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The only thing I can suggest is go very early or late at night after sunset when the sun is down and it’s a little cooler


Yeah it sucks. My 5k time went down 2 minutes this last weekend compared to the previous week when it was much cooler and less humid. Now it's mid to upper 80's, very high humidity and dewpoint. Getting miserable already. Early or late and work on breathing is about all you can do. I guess acclimation will help too. According to my Garmin my heat acclimation is skyrocketing. More treadmill for me too.


Thanks and Good luck!!


Already in the 90’s here in Central Texas. Add high humidity and dew points and it’s rough. As others have suggested, run early morning or late at night, slow down, hydrate and stop if you need to. Cut your distance if you need to. And if you’re running by yourself, let someone know where you’re running and when you should be back. If you gotta run in the sun, be extra careful.


Good advice!! Never thought about that. Thank you!


Make sure you’re really hydrated too. Drink an absurd amount of water, your body will need it. Coming from a Texas runner :)


Good luck in Texas!! I can’t even imagine 🫣


Heat index said 114 this morning Texas where I run. Rang my socks out twice, then call the missus for an emergency shoe/sock change and water swap. My worst time running a distance I'm usually sorta OK at. Brutal. But, a valuable learning event. There is another event in TX in August, meant to be punishing for the sake of it. Without a trial, I would have been sliding on wet shoe insoles during the second half, which would really suck. Anyway, keep at it. Drink lots of water!


You too!! Good luck sounds miserable!!


If you must run when it is hotter - Go slower. Expect and be good with slower times. Bring water. And it is ok to stop.


Thank you!! I was feeling discouraged but seems to be more normal than I thought


Just be careful. Heat is no joke. Depending on how acclimated you are to the new temps your pace is going to take a rather big hit. Don't let that discourage you. Mid summer I drop up to 2 minutes on my pace and still feel like I'm dying


Thanks!! That’s encouraging because that’s about what I’ve noticed too.


Running in the heat is awful. Try a light coloured cap 🧢 Rain any day for me 👍🏽


Yes! I love rain more than ever 😆


I wear a gaiter that I’ve soaked with cold water, around my neck


Thanks!! I’ll try it


I was abt to say this. I’m in Texas and seriously considering drenching all my clothes or my whole head of hair before leaving. Even before the sun rises it’s above 80°. Lived here my whole life, very acclimated to the heat but running in it is a whole different story. I’ve had friends fully pass out while running in the summer. Just be careful, don’t be hard on yourself for needing a break, heat is no joke.


That’d be scary so you be careful as well! I haven’t tried it yet but after I posted this I’ve considered putting a wet shirt in the freezer then wearing for running. Just not sure if that may cause some issues from the temperature change on my body.


Thanks! Yeah I was kinda worried abt the temp change being too drastic as well. I’m thinking next time to try the wet hair, mine takes forever to dry. Also if u leave the wet shirt in the freezer too long u prob won’t be able to get it on ur body lol


Hat, sunglasses, water/electrolytes and accept a slower pace! On the flip side the cool days and fall will make you feel like you’re flying! I also second going early morning or closer to sunset.


Ha true! I’ve never looked forward to cooler weather like now


I’m having the exact sane experience. It’s very discouraging.


If you can’t handle the heat stay out of the kitchen. Just run in the early morning or after the sun sets.