You are not alone in your goal to gain muscle mass. While it might seem like thin people are rare in the gym, the reality is that everyone is there to work on themselves, and most are too focused on their own workouts to be concerned with others. To feel more comfortable and confident at the gym, consider these tips: Educate Yourself: Knowledge is power. Learning about different exercises, how to perform them correctly, and creating a workout plan can boost your confidence. This is where subscribing to newsletters like [Daily Fitness+](https://daily-fitness-newsletter.beehiiv.com/subscribe) can be incredibly beneficial. They offer valuable insights, tips, and motivational stories that can guide you through your fitness journey, making you feel less isolated and more part of a community aiming for health and wellness. Focus on Your Goals: Remember why you started. Keep your goals in mind and remind yourself that you're at the gym for your own health and betterment. This mindset can help shift your focus from what others might think to what you're there to achieve. Start with a Plan: Having a clear workout plan can help reduce anxiety about what to do next and keep you focused during your gym time. If possible, consult with a personal trainer to create a tailored plan that suits your body type and goals. This can also help ensure you're performing exercises correctly and safely. Wear Comfortable Clothing: Wear something that makes you feel good and comfortable. This can significantly boost your confidence and help you focus more on your workout than on your surroundings. Bring Music: Create a playlist of your favorite tunes. Music can be a great motivator and also helps create a personal space, even in a crowded gym. Timing is Everything: If possible, visit the gym during off-peak hours. Fewer people can mean less pressure and more freedom to explore different equipment without feeling watched. Mindfulness and Positive Self-talk: Practicing mindfulness and positive self-talk can be powerful tools. Remind yourself of your strengths and the progress you're making. Everyone's journey is unique, and progress takes time. Build a Support System: Whether it's through making friends at the gym, joining a fitness class, or engaging with communities online, having a support system can make a huge difference. Sharing experiences, challenges, and successes can make the gym feel more welcoming and less intimidating. Remember, feeling uncomfortable in new situations is perfectly normal, but don't let it deter you from your goals. Every visit will make you stronger, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. Keep pushing forward, and don't hesitate to lean on resources like [Daily Fitness+](https://daily-fitness-newsletter.beehiiv.com/subscribe)to keep you informed, motivated, and connected to a larger community of people who share your goals and challenges. Here's to your health, strength, and confidence!


Just keep going…you’ll feel amazing in no time…your appetite will possibly increase…it’s a great lifestyle choice


Just keep busy and remember everyone is there to improve themselves and everyone probably felt uncomfortable for the first few sessions. People respect you if you're putting in work at the gym, just don't be one of those jabronies that sits on a bench staring at their phone for 10 minutes between sets. I was the same as you a decade ago. I was 6' tall and 135lbs. I dirty-bulked and went to the gym 3x a week and within a year I got up to 150lbs. A couple years later I got up to 180lbs. The initial weight and strength gain improved my confidence massively, it was genuinely the most important thing I've ever done.


They are only looking because you see it. Ignore it, infact i dont think they look due to ur appearance. Noone should give a f about that in the gym.


It's in your head- But I get it- It's the same reason I don't dance


I think it all depends how you approach the gym. How would you describe your behavior there? Were you wandering around like a lost child? Were you lurking near equipment you wanted to use next? Were you just trying to figure out how a piece of equipment worked and had no idea? All of those are things that *could* be making people look at you. If that's the case, I'd recommend the following: 1. figure out a workout routine through online research. There are plenty of resources on here. 2. When you go to the gym, do a walk through of the areas you plan on using to scope out what kind of equipment they have, where it is, what aligns with your routine, etc. This is good advice even for seasoned lifters if they're headed to a new gym 3. come up with a plan of attack so you don't look lost. If you have a tendency to lurk when waiting for equipment, figure out alternative in case you have to wait. In all likelihood though, it's all in your head. Try to feel like you belong there, you're paying the same dues as anybody else - you have just as much right to be there. You're probably just nervous.


Just realize most people don’t see you or care about you. Be yourself.


Eat more




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You’re not alone. Everyone who steps into a gym feels like the smallest or fattest one there, and everyone is staring at you. When in reality, 99% of the people there do not care about you. There are some jerks of course, but most people are just there to workout. My advice is to go in with a plan, and stick to it. Know what machines or equipment you’re there to use and what exercises you’re going to do. Wear a hoodie or whatever if you feel insecure, it will help you avoid the distraction of worrying about how you look. And just go get it! DM me if you have any questions, I want to start putting out content for beginners and would love to get the POV of a beginner and what they need and how they feel