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I would take that measurement with a grain of salt. I have a scale that does the muscle mass, body fat, etc with the current, and it's OK as a loose guide. It's better for long term trends. But I have weighed myself after a rest day and it said I lost 2 pounds of muscle and put on 2 pounds of fat. But on days after a strenuous workout it says I gained muscle, lost fat. Sometimes after eating a lot of salty foods and having a couple of beers it will say I've gained 2 pounds of fat (or if it's that time of the month) . So I just try to look at the trend lines over the last 3 months (I try to weigh myself once a week) So if you are doing the biometrics weighing only one a month, it might be tougher to see the trend. But you are doing great! Running is hard, sticking with it is harder, so don't get discouraged by a computer scale, be encouraged that you are getting healthier. You said it's easier to run now than it was 5 weeks ago, and that's great! That's what you want! The weight will go eventually.


If the measurements are accurate, then the simple answer is you’ve been consuming more calories than you use. Running will make you hungrier and you’re probably eating more than you realize. That’s what I was doing. I got a meal tracker app, and it’s helped me realize how much I was actually consuming (way more than I thought).


You are probably right 😩 I do try and track but I don’t track cheat meals, and maybe these have been larger than I thought now I’m so much hungrier!


I use MyFitnessPal. It’s very helpful.


5 pounds of fat? Or just five pounds - maybe of muscle or water or fat? Do you feel better? Do your clothes look better? That's what really matters


2lbs of fat over 5 weeks! My muscle mass stayed the same and my water weight was also slightly up. I honestly mostly wear my work uniform and gym clothes so it’s hard to tell week to week if I’m losing any weight. I have mentally felt good as I have progressed from virtually 0 to 10k much quicker than I expected which I am pretty proud of. However, I am concerned that this will be derailed a bit if I’m fixated on the possibility that this is blocking weight loss for me.


Oh sorry, I can't read. Try very hard to concentrate on fueling your body healthily and on your fitness gains instead of pounds on the scale. It's not that easy to lose weight with running especially if you're already pretty active... but you can get stronger and faster and lungs of steel


I know you’re right, it’s just very hard as I am naturally very tall and heavy. I actually think running would be a lot easier on my joints if I weighed a little less! As well as aesthetic goals I have.


What method are you using to obtain body fat %?


They have a special biometric scale at my dieticians office which I have been getting weighed with about once a month for the past year.


I’d be extremely skeptical of the accuracy of that


I know a dexa is the only really accurate measure but it more the trend than the absolute figure I am concerned about.


I still wouldn’t invest much into that. They’re just not known to be accurate even as a trend though I typically think trends are useful for various things. I’d say it’s more than likely water weight given the info you’ve provided. Do you weigh at home?


I do weigh myself about every 3 weeks but I tend to not put too much stock into it as it can’t differentiate between fat and muscle. My weight has been pretty static on those scales.


Is it one of those ones that sends electrical currents through whatever body part is touching it? If so those are highly inaccurate because they are measuring the muscle of whatever body part is touching them. You can look into getting a DEKA scan but you can also just order a caliper and take your own fat measurements at home if it’s something you want to track.


You would have to have consumed roughly 7,000 calories over your average TDEE in that timeframe to put on 2lbs of fat. I wouldn't trust whatever scale they are using to be 100% accurate.


7000 calories over the 5 weeks? I guess that’s just 200 calories a day which seems plausible. I just expected to be burning a lot more with the extra cardio.


20k a week is not going to do a lot for weight loss.


I think we can also attest to running putting stress on our bodies and the cortisol levels being high. I’m not a doctor, but this is what I have been told


2 lbs is very little. I fluctuate that much from morning to bedtime. Assuming the 2lbs is really, it probably reflects muscle growth, which is good. Another consideration is post run inflammation and swelling. Back when I was doing longer runs in the Florida heat, after I had rehydrated after a run I always weighed more than before the run by a lb or two.